Re: [Vo]:Is Rossi sick?

2016-03-03 Thread Rich Murray
Experimenters may keep some small plants, animals, and bacteria cultures
adjacent to tests, and monitor them daily, including generations of
offspring, for biology and especially behavior... They might even respond
within seconds to transient events -- small dogs?

Also, many families have members who are natural psychics, who can readily
pick up all kinds of things, if people would only listen openly...

!! Rich Murray  505-819-7388 cell  Imperial Beach, CA

On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 9:57 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> Rossi is complaining about a 'failure to thrive' condition such as losing
> weight without reason. We might consider that a primary symptom of chronic
> radiation exposure is unexplained weight loss.
> Andrea Rossi
> March 3, 2016 at 9:07 PM
> Jed Orwell:
> I continue to lose weight and we do not understand why. I am going to make
> a lot of “scopies” you name one, I scope it, but I feel well and work my 12
> hours per day on my E-Cats; today another important loophole with the E-Cat
> X.
> Anyway: yes, I am ready to pass to my Team all the skills necessary to
> make without me, just in case. But I never in my life worked as well as I
> am doing during these days. Obviously, the faster we go, the better. Until
> the horse is good, better ride him.
> F9.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> LENR could be producing a form of stealth radiation; radiation that
> damages structure and tissue but does not produce a reading on a radiation
> meter.
> John Fisher has detected 1.5 MeV alpha particles radiating from a central
> point of causation. Yet a gamma is not detected that should be there when
> that alpha particle hits the CR-39.
> It is well known in many LENR experiments that helium is detected without
> the generation of gamma radiation. This implies that alpha particles are
> produced without the generation of the gammas that usually accompany the
> alphas.
> How could this be possible, that alpha radiation can exist without the
> detection of gamma radiation? It could be that a general state of multi
> particle entanglement between the alpha particles and their center of
> causation... let us call that cause an exotic neutral particle (ENP)...
> transfers all gamma radiation through a quantum mechanical pathway to the
> ENP.
> However, the damage that the alpha particle produces through kinetic
> impact still occurs. Also, there is evidence that the ENP and float in the
> air. If this is in fact true, this particle can be taken into the body
> where it can catalyze nuclear reactions in tissue... and here too the gamma
> radiation is hidden.
> This possibility entered my mind when Mark LeClair claimed that he and his
> research partner were sickened and entered the hospital after a experiment
> with a cavitation based LENR system. Could LeClair have taken into his body
> a large number of these ENPs.
> It is important to understand how ENPs work if they exist to protect the
> thousands of replicators that will be getting into the science of LENR.
> Like Marie Curie, Rossi might have sacrificed his health to the unknown
> dangers that one must face in the LENR science.

[Vo]:Is Rossi sick?

2016-03-03 Thread Axil Axil
Rossi is complaining about a 'failure to thrive' condition such as losing
weight without reason. We might consider that a primary symptom of chronic
radiation exposure is unexplained weight loss.

Andrea Rossi
March 3, 2016 at 9:07 PM
Jed Orwell:
I continue to lose weight and we do not understand why. I am going to make
a lot of “scopies” you name one, I scope it, but I feel well and work my 12
hours per day on my E-Cats; today another important loophole with the E-Cat
Anyway: yes, I am ready to pass to my Team all the skills necessary to make
without me, just in case. But I never in my life worked as well as I am
doing during these days. Obviously, the faster we go, the better. Until the
horse is good, better ride him.
Warm Regards,

LENR could be producing a form of stealth radiation; radiation that damages
structure and tissue but does not produce a reading on a radiation meter.

John Fisher has detected 1.5 MeV alpha particles radiating from a central
point of causation. Yet a gamma is not detected that should be there when
that alpha particle hits the CR-39.

