
2008-08-03 Thread jlj9675
Welcome back Justin, glad you decided to give us a chance. I like the episodes with the Darling clan as they're so down to earth and honest, not to mention the fine musicianship. Those boys are much the same in person as is Charlene! Aunt Bee of Orlando

Out of character but not much

2008-07-19 Thread jlj9675
There are two scenes that come to mind where Andy Griffith's humorous reaction comes out vs. Sheriff Taylor's slightly lesser grin and laugh: When he and Barn are dragging Ernest T. out of Mrs. Wiley's social and ET grabs onto the doorframe to resist; at Howard's first shindig in his newly

TAGS is everywhere!

2008-07-14 Thread jlj9675
I was tickled to find reference to our beloved Goober in the current issue of Bottom Line Personal under the article How to Find the Best Auto Mechanic. It's so heartwarming to find folks in umpteen places who are fellow Mayberrians! Aunt Bee of Orlando


2008-07-13 Thread jlj9675
I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression that I felt supremely sorry only for Barney or that Thel did something wrong. I just felt so bad that two folks who obviously were crazy for each other never got together (at least at that point). They both looked so glad to see each other

citizen's arrest

2008-07-13 Thread jlj9675
You Linns are obviously raising your younguns right! I sure got a kick out of your family story on the interstate!!! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/


2008-07-11 Thread jlj9675
Well, last night TVLand aired one of the saddest episodes ever. I remember when I saw it for the first time back in the 70s I just bawled my eyes out. That Thel married someone else was just too much. I think the writers rather shortchanged us in that they also implied that Ange and Barn


2008-07-09 Thread jlj9675
Did anyone else notice the mannequin leaning against the lamp post near the diner in last night's episode? It was when Andy was talking to Malcolm when he returned to town once again in a colour episode. The ladies nearby were real, but the man, he wasn't. Aunt Bee of Orlando

Walton tie-in

2008-06-30 Thread jlj9675
I've read before that Sam's house in Mayberry RFD was later the Walton homestead. I don't see a real resemblance myself. We went to the birthplace of Earl Hamner where they have a model of the home, life-size and miniature, among other artifacts from the series and the actual lives of the

Susan Oliver

2008-06-29 Thread jlj9675
I think I remember seeing Susan Oliver (Prisoner of Love) on the old Peyton Place series back when I was in high school. She was very beautiful and usually played a seductive role, just as in Mayberry. I don't recall her name being mentioned either; remember, she was just an overnighter in


2008-06-25 Thread jlj9675
Albert, you're a scream!!! This is THE funniest, most imaginative and creative message we've had in a very long time. I guess your education was worth every penny and I thank you for a good laugh. I'm in awe of your powers of observation in referencing a current modern life crisis and

sets and locations

2008-06-13 Thread jlj9675
I always imagine that the space between Floyd's and the courthouse could have a false front on the street side with a narrow alley only accessible from the back. As for Ange's house, when you go up the stairs and get to the top, you're facing the street and then the second story could be

DVDs and fish

2008-06-05 Thread jlj9675
Janet, along with the laptop, I forgot my DVD player too - I need help LOL!!! As for run up an alley and holler fish I always figured it meant set yourself up to be attacked by cats or it was meant as a dismissal for the notion that the local fishwife was a loudmouth and you could care less

digests still missing

2008-05-23 Thread jlj9675
I received the one-message Digest today but none since issue 131. Welcome to all the new subscribers; hang in there cuz Floyd is working to restore us to full service again! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com


2008-04-29 Thread jlj9675
Don, you and I think alike! I've noticed for years that many meals at lots of locations all over Mayberry seem to be missing a beverage on the table. I guess the prop man was having a cold one elsewhere! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-04-20 Thread jlj9675
I once contacted whatever company did Andy's music and was told that he and Don were trying to find the time to do an album together of the old tunes from the show. Alas, unless they managed to put down some tracks before Don left us, we may never hear them in collaboration except on the shows

Cable channels and Joe

2008-03-29 Thread jlj9675
Thanks for the info on Joe Shablotnick (sp); I thought someone just made up the name; poor Charlie Brown! Also, thanks for the info on those new (old) cable channels; I put in a request to my cable carrier as they are always receptive to viewer input. I hadn't heard of those two before now!


