Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Sean Dawson
Ok after many hours, here's all the information as I know it - as clearly
and thoroughly as I can give it...

One physical machine - Windows 7

Gwt 2.6.1 App deployed to tomcat 7 (either 52 or 53)
  built with maven 3.1.1
  uses RestyGwt 1.4
  uses ProxyServlet to pass REST calls to other process

REST server deployed with Jetty 8.1.7
  built with same maven
  uses RestEasy 3.0.8.Final

Tomcat setup...

- download apache-tomcat-7.0.5[2/3]
- extract
- clear webapps dir
- create conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml with:

.. [app specific params]

- start

Chrome Version 39.0.2171.95 m - all history cleared between every run.

With 52, all calls seem to work and return quickly, fiddler doesn't show
any errors/warning.

With 53, the one PUT call seems to return status code 0 on client (hard to
debug, in RestyGwt/javascript), with fiddler running, PUT call seems to
take a lot longer, get HTTP protocol violation report about Content-Length
MUSTNOT be present, also when attempting to decode the response data: The
HTTP response body was malformed - the chunked content is corrupt, chunk
length was malformed Offset: 14. Type System.IO.InvalidDataException...

I don't see anything in the tomcat logs, or the REST server ones, to
indicate an issue.

Most of the request/response data in each situation are the same, except...

[Transformer view]

working case: Response body: 142 bytes, Chunked is checked
failure case: Response body: 133 bytes, Chunked is checked

[Raw view]
working case: Transfer-Encoding: chunked, Transfer-Encoding: chunked (seems
to be listed twice)
failure case: Transfer-Encoding: chunked, Content-Length: 133

Request seems to be identical in both cases (except for a different
JSESSIONID/cookie value)

What else I've done:

- compared all the config files between both version - seem similar enough
- copied ecj-4.3.1.jar from 52 and put it in as ecj-P20140317-1600.jar in
53 - problem still exists
- copied the 2 jars in bin that changed between version, and all the libs
from 52 install to 53 install (everything else in 53 being original
install) - problem no longer exists
- attempted to remote debug Gwt client, attempted to debug servlets,
attempted to switch PUT to POST, attempted to run REST server in eclipse
(with Jetty runner), compared log files - no more info gathered

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 4:12 PM, André Warnier  wrote:

> Sean Dawson wrote:
>> Am working on testing the 8 versions between the one that works and the
>> one
>> that doesn't.
>> We use tomcat to host our gwt/restygwt app - gwt rpc calls work (as far as
>> we've tested) - restygwt REST calls to another process (jetty server -
>> RestEasy) work up to the point of that PUT request (which isn't alot of
>> them, but it's getting to the server and some succeed). There's almost no
>> info to go on when the gwt app doesn't proceed - fiddler says the call
>> succeeded with a 200 - but no data returned - and so the gwt app that
>> should proceed on onSuccess or onFailure, does not. So with the restygwt
>> async calls, we're not receiving anything back - despite fiddler claiming
>> that the call completed with 200 status (this can all be on the same
>> machine - but once you put the two processes or different ones using
>> different client browsers - sometimes get the other messages indicated).
>> So the problem might lie with RestyGwt - but that's not what changes
>> between the working and non-working scenario.
>> Thanks for info from the spec.
>>  Sean,
> a word of advice : for someone not on your system, and not immersed in
> your application and your setup, your explanation of the configuration you
> are using, what is where, and what happens where when, is less than clear.
> That makes it more difficult to really help you.
> In addition, whislt I have not consulted right now the corresponding
> applicable RFCs, and have just browsed the starting page of GWT right now
> for the first time, it seems to me that you are making some assumptions
> that may not be valid, and may lead you to surmise the wrong thing or look
> in the wrong place.
> I believe that everyone understands that you are trying to figure out why
> your whole "thing" seems to work with some versions of Tomcat and not
> others.
> As a couple of people have already mentioned, it does not seem guaranteed
> that a PUT request to a webserver, no matter in what context, would always
> return a response *body*.
> You say : "fiddler says the call succeeded with a 200".
> That is not exactly true : Fiddler (apparently) shows you that a response
> was received from the webserver; that this response consists only of a HTTP
> status line; and that this status line includes a status code 200, which
> from a HTTP protocol perspective should mean "OK".  Fiddler does not tell
> you anything else.  It does not know what happened after the PUT request
> was received by Tomcat, nor if the webapp really succeded in doing what it
> was supposed to do.  It just

Re: Help! Tomcat crashing on takeoff

2014-12-22 Thread James H. H. Lampert

On the Tomcat Users List, Pete Helgren wrote:

Also, are you sure that Java 6 on this box is current with PTF's and
that the profile this is running under is picking up the correct JVM
version when it runs?

My money is on a J9 JVM PTF but an issue with permissions or JVM
version could be a possibility..

and on the Java400 list at, Marshall Dunbar wrote:

In my experience, if you just loaded a new JDK and have not loaded the
java group PTF, java may have ³unpredictable results².  I bet things will
magically work as soon as the java group PTF is loaded.

Just got word that the customer had successfully loaded the PTF, but 
there's no change at all in the behavior. The CATALINA job still crashes 
on takeoff (albeit with a message that it had completed normally), the 
spool file from STDOUT shows

Using CATALINA_BASE:   /wintouch/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /wintouch/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /wintouch/tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME:/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk60/32bit
Tomcat started.

