Re: [Wikimedia-l] 1000 "Little Masters" on-line, a Wikimedia CH / Swiss National Library project

2015-01-21 Thread Charles Andrès
Yes, here:

and if you need to do a specific search in the Swiss National Library, there is 
a custom search here


> Le 20 janv. 2015 à 18:54, Yaroslav M. Blanter  a écrit :
> On 2015-01-20 18:51, Charles Andrès wrote:
>> Dear Wikimedians,
>> please find here an information about one of the outcomes of the
>> Wikipedian in Residence experience at the Swiss National Library, a
>> Wikimedia CH initiative.
>> Charles
> Hi Charles,
> this is absolutely great, congratulations.
> Is there a dedicated Commons cat where the images lie?
> Cheers
> Yaroslav
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[Wikimedia-l] 1000 "Little Masters" on-line, a Wikimedia CH / Swiss National Library project

2015-01-20 Thread Charles Andrès
Dear Wikimedians,

please find here an information about one of the outcomes of the Wikipedian in 
Residence experience at the Swiss National Library, a Wikimedia CH initiative.


Oltre 1000 Schweizer Kleinmeister on-line
La Biblioteca nazionale svizzera ha reso liberamente accessibili, su Wikimedia 
Commons, più di 1000 opere dei cosiddetti Kleinmeister svizzeri. Si tratta di 
una serie di paesaggi realizzati tra Settecento e Ottocento che offre uno 
scorcio ricco di sfaccettature su come apparivano il territorio e la cultura 
della Svizzera a quel tempo.
Grazie alla collaborazione con Wikimedia Svizzera, la Biblioteca nazionale 
svizzera (BN) è in grado di rende accessibili on-line sempre più documenti di 
dominio pubblico provenienti dalle sue collezioni. Recentemente sono state 
caricate oltre 1000 opere dei Kleinmeister svizzeri su Wikimedia Commons, 
l’archivio multimediale di libero accesso di Wikipedia.
Per Kleinmeister svizzeri s’intendono gli artisti attivi tra metà Settecento e 
metà Ottocento che, con la diffusione del viaggio culturale, iniziarono a 
immortalare in disegni, acquerelli e dipinti ad olio paesaggi e scene 
caratteristiche di vita quotidiana, vendendo in seguito le loro opere in 
originale o riprodotte in stampe ai viaggiatori. L’opera artistica dei 
Kleinmeister svizzeri offre uno scorcio ricco di sfaccettature sul territorio e 
la cultura della Svizzera a quel tempo. Per questo motivo è tuttora di grande 
attualità sia per la storia dell’arte e della cultura, sia per la ricerca nelle 
scienze naturali.
La BN possiede la collezione di Schweizer Kleinmeister dal 1982. In quell’anno 
Annemarie Gugelmann le cedette la collezione che aveva costituito insieme al 
fratello Rudolf. Si tratta di una delle donazioni più preziose mai ricevute 
dalla BN. La fondazione Graphica Helvetica, nata anch’essa dall’impegno dei 
fratelli Gugelmann, permette di ampliare costantemente la collezione.

1000 petits-maîtres suisses en ligne
La Bibliothèque nationale suisse met à disposition plus de 1000 tableaux des 
petits-maîtres suisses sur Wikimedia Commons. Il s’agit de paysages des 18e et 
19e siècles. La collection donne un riche aperçu des paysages et de la culture 
suisses d’antan.
Grâce à sa collaboration avec Wikimedia Suisse, la Bibliothèque nationale 
suisse (BN) met régulièrement en ligne des documents libres de droits de ses 
collections. Elle vient de téléverser sur Wikimedia Commons, les archives 
libres de Wikipedia, 1000 tableaux des petits-maîtres suisses.
Les petits-maîtres suisses sont des artistes dont la production va du milieu du 
18e au milieu du 19e siècle. Avec l’apparition du voyage d’études classique, 
ils s’étaient mis à illustrer des paysages et des scènes du quotidien typiques 
au crayon, à l’aquarelle et à l’huile. Ils vendaient les originaux les estampes 
aux voyageurs. La production des petits-maîtres suisses donne un riche aperçu 
des paysages et de la culture suisses d’antan. Elle toujours d’actualité, tant 
pour l’histoire de l’art et des civilisations que pour la recherche ès sciences 
La Bibliothèque nationale suisse possède depuis 1982 une collection de 
petits-maîtres suisses. Il s’agit d’un don d’Annemarie Gugelmann, qui avait 
constitué cette collection avec son frère Rudolf. C’est un des cadeaux les plus 
précieux que la BN ait jamais reçus. C’est également à l’engagement de la 
famille Gugelmann qu’on doit la création de la fondation Graphica Helvetica 
grâce à laquelle la collection continue d’être élargie.