2008-03-24 Thread jlj9675
Paul, you are brilliant! This frightening reality had never occurred to me before. In my shortsightedness, I was only thinking of myself. My selfish spin is the concept of shared experience. I like the feeling that thousands of others are watching and sharing the experience of the show at


2008-03-20 Thread jlj9675
I'm with you, Lee, about the descension of TVLand into ho-hum if not offensive airings. You can't count on them to be consistent either. They seem to interject those goofy Reunion shows and low-rated films at random so you can't count on your favorites being there anymore. I'm real

Opie crying

2008-03-17 Thread jlj9675
I don't recall actually seeing tears, but Opie sniffled when he gave up the grocery job to help that little boy whose family needed the income. It was at the end of a line to his Pa and always make me tear up too. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB


2008-03-14 Thread jlj9675
Whoever put Andy shot at in their subject line scared me! I thought it meant recently so I hurriedly scrolled down to make sure our beloved sheriff was doing okay. Let's refrain from using traumatic words like that, okay?! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___

Thanks and a question

2008-03-08 Thread jlj9675
Thank you for the link to that delightful story on Betty Lynn; just confirms what we've known all along!Now a question: when Andy mentions being in the lower fifth grade and his sweetheart being in the upper, I am not familiar with this concept at all. Can anyone out there enlighten me?


2008-03-07 Thread jlj9675
The TV Pioneers DVD arrived; there's our beloved sheriff right on the cover! This was a series on PBS a few weeks ago and since it heavily featured Andy and our hometown, I wanted it for my collection. With its insights into TAGS, I heartily recommend it!! Aunt Bee of Orlando


2008-03-06 Thread jlj9675
This morning, Price is Right had a Mayberry-themed showcase, in which Mopie of Hayberry presented the prizes with a whistling number in the background! Then at noon an old movie on TCM featured Opie's best housekeeper Rose as a secretary; boy, did she look swell!!! Mayberry is everwhere and


2008-02-28 Thread jlj9675
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the news segment on Dennis Beal. Kudos on being a Mayberry celebrity and your trivia awards. We salute you!!! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Andy ties

2008-02-27 Thread jlj9675
Today's posting about Andy's former student invoked a memory for me. When we first formed the Opie chapter, a woman attended for awhile who had been married to Andy's cousin at one time. The main thing she remembered was how protective Andy's mother was of him and how she never let him get

local airing

2008-02-21 Thread jlj9675
My area no longer airs TAGS; it's been several years now. I'm dependent on TVLand and my own DVDs but PTL for them! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/


2008-02-19 Thread jlj9675
Did everyone see a newspaper article where despite the recent massacre tragedy, the town was touted as being like Mayberry? In light of this and other numerous references, I do believe we're overdue for a new dictionary entry: Mayberry n. name of an iconic, fictionalized town; synonymous with


2008-02-12 Thread jlj9675
Thanks David, for the update on Jeff Branch (our own Howard). He surely is in my prayers as well as the community he serves. Keep us up to date and let us know if there's anything else we can do for him. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-02-12 Thread jlj9675
Praise be to the Linn family for raising their kids right! Delighted to hear that his daughter recognized Floyd in another venue! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Alumni Sighting

2008-02-03 Thread jlj9675
Irene Fairchild was on the Beverly Hillbillies today; I believe she was wooing Jethro; only saw a few seconds. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

A couple things

2008-02-02 Thread jlj9675
Thanks Brent, for the heads up about the Hartmans. I had seen him in an old musical once but did not know about his wife. I'll be looking for that film. Also, all the talk of Sarah reminded me of the film Raggedy Man, in which Sissy Spacek was a small-town operator during WWII (the big

Looking to Heaven

2008-01-31 Thread jlj9675
Thanks, Brian, for noting the episode in which Howard looks upward, giving credit to God for the answer to the church's problem. That brief scene always swells my heart and brings a tear. I consider it one of the most indicative of all Mayberry moments! Aunt Bee of Orlando

Bobby Fleet and language

2008-01-12 Thread jlj9675
The first time I recall seeing our Bobby Fleet was in one of my favorite films Murphy's Romance as the bingo caller; I was so tickled to see him after all those years! As for language on TVLand, add me to the list of those appalled by this breach of decency on the site of our beloved

John O'Connor

2008-01-10 Thread jlj9675
I don't mean to be argumentative but I can't imagine our Mr. Schwump was portrayed by John O'Connor as he is listed as both an actor and director. According to Andy himself, our mystery man was so very bashful and lacking in confidence that when they tried to give him a line or two in one

TAGS on another show

2008-01-03 Thread jlj9675
Last night in our local PBS channel they aired a program called Pioneers in Television. This was the first episode and it was on sitcoms. Not only did they highlight our beloved hometown, there were interviews with Andy on his other work and a great intro of the beginning of the series. The