(which exactly matches what it says on our own box, on which Tomcat 
works just fine), and catalina.out shows:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.init(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

If I do "/wintouch/tomcat/bin/" from an interactive QSHELL 
session (after my STRTOMCAT CL program had already set the environment 
variable to select the correct JVM), I get the same STDOUT as before.

Then again, I'm not entirely sure they actually DID install any Java 
PTFs. Their latest 5761JV1 PTF is dated November of 2013. On the one 
hand, that's a good deal more recent than the latest one on our system; 
on the other hand, it's over a year ago, and a Google search shows PTFs 
for 5761JV1 that are as recent as less than a WEEK ago.


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Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread André Warnier

Sean Dawson wrote:

Am working on testing the 8 versions between the one that works and the one
that doesn't.

We use tomcat to host our gwt/restygwt app - gwt rpc calls work (as far as
we've tested) - restygwt REST calls to another process (jetty server -
RestEasy) work up to the point of that PUT request (which isn't alot of
them, but it's getting to the server and some succeed). There's almost no
info to go on when the gwt app doesn't proceed - fiddler says the call
succeeded with a 200 - but no data returned - and so the gwt app that
should proceed on onSuccess or onFailure, does not. So with the restygwt
async calls, we're not receiving anything back - despite fiddler claiming
that the call completed with 200 status (this can all be on the same
machine - but once you put the two processes or different ones using
different client browsers - sometimes get the other messages indicated).
So the problem might lie with RestyGwt - but that's not what changes
between the working and non-working scenario.

Thanks for info from the spec.

a word of advice : for someone not on your system, and not immersed in your application 
and your setup, your explanation of the configuration you are using, what is where, and 
what happens where when, is less than clear. That makes it more difficult to really help you.
In addition, whislt I have not consulted right now the corresponding applicable RFCs, and 
have just browsed the starting page of GWT right now for the first time, it seems to me 
that you are making some assumptions that may not be valid, and may lead you to surmise 
the wrong thing or look in the wrong place.

I believe that everyone understands that you are trying to figure out why your whole 
"thing" seems to work with some versions of Tomcat and not others.

As a couple of people have already mentioned, it does not seem guaranteed that a PUT 
request to a webserver, no matter in what context, would always return a response *body*.

You say : "fiddler says the call succeeded with a 200".
That is not exactly true : Fiddler (apparently) shows you that a response was received 
from the webserver; that this response consists only of a HTTP status line; and that this 
status line includes a status code 200, which from a HTTP protocol perspective should mean 
"OK".  Fiddler does not tell you anything else.  It does not know what happened after the 
PUT request was received by Tomcat, nor if the webapp really succeded in doing what it was 
supposed to do.  It just shows you the content of the received status line.

A HTTP response consists of, in that order,
- a HTTP status line (always)
- possibly, immediately following the status line, some additional HTTP 
response header lines
- possibly, a blank line followed by a response body (what you call "data")

(So basically, a HTTP response /could/ consist of a single status line, and be perfectly 
valid from a pure HTTP perspective - and thus from a Tomcat HTTP server perspective).

We are further guessing that the Fiddler which you are mentioning sits between the browser 
and Tomcat - it is not extremely clear, because you are also at other times talking about 
Jetty, then about a Proxy webapp, then about RESTy calls which sometimes succeed and 
sometime not etc..
And - at least as far as I am concerned- we are supposing that the GWT application of 
which you are talking runs inside of a browser page, and makes some kind of HTTP calls to 
Tomcat.  We will also suppose that the "webapp" which you occasionally mention, runs on 
that same Tomcat server, and that it is the one supposed to answer these HTTP calls from 
the GWT application which lives in the browser.

Well, guess what ? unless I am deeply mistaken - which is always a serious possibility - I 
do not believe that Tomcat per se contains any code which actually handles a PUT request 
and responds to it.  So in all likelihood, it is that webapp which you barely mention 
which controls what the PUT actually does on the server, and which also controls the 
response that is being sent back to the browser (or not, as the case may be).
From other bits of your explanation, I also surmise that the GWT code in the browser, 
after receiving the HTTP 200 status line response, expects additional HTTP headers and/or 
a HTTP response body with data in it, that it is not receiving such a response body, and 
that in consequence it blocks, waiting for it. (Which may or may not be its expected 
behaviour, we also don't know that.)

Very little of all the above actually happens in Tomcat code, which in this case merely 
passes things back and forth between the browser and the web application.  And this Tomcat 
code has no idea what your GWT code on the one hand, and the webapp code on the other, 
expect from eachother beyond the HTTP spec. So, as long as what goes through appears 
relatively HTTP-standard, and as long as the webapp does not really misbehave (aka, 
crash), Tomcat has no particular reason to log an

Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2014-12-22 23:29 GMT+03:00 Sean Dawson :
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 3:01 PM, David kerber  wrote:
>> On 12/22/2014 2:56 PM, Sean Dawson wrote:
>>> So it works with all of them up to _52 but fails for all of them after
>>> that.
>>> I had a theory related to tomcat creating a webapps/ROOT dir in the newer
>>> versions that it didn't in the older one (when pointing to the war from
>>> Catalina/local/ROOT.xml) as a possible difference/change but _52 does this
>>> and it works there.
>>> We have a fairly simple (java servlet) proxy to pass the gwt REST requests
>>> along - is there anything I could look at... redirects, (not) caching
>>> params, etc ?
>>> Will have a look at the changes to the config files between working and
>>> non-working tomcat installs - and also the release notes.
>> How about changing the PUT to a POST, and see what that does for you?
> Similar result - 200 status, not proceeding - however fiddler seems to show
> some data. Will remote debug this to see if we're making it to onSuccess or
> onFailure (doubt it since it should either make another REST call, or show
> an exception message).  On that call, Fiddler said Content-Length response
> header MUSTNOT be present when Transfer-Encoding is used.