1000 «Schweizer Kleinmeister» online
Die Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek stellt über 1000 Bilder der «Schweizer 
Kleinmeister» auf Wikimedia Commons zur freien Verfügung. Es handelt sich 
umLandschaftsbilder aus dem 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Die Sammlung gibt einen 
reichhaltigen Einblick in Landschaft und Kultur der Schweiz von damals.
Dank der Zusammenarbeit mit Wikimedia Schweiz macht die Schweizerische 
Nationalbibliothek (NB) laufend gemeinfreie Dokumente aus ihren Sammlungen 
online zugänglich. Seit neustem sind 1000 Bilder von «Schweizer Kleinmeistern» 
auf Wikimedia Commons, dem freien Medienarchiv von Wikipedia, hochgeladen.
Bei den «Schweizer Kleinmeistern» handelt es sich um Künstler, die von der 
Mitte des 18. bis in die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts wirkten. Mit dem Aufkommen 
der klassischen Bildungsreise haben sie damit begonnen, Landschaften und 
charakteristische Alltagsszenen in Zeichnungen, Aquarellen sowie in Öl 
festzuhalten. Diese Werke verkauften sie im Original oder als grafische Blätter 
an Reisende. Das Schaffen der «Schweizer Kleinmeister» gibt einen breit 
gefächerten Einblick in Landschaft und Kultur der Schweiz von damals. Es ist 
bis heute für die kulturhistorische, kunstwissenschaftliche und die 
naturwissenschaftliche Forschung von Interesse.
Die Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek ist seit 1982 im Besitz einer Sammlung 
von «Schweizer Kleinmeistern». Dabei hand

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimédia France board handbook

2014-12-11 Thread charles andrès (WMCH)
Thanks a lot Wikimedia France,

Another good exemple why we need to improve the Translation system on-wiki and 
allow to start from non-english source.


> Le 11 déc. 2014 à 10:39, Claudia Garád  a écrit :
> Thanks for sharing Emeric and Jean-Fred!
> I would love to see a translation of this important resource and I'm sure it 
> could be useful for others as well. :-)
> Best
> Claudia
> Am 11.12.2014 um 07:20 schrieb Emeric Vallespi:
>> Hi, and thanks for your support :)
>> Sure Winifred, I will add a learning pattern, actually it's on my to-do
>> list!
>> In order to improve our sharing with the movement, we are thinking about
>> translate some of documents we produced. Let us know if you think useful
>> to translate the WMFr Board Handbook, even if others already exists in
>> english.
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia France] WikiCheese crowdfunding - Let's photograph 'em all

2014-11-28 Thread Charles Andrès
Forget about Scotland and Belgium,

We have all you need in Switzerland, come before we close the chapter!


Ps: sorry for the poor quality of the picture but the mailing list has a 100ko 
limit policy!
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Why is bank transfer no longer possible?

2014-11-27 Thread charles andrès (WMCH)
I just try and I am randomly redirected to the localize page or the WMF page…..

