Re: Feedback panel don't show messages of child component

2011-08-22 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, try calling setReuseItem(true) on list. See ListView JavaDoc for further details (the WARNING paragraph) . I got some trouble with the FeedbackPanel. My scenario looks like this. I got a custom panel which can be added to a page. Within the panel I add a FeedbackPanel to show any errors

Re: Feedback panel don't show messages of child component

2011-08-22 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, running your app in development mode do you get any message of this kind -Component-targetted feedback message was left unrendered.? Mh, sorry I told you something wrong I'm not using a list but instead I'm using a DefaultDataTable with a SortableDataProvider. But I followed you advise and

Re: Wicket Basics.

2011-08-20 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Shunmuga, try with this it's a basic Wicket tutorial for beginners. Hi Per Newgro, Thanks for your valuable information. I dont know wicket basics also. If u have any tuorials or tutorial links means pls

Re: NumberFormatException

2011-08-17 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Jencity, you use 'gateway' as model object. Probably this object has one or more numeric field binded to a String TextField. In this case you should use a numeric TextField (for example TextFieldInteger...) Hello, i have got a problem with getting my form working. I have got a form

Re: custom (non wicket) modal dialog. Problem with urls.

2011-08-08 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, I'm not sure I have fully understood your situation. You should have: 1- a page which opens a modal dialog via Javascript 2- another page which is rendered inside modal dialog 3- in this last page (the one inside modal window) you want a link to the page in background (the starting page)

Re: ModalX: Modal Window Enhancements library (Open Source) for wicket

2011-08-04 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Chris, your library looks really useful! Are you planning to release also a version based on Wicket 1.5? Hello Fellow Wicketers, Step Ahead Software has made available new sample code and a live demo of our open source ModalX wicket library that provides a convenient and efficient way of

Re: Disabling Entire Page, and Redirecting to Page in N Seconds

2011-08-03 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi eugenebalt, why not just call setEnabled(false) on form component? Thanks. Good suggestion. Will give it a try, but never worked with jQuery before. -- View this message in context:

Re: show modal window without clicking on ajaxLink

2011-08-01 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, I've adapted (and tested) my solution to wicket 1.4.17. It's slightly different from 1.5 because you should pass target.addComponent just moduleContentPanel and not the whole window. The code of my solution is this: //modal window constructor add(new AjaxLink(btn) {

Re: show modal window without clicking on ajaxLink

2011-07-29 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Mathilde, why not simply substitute modal window content instead of reloading page and creating a brand new modal window? Your code doesn't work because setResponsePage create a new instance of QuestionnairesPage different from the one referenced by qPage variable. Hi all, I have a

Re: show modal window without clicking on ajaxLink

2011-07-29 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Try to use just one modal window and switch content panels. I.e: -Create modal window with questionnaireContentPanel as initial content: modalQuestionnaireModule = new ModalWindowE4N(modalQuestionnaireModule,); questionnaireContentPanel = new

Re: show modal window without clicking on ajaxLink

2011-07-29 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Sorry, you are right. Under wicket 1.5 works calling replaceWith on old content. In your code should be something like : moduleContentPanel = questionnaireContentPanel.replaceWith(moduleContentPanel); target.addComponent(moduleContentPanel); I didn't tested it with 1.4.x version. I

Re: DropDownChoice updates onchange event.

2011-07-28 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, I've looked at your code but is not clear to me how and when you read the selected value in savedReportsDropDown. Is trackingProfileVO an instance of SelectedTrackProfileVO? Here is the code: private DropDownChoiceSelectedTrackProfileVO savedReportsDropDown; savedReportsDropDown =

Re: Dialog Box is not replaced

2011-07-27 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, try adding to ajaxRequestTarget the parent component instead of D1 and D2. Hi, In my page I have two dialog box say D1 and D2. When clicking some link D1 should come, and it is happening. It is a confirmation dialog box. Now when I click ok button in D1 then D2 should be shown by

Re: DropDownChoice updates onchange event.