Content-Length header must not be present if Transfer-Encoding: chunked is used.

If it is in a request, Tomcat 7.0.47 and later shall reject such
requests per CVE-2013-4286,

If it is in a response, I wonder how one can produce that. Tomcat does
not enable chunked encoding if ContentLength is set on response

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Sean Dawson
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 3:01 PM, David kerber  wrote:

> On 12/22/2014 2:56 PM, Sean Dawson wrote:
>> So it works with all of them up to _52 but fails for all of them after
>> that.
>> I had a theory related to tomcat creating a webapps/ROOT dir in the newer
>> versions that it didn't in the older one (when pointing to the war from
>> Catalina/local/ROOT.xml) as a possible difference/change but _52 does this
>> and it works there.
>> We have a fairly simple (java servlet) proxy to pass the gwt REST requests
>> along - is there anything I could look at... redirects, (not) caching
>> params, etc ?
>> Will have a look at the changes to the config files between working and
>> non-working tomcat installs - and also the release notes.
> How about changing the PUT to a POST, and see what that does for you?
Similar result - 200 status, not proceeding - however fiddler seems to show
some data. Will remote debug this to see if we're making it to onSuccess or
onFailure (doubt it since it should either make another REST call, or show
an exception message).  On that call, Fiddler said Content-Length response
header MUSTNOT be present when Transfer-Encoding is used.

In the release notes between _53, here's the only thing I saw that I
thought applied to our situation...

56190: The response should be closed (i.e. no further output is permitted)
when a call to AsyncContext.complete() takes effect. (markt)

Still going to check config file diffs.

>> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Sean Dawson 
>> wrote:
>>> Am working on testing the 8 versions between the one that works and the
>>> one that doesn't.
>>> We use tomcat to host our gwt/restygwt app - gwt rpc calls work (as far
>>> as
>>> we've tested) - restygwt REST calls to another process (jetty server -
>>> RestEasy) work up to the point of that PUT request (which isn't alot of
>>> them, but it's getting to the server and some succeed). There's almost no
>>> info to go on when the gwt app doesn't proceed - fiddler says the call
>>> succeeded with a 200 - but no data returned - and so the gwt app that
>>> should proceed on onSuccess or onFailure, does not. So with the restygwt
>>> async calls, we're not receiving anything back - despite fiddler claiming
>>> that the call completed with 200 status (this can all be on the same
>>> machine - but once you put the two processes or different ones using
>>> different client browsers - sometimes get the other messages indicated).
>>> So the problem might lie with RestyGwt - but that's not what changes
>>> between the working and non-working scenario.
>>> Thanks for info from the spec.
>>> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Hassan Schroeder <
>>>> wrote:
>>>  On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Sean Dawson 

  In any case, people do it - and it was working before.

 Uh, "people do" lots of objectively wrong things in web development,
 and "works in some circumstances" ≠ "adheres to the spec"  :-)

 My reading of the RFC ( is
 that there's no reason to expect a response-body from a PUT, even
 if the mention of returning either 200 or 204 is a bit ambiguous.

 So it wouldn't surprise me to see a server implementation discard a
 response-body from a PUT as invalid.

 Hassan Schroeder
 twitter: @hassan

 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread David kerber

On 12/22/2014 2:56 PM, Sean Dawson wrote:

So it works with all of them up to _52 but fails for all of them after that.

I had a theory related to tomcat creating a webapps/ROOT dir in the newer
versions that it didn't in the older one (when pointing to the war from
Catalina/local/ROOT.xml) as a possible difference/change but _52 does this
and it works there.

We have a fairly simple (java servlet) proxy to pass the gwt REST requests
along - is there anything I could look at... redirects, (not) caching
params, etc ?

Will have a look at the changes to the config files between working and
non-working tomcat installs - and also the release notes.

How about changing the PUT to a POST, and see what that does for you?

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Sean Dawson 

Am working on testing the 8 versions between the one that works and the
one that doesn't.

We use tomcat to host our gwt/restygwt app - gwt rpc calls work (as far as
we've tested) - restygwt REST calls to another process (jetty server -
RestEasy) work up to the point of that PUT request (which isn't alot of
them, but it's getting to the server and some succeed). There's almost no
info to go on when the gwt app doesn't proceed - fiddler says the call
succeeded with a 200 - but no data returned - and so the gwt app that
should proceed on onSuccess or onFailure, does not. So with the restygwt
async calls, we're not receiving anything back - despite fiddler claiming
that the call completed with 200 status (this can all be on the same
machine - but once you put the two processes or different ones using
different client browsers - sometimes get the other messages indicated).
So the problem might lie with RestyGwt - but that's not what changes
between the working and non-working scenario.