My vote

2007-12-31 Thread jlj9675
I'm casting my vote that it is our Mr. Schwump in the community dance on Christmas in Connecticut. Thanks to Cheryl for pointing us to the exact spot on YouTube! It is currently playing on our TCM Videos on Demand but I always fall asleep before it gets to the dancing scene!! Meanwhile, Happy


2007-12-29 Thread jlj9675
Hearty congratulations to MariEllen for getting cancer-free recently! So glad to hear good news at holiday time on top of the reiteration of our Saviour's birth!!! Thanks for sharing. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com


2007-12-24 Thread jlj9675
Thanks Bob, for the heads up on the Don Knotts tribute. Some people are surely talented when it comes to computers and putting great things like that together! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com


2007-12-22 Thread jlj9675
Thank you Sharon for telling us about American Life. I never heard of it so I checked out their site and found a lot to like. I emailed my cable carrier and urged them to consider it. Like you, I am dismayed at TVLand's decision to add tacky programs like Just Shoot Me. I thought their


2007-12-16 Thread jlj9675
Today's newsletter just evoked a memory for me concerning doctors. When I was in grammar school in North Carolina, doctors came to our school on a regular basis to give immunizations and perfunctory examinations, including hearing and vision tests, in the library. We had to line up and be

Red Cross and the kids

2007-12-14 Thread jlj9675
I remember a Red Cross sign up on the side of a building one time but don't remember in which episode. And thanks to Paul for his vignette; you can tell he's raising his kids right when they can recognize a TAGS reference!! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___


2007-12-08 Thread jlj9675
One of my all-time favorite episodes is the rose episode in which Clara gives up her blue ribbon to Aunt Bee. The depiction of the ultimate sacrifice in the name of friendship always makes me cry. It seems to embody the true spirit of Mayberry in one small moment. Aunt Bee of Orlando

Favorite tune

2007-12-03 Thread jlj9675
On the Waltons this morning, Jason was playing Otis' favorite tune, The Dipsy Doodle, on the piano at the Dew Drop! It took me a moment to figure out what I was hearing but then it clicked! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-11-17 Thread jlj9675
I went to the Wikipedia link and did not see this offensive entry so maybe it has blessedly been removed. Apparently the poster of this discussion thread is one of those obsessed with sex and assumes the rest of us are too. A lady who was offended by vulgar language like running with would not


2007-11-15 Thread jlj9675
I surely don't mean to argue or dispute the conclusions of Paul, trained noticer and fact-finder extraordinaire, but I myself imagine that Barney and Ange just refer to themselves as cousins like lot of folks in small towns do. They make reference in one episode about knowing one another since


2007-11-13 Thread jlj9675
I personally want to thank the fine folks at Mayberry on Main for their update of all the folks we know in Mt. Airy. They do indeed seem like old friends and since I have not been able to go there in some time now, I do appreciate hearing they are all fine. I look forward to bringing a friend

Veterans Day

2007-11-11 Thread jlj9675
Happy Veterans Day to all of you out there who defend our country and uphold the ideals of the American way of freedom! I am much obliged. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com


2007-11-09 Thread jlj9675
What book is Mayberry State of Mind reader talking about? I tried emailing you but it was returned and the web link did not work. I hope I haven't missed a book about Mayberry. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com


2007-11-05 Thread jlj9675
Albert, are you in advertising? You should be! I thoroughly enjoyed your plug for Foley's and the cute jingle in there too!! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://wbmutbb.com/mailman/listinfo/wbmutbb_wbmutbb.com

TVLand ad

2007-10-23 Thread jlj9675
Aren't you all just tickled pink that the newest TVLand ad with that darling guitar-playing girl includes the fact that we can watch Andy on the website all the time? I noticed it right away and felt so proud of our beloved sheriff! Aunt Bee of Orlando

Don and the harmonica

2007-10-21 Thread jlj9675
All I can figure is that Don Knotts, in his usual caring way, couldn't bear to disappoint an obvious fan and answered in a positive way! Wouldn't it be fun to query Ange on this? I bet he can remember one way or the other. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___

Barney Jr.