2011-07-27 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, attach the code from onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) method. This should be responsible of changing order. I mean to say before the onUpdate was executed the DropDownChoice contains in the order of (A, B, C, D). But after the execution of onUpdate() the DropDownChoice contains in the

Re: target.addComponent breaks Jquery date picker

2011-07-25 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, try using ajaxRequest.appendJavaScript(JQuery here) to restore data picker functionality on updated field. Dear Forum, I'm have a jquery date picker field that I can update by adding AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior to a drop down choice. After I have updated the date field using ajax

Re: Textfield to keep the value after being refreshed

2011-07-20 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, which AJAX component are you using? is likely that your field's form is not submitted, hence field's model is not updated Hi, I refresh the page using target.addComponent(fieldName); The value that was entered in the text field is cleared. How can I get it to keep the value? Thanks Anna

Re: Button component not enabled in FireFox

2011-07-19 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Can you reproduce this issue in a quickstart project and attach it to JIRA? Wicket: 1.4.16 FireFox:3.5.4 -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at

Re: Button component not enabled in FireFox

2011-07-18 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, which version of Firefox and Wicket are you using? We are using the standard ModalWindow in our base page. To our modal we add a panel with one button, used to close the window. From our base page, we instantiate a wizard. Works great, on all browsers, apart from the following issue: In

Re: Generate ajax link

2011-07-14 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, you can use Loop component to generate a dynamic number of links. For example: HTML code: ol title=MenĂ¹ class=main_menu li style=list-style: none; wicket:id=itemList a wicket:id=menuItem/a /li /ol Java code: ListAbstractLink linkList = ... Loop loop = new Loop(itemList,

Re: target.addComponent and impact

2011-07-14 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, If you have an ajax event and then you call target.addComponent on another component or collection of other components. What do you mean with another component? You should be able to add any component you want, except AbstractRepeater subclasses (ListView, RepeatingView, ecc...). These

Re: Can i include an external html fragment?

2011-07-14 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Mike, take a look at interfaces IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and IMarkupCacheKeyProvider. Using the first one you can implement method getMarkupResourceStream which returns an IResourceStream with your custom HTML. The second interface has a method called getCacheKey. You must override

Re: target.addComponent and impact

2011-07-14 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Right, I've looked at code and it uses an hashmap in last case i think rendering will be once because the components are kept in map with markupid of component as key in ajaxrequesttarget. On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 9:11 PM, Andrea Del wrote:

Re: Is there a class for encoding page parameters for urls?

2011-07-13 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Mike, have you tried org.apache.wicket.request.URLEncoder? Hi, is wicket providing a class encoding a page parameter string for url? Usecase: I have a searchword. This is put plain into the page parameters. But if i use for example the searchword myword% i get ERROR - RequestCycle

Re: org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupNotFoundException: Markup of type 'html' for component 'AboutUs' not found

2011-07-12 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, attach java code and HTML of this new class so we can take a look. Hi, I am extending a class SomeDetailPage which extends SomePage which in turn extends WebPage. Now this SomeDetailPage is working fine and has no issues. But I have created a new class and extended some of its features and

Re: Skip validation on nested form's form level validators

2011-07-11 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, why don't simply put the inner form out of the outer one? Anyway, you could remove inner form's validators before the outer form is submitted and add them again when submit process is over (onFormSubmitted() ) Hi all, I have two forms nested within each other (wicket 1.4.17). The inner

Re: Not closing the datepicker upon clicking outside

2011-07-07 Thread Andrea Del Bene
I thought it was easier...anyway in the example I posted yesterday calendar is closed with a specific click handler: // Hide Calendar if we click anywhere in the document other than the calendar 2Event.on(document, click, function(e) { 3 4var el = Event.getTarget(e); 5var

Re: Not closing the datepicker upon clicking outside

2011-07-06 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, here you can find an example of YUI calendar that closes when you click outside its area. You can see how it is configured and using this configuration in your DatePicker overriding configure() method. Hi, I have used the

Re: 1.5 rc5.2 IVisitor on page?

2011-07-04 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi nino, AbstractRepeater class (superclass of ListView) calls onPopulate during onBeforeRender, so as long as this event is not triggered listviews should be empty. changing it from onconfigure to onbeforerender does the trick.. Im not sure what the difference are though.. 2011/7/4 nino

Re: 1.5 rc5.2 IVisitor on page?