Thanks for info from the spec.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Hassan Schroeder <> wrote:

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Sean Dawson 

In any case, people do it - and it was working before.

Uh, "people do" lots of objectively wrong things in web development,
and "works in some circumstances" ≠ "adheres to the spec"  :-)

My reading of the RFC ( is
that there's no reason to expect a response-body from a PUT, even
if the mention of returning either 200 or 204 is a bit ambiguous.

So it wouldn't surprise me to see a server implementation discard a
response-body from a PUT as invalid.

Hassan Schroeder
twitter: @hassan

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Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Sean Dawson
So it works with all of them up to _52 but fails for all of them after that.

I had a theory related to tomcat creating a webapps/ROOT dir in the newer
versions that it didn't in the older one (when pointing to the war from
Catalina/local/ROOT.xml) as a possible difference/change but _52 does this
and it works there.

We have a fairly simple (java servlet) proxy to pass the gwt REST requests
along - is there anything I could look at... redirects, (not) caching
params, etc ?

Will have a look at the changes to the config files between working and
non-working tomcat installs - and also the release notes.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Sean Dawson 

> Am working on testing the 8 versions between the one that works and the
> one that doesn't.
> We use tomcat to host our gwt/restygwt app - gwt rpc calls work (as far as
> we've tested) - restygwt REST calls to another process (jetty server -
> RestEasy) work up to the point of that PUT request (which isn't alot of
> them, but it's getting to the server and some succeed). There's almost no
> info to go on when the gwt app doesn't proceed - fiddler says the call
> succeeded with a 200 - but no data returned - and so the gwt app that
> should proceed on onSuccess or onFailure, does not. So with the restygwt
> async calls, we're not receiving anything back - despite fiddler claiming
> that the call completed with 200 status (this can all be on the same
> machine - but once you put the two processes or different ones using
> different client browsers - sometimes get the other messages indicated).
> So the problem might lie with RestyGwt - but that's not what changes
> between the working and non-working scenario.
> Thanks for info from the spec.
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Hassan Schroeder <
>> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Sean Dawson 
>> wrote:
>> > In any case, people do it - and it was working before.
>> Uh, "people do" lots of objectively wrong things in web development,
>> and "works in some circumstances" ≠ "adheres to the spec"  :-)
>> My reading of the RFC ( is
>> that there's no reason to expect a response-body from a PUT, even
>> if the mention of returning either 200 or 204 is a bit ambiguous.
>> So it wouldn't surprise me to see a server implementation discard a
>> response-body from a PUT as invalid.
>> FWIW,
>> --
>> Hassan Schroeder
>> twitter: @hassan
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Sean Dawson
Am working on testing the 8 versions between the one that works and the one
that doesn't.

We use tomcat to host our gwt/restygwt app - gwt rpc calls work (as far as
we've tested) - restygwt REST calls to another process (jetty server -
RestEasy) work up to the point of that PUT request (which isn't alot of
them, but it's getting to the server and some succeed). There's almost no
info to go on when the gwt app doesn't proceed - fiddler says the call
succeeded with a 200 - but no data returned - and so the gwt app that
should proceed on onSuccess or onFailure, does not. So with the restygwt
async calls, we're not receiving anything back - despite fiddler claiming
that the call completed with 200 status (this can all be on the same
machine - but once you put the two processes or different ones using
different client browsers - sometimes get the other messages indicated).
So the problem might lie with RestyGwt - but that's not what changes
between the working and non-working scenario.

Thanks for info from the spec.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Hassan Schroeder <> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Sean Dawson 
> wrote:
> > In any case, people do it - and it was working before.
> Uh, "people do" lots of objectively wrong things in web development,
> and "works in some circumstances" ≠ "adheres to the spec"  :-)
> My reading of the RFC ( is
> that there's no reason to expect a response-body from a PUT, even
> if the mention of returning either 200 or 204 is a bit ambiguous.
> So it wouldn't surprise me to see a server implementation discard a
> response-body from a PUT as invalid.
> --
> Hassan Schroeder
> twitter: @hassan
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Sean Dawson  wrote:

> In any case, people do it - and it was working before.

Uh, "people do" lots of objectively wrong things in web development,
and "works in some circumstances" ≠ "adheres to the spec"  :-)

My reading of the RFC ( is
that there's no reason to expect a response-body from a PUT, even
if the mention of returning either 200 or 204 is a bit ambiguous.

So it wouldn't surprise me to see a server implementation discard a
response-body from a PUT as invalid.

Hassan Schroeder
twitter: @hassan

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Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Terence M. Bandoian

On 12/22/2014 6:02 AM, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:

2014-12-19 20:49 GMT+03:00 Sean Dawson :


We had a gwt app deployed and working with tomcat 7_42 and tried it
recently in several configurations (Windows/Linux) with the latest update
of 7 and it fails during a RestyGwt/RestEasy call to the server. Previous
calls succeed but this particular one appears to get an http code of 200
but doesn't return any data (but it should) - and so the app never
proceeds. There's no message, exception, etc - so the app just sits there.

In running this on several clients (Firefox, Chrome, RestClient for FF,
etc), I *have* received a couple messages on that call (in certain
situations) such as...