2007-10-20 Thread jlj9675
Hey Cindy, I wish we could see a photo of your little Barney! I bet he was adorable and had the best costume in the whole neighborhood. You are a very caring, involved mommy and I salute you!!! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-10-18 Thread jlj9675
Once when Don Knotts appeared here at MGM, I asked him if that was really him playing the harmonica and he grinned and said yes, that he'd been playing since childhood! He complimented me on my hat and I thought that was real sweet. Aunt Bee of Orlando

colors and photos

2007-10-17 Thread jlj9675
Thank you Jeanie for your wonderful website and photos. I thoroughly enjoyed viewing all the goings-on at this year's fest. I'm with Jeff on the color episodes. There are some good stories and life lessons as well as finding out what our hometown looks like for real! Aunt Bee of Orlando


2007-10-14 Thread jlj9675
Our favorite Marine is featured in the 1968 Time Capsule pages of this month's Reminisce magazine. He is shown waving to us in his utilities and the text says his TV show was very popular that year. I'm so proud! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB


2007-10-08 Thread jlj9675
Ooh, a real mystery at last! I'd like to see the entire question in question, if you will. Perhaps the trivia contest writers didn't do enough homework this time. In any case, this should be cleared up and the rightful owner declared. After all, we thrive on honesty and good living in


2007-10-05 Thread jlj9675
My Mayberry pal and I went to bingo Wed night and made a toast to the 47th anniversary of the debut of TAGS! We're looking forward to whatever festivities may come for the grand and glorious 50th!!! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

lunch box saga

2007-09-25 Thread jlj9675
Kim, you and your lunch box saga are a scream!!! I got real tickled at your last line. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://wbmutbb.com/mailman/listinfo/wbmutbb_wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

alumni sighting

2007-09-15 Thread jlj9675
On an old movie this morning, there was Aunt Bee's baby sister serving as a Navy nurse to none other than Cary Grant! No, he didn't say Judy, Judy, Judy to her either. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com

Good ole' 14A

2007-09-07 Thread jlj9675
This morning's episode of The Waltons, in which John-Boy graduated from high school, depicted a crowd of folks in pre-ceremonial festivities. Faint strains of Welcome Sweet Springtime could be heard on a piano very briefly but it was unmistakably present and most welcome to this Mayberrian!

Alumni sighting

2007-09-06 Thread jlj9675
I watched part of a delightful film this afternoon titled Glory, about horse racing. Howard McNear's predecessor appeared as an investor in the title horse and little Margaret O'Brien, all grown up, was the star. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB

Otis' job

2007-08-30 Thread jlj9675
Seems at one time it was stated that Otis was a glue-dipper at the furniture factory. That could explain his drinking as I've heard that folks who are subjected to strong odors on the job (painters and the like) can only clear out their sinuses by imbibing alcohol. Aunt Bee of Orlando

Mayberry on Main

2007-08-30 Thread jlj9675
I hope I don't get a rude, but I just have to tell you all about the pleasant online shopping experience I have had with Mayberry on Main. They are the only source for the new Mayberry's Finest canned goods so I placed an order. They also carry some unique Mayberry-related items in non-food

Aunt Bee

2007-08-28 Thread jlj9675
I figure Frances Bavier was just plain too tired to put up with all the fuss and folderol that would have ensued just for her to do a voice taping in her home. And think of the disruption to her household of cats?! It obviously wasn't worth it to her and she rightly felt she didn't owe anything

Mayberry is everywhere

2007-08-07 Thread jlj9675
In watching a program about that lovely family of 16, now 17, children, before they got into the RV for a vacation, the parents stated the rules to the kids: #1 Obey all rules, #2 No writing on the walls as it is hard to get writing off of walls. They purport to not watch TV but I'm guessing

Support for our troops

2007-08-04 Thread jlj9675
I have an idea to support the troops too. Let's each of us donate what we can to TAGSRWC in the name of our troops so Jim can send a set (or more) of the DVDs to the USO that serves our Iraqi forces. I will match whatever is collected and cover the postage to send these. I can't think of any


2007-07-21 Thread jlj9675
I have to disagree with whoever posted that the new Floyd's Barbershop from Hawthorne Village is nice. Obviously the designer of these buildings is not a devout fan of the show as they do not resemble the actual buildings much at all. I'm keeping it, as well as the future ones, as I collect


2007-07-19 Thread jlj9675
I have a hint for those who experience the sudden appearance of question marks in the text of their messages. After examining those posts, it occurred to me that it seems to happen just before a capital letter. If your keyboard is as sensitive as mine, perhaps when you depress Shift to

Bert Mustin

2007-07-05 Thread jlj9675
I believe I remember Bert Mustin being on both All in the Family and Phyllis, portraying love interests for a couple of older ladies. I also remember seeing him on Leave it to Beaver as the fire chief in whom Beaver confided a great deal; a real figure of authority and hero for little