2011-07-04 Thread Andrea Del Bene
mmm...I didn't find any wiki about it. I sorta figured it had something todo with the fact that onbeforerender was called at a later time than onConfigure. Is there a good description of the timeline of these methods somewhere? 2011/7/4 Andrea Del Hi nino,

Re: resetting form components

2011-07-04 Thread Andrea Del Bene
You should add form reference to Ajax target. target.addComponent(form) Remeber to call setOutputMarkupId on form instance. thanks it worked but how do i refresh the ManageAATemplatePanel now? -- View this message in context:

Re: resetting form components

2011-07-03 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, you should not recreate the whole ManageAATemplatePanel each time you submit your form. In this way in addition to waste memory and cpu time, you are not able to update your form and components via AJAX because you replace them with new instances. So adding your form to ajaxrequesttarget

Re: resetting form components

2011-07-02 Thread Andrea Del Bene
HI, are you sure that button submit is executed? Have you debugged it? Maybe the code is not executed because form has some validation errors... Hi, im taking input from user in the form components and trying to reset them when they are shown next time, i have tried doing form.clearInput(), i

Re: replace panel in dialog box

2011-07-02 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, on click of link try to replace your code with this one: WebMarkupContainer tmp = new ModifyAATemplate(modifyAATemplatePanel, aat); modifyPanel.replaceWith(tmp); modifyPanel = tmp; tmp.setOutputMarkupId(true); target.addComponent(modifyDialog);; Hi, im

Re: Strange issue with AjaxLink and AjaxRequest

2011-06-28 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, do you use the same Wicket version on development and production environments? Anyway the problem could be due to ListView which by default replaces all child components with new instances each time is rendered. Try calling setReuseItems(true) on your ListView. Hi, i'm having the

Re: Column Filters

2011-06-24 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, take a look at the fantastic :-) free chapter from Wicket Cookbook. It's about what are you doing with tables.

Re: CSS Change not being picked up when using TextTemplateResourceReference

2011-06-23 Thread Andrea Del Bene
not as simple as if (Application.get().getConfigurationType().equalsIgnoreCase(development)) { invalidate(); } It isn't clear to me how I might go about that but It would need to run in something like onAfterRender()? Andrea Del Bene wrote: a little bit complicated

Re: need some advice

2011-06-23 Thread Andrea Del Bene
HI Decebal, you should merge User and Customer classes into a single class, or you can create a common super class, for example an AbstractUser. Once you have a single class for user's authentication, you could do a single login page with a checkbox to tell apart Customer users from

Re: Wickettester testing a given WizardStep

2011-06-22 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, WizardStep is a panel so you can use startPanel. I have a RegistrationPage containing a Wizard with 5 steps. Now I want to write a WicketTester test for ONE specific WizardStep, let's say step 4. How? (I could write a test clicking through all steps before step 4 as I understood

Re: CSS Change not being picked up when using TextTemplateResourceReference

2011-06-21 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi rush66, you are right, method getResource in TextTemplateResourceReference reads resource just the first time you call it. You can override this method like this: @Override public IResource getResource(){ if(Application.get().getConfigurationType() ==

Re: CSS Change not being picked up when using TextTemplateResourceReference

2011-06-21 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Sorry, I was checking Wicket 1.5 source where getResource() is not final. Isn't there an issue with overriding the getResource() method in ResourceReference if it is marked as final? -- View this message in context:

Re: CSS Change not being picked up when using TextTemplateResourceReference

2011-06-21 Thread Andrea Del Bene a little bit complicated but you should call ResourceReference's invalidate() after your pages have been rendered. But I don't know how you should put this method call. Sorry I did not clarify that we are on 1.4.17. While I would love to migrate our project to 1.5 I don't know how

Re: Handle selection changing on Palette

2011-06-18 Thread Andrea Del Bene
HI, have you tried with AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior? As Palette's JavaDoc says: Ajaxifying the palette: The palette itself cannot be ajaxified because it is a panel and therefore does not receive any javascript events. Instead ajax behaviors can be attached to the recorder component

Re: Page-ModalWindow[Form]-ModalWindow[Form] problem

2011-06-17 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Alex, maybe I'm facing the same problemyour modal windows' content is a Page or a Panel? Hello I got a strange problem with multiply Modal Windows. Let's imagine we have an Entity A with field of entity B (1 to 1 relation) . Now we create the Edit page, which contains a form and

Re: Page-ModalWindow[Form]-ModalWindow[Form] problem

2011-06-17 Thread Andrea Del Bene
I'm going to open an issue on JIRA Page. I found your discussion with Marieke Vandamme. Looks very similiar to my case. On 17 June 2011 14:02, Andrea Del wrote: Hi Alex, maybe I'm facing the same problemyour modal windows' content is a Page or a Panel?