Error Code: 502 Proxy Error. A software error occurred for a Windows
Internet extension application that is required for the current operation.


Error 415 Unsupported Media Type

Does anyone have an idea what this might be? Why it changed?  If I swap out
the latest version for 41 or 42, and change nothing else, it works fine.
Can't find anything in docs or searches online.

What is your configuration?

I guess that those 500 and 415 responses are not from Tomcat. Are they
from IIS? Is that one up-to-date?

Do you have access log configured in Tomcat? Are those requests
mentioned in Tomcat access log?

Does the issue happen randomly? Can you reproduce it?

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

Which app "just sits there"?  Whichever it is, shouldn't the status and 
data in the response be validated?  Not receiving the data expected with 
a given status would, in my mind, constitute an error.

-Terence Bandoian

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Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2014-12-22 19:05 GMT+03:00 Sean Dawson :
> Hi Konstantin,
> Thanks for your reply.

-> 6. When replying, please write your text below the quoted one.

>  What details do you need of our config? Do you want
> the full files?

For starters, a good description of your system.  My question is do
you access Tomcat directly or via some proxy / front-end web server?

>  Essentially it's a pretty straightforward install -
> extract tomcat, remove all the webapps, put our war somewhere, use
> Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml to point to the war. It's a gwt app that makes
> some rpc calls and some REST calls to a different process (which could be
> on a different server)  - everything seems to work up until the point of
> making this one REST PUT call with some data that's supposed to return some
> data.  It's possible that it might have to do with json serialization or
> dto's - because it's the first call that uses them in the request and
> response.  Exact same config with _42 works fine.  Did not see anything in
> docs/etc that would affect us (but could have missed something).
> This happens with everything locally on Windows, and remotely on Amazon
> Linux cloud servers.  The request is made, and the status is 200 - but
> fiddler shows no response data - and the app does not continue at that
> point (it should do an onSuccess, but it doesn't even do an onFailure).
> It happens ALL the time with the latest tomcat - never with the older.  I
> can't seem to get any more data about what's going on when it happens.
> Most things just fail silently - it was only when I started changing up all
> the configurations (browser-clients/etc) that I got the other messages
> mentioned.
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Konstantin Kolinko 
> wrote:
>> 2014-12-19 20:49 GMT+03:00 Sean Dawson :
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > We had a gwt app deployed and working with tomcat 7_42 and tried it
>> > recently in several configurations (Windows/Linux) with the latest update
>> > of 7 and it fails during a RestyGwt/RestEasy call to the server. Previous
>> > calls succeed but this particular one appears to get an http code of 200
>> > but doesn't return any data (but it should) - and so the app never
>> > proceeds. There's no message, exception, etc - so the app just sits
>> there.
>> >
>> > In running this on several clients (Firefox, Chrome, RestClient for FF,
>> > etc), I *have* received a couple messages on that call (in certain
>> > situations) such as...
>> >
>> > Error Code: 502 Proxy Error. A software error occurred for a Windows
>> > Internet extension application that is required for the current
>> operation.
>> >
>> > and
>> >
>> > Error 415 Unsupported Media Type
>> >
>> > Does anyone have an idea what this might be? Why it changed?  If I swap
>> out
>> > the latest version for 41 or 42, and change nothing else, it works fine.
>> > Can't find anything in docs or searches online.
>> >
>> What is your configuration?
>> I guess that those 500 and 415 responses are not from Tomcat. Are they
>> from IIS? Is that one up-to-date?
>> Do you have access log configured in Tomcat? Are those requests
>> mentioned in Tomcat access log?

Are those requests processed by Tomcat? Do you see them in Tomcat access log?

>> Does the issue happen randomly? Can you reproduce it?

Can you try the versions between 7.0.42 and current .57 (47, 50, 52,
53, 54, 55, 56)?

Can you simplify your application to some simple example that fails?

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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Re: Initialise application once

2014-12-22 Thread Terence M. Bandoian

On 12/21/2014 9:14 AM, Fabio Ricci wrote:

Yes that made it

THANK YOU very much!!!
Grazie mille!


Am 21.12.14 um 14:10 schrieb Alessandro Manzoni:

Il 21.12.2014 13.38, Fabio Ricci ha scritto:

Dear community

I developed a tomcat JSP servlet which - say - instantiates a class, 
work with that class and gives some output back to the calling user 
in the browser.

My point is instantiating the class ***once*** for every requests 
coming after this instantiation. The reason is: the class loads 
several components into memory and I would like not to do this at 
every call of this JSP servlet but just once.

Where shell I put the initializing code for the "heavy" components? 
Is this possible?

Thank you very much in advance!

Try putting an attribute inside the servlet contex in a lazy way, 
that will be in the scope of the whole application inside the same 

Object grosso = getServletContext().getAttribute("GROSSO");
if (grosso == null) {
   grosso = new Grosso();
   getServletContext().setAttribute("GROSSO", grosso);
If you want to limit the scope to a single session, put the same as a 
session attribute.

You could also use a singleton that initializes itself in the same way.  
Either way, the object and initialization should be thread safe.

Happy Holidays!