It is well known in many LENR experiments that helium is detected without
the generation of gamma radiation. This implies that alpha particles are
produced without the generation of the gammas that usually accompany the

How could this be possible, that alpha radiation can exist without the
detection of gamma radiation? It could be that a general state of multi
particle entanglement between the alpha particles and their center of
causation... let us call that cause an exotic neutral particle (ENP)...
transfers all gamma radiation through a quantum mechanical pathway to the

However, the damage that the alpha particle produces through kinetic impact
still occurs. Also, there is evidence that the ENP and float in the air. If
this is in fact true, this particle can be taken into the body where it can
catalyze nuclear reactions in tissue... and here too the gamma radiation is

This possibility entered my mind when Mark LeClair claimed that he and his
research partner were sickened and entered the hospital after a experiment
with a cavitation based LENR system. Could LeClair have taken into his body
a large number of these ENPs.

It is important to understand how ENPs work if they exist to protect the
thousands of replicators that will be getting into the science of LENR.

Like Marie Curie, Rossi might have sacrificed his health to the unknown
dangers that one must face in the LENR science.

Re: [Vo]:Progress in humanoid robots

2016-03-03 Thread Patrick Ellul
One more that links to some other research:
Automation won’t destroy jobs, but it will change them:

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 3:35 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> Another story on the subject
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 3:34 PM, Jed Rothwell 
> wrote:
>> There is a remarkable video in this article, showing the latest humanoid
>> robot from Boston Dynamics. Clearly this machine is not humanoid in the
>> emotional sense, because if it were, it might punch the operator in the
>> nose. I felt sorry for the poor thing, which is like feeling sorry for a
>> dishwasher.
>> - Jed

The daily puzzle everyone can finish but not everyone can perfect!
The quickest puzzle ever!

Re: [Vo]:Russ Gries and QGR doing theory driven LENR research

2016-03-03 Thread Axil Axil
The theory that Russ is working under is based on the crystal structure of
palladium as the basic foundation on which LENR is build. This idea is a
good one but they picked the wrong crystal topology,.

The proper crystal structure is the hexagonal and the trigonal structure.
This is the crystal structure that causes electrons to follow a vortex
path. This is the crystal structure that the Hydrogen Rydberg matter (HRM)
is formed around. This hexagonal crystal  structure is what amplifies the
monopole magnetic field.

Important hexagonal crystals that play a role in LENR besides HRM is mica,
graphite, and quartz. Note that Rossi uses mica in his E Cat X. Holmlid
uses graphite in his HRM production and Etiam uses quartz powder in its

On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 10:22 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> *From:* Jack Cole
> Ø   Russ has been putting together an excellent research program to
> test a research hypothesis about LENR derived from QGR's theories.
> Methodologically, they have consulted with and borrowed the concept of
> loading Pd into zeolites from *Iraj Parchamazad*.  Russ has also
> consulted with several of the LENR greats along the way.
> His web page is reminiscent of JL Naudin’s efforts to cover the entire
> spectrum of alternative energy. Naudin did some very interesting LENR work,
> such as with the Mizuno glow discharge experiments, but he had the habit of
> moving on to something else at the first signs of failure.
> Russ seems to similarly disposed to having way many projects going on
> simultaneously. I hope he sees a glimmer of success and sticks with it.
> There have been a lot of failures with zeolites but they have an internal
> porosity which “ought to be” supportive of high loading, yet first
> zeolites themselves must be loaded with a catalyst, which is tricky since
> you are essentially clogging up the natural porosity.
> That is why the hematite used by Holmlid is alluring. Same nanoporosity
> but much superior magnetic properties and iron has as many Rydberg “holes”
> as nickel. Not to mention far less costly.

RE: [Vo]:Russ Gries and QGR doing theory driven LENR research

2016-03-03 Thread Jones Beene
From: Jack Cole 

*   Russ has been putting together an excellent research program to test a 
research hypothesis about LENR derived from QGR's theories.  Methodologically, 
they have consulted with and borrowed the concept of loading Pd into zeolites 
from Iraj Parchamazad.  Russ has also consulted with several of the LENR greats 
along the way.