Re: Page-ModalWindow[Form]-ModalWindow[Form] problem

2011-06-17 Thread Andrea Del Bene
The issue is here: I trust in you, a colleague On 17 June 2011 15:15, Andrea Del wrote: I'm going to open an issue on JIRA - To unsubscribe,

Re: Page-ModalWindow[Form]-ModalWindow[Form] problem

2011-06-17 Thread Andrea Del Bene
If I understand right you should not pass to ModalWindow: -model of parent page -an instance of parent page In these two scenarios when you close ModalWindow Wicket restore the original version of parent page, that is the version existing before opening modal window. To avoid this problem

Re: Wicket 1.5 - ModalWindow with page - abstract functions do not update model correct

2011-06-16 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, your last version (the one using inter-component events) works fine if you pass ModalWindowPage PageReference instead of page instance, i.e: public ModalWindowPage(final PageReference pageReference){ add(new AjaxLink(btn) { /** *

Re: Wicket 1.5 - ModalWindow with page - abstract functions do not update model correct

2011-06-16 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Right, I agree. As soon as possible I will open a JIRA issue. Hello, 1. And if I want to use ModalWindow with ModalWindowPage from a Panel? I can pass the PageReference to, but than I will have to catch the event on each page the panel is added.. Not really handy when using Panel as reusable

Re: Wicket 1.5 - ModalWindow with page - abstract functions do not update model correct

2011-06-15 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Marieke , I've tried your code and I have your same problem. Tomorrow I will try to investigate further and maybe I will create an issue. Hi, I just tried it with the inter-component events, and it's the same problem as with the abstract functions.. Please try my code: HomePage: public

Re: Wicket 1.5 - ModalWindow with page - abstract functions do not update model correct

2011-06-14 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Marieke, please attach the code that should modify HomePage's model. Anyway, to solve this problem you could use the new inter-component events mechanism included with Wicket 1.5: Just

Re: Component-targetted feedback message was left unrendered even if I add Feedback Panel

2011-06-10 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Mathilde, have you got any ListView component in your form? Do you use AJAX for form submitting? Hi all, I have a form which can send error message (on validation or on submit) and I try to show them in feedbak panel : I try with FeedBack panel like this : Java : add(new

Re: Component-targetted feedback message was left unrendered even if I add Feedback Panel

2011-06-10 Thread Andrea Del Bene
No no, it doesn't interfere. But since you use ajax for form submitting you have to ensure that feedback panel is refreshed adding it to AjaxRequestTarget. Have you done it in your code? Is Ajax interfering with feedback Panel?

Re: Rounding values for display

2011-06-09 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Zeldor, you could register a custom converter for Double type which displays value with the desired precision. Take a look at this page, example for Wicket 1.3 is what you need. Hi, I have labels showing data that is in Double

Re: Graceful Session Expiry

2011-06-09 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, as Martin said this kind of strong interaction is not part of standard API. But you could do a very simple thing to warn your users: start a Javascript time-event with session timeout as time-interval: I.e: var t=setTimeout(/alert('Back to your

A couple of questions about converter

2011-06-08 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, I've started to explore the converting mechanism of wicket. I've red javadoc and both Wicket in Action and Wicket Cookbook but there still be something not completely clear to me. Converter are created by converter locator, which creates one instance of converter for each java type,

Re: Links blocked when I enter page

2011-06-07 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Zeldor, do these two links depend for any reason on the button you make visible/invisible? Have you overridden method isEnabled on this two links? Hi, I have rather weird problem. I have a page with navigation panel [mostly bookmarkable links]. It works fine on all but one. On that one

Re: Basic TextField question

2011-06-07 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, are you sure that setModelObject or setModel are really called in your code? If you modify TextField via Ajax be sure you have added it to AjaxRequestTarget When I create a TextField as follows: TextField postCode = new TextFieldString( new ModelString(xxx)); the object is created and

Re: Links blocked when I enter page

2011-06-07 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Can you reproduce this behavior in a quickstart project and attach it to Wicket JIRA? Nope, panel is separate. There should be no connection... I will rather paste some code, maybe it will give a hint... add(new FeedbackPanel(errorMsg)); // starting form private boolean col_approval =

