Re: how to display a BookmarkableLink so it can't be clicked

2009-03-31 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
As suggested, you need .setEnabled(false) to disable your link. This will add em tags around the link though, so if you don't want this, or want a different tag, do this in your Application.class /* a component that is disabled by Wicket will normally have em surrounding it. This makes it

Re: images in root folder

2009-03-27 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
If you have an img tag, you can use a ContextImage to load an image relative to your webapp context. ie HTML img wicket:id=myimage / Java add(new ContextImage(myimage, path/to/your/image); The path will be relative to your webapp, so if your images are deployed in the root of your webapp

Re: adding css and js to header

2009-03-27 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Have you tried putting your js block in its own .js and including it after the other wicket includes? It doesn't look like it's dynamic so could be easily included this way cheers, Steve On 27/03/2009, at 11:03 PM, fachhoch wrote: and my header section already has some java script

Re: best way to add tooltips in wicket

2009-03-26 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
I made my own IconWithToolTip component that renders an icon with a jQuery cluetip on hover. Takes advantage of all the neat jQuery extensions like hoverIntent (did they really meant to hover or did they just wave the mouse around). Welcome to the source if you'd like it. cheers, Steve

Re: Why are we top-posting...

2009-03-21 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
You read text from bottom to top? I thought this was dead and buried, people can post however they like and we are not going to conform to someone's 'standard'. Think of it this way, it's a mailing list where people write and read emails. How do you read and write your email? Pretty sure

Re: Set the HTML id programmatically

2009-03-17 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Wouldn't it be best to change the ID that the YUI is looking for to be the dynamic ID of your textarea? Or set it in HTML and don't set outputMarkupId(true) so that the HTML one is used instead. ie textarea wicket:id=somefield id=mytextarea rows=10 cols=10default content/textarea That

Re: building a wicket app with maven 1

2009-03-13 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Maven1 had this functionality. Linda Stephen Swinsburg wrote: Thanks Adriano. I don't seem to need that for my Maven2 build though, is there a reason for that? I'll try that though. cheers, Steve On 12/03/2009, at 8:02 PM, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote: Steve Swinsburg escreveu: Hi

Re: building a wicket app with maven 1

2009-03-12 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Ok I'll post when I get back into the office. I was mainly wondering if anyone knew of some major issue with Maven1 and Wicket/SLF4J - ie the versions in the Maven repositories etc. I note that the Maven1 repo now uses the Maven2 artifacts. I guess, in order to rule out Maven, I could just

Re: building a wicket app with maven 1

2009-03-12 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Thanks Adriano. I don't seem to need that for my Maven2 build though, is there a reason for that? I'll try that though. cheers, Steve On 12/03/2009, at 8:02 PM, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote: Steve Swinsburg escreveu: Hi all, I have a need to backport my wicket app that builds

Re: Shared string resources

2009-03-11 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
You can also just use ResourceModel( if you don't have any thing that needs to be substituted into the strings when they are rendered. ie is some text or StringResourceModel( various constructors ) if you need some dynamic value in there: ie

Re: Simple Ajax Form

2009-03-04 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Show us YOUR code and we'll point out the issue. I use Ajax forms everywhere. cheers, Steve On 04/03/2009, at 8:35 PM, newbieabc wrote: I had some errors with the example, that's why I was hoping to get code to submit data from two fields using the ajax form. Basically I just want the

Re: wicket generating its code for href

2009-03-04 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
You'll need to generate, test if its still broken, then attach the quickstart as Jeremy says. But what perplexes me more is how come you can't type your messages into an email? These messages are archived online so someone else with the same issue could find the issues easier if it was in

Re: will it work in a Linode?

2009-02-28 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Well you can run Tomcat just fine in that setup, but if it's going to need to handle lots of concurrent users and sessions then you might hit the limits quickly. Just run some profiling on it and see how you go. Profile locally and you can see how much your app server/JVM that Wicket is

issues with localising a HashMap

2009-02-28 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Hi all, I have a HashMap I need to localise like so: LinkedHashMapString, String options = new LinkedHashMapString, String(); options.put(1, new StringResourceModel(option.1, this,null).getString()); options.put(2, new StringResourceModel(option.2, this,null).getString()); options.put(3,

bad practice in sharing models between wicket form and hibernate?