His web page is reminiscent of JL Naudin’s efforts to cover the entire spectrum 
of alternative energy. Naudin did some very interesting LENR work, such as with 
the Mizuno glow discharge experiments, but he had the habit of moving on to 
something else at the first signs of failure.

Russ seems to similarly disposed to having way many projects going on 
simultaneously. I hope he sees a glimmer of success and sticks with it. There 
have been a lot of failures with zeolites but they have an internal porosity 
which “ought to be” supportive of high loading, yet first zeolites themselves 
must be loaded with a catalyst, which is tricky since you are essentially 
clogging up the natural porosity.

That is why the hematite used by Holmlid is alluring. Same nanoporosity but 
much superior magnetic properties and iron has as many Rydberg “holes” as 
nickel. Not to mention far less costly.

[Vo]:Russ Gries and QGR doing theory driven LENR research

2016-03-03 Thread Jack Cole
Russ has been putting together an excellent research program to test a
research hypothesis about LENR derived from QGR's theories.
Methodologically, they have consulted with and borrowed the concept of
loading Pd into zeolites from Iraj Parchamazad.  Russ has also consulted
with several of the LENR greats along the way.

This project has taken a lot of time and work, but appears to be close to
running.  Russ brings some unique skills and personality to CF research,
and hopefully they will see some good results.


[Vo]:Master Chef LENR Recipes

2016-03-03 Thread Russ George
It begins to appear that several lenr recipes are at salivatingly close to 
hand. Which is most repeatable and delicious is the most important question, 
and which can readily produce more than a micro-appetizer portion. Is there 
sufficient detail in the recent Chinese paper(s) to put that Asian variation on 
Russian Borscht on the table and compare it with the Floridian olive garden 
style ‘merican fare. Time to pitch and explain your personal favourite along 
with any special spices or techniques … We know that a great truffle risotto 
needs both the real truffles and the proper stirring or it is a failure. Come 
on you French sauciers, where’s your famous touch with the sauce.

RE: [Vo]:Lunar LENR?

2016-03-03 Thread Jones Beene
The ROSAT satellite has picked up lunar X-rays for many years, according to
this site.

"A careful analysis of the observed signal from the dark moon shows it to be
~ 30 times larger than expected" - it has been suggested that this excess
intensity is caused by Bremsstrahlung from "supra-thermal electrons" hitting
the lunar surface from space, but the electrons could be from anywhere,
including LENR.



From: Stephen Cooke 


OK OK. I know this thought and question way way out there... and probably
puts me in the lunatic fringe. I Apolo-gise for that ;) Sorry couldn't


I wonder if there is evidence of LENR on the moon or LUNAR LENR?


The moon is:


1. In vacuum 

2. Has had many thermal cycles (quite long though ~ about 1 month) for
billions of years.

3. Is constantly undergoing ion bombardment from the solar wind etc.

4. Is covered in Moon dust that may have characteristics similar to nano

5. Contains elements and minerals that may be implicated in LENR.


Could it be that the surface layer contains modified isotope ratios that
could be accounted for by LENR? 


I imagine these kind of isotope analysis of LUNAR material have been widely
done but I'm not sure if any Isotope ratios different than those on earth
have been identified. If they have perhaps they have been attributed to
outgassing of lighter nuclei etc.


I suppose to be sure it would make sense to compare with sources below the
surface, perhaps drilled samples. Didn't the recent "Jade Rabbit" rover from
china make drilled samples? I wonder what it showed up.


Have X-ray emissions been detected from the moon?













[Vo]:Optimism- no curse on LENR!

2016-03-03 Thread Peter Gluck
MNo great deal to be an optimist when the Information is quite
Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

RE: [Vo]:Lunar LENR?

2016-03-03 Thread Stephen Cooke
I agree with much you say Axil. As usual you put important things together and 
when I think about what you say I see you put a lot of consideration into your 
With the moon however I'm more wondering about a surface effect.

