Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-19 Thread maree

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what does the below have to do with the topic ? and haven't we read this
verbatum before ?
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 4:18 AM
Subject: Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

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> 20th century, a century of war
> George Anthony  remembers the victims of  a profitable business
> It is either morbidity or subdued anger, but the slaughter of the First
> War, with its 350 miles of trenches, from the Belgian coast to the Swiss
> border, has always had a fascination for me. Early on, the reading of
> led by Donkeys", "In Flanders fields", "Goodbye to all that", "First day
> the Somme", seeing the play and then the film, "Oh, what a lovely war",
> visiting the Imperial war museum, and the first four lines of the Wilfred
> Owen poem, "Anthem for Doomed Youth",
> "What passing-bells for
> these who die as cattle?
> Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
> Only the stuttering rifles` rapid rattle,
> Can patter out their hasty orisons",
> has fed this fascination for years. And the Cenotaph in Whitehall with the
> Armistice commemoration there; for the establishment to shed crocodile
> every November 11th, has kept it in my mind and everybody else's since
> war ended 82 years ago.
> I suppose it was the sheer size and apparent senselessness of it that is
> overwhelming, even though it was so long ago.  Perhaps that's why it is
> referred to as the Great War. A.J.P. Taylor, in one of his BBC television
> lectures, described it as war of attrition, saying, "That providing the
> French and British lost three and the Germans lost two, the Allies would
> win." No bows and arrows here, as at Crecy, Agincourt, and the Little Big
> Horn. No Waterloo, engaging a mere 140,000 professional soldiery, for only
> one day, leaving 62,000 dead. But a monstrous engagement, killing millions
> no time at all.
> There have been war's since of course, indeed the 20th century's main
> has been war on a frequent and huge scale, fought with ever increasing
> inhumanity with ever increasingly sophisticated weapons.
> Beginning the century with the Boer War, followed by the Russo/Japanese
> the Gulf  war, the French Indo-China war, the Russian Civil war, the 14
> countries war of intervention against the Soviet Union, the Spanish Civil
> war, the Mexican civil war, the Spanish/American Cuba war, the Liberia
> war, the Yemeni war, the Guatemalan war, the Nicaraguan war, the El
> Salvadoran war, the British Malayan war, the Kenya Mau Mau war, the
> war, the Six Day Israeli/Egypt war, the Nagorno/Karabakh war, the
> Bougainville/Papua New Guinea war, the Burma civil war, the Khmer
> Rouge/Cambodia war, the Angola/Unita war, the Nigerian/Biafra war, the
> N.A.T.O. bombing of Serbia, the Afghanistan wars, the Falklands war, the
> Sudan war, the Ethiopia/Eritrea war, the Japanese invasion of Manchuria,
> Chinese Red Army/Kuomintang war, the Sino/India war, the Rwanda/Burundi
> war, the East Timor war of liberation, the Georgian civil war, the Guinea
> Bissau civil war, the Israel attack on South Lebanon, the Kashmir war of
> liberation, the Kosovo civil war, the Iran/Iraq war, the Chechnya civil
> the Tajikistan civil war, the Turkish war against the Kurds, the Uganda
> war, the Moluccas war of liberation, the Comoros civil war, the Turkish
> invasion of Cyprus, the Colombia liberation war, the Zapatista/Mexico
> liberation war, the Western Sahara liberation war, the Sierra Leone civil
> war, the Somalia civil war, the Sri Lanka/Tamil civil war and the Congo
> making 56 qualifying as war. With another 26 "nascent international armed
> conflicts", have in their different ways, demonstrated the Clausewitz
> that "war is politics by other means". Attempts at conquest by one
> power over another to maintain its hegemony, instead of by diplomacy and
> political struggle.
> Young men and women, still 

Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-19 Thread midhurst14

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20th century, a century of war