Alumni sighting

2007-06-30 Thread jlj9675
Today I watched part of an old Jerry Lewis film called Ladies Man and one of the sound technicians was portrayed by Mayberry's mailman; I believe his name was Doodles Weaver? Let me wish everyone a wonderful Independence Day celebration next week; wouldn't it be great to be in Mayberry

Those rooms and addresses

2007-06-24 Thread jlj9675
When I re-did my guest bathroom, I chose a lavatory to match the one I saw when Opie got a lecture about teeth-brushing in one episode. As to children addressing adults, I insist on titles always. My nieces and nephews must address me as Aunt Neenee till they're adults and other children

Music and Matlock

2007-06-21 Thread jlj9675
Thanks Paul; I figured you'd have the answer I was looking for; now I need to get out my Ange CDs and find that other incidence! As for guest visits to Matlock, seems to me that Everett Greenbaum once portrayed a judge around the same time he was doing auto ads for TV; can't recall the maker

Mayberry stars' mementoes

2007-06-09 Thread jlj9675
I was fortunate to purchase Frances Bavier's leather needle case at a Mayberry event several years ago. It came with a financial document and I have both in a framed shadow box in my guest room, which is all Mayberry. But I would have to say that my most awesome Mayberry moment was when Don

Head all wet

2007-06-08 Thread jlj9675
I tried to email Barbara separately but it came back undeliverable. When I feel like something makes my head all wet, I believe it's the temperature or the spiciness of the food that causes my sinuses to produce fluid, resulting in a mild runny nose; most aggravating at the table! Aunt Bee of

film recommendations

2007-06-02 Thread jlj9675
I want to sincerely apologize for my negative critique of Waitress. It was wrong of me to assume that everyone goes to the movies with the same expectations just cuz we're Mayberrians. I do want to be entertained but I like to be uplifted and inspired. This film did just the opposite, hence


2007-05-26 Thread jlj9675
I saw Waitress yesterday and although Andy did a fine, yet shaky, job of his role, the overall climate of the film is rather depressing. Just about everyone depicted is living an immoral lifestyle. There is no redeeming value other than the humor now and then until the very end and even that

Directions, old tapes and lighters

2007-05-23 Thread jlj9675
I've noticed for years how some street scenes don't match up and how Opie walks a different way to school several times. If you take note of their home, it was just up the street a few houses from the side of the drugstore across from the courthouse. And their church was virtually across the


2007-05-15 Thread jlj9675
Watched An Affair to Remember last night and realized Miss Kerr's caretaker neighbor at the end of the film was the lady in Andy's laundromat who wanted him to hold up her dress so she could determine the possible shrinkage factor! Whatta' character?! Aunt Bee of Orlando


2007-05-14 Thread jlj9675
I am getting tensed. I saw a trailer for Waitress again today at the theater but none of the websites I've checked show it in my area. There was a sneak preview at some obscure little venue yesterday in honor of Mother's Day but I was unable to go. Does anyone know if it will be widely

Sending pkgs

2007-05-06 Thread jlj9675
I know it's disappointing but there are crooks even in our Postal Service, despite their attempt to monitor employees. If you insured it you can put in a claim for the full cost of the set. I often use UPS as they include insurance up to $100 and are very trustworthy and have excellent


2007-05-02 Thread jlj9675
I'm with you Dennis. TVLand seems to be degenerating into tacky, if not downright nasty offerings. What's with these grade B movies? Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com

Russell Hiatt

2007-04-26 Thread jlj9675
I went to the Men's Health website and could not find anything with Russell Hiatt. Do we know which article or section mentions him? He's one of Mt. Airy's nicest fellas and I'd love to read of him. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Dual roles

2007-04-16 Thread jlj9675
I just noticed another dual role recently. The ear dr at the recruitment center who tested Ernest T. is the same man who portrayed Ramona Wiley's husband in the reunion episode (I think). Paul, can you verify this? Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB


2007-04-06 Thread jlj9675
I don't agree with the description of Barney in its entirety but you have to admit that there were several instances of his obnoxious behavior. I believe it is a testament to the goodness of Andy and Mayberry in general that his shortcomings were overlooked and he was cherished for his

Donations and escorts

2007-04-02 Thread jlj9675
Nursing and retirement homes also welcome donations of nice videos for their residents to enjoy.As for an escort, I'd opt for Goober or Howard anytime; they're both good dancers, enthusiastic fellas and respectful of ladies - as they are wont to say these days, they're the whole package!