On a separate point that maybe you could answer: Regarding HRM, UDH or UHH 
would you by chance have some idea what the electron density or associated 
electron plasma frequency would by in these materials? Perhaps it is more 
complex if we consider Surface or Bulk Plasmons? or in particular SPP?
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 11:39:04 -0500
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Lunar LENR?

Unless science understands how LENR produces heat inside planets, they will be 
faced with mounting numbers of unsolvable cosmological conundrums. Scientists 
shocked to find Mercury has liquid metal core and a magnetic field like 
EarthMAY 13, 2015 BY DAN TAYLORScientists shocked to find Mercury has liquid 
metal core and a magnetic field like EarthNASA's MESSENGER spacecraft smashed 
into the planet's surface on April 30after four years in orbit, but not before 
sending back some amazing data.Scientists were floored recently after getting 
back data from NASA’s MESSENGER space probe that showed that Mercury has a core 
filled with sloshing liquid metal, much like Earth — and they’re scratching 
their heads as to how that’s possible.Mercury had been thought to be too small 
to have a liquid core, as scientists believed the metal would have cooled 
relatively quickly in its history, but the MESSENGER space probe sent back data 
before slamming into the planet onApril 30 that indicated that yes, its core 
still contains molten metal, and that metal is creating a magnetic field 
similar to that of Earth, according to a report.It’s nowhere near as 
powerful — scientists estimate that it is 100 times weaker than Earth’s. But 
the findings still surprised scientists who thought they would find a solid 
rock core much like the other rocky planets in our solar system. The findings 
shed new light on the evolution of Mercury, the closest planet to the sun and 
the smallest planet in the solar system, and will force scientists to rethink 
how it developed.The five factors that might contribute to the formation of 
hydrogen Rydberg matter (HRM) are as follows: Electropositive catalytic 
activity (i.e. lithium, potassium, calcium oxide, rare earth oxides), The low 
work function of this material seems to be important in HRM catalytic activity. 
This includes graphite ( In the Lugano report, 
there was a coating of rare earths on the nickel fuel particles. This might be 
related to reducing the work functions of the nickel particles as a result of 
rare earth oxides in the fuel. High pressure produced by flaws in the crystal 
structure of metal (i.e. nickel)Electrostatic field produced by pointy 
nanostructures. Hexagonal crystal structure that provides a quantum mechanical 
template for HRM formation. A long timeframe – this speaks to the fact that HRM 
is driven by probability causation similar to radioactive decay. Once HRM is 
formed, it remains active for a long time if it is kept inside the reactor core 
using containment of a magnetic material.andIf you take a look at the latest 
data from the Pluto flyby, you can see another cosmologic mystery rear its head 
that can be well explained by metalized hydrogen as a LENR heat is 
alive—but where is the heat coming from? Photos of Pluto 
and Moon Surprise, Puzzle ScientistsThere is a tremendous amount of heat coming 
from the interior of Pluto and its small satellite; so much so, that the 
surface of Pluto is resurfaced by the eruption of ice from the interior of 
Pluto. Also there is a constant replenishment of the nitrogen atmosphere of 
Pluto from the interior.The standard causes given for planetary heat production 
does not apply, that being heat from the sun, radioactive decay, and friction 
caused by tidal stretching. Furthermore, there is evidence that other smaller 
free standing bodies in the Kuiper belt sometimes called the Edgeworth–Kuiper 
belt, are at the far edge of the solar system are producing their own internal 
heat.Although to date most KBOs still appear spectrally featureless due to 
their faintness, there have been a number of successes in determining their 
composition. In 1996, Robert H. Brown et al. obtained spectroscopic data on the 
KBO 1993 SC, revealing its surface composition to be markedly similar to that 
of Pluto, as well as Neptune's moon Triton, possessing large amounts of methane 
ice. Water ice has been detected in several the Kuiper belt objects (KBO)s, 
including 1996 TO66, 38628 Huya and 2 Varuna. In 2004, Mike Brown et al. 
determined the existence of crystalline water ice and ammonia hydrateon one of 
the largest

RE: [Vo]:Lunar LENR?