George Anthony  remembers the victims of  a profitable business

It is either morbidity or subdued anger, but the slaughter of the First World 
War, with its 350 miles of trenches, from the Belgian coast to the Swiss 
border, has always had a fascination for me. Early on, the reading of "Lions 
led by Donkeys", "In Flanders fields", "Goodbye to all that", "First day of 
the Somme", seeing the play and then the film, "Oh, what a lovely war", 
visiting the Imperial war museum, and the first four lines of the Wilfred 
Owen poem, "Anthem for Doomed Youth", 
"What passing-bells for 
these who die as cattle? 
Only the monstrous anger of the guns. 
Only the stuttering rifles` rapid rattle, 
Can patter out their hasty orisons", 
has fed this fascination for years. And the Cenotaph in Whitehall with the 
Armistice commemoration there; for the establishment to shed crocodile tears, 
every November 11th, has kept it in my mind and everybody else's since that 
war ended 82 years ago.
I suppose it was the sheer size and apparent senselessness of it that is so 
overwhelming, even though it was so long ago.  Perhaps that's why it is still 
referred to as the Great War. A.J.P. Taylor, in one of his BBC television 
lectures, described it as war of attrition, saying, "That providing the 
French and British lost three and the Germans lost two, the Allies would 
win." No bows and arrows here, as at Crecy, Agincourt, and the Little Big 
Horn. No Waterloo, engaging a mere 140,000 professional soldiery, for only 
one day, leaving 62,000 dead. But a monstrous engagement, killing millions in 
no time at all.
There have been war's since of course, indeed the 20th century's main feature 
has been war on a frequent and huge scale, fought with ever increasing 
inhumanity with ever increasingly sophisticated weapons. 
Beginning the century with the Boer War, followed by the Russo/Japanese war, 
the Gulf  war, the French Indo-China war, the Russian Civil war, the 14 
countries war of intervention against the Soviet Union, the Spanish Civil 
war, the Mexican civil war, the Spanish/American Cuba war, the Liberia civil 
war, the Yemeni war, the Guatemalan war, the Nicaraguan war, the El 
Salvadoran war, the British Malayan war, the Kenya Mau Mau war, the Vietnam 
war, the Six Day Israeli/Egypt war, the Nagorno/Karabakh war, the 
Bougainville/Papua New Guinea war, the Burma civil war, the Khmer 
Rouge/Cambodia war, the Angola/Unita war, the Nigerian/Biafra war, the 
N.A.T.O. bombing of Serbia, the Afghanistan wars, the Falklands war, the 
Sudan war, the Ethiopia/Eritrea war, the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, the 
Chinese Red Army/Kuomintang war, the Sino/India war, the Rwanda/Burundi civil 
war, the East Timor war of liberation, the Georgian civil war, the Guinea 
Bissau civil war, the Israel attack on South Lebanon, the Kashmir war of 
liberation, the Kosovo civil war, the Iran/Iraq war, the Chechnya civil war, 
the Tajikistan civil war, the Turkish war against the Kurds, the Uganda civil 
war, the Moluccas war of liberation, the Comoros civil war, the Turkish 
invasion of Cyprus, the Colombia liberation war, the Zapatista/Mexico 
liberation war, the Western Sahara liberation war, the Sierra Leone civil 
war, the Somalia civil war, the Sri Lanka/Tamil civil war and the Congo war, 
making 56 qualifying as war. With another 26 "nascent international armed 
conflicts", have in their different ways, demonstrated the Clausewitz dictum 
that "war is politics by other means". Attempts at conquest by one military 
power over another to maintain its hegemony, instead of by diplomacy and 
political struggle.
Young men and women, still see war as an adventure, but not on the scale of 
1914. Even then they had to be lied to, either that it would be all over by 
Christmas or, "Gott mitt Uns". Working conditions, long hours and miserable 
pay, with appeals to patriotism and defence of country, prompted millions 
between 1914 and 1918 to join up for King, Kaiser and "La Patria".
Even though, subsequently, there was something of a sea change in world 
mentality, the Russian October revolution, the Kiel naval mutiny, their own 
artillery shooting French mutineers and demob mutinies here at home, has not 
endured as long as the system which creates war. It did end the age of 
innocence they say, and did radicalise the international working class for a 
while. But within a mere 21 years, it engulfed even more countries, and still 
more millions died. And still the concept of war continues to dominate into 
the 21st century, with more countries with ever ready nuclear weapons, and 
the European Strike Force, allegedly part of t

Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-19 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
> Maree,
> Good question.  "Was it them or the media? You must also remember with
> the conglomeration and monopolization of media into the hands of few,
> that they are dictating according to their profit margin who will be
> heard and who won't". However, who would want a president that follows
> the dictates of media?  This idea is even more demoralizing.
can you say that the media doesnot manipulate what goes on in Congress or
the Pres ?

> It would be great if  we all had time to read history and John Garcia's
> book "Moral Society".  He explains the corrupting nature of bureaucracy
> as power tends to solidify in a few hands and pressures lead to immoral
> decisions until the civilization falls.
Isn't that why there is representative government? Isn't that why there is
freedom of speech, to help reduce the corruption of bureacracy? What about
separation of powers?

>  Autocracy always works to reduce the number of decision makers.  This is
> more efficient, but it also atrophies the whole civilization.  Democracy
> works to include the largest number of decision makers, and this most
> certainly is not efficient, but it is away of life, and rarely do we need
> to be in a hurry to make decisions.

why is it more efficient ? Surely the fact that decisions are reliant on the
encumbent few means that it is less efficient, because they have to wait for
the ulimate one to decide.. Hitler limited power, and his Generals (?)
turned to him for decisions...
>  In a time of emergency we want autocracy for rapid decision making, and
> I think there is an effort to make us all believe everyday is an
> emergency or a day away from all out war, to secure more and more power
> in a few hands.  I am afraid we haven't returned to peace time thinking
> since the invention of air warfare.  In times of peace, we can take the
> time for everyone to give an opinion and discuss things until their is a
> consensus on the best reasoning.   Democracy is a way of life that
> shouldn't be rushed.   CS

Wafare was not an invention. Since the conception of time there has been a
form of warfare.. One party dominating another... As for consensus and
reasoning, wouldn't that lead to stagnation.. anarchy doesn't work, because
there is a need for some person or group to be the guide.

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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-17 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
From: "Troy Heagy>
> >From: maree
> >Some areas have far more that 5 candidates standing for election. Voters
> >number the boxes in order of preference, they do not list candidates.
> Yes, you're right.  I forgot that voters just number the candidates,
> than write in the name.
> So, based on your description, Australia uses a hand-counting system?
definitely. We have thought about using the TAB (betting offices) because
their system is AUs wide, but at this point hand counting.
> > > For example, my presidential ballot might read:
> > > 1. Harry Browne (the best man for the job IMO)
> > > 2. John McCain
> > > 3. George Bush
> > > 4. Al Gore
> > > 5. Buchanan
> > >
> > > Obviously, Harry Browne won't win.  But I don't feel like I've "wasted
> >my
> > > vote" by listing him.  Even if Browne is rejected as unpopular, John
> >McCain
> > > becomes my #2 vote... then George Bush my #3 vote... and so on.
> > >
> >Maybe, maybe not... but I suppose it is a simple explanation. What it
> >basically means is that those 19000 votes that were in didpute, and those
> >votes that went to lesser candidates, by having a preferential system,
> >would have been passed on to other candidates. May have lessened the
> >but then again... may not !
> Well, there's no such think as a perfect counting system.  Any system has
> certain margin of error and hence there will always be disputes in close
> elections.
most definitely

> The reason I think an Australian Ballot is preferable is because it would
> allow the U.S. to have a true multi-party system rather than a duopoly of
> Democrats/Republicans.
> For example, I voted for the Libertarian party.  That was basically a
> vote, because other Libertarian-minded persons are afraid that voting for
> such small party will allow the Democrats to win (as happened in 1992 with
> the Reform & Republican parties splitting the conservative vote).  So,
> vote Republican instead.  And my vote is wasted on a loser party.  And the
> Democrats/Republicans remain dominant.
> An Australian ballot eliminates the "wasted vote" problem.  I can safely
> vote for the Libertarian or Green or Reform parties. and yet still
> them up with a "safe" Republican vote to keep out the Democrat.