-Terence Bandoian

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Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Sean Dawson
We did try adding PUT to parseBodyMethods but didn't not change the issue.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Sean Dawson 

> I don't think so. But perhaps that's the new/current thinking and
> something in the latest tomcat/libraries is enforcing that?
> I'll double-check/look-it-up.
> In any case, people do it - and it was working before.
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 11:12 AM, David kerber 
> wrote:
>> On 12/22/2014 11:05 AM, Sean Dawson wrote:
>>> Hi Konstantin,
>>> Thanks for your reply.  What details do you need of our config? Do you
>>> want
>>> the full files?  Essentially it's a pretty straightforward install -
>>> extract tomcat, remove all the webapps, put our war somewhere, use
>>> Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml to point to the war. It's a gwt app that
>>> makes
>>> some rpc calls and some REST calls to a different process (which could be
>>> on a different server)  - everything seems to work up until the point of
>>> making this one REST PUT call with some data that's supposed to return
>>> some
>> I don't use REST, so I may be off base here, but is a REST PUT like an
>> HTTP PUT in that it's not expected to get any return data?  In HTTP, you
>> normally use either a POST or a GET if you want a response back.
>>  data.  It's possible that it might have to do with json serialization or
>>> dto's - because it's the first call that uses them in the request and
>>> response.  Exact same config with _42 works fine.  Did not see anything
>>> in
>>> docs/etc that would affect us (but could have missed something).
>>> This happens with everything locally on Windows, and remotely on Amazon
>>> Linux cloud servers.  The request is made, and the status is 200 - but
>>> fiddler shows no response data - and the app does not continue at that
>>> point (it should do an onSuccess, but it doesn't even do an onFailure).
>>> It happens ALL the time with the latest tomcat - never with the older.  I
>>> can't seem to get any more data about what's going on when it happens.
>>> Most things just fail silently - it was only when I started changing up
>>> all
>>> the configurations (browser-clients/etc) that I got the other messages
>>> mentioned.
>>> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Konstantin Kolinko <
>>> wrote:
>>>  2014-12-19 20:49 GMT+03:00 Sean Dawson :

> Hello,
> We had a gwt app deployed and working with tomcat 7_42 and tried it
> recently in several configurations (Windows/Linux) with the latest
> update
> of 7 and it fails during a RestyGwt/RestEasy call to the server.
> Previous
> calls succeed but this particular one appears to get an http code of
> 200
> but doesn't return any data (but it should) - and so the app never
> proceeds. There's no message, exception, etc - so the app just sits

> In running this on several clients (Firefox, Chrome, RestClient for FF,
> etc), I *have* received a couple messages on that call (in certain
> situations) such as...
> Error Code: 502 Proxy Error. A software error occurred for a Windows
> Internet extension application that is required for the current

> and
> Error 415 Unsupported Media Type
> Does anyone have an idea what this might be? Why it changed?  If I swap

> the latest version for 41 or 42, and change nothing else, it works
> fine.
> Can't find anything in docs or searches online.
 What is your configuration?

 I guess that those 500 and 415 responses are not from Tomcat. Are they
 from IIS? Is that one up-to-date?

 Do you have access log configured in Tomcat? Are those requests
 mentioned in Tomcat access log?

 Does the issue happen randomly? Can you reproduce it?

 Best regards,
 Konstantin Kolinko

 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Sean Dawson
I don't think so. But perhaps that's the new/current thinking and something
in the latest tomcat/libraries is enforcing that?

I'll double-check/look-it-up.

In any case, people do it - and it was working before.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 11:12 AM, David kerber  wrote:

> On 12/22/2014 11:05 AM, Sean Dawson wrote:
>> Hi Konstantin,
>> Thanks for your reply.  What details do you need of our config? Do you
>> want
>> the full files?  Essentially it's a pretty straightforward install -
>> extract tomcat, remove all the webapps, put our war somewhere, use
>> Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml to point to the war. It's a gwt app that makes
>> some rpc calls and some REST calls to a different process (which could be
>> on a different server)  - everything seems to work up until the point of
>> making this one REST PUT call with some data that's supposed to return
>> some
> I don't use REST, so I may be off base here, but is a REST PUT like an
> HTTP PUT in that it's not expected to get any return data?  In HTTP, you
> normally use either a POST or a GET if you want a response back.
>  data.  It's possible that it might have to do with json serialization or
>> dto's - because it's the first call that uses them in the request and
>> response.  Exact same config with _42 works fine.  Did not see anything in
>> docs/etc that would affect us (but could have missed something).
>> This happens with everything locally on Windows, and remotely on Amazon
>> Linux cloud servers.  The request is made, and the status is 200 - but
>> fiddler shows no response data - and the app does not continue at that
>> point (it should do an onSuccess, but it doesn't even do an onFailure).
>> It happens ALL the time with the latest tomcat - never with the older.  I
>> can't seem to get any more data about what's going on when it happens.
>> Most things just fail silently - it was only when I started changing up
>> all
>> the configurations (browser-clients/etc) that I got the other messages
>> mentioned.
>> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Konstantin Kolinko <
>> wrote:
>>  2014-12-19 20:49 GMT+03:00 Sean Dawson :

 We had a gwt app deployed and working with tomcat 7_42 and tried it
 recently in several configurations (Windows/Linux) with the latest
 of 7 and it fails during a RestyGwt/RestEasy call to the server.
 calls succeed but this particular one appears to get an http code of 200
 but doesn't return any data (but it should) - and so the app never
 proceeds. There's no message, exception, etc - so the app just sits

>>> there.