Question and mention

2007-03-30 Thread jlj9675
Andy's home is in Manteo and it's mentioned in the episode where Goober registers with that dating service.Also, in the March issue of Traditional Home there is an article on antique silver; it states that Easley, SC is like Mayberry. Do we have any members from that obviously charming

Voting and sending

2007-03-29 Thread jlj9675
I too sent Russell a card although worried about postal thieves. Also sent one to Dabbs Greer. Thank you to those who give us a heads up on these things. Also voted for Barney in that Florida paper; he's now ahead!!! Tried to vote in the Alabama one but it was already closed. Aunt Bee of


2007-03-26 Thread jlj9675
I like it when Andy says Hallelujah, although a bit jaded, after Barn's uvula declaration. Puts me in mind of holiday time at the post office; the clerk told me they were just about out of the religious stamps-they're the most popular and I sang out Hallelujah! He looked a bit startled but all


2007-03-23 Thread jlj9675
I'm with you Ken; life in Mayberry is what life is meant to be and can be if we all tried more. I remember it being like that when I was a child in southern California in a mid-sized city. Perhaps it was just the way I was raised in a loving, Chrisitan family. I always reply to skeptics and

New film?

2007-03-16 Thread jlj9675
At the theater today I saw a trailer for Waitress and guess who is in it? Our beloved sheriff! Not sure when it comes out but it must be fairly soon. If this has already been brought up, I apologize, I'm forgetful these days. I sure enjoyed seeing him and will go see the whole film if it's not

Unseen characters

2007-03-05 Thread jlj9675
To my mind the most mentioned, therefore real, but unseen character was Sarah, our beloved phone operator, friend to everyone and with a hand (or ear) on the pulse of the whole town! Remember her mama falling down in the bowling alley? I worried about her even though it was comical. Aunt Bee of

gas spill

2007-02-18 Thread jlj9675
A gas pump once backfired and I ended up with it all over my blouse; however, within a few minutes, the actual liquid properties had evaporized. I went on to do my grocery shopping without any ill effects except the lingering odor of fuel. Aunt Bee of Orlando


2007-02-13 Thread jlj9675
Most folks know me so well as being a huge fan of TAGS that when I say something they're not familiar with, they grin and say Mayberry - right? I then grin and nod; sometimes sparks a conversation, sometimes not. Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing

Smith Bros. Institution

2007-02-09 Thread jlj9675
I feel the squad car or a mock-up of the Taylor front porch should grace subject museum! Aunt Bee of Orlando ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://mail.wbmutbb.com/mailman/listinfo/wbmutbb_wbmutbb.com

White window cleaners

2007-02-07 Thread jlj9675
I believe the white cloudiness on the drugstore windows might've been glasswax or a similar product of that era. I mostly remember using it to fill in holiday stencils on our windows at Christmastime. I bought a retro pkg of the stencils at Restoration Hardware a few years back! Aunt Bee of

Mt. Pilot um er Pilot Mountain

2007-01-25 Thread jlj9675
I can confirm the size of the town of Pilot Mountain as my late beloved took a flip thru there once when we went to Mt. Airy; it is indeed much smaller than the latter but charming nonetheless. I figure Mt. Airy is their big town to go to on Saturday night! Aunt Bee of Orlando

December Bride and spaghetti

2007-01-24 Thread jlj9675
Yes, I can remember watching reruns of December Bride in the summertime as a child. I loved it as I remember and wish they'd get it on TVLand. Whenever I wake up with a hankering for spaghetti, I know I've heard that episode in my sleep (ever since my beloved went to Heaven, I have to sleep

Front porches

2007-01-08 Thread jlj9675
My late beloved always wanted a front porch but never got to it. After he went to Heaven, I had one added along with a white picket fence so Thelma Lou could run around while I sit out there. However, it is so hot most of the year that even with a ceiling fan, I do not get a lot of


2006-12-30 Thread jlj9675
I've tried for years to get the postal service to issue a stamp honoring Mayberry; even suggesting using the courthouse with just the word Mayberry below it instead of one of the stars, who has to be deceased 10 years. For some peculiar reason (I wonder what causes that?), they have declined

new puzzle

2006-12-28 Thread jlj9675
In the MIles Kimball catalog I received recently there is a new puzzle called TV History. You can clearly see Barney in the upper right corner so I'm ordering it. It's 1000 pieces, 24x30 and $12.99. Our heroes are everywhere!!! Aunt Bee of Orlando

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