2016-03-03 Thread Stephen Cooke
Interesting paper: 
1234 Y. Kamata , T. Takeshima , T. Okada , and K. Terada

Here is the abstract:


We present the results of an analysis 
by ASCA (Japanese X-ray astronomy satellite)
observation of the lunar surface on July 10th - 11th, 1993. In spite of the 
fact that the
X-ray surface brightness is estimated to be at nearly CXB (Cosmic X-ray 
Background) level,
the X-ray spectrum shows significant deviations in relation to Al-K 
and Si-K 
X-rays. According to the intensity ratios of Al/Si (1-2) and Mg/Si (<0.4), the 
properties of
the X-ray spectrum is consistent with an intermediate abundance ratio between 
highlands and
mares (or relatively similar to highland values). However, the X-ray 
illuminated region on
the lunar surface are mainly covered with mare regions and the emission of Al-K 
and Si-K
fluorescence arises from both day side and night side region of the moon. These 
indicate the existence of X-ray production due to bremsstrahlung, with high 
energy particles
impacting even on the night side. 

Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 17:32:36 +0100
Subject: [Vo]:Lunar LENR?

OK OK… I know this thought and question way way out there... and probably puts 
me in the lunatic fringe… I Apolo-gise for that ;) Sorry couldn't resist.
I wonder if there is evidence of LENR on the moon or LUNAR LENR?
The moon is:
1. In vacuum 2. Has had many thermal cycles (quite long though ~ about 1 month) 
for billions of years.3. Is constantly undergoing ion bombardment from the 
solar wind etc.4. Is covered in Moon dust that may have characteristics similar 
to nano particles 5. Contains elements and minerals that may be implicated in 
Could it be that the surface layer contains modified isotope ratios that could 
be accounted for by LENR? 
I imagine these kind of isotope analysis of LUNAR material have been widely 
done but I'm not sure if any Isotope ratios different than those on earth have 
been identified. If they have perhaps they have been attributed to outgassing 
of lighter nuclei etc.
I suppose to be sure it would make sense to compare with sources below the 
surface, perhaps drilled samples. Didn't the recent "Jade Rabbit" rover from 
china make drilled samples? I wonder what it showed up.
Have X-ray emissions been detected from the moon?



Re: [Vo]:Lunar LENR?

2016-03-03 Thread Axil Axil
Unless science understands how LENR produces heat inside planets, they will
be faced with mounting numbers of unsolvable cosmological conundrums.

Scientists shocked to find Mercury has liquid metal core and a magnetic
field like Earth

Scientists shocked to find Mercury has liquid metal core and a magnetic
field like Earth

NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft smashed into the planet's surface on April
30after four years in orbit, but not before sending back some amazing data.

Scientists were floored recently after getting back data from NASA’s
MESSENGER space probe that showed that Mercury has a core filled with
sloshing liquid metal, much like Earth — and they’re scratching their heads
as to how that’s possible.

Mercury had been thought to be too small to have a liquid core, as
scientists believed the metal would have cooled relatively quickly in its
history, but the MESSENGER space probe sent back data before slamming into
the planet onApril 30 that indicated that yes, its core still contains
molten metal, and that metal is creating a magnetic field similar to that
of Earth, according to a report.

It’s nowhere near as powerful — scientists estimate that it is 100 times
weaker than Earth’s. But the findings still surprised scientists who
thought they would find a solid rock core much like the other rocky planets
in our solar system. The findings shed new light on the evolution of
Mercury, the closest planet to the sun and the smallest planet in the solar
system, and will force scientists to rethink how it developed.