Re: AjaxLink and target=_blank

2011-06-06 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, why you would open a new tab with an ajax link? I mean, on a new you tab you should display a full page, not just an ajax response which usually is a portion of a page. Hello, My question is there any possibility to use AjaxLink with html markup target=_blank? In my code wicket ignore

Re: AjaxSubmitLink in ModalWindow throws Submit Button is not visible exception

2011-06-03 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, I guess the problem is method save() which delays closing of the form and let you click few times consecutively. You can decorate your submit link with an IAjaxCallDecorator in order to disable link on the first click: public class AjaxDisableComponentDecorator implements

Re: Wicket 1.5 - return to previous page link

2011-06-03 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, if I'm not wrong in wicket 1.5 page map has been removed and you should have a compilation error if you write page.getPageMap(). Hello, Is it possible to return to previous page with wicket-link (not browser link). In 1.4 I used: PageprevPage =

Re: Wicket 1.5 - return to previous page link

2011-06-03 Thread Andrea Del Bene
I don't know if in wicket 1.5 there is something to use in place of your old code. Anyway, you could always implement a custom link with a PageReference to the previous page. Yes, indeed that's because I post it on the mailinglist, to know what I should use in place. More info: I can't use

Re: Link onClick() method update on runtime

2011-06-02 Thread andrea del bene
Hi, you can consider to attach/remove behaviors to you link. For example : link = new Link(link){ @Override public void onClick() { } }; link.add(new AjaxEventBehavior(onclick) { protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {

Re: Wicket

2011-06-02 Thread andrea del bene
You can mount a page to a static path in you Application class. in Wicket 1.4.x just call mountBookmarkablePage: //url for asterisk calls mountBookmarkablePage(/DialPage, DialPage.class); Under Wicket 1.5 you should call mountPage instead of mountBookmarkablePage. but I don't know how get the

Re: AutoCompleteTextField

2011-05-31 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, as far as I know there's no standard handler for onselect event in AutoCompleteTextField. But you could attach it a AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(onChange) to execute some code when value changes. Alternatively you could implement a custom AbstractAutoCompleteRenderer which exposes a

Re: How to have custom components interact with CompoundPropertyModel?

2011-05-30 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Can you debug onBeforeRender and see if CompoundPropertyModel refers to the original Panel's field containing the calendar? Or model's object is already null? I tried to call getModel() in onBeforeRender() to get hold of the parent's model (the CompoundPropertyModel of the panel) which works.

Re: How to have custom components interact with CompoundPropertyModel?

2011-05-29 Thread andrea del bene
is done during the constructor (the one with just the component id). On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 8:27 AM, andrea del bene wrote: Hi, Have you called setType(Calendar.class) in your custom form component? Does its model remain 'null'? Hi all, I am pretty new to Wicket (using

Re: Original page cloned after popup dialog closes

2011-05-28 Thread andrea del bene
Hi, sorry but I don't understand where is the model you are trying to modify. Are you sharing a model instance between modal window and RadioListFilterDialog? What does refreshRadioListAreaResponse method do? Andre, Line 41 opens the dialog. The object ID of the page is the same there, on

Re: How to have custom components interact with CompoundPropertyModel?

2011-05-28 Thread andrea del bene
Hi, Have you called setType(Calendar.class) in your custom form component? Does its model remain 'null'? Hi all, I am pretty new to Wicket (using 1.4.10) and have some hard time to figure out how the interaction between components and models exactly works. So I was hopeing that someone here

Re: Original page cloned after popup dialog closes

2011-05-28 Thread andrea del bene
Store data and sharing them across pages/components should be Wicket model's purpose. In your code you create a RadioListFilterDialog as modal window content. Do you pass it the original model of RadioListPage? Wicket creates a new version of the page after a popup Modal Window closes. This

Re: Original page cloned after popup dialog closes

2011-05-27 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Scott, attach onClose() callback code, the problem should be there. Out app has a WebPage that opens a ModalWindow dialog passing in the page. The dialog allows the user to modify the model of one of the page's components. When the dialog closes and the onClose() callback in the page is