 In running this on several clients (Firefox, Chrome, RestClient for FF,
 etc), I *have* received a couple messages on that call (in certain
 situations) such as...

 Error Code: 502 Proxy Error. A software error occurred for a Windows
 Internet extension application that is required for the current

>>> operation.


 Error 415 Unsupported Media Type

 Does anyone have an idea what this might be? Why it changed?  If I swap

>>> out
 the latest version for 41 or 42, and change nothing else, it works fine.
 Can't find anything in docs or searches online.

>>> What is your configuration?
>>> I guess that those 500 and 415 responses are not from Tomcat. Are they
>>> from IIS? Is that one up-to-date?
>>> Do you have access log configured in Tomcat? Are those requests
>>> mentioned in Tomcat access log?
>>> Does the issue happen randomly? Can you reproduce it?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Konstantin Kolinko
>>> -
>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread David kerber

On 12/22/2014 11:05 AM, Sean Dawson wrote:

Hi Konstantin,

Thanks for your reply.  What details do you need of our config? Do you want
the full files?  Essentially it's a pretty straightforward install -
extract tomcat, remove all the webapps, put our war somewhere, use
Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml to point to the war. It's a gwt app that makes
some rpc calls and some REST calls to a different process (which could be
on a different server)  - everything seems to work up until the point of
making this one REST PUT call with some data that's supposed to return some

I don't use REST, so I may be off base here, but is a REST PUT like an 
HTTP PUT in that it's not expected to get any return data?  In HTTP, you 
normally use either a POST or a GET if you want a response back.

data.  It's possible that it might have to do with json serialization or
dto's - because it's the first call that uses them in the request and
response.  Exact same config with _42 works fine.  Did not see anything in
docs/etc that would affect us (but could have missed something).

This happens with everything locally on Windows, and remotely on Amazon
Linux cloud servers.  The request is made, and the status is 200 - but
fiddler shows no response data - and the app does not continue at that
point (it should do an onSuccess, but it doesn't even do an onFailure).

It happens ALL the time with the latest tomcat - never with the older.  I
can't seem to get any more data about what's going on when it happens.
Most things just fail silently - it was only when I started changing up all
the configurations (browser-clients/etc) that I got the other messages

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Konstantin Kolinko 

2014-12-19 20:49 GMT+03:00 Sean Dawson :


We had a gwt app deployed and working with tomcat 7_42 and tried it
recently in several configurations (Windows/Linux) with the latest update
of 7 and it fails during a RestyGwt/RestEasy call to the server. Previous
calls succeed but this particular one appears to get an http code of 200
but doesn't return any data (but it should) - and so the app never
proceeds. There's no message, exception, etc - so the app just sits


In running this on several clients (Firefox, Chrome, RestClient for FF,
etc), I *have* received a couple messages on that call (in certain
situations) such as...

Error Code: 502 Proxy Error. A software error occurred for a Windows
Internet extension application that is required for the current



Error 415 Unsupported Media Type

Does anyone have an idea what this might be? Why it changed?  If I swap


the latest version for 41 or 42, and change nothing else, it works fine.
Can't find anything in docs or searches online.

What is your configuration?

I guess that those 500 and 415 responses are not from Tomcat. Are they
from IIS? Is that one up-to-date?

Do you have access log configured in Tomcat? Are those requests
mentioned in Tomcat access log?

Does the issue happen randomly? Can you reproduce it?

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Sean Dawson
Hi Konstantin,

Thanks for your reply.  What details do you need of our config? Do you want
the full files?  Essentially it's a pretty straightforward install -
extract tomcat, remove all the webapps, put our war somewhere, use
Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml to point to the war. It's a gwt app that makes
some rpc calls and some REST calls to a different process (which could be
on a different server)  - everything seems to work up until the point of
making this one REST PUT call with some data that's supposed to return some
data.  It's possible that it might have to do with json serialization or
dto's - because it's the first call that uses them in the request and
response.  Exact same config with _42 works fine.  Did not see anything in
docs/etc that would affect us (but could have missed something).

This happens with everything locally on Windows, and remotely on Amazon
Linux cloud servers.  The request is made, and the status is 200 - but
fiddler shows no response data - and the app does not continue at that
point (it should do an onSuccess, but it doesn't even do an onFailure).

It happens ALL the time with the latest tomcat - never with the older.  I
can't seem to get any more data about what's going on when it happens.
Most things just fail silently - it was only when I started changing up all
the configurations (browser-clients/etc) that I got the other messages