> Le 27 nov. 2014 à 09:20, rupert THURNER  a écrit :
> The day before yesterday I was presented a fundraising banner in
> Switzerland which redirects to the donation page of Wmf, contrary the
> chapters page.
> Rupert
> On Nov 26, 2014 3:18 PM, "Kim Bruning"  wrote:
>> Just following up,
>> Has WMNL now received the sought information?
>> sincerely,
>>Kim Bruning
>> On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 08:42:01AM +0100, Lodewijk wrote:
>>> It seems everyone agrees it is an important method (although I'm not 100%
>>> sure that the US based people running the fundraiser fully comprehend - I
>>> am assuming this is the case), but there seems to be some reason why the
>>> WMF chooses to not make this option easily available. A reason they
>> choose
>>> not to disclose, but to be fuzzy about. I'm very sorry about this, and as
>>> Liam says, this fits in a trend with the Russian people no longer being
>>> allowed to donate. Maybe the two are connected, but this is all
>>> speculation.
>>> I'm sorry to see these steps back from the more open attitude there was a
>>> few years back. It feels very much that we are, as a community, being fed
>>> canned press answers. But then, maybe there's a real need for that and
>>> there's a huge legal threat to making it easy to donate through bank
>>> transfer that cannot be disclosed...
>>> Best,
>>> Lodewijk
>>> On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 1:34 AM, Kim Bruning 
>> wrote:
 To amplify:
 Paying (business) taxes in The Netherlands now pretty much requires
 electronic payment to an IBAN Account; a.k.a. it is (now) the standard,
 default, baseline way to make payments at all.
 After registering a business, the very next action is to open an (IBAN)
 account. All extant dutch accounts that predate IBAN have been
>> converted
 to IBAN. All administration systems (must(!)) support IBAN.
 If you want to do business in the Netherlands, you need to support
>> IBAN.
 Note that many (most?) dutch citizens do not have credit cards or
>> paypal
 Further, IBAN is standardized throughout the euro-zone.
 iDEAL is nice to have and important. IBAN is a minimal baseline
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 10:42:31PM +0100, Walter Vermeir wrote:
> Op 17-11-14 om 20:28 schreef Lodewijk:
>> you back to the credit card page) or even via regular bank transfer
>> an IBAN) in the Netherlands. The donation page
> Historically the structure of bank account numbers are very different
> from country to country. And making transfers from one bank account
>> to
> an other bank account, especially internationally, are/where complex
>> and
> expensive.
> There is still a lot of room of improvement but nevertheless it has
> never been so easy and cheap to do international transfers as now.
> The IBAN system - International Bank Account Number - is active in a
> fair chunk of the globe.
> Inside the EURO-zone , 19 countries, ?? 337 million Europeans ,
>> people
> can make a bank transfer to an EURO-zone IBAN bank account without
> additional expenses.
> Many more outside the EURO-zone can easy make international payments
>> to
> an IBAN bank account. That is not free ... but paypal is certainly
>> not
> free also. The costs are just deducted from your donation.
> The WMF has always has been a huge fan of payment by credit cards.
> Understandable, the WMF is founded in the country of the Credit card.
> But that can make you blind to the fact that other people are used to
> total other payment systems.
> A couple of years ago I discovered that there where still people
>> using
> cheques in France. That came as a total surprise to me. I remember my
> dad using cheques 30 years ago. I never came in to contact with a
>> cheque
> since then. To my knowledge cheques where long gone. History.
>> Extinct.
> But ... when you have the financial business concept of the WMF -
>> when
> you need money beg for it - the donation channel should be tailer
>> made
> for the specific common way of payment used by the person who is so
>> good
> to be willing to make an donation.
> Walter
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Recognition of Algeria Wikimedians User Group

2014-11-02 Thread charles andrès (WMCH)

> Le 1 nov. 2014 à 19:17, Carlos M. Colina  a écrit :
> Dear all,
> We are pleased to announce the recognition [1] of the third Wikimedia User 
> Group from the Arab World and the fifth from Africa: Algeria Wikimedians User 
> Group.
> Our Wikimedian brothers and sisters in Algeria have for a long time wanted to 
> associate and multiply their contributions tigether, since as early as 2009, 
> when started attempts to create projects in different languages spoken in 
> Algeria in the Incubator, an education program in an Algerian university, and 
> participating in Wiki Loves Monuments in 2013 Algeria, which was quite a 
> success and created a lot of awareness at a local level about the need of 
> making more and more knowledge open in Algeria.
> So, now we have them joining the family of affiliates.Please, let's give them 
> a warm welcome!
> Soyez les bienvenus, amis algériens!
> Carlos
> 1: 
> -- 
> "*Jülüjain wane mmakat* ein kapülain tü alijunakalirua jee wayuukanairua 
> junain ekerolaa alümüin supüshuwayale etijaanaka. Ayatashi waya junain."
> Carlos M. Colina
> Vicepresidente, A.C. Wikimedia Venezuela | RIF J-40129321-2 | 
> Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Affiliations Committee
> Phone: +972-52-4869915
> Twitter: @maor_x
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia CH just hired two new team member

2014-08-28 Thread Charles Andrès
sorry for cross-posting

Dear all,

We are very glad to inform you that Wikimedia CH has just hired Gabrielle Marie 
as French Community Liaison (FCL), a 50% position and Sabine Ray as 
Administrative Assistant (AA), a 20% position, both of them will join the team 
on 1st of September.

When Wikimedia CH started its professionalization process in 2012, we hired two 
community liaisons for the German and Italian communities in 2013. Since our 
first Chief Administrative Officer was French-speaking, there was little need 
at that time for a specific french community liaison. However, with plenty of 
new and exciting projects coming up in Romandie, in particular the new 
Wikivillage contest, it recently became clear that a dedicated person was 

Gabrielle Marie, our new FCL, originally studied commodity trading and worked 
for 4 years in the derivative industry in London and in Singapore. She then 
opted for a career change with an interest in social entrepreneurship and 
co-founded the project “The Tree Shirt House” in Asia. Since she moved to 
Switzerland in 2013, she signed up for some distance learning courses in 
Psychology and got involved in the TEDxLausanne organization. Passionate about 
people and community engagement she is thrilled to begin working for Wikimedia 
CH starting from next week onwards.
Among other tasks, Gabrielle will be in charge of supporting the volunteers 
action. For her start she will especially support the organisation of the 
editing contest targeting the schools in the French-speaking part of 
Switzerland and will report directly to the Chief Science Officer. She will 
start working for Wikimedia CH just in time for the launch of the Wikivillage 
contest promotion. 