that is true also, but in Aus we use statistics also, which allow parties to
see what the populus is thinking, changing preferences, impact of new
parties. So our preferntial system allows the major parties to see that if
there are swings to lesser parties, there is a reason, and therefore the
major parties have policy issues to address. People understand that no vote
is a wasted vote.
> >Please do, we are a caring and sharing nation, you know 
> >maree
> :)
> Troy

> _
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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-16 Thread CAROL L SEATON

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Good question.  "Was it them or the media? You must also remember with
the conglomeration and monopolization of media into the hands of few,
that they are dictating according to their profit margin who will be
heard and who won't". However, who would want a president that follows
the dictates of media?  This idea is even more demoralizing.

It would be great if  we all had time to read history and John Garcia's
book "Moral Society".  He explains the corrupting nature of bureaucracy
as power tends to solidify in a few hands and pressures lead to immoral
decisions until the civilization falls. 

 Autocracy always works to reduce the number of decision makers.  This is
more efficient, but it also atrophies the whole civilization.  Democracy
works to include the largest number of decision makers, and this most
certainly is not efficient, but it is away of life, and rarely do we need
to be in a hurry to make decisions.

 In a time of emergency we want autocracy for rapid decision making, and
I think there is an effort to make us all believe everyday is an
emergency or a day away from all out war, to secure more and more power
in a few hands.  I am afraid we haven't returned to peace time thinking
since the invention of air warfare.  In times of peace, we can take the
time for everyone to give an opinion and discuss things until their is a
consensus on the best reasoning.   Democracy is a way of life that
shouldn't be rushed.   CS

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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-16 Thread Troy Heagy

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>From: maree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Some areas have far more that 5 candidates standing for election. Voters
>number the boxes in order of preference, they do not list candidates.

Yes, you're right.  I forgot that voters just number the candidates, rather 
than write in the name.

So, based on your description, Australia uses a hand-counting system?

> > For example, my presidential ballot might read:
> > 1. Harry Browne (the best man for the job IMO)
> > 2. John McCain
> > 3. George Bush
> > 4. Al Gore
> > 5. Buchanan
> >
> > Obviously, Harry Browne won't win.  But I don't feel like I've "wasted 
> > vote" by listing him.  Even if Browne is rejected as unpopular, John
> > becomes my #2 vote... then George Bush my #3 vote... and so on.
> >
>Maybe, maybe not... but I suppose it is a simple explanation. What it
>basically means is that those 19000 votes that were in didpute, and those
>votes that went to lesser candidates, by having a preferential system, they
>would have been passed on to other candidates. May have lessened the chaos,
>but then again... may not !

Well, there's no such think as a perfect counting system.  Any system has a 
certain margin of error and hence there will always be disputes in close 

The reason I think an Australian Ballot is preferable is because it would 
allow the U.S. to have a true multi-party system rather than a duopoly of 

For example, I voted for the Libertarian party.  That was basically a wasted 
vote, because other Libertarian-minded persons are afraid that voting for 
such small party will allow the Democrats to win (as happened in 1992 with 
the Reform & Republican parties splitting the conservative vote).  So, they 
vote Republican instead.  And my vote is wasted on a loser party.  And the 
Democrats/Republicans remain dominant.

An Australian ballot eliminates the "wasted vote" problem.  I can safely 
vote for the Libertarian or Green or Reform parties. and yet still back 
them up with a "safe" Republican vote to keep out the Democrat.