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Konstantin Kolinko 

> 2014-12-19 20:49 GMT+03:00 Sean Dawson :
> > Hello,
> >
> > We had a gwt app deployed and working with tomcat 7_42 and tried it
> > recently in several configurations (Windows/Linux) with the latest update
> > of 7 and it fails during a RestyGwt/RestEasy call to the server. Previous
> > calls succeed but this particular one appears to get an http code of 200
> > but doesn't return any data (but it should) - and so the app never
> > proceeds. There's no message, exception, etc - so the app just sits
> there.
> >
> > In running this on several clients (Firefox, Chrome, RestClient for FF,
> > etc), I *have* received a couple messages on that call (in certain
> > situations) such as...
> >
> > Error Code: 502 Proxy Error. A software error occurred for a Windows
> > Internet extension application that is required for the current
> operation.
> >
> > and
> >
> > Error 415 Unsupported Media Type
> >
> > Does anyone have an idea what this might be? Why it changed?  If I swap
> out
> > the latest version for 41 or 42, and change nothing else, it works fine.
> > Can't find anything in docs or searches online.
> >
> What is your configuration?
> I guess that those 500 and 415 responses are not from Tomcat. Are they
> from IIS? Is that one up-to-date?
> Do you have access log configured in Tomcat? Are those requests
> mentioned in Tomcat access log?
> Does the issue happen randomly? Can you reproduce it?
> Best regards,
> Konstantin Kolinko
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Tomcat 8.0.12 - unable to eliminate logs stating "org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [variousURLs] to the cache because there was insufficient free sp

2014-12-22 Thread David kerber

On 12/22/2014 8:14 AM, Kevin McKee wrote:

For anyone else unable to find an answer to this problem, the answer seems
to be as simple as adding this to your $SERVER_HOME/conf/context.xml
inside the  tag

As long as you don't need caching...

Kevin McKee
Application Development Architect
Goodyear Canada Inc.
388 Goodyear Rd, Napanee, ON  K7R 3L2

On 2014-12-16, 7:21 PM, "Christopher Schultz"

Hash: SHA256


On 12/12/14 4:10 PM, Kevin McKee wrote:

I have read the reference, but nowhere can I find an example of
what it’s talking about.

Not counting titles, headings, and the TOC, they are sentences #6 and
#7 on the page, starting from 1.

A Resources element MAY be nested inside a Context component. If it is
not included, a default filesystem based Resources will be created
automatically, which is sufficient for most requirements.

My web.xml / context.xml don’t have a resource component in it
that I can find, and nowhere can I find out what the syntax is or
where to put it.

If it is not included, a default filesystem based Resources will be
created automatically, which is sufficient for most requirements.

So, your  element does not already have a  element
because a) you wrote it yourself and b) you never noticed because "a
default filesystem based Resources" was created "automatically, which
is sufficient for most requirements."

Since you are stepping outside those requirements, it's time to define
your own  element.

This is why I’ve reached out to this group for help.  If you can
point me to an example or more detailed info I would appreciate

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: Tomcat 8.0.12 - unable to eliminate logs stating "org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [variousURLs] to the cache because there was insufficient free sp

2014-12-22 Thread Kevin McKee
For anyone else unable to find an answer to this problem, the answer seems 
to be as simple as adding this to your $SERVER_HOME/conf/context.xml 
inside the  tag

Kevin McKee
Application Development Architect
Goodyear Canada Inc.
388 Goodyear Rd, Napanee, ON  K7R 3L2


On 2014-12-16, 7:21 PM, "Christopher Schultz" 

>Hash: SHA256
>On 12/12/14 4:10 PM, Kevin McKee wrote:
>> I have read the reference, but nowhere can I find an example of 
>> what it’s talking about.
>Not counting titles, headings, and the TOC, they are sentences #6 and
>#7 on the page, starting from 1.
>A Resources element MAY be nested inside a Context component. If it is
>not included, a default filesystem based Resources will be created
>automatically, which is sufficient for most requirements.
>> My web.xml / context.xml don’t have a resource component in it
>> that I can find, and nowhere can I find out what the syntax is or
>> where to put it.
>If it is not included, a default filesystem based Resources will be
>created automatically, which is sufficient for most requirements.
>So, your  element does not already have a  element
>because a) you wrote it yourself and b) you never noticed because "a
>default filesystem based Resources" was created "automatically, which
>is sufficient for most requirements."
>Since you are stepping outside those requirements, it's time to define
>your own  element.
>> This is why I’ve reached out to this group for help.  If you can 
>> point me to an example or more detailed info I would appreciate 
>> it.
>- -chris
>Version: GnuPG v1
>Comment: GPGTools -
>To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: REST call failure on newer tomcat version/update

2014-12-22 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2014-12-19 20:49 GMT+03:00 Sean Dawson :
> Hello,
> We had a gwt app deployed and working with tomcat 7_42 and tried it
> recently in several configurations (Windows/Linux) with the latest update
> of 7 and it fails during a RestyGwt/RestEasy call to the server. Previous
> calls succeed but this particular one appears to get an http code of 200
> but doesn't return any data (but it should) - and so the app never
> proceeds. There's no message, exception, etc - so the app just sits there.
> In running this on several clients (Firefox, Chrome, RestClient for FF,
> etc), I *have* received a couple messages on that call (in certain
> situations) such as...
> Error Code: 502 Proxy Error. A software error occurred for a Windows
> Internet extension application that is required for the current operation.
> and
> Error 415 Unsupported Media Type
> Does anyone have an idea what this might be? Why it changed?  If I swap out
> the latest version for 41 or 42, and change nothing else, it works fine.
> Can't find anything in docs or searches online.

What is your configuration?

I guess that those 500 and 415 responses are not from Tomcat. Are they
from IIS? Is that one up-to-date?

Do you have access log configured in Tomcat? Are those requests
mentioned in Tomcat access log?

Does the issue happen randomly? Can you reproduce it?

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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