Re: problem to test form in modal window with wicket tester

2011-05-26 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Mathilde, maybe the form id you use in test is not correct. How do you add form to modalWindow? Can you attach code? Hi all, I have a modal window with a login form inside that works fine when I test it manually. I try to test it with wicket tester since yesterday. I saw in some mails

Re: problem to test form in modal window with wicket tester

2011-05-26 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Form id is corret, but remember that form and feedback panel are not added directly to modal window. They are inside ConnexionContentPanel which in turn is added to modalwindow. In your test you should be able to access form calling getContent() before get(loginForm), i.e:

Re: problem to test form in modal window with wicket tester

2011-05-26 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Sorry, I didn't noticed that getContent() is protected. The solution you found is perfect :-) I didn't find getContent() method to modalWindow component, but it works well in two steps : ConnexionContentPanel loginPanel = (ConnexionContentPanel) modalWindow.get(modalWindow.getContentId()); Form?

Re: Use pageparameters from authorized page to login

2011-05-25 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Marieke, you could try to read page parameters before redirecting to interceptPage and build an instance of this page passing these parameters. Something like: //read parameters ...parameters = RequestCycle.get().getResquest().getQueryParameters() ; //convert parameters to PageParameters

Re: to integrate wicket with itext or any other framework

2011-05-24 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Spring is not required and you can use just Hibernate. But as best practice is strongly recommended to use Hibernate with some kind of container framework and let it manage Hibernate for you. Spring is probably the most used container framework around the world, but you can choose other

Re: to integrate wicket with itext or any other framework

2011-05-23 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Take also a look at this post, maybe could be useful for you. to integrate wicket with other frameworks such as hibernate and itext any other configuration needed or just we can integrate and then we can create connection

Re: Wicket Cookbook - preventing multiple form submits

2011-05-20 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Your welcome lucast! Don't hesitate to post again if you need more help or some other tricks. Hi Andrea, As you have suggested, on the SubmitOnceForm class, I've added two variables, page reference and page relative path, on calling process I get the copy the values: public void

Re: Wicket Cookbook - preventing multiple form submits

2011-05-20 Thread Andrea Del Bene
By the way, I gave for granted that you move back from the view person panel to the create person one with browser 'back' button. Is it correct or do you use a specific link or button? Hi Andrea, As you have suggested, on the SubmitOnceForm class, I've added two variables, page reference and

Re: Wicket Cookbook - preventing multiple form submits

2011-05-19 Thread Andrea Del Bene
On 19/05/11 10:58, lucast wrote: process(IFormSubmittingComponent submittingComponent) on SubmitOnceForm class calls updateProcessedForms(); and super.process(submittingComponent) if the form hasn't been processed, so I changed the order of the above so that it calls

Re: Wicket Cookbook - preventing multiple form submits

2011-05-19 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Probably your form is removed from component hierarchy when it is submitted.That's why you don't get exceptions if you call get page before form processing. When does your code replace panel? What's inside form's onSubmit method? Hi Andrea, Thanks for your reply. I call updateProcessedForms()

Re: Wicket Cookbook - preventing multiple form submits

2011-05-19 Thread andrea del bene
HI, giving a quick look at your code it seems that your form's parent and the form itself are removed in onsubmit method when it calls callViewPersonPanel. If you wanna call super.process first and then updateProcessedForm in SubmitOnceForm, you should save current page reference and form

Re: IStringResourceLoader database implementation

2011-05-18 Thread andrea del bene
Hi, I've just finished to implement a custom string resource loader which checks for existing resource bundle in database. For now i've used a simple HashMap to store loaded entries and to retrieve them without reading again from database. I've choose HashMap over HashTable because I need

Re: IStringResourceLoader database implementation

2011-05-18 Thread andrea del bene
Did you implemented this cache using some framework (ehcache, terracotta, spring cache, )? I've used a second level cache, works like a charm. - matt -- iPhone Mail On 18.05.2011, at 20:22, andrea del wrote: Hi, I've just finished to implement a custom

Re: Howto modify css-class prefix of all components on a panel?