2009-02-28 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Hi all, I'm after your thoughts on the following method. Suppose there is a wicket form with some fields that can map directly to a simple Hibernate object, and hence a db table. Is it safe to simply wrap this object in a CompoundPropertyModel and use it as the backing model for the form?

Re: Linking to an image in resources with just html

2009-02-21 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
You say they are in src/main/resources but you have src\main\resources Could this be it? / vs \ I bundle a different way but that might work for you. cheers, Steve On 21/02/2009, at 9:02 PM, svfarmer wrote: Alright so since we're talking about static resources that could easily be served

Re: simple radiogroup with true/false and a propertymodel

2009-02-16 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
yeah its added and it renders and everything seems to work except its not setting any data. cheers, steve On 16/02/2009, at 5:21 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote: did you add emailRequests to the form or somewhere under? -igor On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Steve Swinsburg

Re: simple radiogroup with true/false and a propertymodel

2009-02-16 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
will do in the next few days. thanks igor. cheers, Steve On 16/02/2009, at 6:10 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote: ive used that exact usecase dozens of times, quickstart please -igor On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Stephen Swinsburg wrote: yeah its added and it renders

Re: simple radiogroup with true/false and a propertymodel

2009-02-16 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
to know my code was right though ;) cheers, Steve On 16/02/2009, at 6:18 PM, Stephen Swinsburg wrote: will do in the next few days. thanks igor. cheers, Steve On 16/02/2009, at 6:10 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote: ive used that exact usecase dozens of times, quickstart please -igor On Mon, Feb

Re: making a HTTP request directly in Wicket

2009-02-07 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Yeah I meant 'timeout' as in waiting for a process to run and the web server timing out. I will still set a timeout on the thread though. On 07/02/2009, at 1:58 AM, Marcelo Morales wrote: It can connect and stall forever. People restart firewalls you know. I must insist on using at least

Re: Iam getting Errors while starting the Tomcat 5.5 server

2009-02-04 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Swapna, Start with a clean Tomcat and don't manually put jars anywhere in Tomcat (except maybe a db driver jar). In your pom.xml have something like this: !-- WICKET DEPENDENCIES -- dependency groupIdorg.apache.wicket/groupId

Re: skip item in populateItem of ListView

2009-01-16 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
Does RepeatingView or RefreshingView allow me to skip an item once inside populateItem() ? thanks. On 15/01/2009, at 8:46 PM, Erik van Oosten wrote: Perhaps it would be more natural to use RepeatingView (or RefreshingView) in such cases. Regards, Erik. Steve Swinsburg wrote: Hi

Re: skip item in populateItem of ListView

2009-01-15 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
I haven't tried that (yet) but once I do the checks I need it to stop rendering that item. So the rest of the stuff tahts meant to be rendered never gets processed. Nevermind I will do the checks before the data even reaches the LoadableDetachableModel feeding it. cheers. On

Re: FileUpload in a Panel

2009-01-10 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
In addition, the iframe method that Ed mentioned was a hack to get around the fact that AJAX can't handle fileuploads yet. That might have been what he was talking about. cheers. On 10/01/2009, at 5:06 AM, Jeremy Thomerson wrote: Yes - a FileUpload can be in any component (though it will

Re: Limited length html label

2009-01-01 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
One problem you are also going to run into when limiting the number of characters is what happens when someone enters a large number of new lines. Ie one person could enter some text that appears ok within the boundaries you define, but another could enter the same text littered with line

Re: Participating in Wicket

2008-12-18 Thread Stephen Swinsburg
If you want the source code for Wicket, check it out from SVN into your own local working copy. You can then build Wicket via maven after you have made any local changes to the source code to see if the bug has been fixed. You can then generate a patch and attach it to a Jira issue so the