>Please do, we are a caring and sharing nation, you know 



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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-16 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
> maree,
> I would like to use the Australian ballot form, because I want to know
> how people would vote if they didn't fear the worst choice for president
> would win, if they gave their vote to a third party.  Our present system
> is creating a lie, because it is out of fear that so many people are
> voting for a dominate party candidate instead of the person they believe
> is best suited for office.
But in your system your lesser parties seem to only crop up at election
time, whereas ours are there permanently. Basically, they act as a shield to
ensure that the major parties don't run roughshod over all others. Some may
argue that this has a tendency to generate stagnation, but i think that it
has the capacity to ensure the interests of all are met.

> Our present system has given so much power to the two parties, they can
> abuse their power, as they did when they refused other candidates
> meaningful freedom of speech during the nationally broadcast political
> debates.  This was such an abuse of power the last crumb of hope I had
> that a major party provided an honorable candidate, was crumbled.CS

Was it them or the media. You must also remember with the conglomeration and
monopolisation of media into the hands of few, that they are dictating
according to their profit margin who will be heard and who won't.


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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-15 Thread CAROL L SEATON

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I would like to use the Australian ballot form, because I want to know
how people would vote if they didn't fear the worst choice for president
would win, if they gave their vote to a third party.  Our present system
is creating a lie, because it is out of fear that so many people are
voting for a dominate party candidate instead of the person they believe
is best suited for office.

Our present system has given so much power to the two parties, they can
abuse their power, as they did when they refused other candidates
meaningful freedom of speech during the nationally broadcast political
debates.  This was such an abuse of power the last crumb of hope I had
that a major party provided an honorable candidate, was crumbled.CS

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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-14 Thread maree

well, why don't you tell us what you think, then..

> I have tried using pencil, but it's tough to get off the screen, and no
> seems to respond to my queries
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 6:36 PM
> Subject: Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot
> > What is wrong with pencil and paper?
> >
> > ___
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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-14 Thread maree

> I would very much like the United States to adopt the Australian Ballot. 
>   CS
Please explain why ?
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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-14 Thread maree

- Original Message -
From: "Troy Heagy
> >From: maree
> > > Some have suggested we should do the same here.  That way, people
> >have
> > > 5 votes and not be afraid to vote for smaller parties.
> > >
> > > Troy
> > >
> >How do you work out they get 5 votes ?
> >maree
> The Australian ballots I've seen have 5 lines.  You list the candidates
> like, best to worst.  That's basically 5 votes... unless of course, you
> choose to leave some lines blank.

Well, you haven't seen many Aus ballots, Have you ? We have candidates
listed in order, that they are drawn. That is, candidates names are placed
in containers, of the same size and drawn out, to see in what order they are
listed.. similar to alottery, in Commonwealth elections they actually, use
table tennis balls with numbers. Therefore, the first person to nominate has
the first ball drawn out, etc.. then all the numbers corespond to a
candidate.. they are then redraw to determine ballot position.
Some areas have far more that 5 candidates standing for election. Voters
number the boxes in order of preference, they do not list candidates.

> For example, my presidential ballot might read:
> 1. Harry Browne (the best man for the job IMO)
> 2. John McCain
> 3. George Bush
> 4. Al Gore
> 5. Buchanan
> Obviously, Harry Browne won't win.  But I don't feel like I've "wasted my
> vote" by listing him.  Even if Browne is rejected as unpopular, John
> becomes my #2 vote... then George Bush my #3 vote... and so on.
Maybe, maybe not... but I suppose it is a simple explanation. What it
basically means is that those 19000 votes that were in didpute, and those
votes that went to lesser candidates, by having a preferential system, they
would have been passed on to other candidates. May have lessened the chaos,
but then again... may not !

> The U.S. has absorbed ideas from all around the world... Roman laws,
> courts, German superhighways, Chinese cuisine... perhaps it's time to
> our voting system from the Australians?
> Troy
Please do, we are a caring and sharing nation, you know 


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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-14 Thread my1vice

I have tried using pencil, but it's tough to get off the screen, and no one
seems to respond to my queries
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

> What is wrong with pencil and paper?
> ___
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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-14 Thread midhurst14

What is wrong with pencil and paper?

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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-14 Thread CAROL L SEATON

I would very much like the United States to adopt the Australian Ballot. 

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