2011-05-17 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Mike, maybe is not related to your problem, but I think you shouldn't recall vistiChildren inside visitor because visitChildren already traverse the whole hierarchy of children. Hi, i use a component twice. Layout of first component has to be horizontal of second vertical (MainMenu,

Re: MarkupNotFoundException strange behavior

2011-05-17 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Is there any software on the infamous machine that could interfere with the tcp/ip connection (firewall, antivirus, security suite, etc...) ? Yes Clint. In fact extends from BasePage wich extends from WebPage. But the point is, it's working except for one user y one computer. Andrea, It's so

Re: Strange error, cannot modify hierarchy

2011-05-16 Thread andrea del bene
Hi Brown, I've never used isTransparentResolver but I know it was removed in wicket 1.5 because it was it was quite confusing for users: You can try to replace it using one of the solutions

Re: MarkupNotFoundException strange behavior

2011-05-16 Thread andrea del bene
Do you mean that on another computer with the same user you don't get the error? That sounds weird. Have you tried cleaning cache and temporary files on pc that gives error? Hi, I'm having this error: org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupNotFoundException: Markup of type 'html' for component

Re: PropertyModel not binding DropDownChoice

2011-05-16 Thread andrea del bene
Hi lucast, it would help watching source code of event's class to figure out what's wrong Dear Forum, I have yet another question about PropertyModel not binding to an object field but this time using DropDownChoice. In my form I have DropDownChoiceHowOftenType

Re: Grouping DataView

2011-05-15 Thread andrea del bene
Hi Marcus I guess you have already had a look at standard Wicket repeaters: If no one of them satisfy your needs you can consider to implement a custom table view which reproduces the behavior of ERXGroupingRepetition Dear all, sorry for this

Re: warn on exit from browser

2011-05-12 Thread Andrea Del Bene
So far as i know Wicket can't help you that much since this is a pure client side problem. Thank you andrea, but i already managed to use javascript to show a confirm dialog. What I would like to know is if it is possible to change the default behavior of the browser and to show a wicket popup

Re: Getting Parameters from URL

2011-05-12 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, in your you can use static method RequestCycle.get().getRequest() to get the current request and extract parameters. We have code in our session object as follows: public class OurSession extends WebSession { public OurSession(Request request)}{ super(request) // GET

Re: disabled chek box form submit

2011-05-11 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi, disabled input components are not submitted by HTML forms. You can try to hack this standard behavior with some JavaScript: can the disbaled checked check boxes be

Re: Questions Regarding Wicket URL Generation

2011-05-11 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Carlo, what kind of error/exception do you get when you use setResponsePage(new ConfirmPage())? Does it work if you use setResponsePage( ConfirmPage.class); Hi There, I'm mounting bookmarkable pages in the Wicket Application. For example, mount(index, IndexPage.class);

Re: Questions Regarding Wicket URL Generation

2011-05-11 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Sorry, I've misread mail subject :) There is no error. Just the generated url contains a state (wicket:interface=.) which means use this page instance when the user tries to open this Url. Using setResponsePage(Class) has no state and creates a Url which when targeted will create a *new*

Re: FileUploadField Losing Value After Form Submit

2011-05-11 Thread Andrea Del Bene
FileUploadField resets model at end of the request (see JavaDoc). You can use a Label or a DownloadLink to display/download the uploaded file. I've noticed that all the fields keep their values after you submit; the DropDowns, for example, don't get erased. But the FileUploadField does get

Re: FileUploadField.getClientFileName() doesn't give Absolute Path

2011-05-11 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Keep in mind that with Wicket you are on the server side and on this side the file you are uploading simply doesn't exist on file system (so ther's no absolute path). With class FileUpload you can copy this file on your server (with method writeTo( file) ) OR you can simply read

Re: FileUploadField.getClientFileName() doesn't give Absolute Path

2011-05-11 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Keep in mind that with Wicket you are on the server side and on this side the file you are uploading simply doesn't exist on file system (so there's no absolute path). With class FileUpload you can copy this file on your server (with method writeTo( file) ) OR you can simply read

Re: Children components

2011-05-09 Thread andrea del bene
Hi, iterator() method returns an iterator that iterates through children. Maybe is what you need. Wicketers, How can I get a list of children components, for example, I need modify some things on the children components of a Form. Debuging I saw an attribute children but I've not

Re: ComponentFeedbackPanel works during ajax validation, not on form submit

2011-05-05 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Hi Adam, try calling setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true) instead of setOutputMarkupId on your barcodeFeedback. I have a component hierarchy that looks (grossly oversimplified) like: page --form components --form barcodeTextField barcodeFeedbackPanel TextFieldString

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