The five factors that might contribute to the formation of hydrogen Rydberg
matter (HRM) are as follows:

Electropositive catalytic activity (i.e. lithium, potassium, calcium oxide,
rare earth oxides), The low work function of this material seems to be
important in HRM catalytic activity. This includes graphite (

In the Lugano report, there was a coating of rare earths on the nickel fuel
particles. This might be related to reducing the work functions of the
nickel particles as a result of rare earth oxides in the fuel.

High pressure produced by flaws in the crystal structure of metal (i.e.

Electrostatic field produced by pointy nanostructures.

Hexagonal crystal structure that provides a quantum mechanical template for
HRM formation.

A long timeframe – this speaks to the fact that HRM is driven by
probability causation similar to radioactive decay.

Once HRM is formed, it remains active for a long time if it is kept inside
the reactor core using containment of a magnetic material.


If you take a look at the latest data from the Pluto flyby, you can see
another cosmologic mystery rear its head that can be well explained by
metalized hydrogen as a LENR heat source.

Pluto is alive—but where is the heat coming from?

New Photos of Pluto and Moon Surprise, Puzzle Scientists

There is a tremendous amount of heat coming from the interior of Pluto and
its small satellite; so much so, that the surface of Pluto is resurfaced by
the eruption of ice from the interior of Pluto. Also there is a constant
replenishment of the nitrogen atmosphere of Pluto from the interior.

The standard causes given for planetary heat production does not apply,
that being heat from the sun, radioactive decay, and friction caused by
tidal stretching. Furthermore, there is evidence that other smaller free
standing bodies in the Kuiper belt sometimes called the Edgeworth–Kuiper
belt, are at the far edge of the solar system are producing their own
internal heat.

Although to date most KBOs still appear spectrally featureless due to their
faintness, there have been a number of successes in determining their
composition. In 1996, Robert H. Brown et al. obtained spectroscopic data on
the KBO 1993 SC, revealing its surface composition to be markedly similar
to that of Pluto, as well as Neptune's moon Triton, possessing large
amounts of methane ice.

Water ice has been detected in several the Kuiper belt objects (KBO)s,
including 1996 TO66, 38628 Huya and 2 Varuna. In 2004, Mike Brown et
al. determined the existence of crystalline water ice and ammonia hydrateon
one of the largest known KBOs, 5 Quaoar. Both of these substances would
have been destroyed over the age of the Solar System, suggesting that
Quaoar had been recently resurfaced, either by unexplained internal
tectonic activity or by meteorite impacts.

In my opinion, LENR based on metallized hydrogen is a possible answer to
these strange cosmological conundrums.

I agree with Ed Storms that the many experiments in LENR show that this
strange process is basically produced among other things by imperfections
in the lattice struct

[Vo]:Lunar LENR?

2016-03-03 Thread Stephen Cooke
OK OK… I know this thought and question way way out there... and probably puts 
me in the lunatic fringe… I Apolo-gise for that ;) Sorry couldn't resist.
I wonder if there is evidence of LENR on the moon or LUNAR LENR?
The moon is:
1. In vacuum 2. Has had many thermal cycles (quite long though ~ about 1 month) 
for billions of years.3. Is constantly undergoing ion bombardment from the 
solar wind etc.4. Is covered in Moon dust that may have characteristics similar 
to nano particles 5. Contains elements and minerals that may be implicated in 
Could it be that the surface layer contains modified isotope ratios that could 
be accounted for by LENR? 
I imagine these kind of isotope analysis of LUNAR material have been widely 
done but I'm not sure if any Isotope ratios different than those on earth have 
been identified. If they have perhaps they have been attributed to outgassing 
of lighter nuclei etc.
I suppose to be sure it would make sense to compare with sources below the 
surface, perhaps drilled samples. Didn't the recent "Jade Rabbit" rover from 
china make drilled samples? I wonder what it showed up.
Have X-ray emissions been detected from the moon?



[Vo]:High Harmoinc Generation in the glow-tube reactor

2016-03-03 Thread Jones Beene
There is a fine peer-reviewed but overlooked paper written by Hagelstein,
Letts and Cravens in the LERN library:

Although ostensibly different from the glow-tube, as an experiment – this
paper could have relevance especially when a glow tube is fueled using
deuterium (LAD instead of LAH). 

This is especially true if a small signal of anomalous high energy photons
are seen in the range of 2.6 – 2.8 MeV along with more IR than there should
be there (which is always the case with the glow-tube). Hagelstein explains
a mechanism for optical phonons and reversible up conversion of IR  (High
harmonics) and also, at a common signature for deuterium reactions. Although
the wavelengths groupings are extremely disproportionate (25 THz and 2.7
MeV) the same kind of frequency disproportion is also a feature of the
Mössbauer effect). 

The experiment suggests nuclear energy is converted to optical phonons in
the lattice, which is related to incandescence. Optical phonons are called
infrared active and are Raman active. Presumably there is reversibility, low
loss and positive feedback, exactly as in Mössbauer.

Alan G has stated that he wanted to do deuterium next, but it is not clear
if and when this will happen. In the paper above, Letts and Cravens used two
lasers in order to achieve the IR beat frequency which had been predicted by
NASA for SPP formation, which is similar to what is seen in an incandescent
glow (glow reactor) at 1200C. 

These IR photons are be in the range of 25-30 THz. That seems to be a sweet
spot for SPP which then translates into densification of deuterons, leading
to nuclear reactions. The important part of the Hagelstein paper for
understanding what could be happening in the glow-tube reactor, IF (big if)
high energy radiation is seen in the range of 2.7 MeV is the mechanism. A
high energy signal (gamma or x-ray, doesn’t matter) is produced from IR and
to a lesser extent, from the nuclear reaction itself.  The spectrum can be
seen on slide 31. 

Now there is an apparent target “signature” to look for, at least when
deuterium is the fuel (it would be a much different signature for protium).
If this signature should show itself in glow tube testing, it would be a
huge advancement in understanding… even if the counts are low (they are
expected to be low). I am surprised Hagelstein does not mention Mössbauer
and bases everything on Corkum, but maybe that is due to spatial constraints
in a slide presentation.


Re: [Vo]:Bremsstrahlung radiation

2016-03-03 Thread H LV
Bob Greenyer explains in this video that the lack of radiation in the
Lugano test is probably due ~1mm or so tungsten envelope
between the reactor core and the alumina tube.

He also describes some neat ideas for a ECat type reactor which could
switch between heat, electricity and light producing modes.


On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 10:00 PM, H LV  wrote:
> If the  spectrum from the MFMP experiment really does come from the
> reactor, and if MFMP reactor could run for 32 days
> without lead shielding would one have to sit right next to it for the
> entire time for it to be harmful?
> Harry
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 6:42 PM, Bob Higgins  wrote:
>> The sensors were placed relatively far away, and the total "dose" was low.
>> For the electronic rate meters, they did not report what they detected,
>> simply that it was below the alarm level that they had set (set where?).
>> There was no spectrometry.
>> On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 4:12 PM, H LV  wrote:
>>> In the Lugano test dosimeters were used to check for gamma/xray
>>> emissions at more than 50 cm from the reactor. (see Appendix 1)
>>> I don't understand all the jargon but over the 32 day duration test it
>>> looks like the dosimeters didn't record anything above background.
>>> If the MFMP reactor resembles the Lugano reactor why didn't the
>>> dosimeters register any radiation?
>>> harry

Re: [Vo]:Yet another Rossi replication reported from China

2016-03-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alain Sepeda  wrote:

Is it uncommon ?

No, on-the-fly calibration is common. It has been widely used, especially
in electrochemical experiments. Fleischmann and Pons recommended it.

All the more Zhang should try it.

> I have seen such practice in many old PdD LENR papers, and in recent Ed
> Storms reports. This is something to promote fo replicators I imagine ?


- Jed