Sabine Ray, our new administrative assistant, started as an Export Logistics 
Assistant followed by a successful career in the purchasing and procurement 
department of an international company for more than 16 years in both, Germany 
and Switzerland. She is perfectly fluent in German, her mother tongue, English 
and French. For the last 6 years Sabine dedicated her time to her family life 
in raising her daughter. She is now resuming her professional life in taking 
this opportunity for a career change and is glad to join the Wikimedia CH team. 
Sabine will work closely with our Chief Administrative Officer regarding all 
aspects of administration in human resources, accounting and fundraising. She 
will also assist in elaborating communication material as well as memberships 

Gabrielle and Sabine will be both based in Lausanne, you can reach them at and

Please give a warm welcome to the new members of our team and do not hesitate 
to contact us if you have any questions!

Anh and Charles

Directors of Wikimedia CH, in the name of the core of the recruiting committee: 
Anh Chung, Muriel Staub, Stéphane Coillet-Matillon, Yann Heurtaux and Charles 

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[Wikimedia-l] We have an awesome Translation Tools....made for English speakers first

2014-08-14 Thread Charles Andrès
Dear all,

I would like to draw your attention on the Translation Extension for Mediawiki, 
since 2 years now, community members ask to improve this extension by adding 
the possibility to select the original language.

We are in a movement where the knowledge exchange is a primary concern, we have 
a really good tools to facilitate the translation of the documentation, but 
today we are still obliged to first translate "manually" in English before 
being able to use the Translate extension.

I’m not a Tech guy, I try to read the bug's page linked before, and the only 
message I can get from is « you, non English speakers, are not our priority ».

The ability to translate in multiple language the documentation created by non 
English speakers is a major challenge, we need to make it happen more often. 

Everyday I heard French speaker saying that they do not belong to the Wikimedia 
Community because it’s all in English/all for English, I do not pretend that 
improving the Translate extension will solve this issue, but it could be a 
little step forward.

thank for your attention



Charles ANDRES, Chief Science Officer
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Office +41 (0)21 340 66 21
Mobile +41 (0)78 910 00 97
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:

[Wikimedia-l] Third Wikimedia CH Call for Projects

2014-07-05 Thread Charles Andrès
Dear all,

Last Tuesday Wikimedia CH launched its third annual call for project.

The goal of this annual call for projects is to base our annual plan for the 
year 2015 on community ideas and needs. Based on your inputs, we will prepare 
the next round of APG application (1), with as much as possible of community 
inputs all along the process. The APG (aka FDC)  is the process within the 
Wikimedia Movement to apply for annual plan funding. 

Wikimedia CH is a specific chapter, with its 4 languages, the chapter is 
naturally oriented to multilingual projects, in Switzerland, but not only, and 
that’s why we are seeking for the largest community consultation possible.

Wikimedia CH motto is "Closer to the Wikimedians, closer to the Wikimedia 
Projects", and that means that half of our budget is aim to directly support 
the wikimedians in their day to day wkimedia life.

Therefore our financial needs are actually the reflection of the wikimedians 
needs. In order to define these needs efficiently, we want to reach out as much 
as possible to you Wikimedians. That's why we slightly adapted and improved our 
annual call for projects:

First of all, we introduce the "submit an idea" concept. We learned that most 
of the Wikimedians are not looking for big projects, most of us only need small 
support in order to realize what they like to do in their favorite wikimedia 
project. By collecting these ideas, we want to evaluate what is needed for our 
Community Support program. When submitting an idea you will not engage yourself 
in anything, it will help us to know what you may need in 2015 and we will 
prepare our budget accordingly. 

During the summer, Wikimedians can test an idea and see if it can became a 

We do not want to reinvent the wheel, so for those who are comfortable in 
English, please visit the Idealab. Wikimedia CH community liaisons will 
actively follow those pages, and in coordination with the WMF staff, guide you 
to the creation of a project that can join the Wikimedia CH FDC proposal.

If you prefer to submit an idea or project in your own language, you can 
participate in the idea proposal process in your Wikimedia Project in your 
mother tongue (German, Italian, French, Rumantsch, Alemannisch, Arpitan, etc…)

Eventually Wikimedia CH will act, through its Community Support process, as a 
complement to the WMF grants programs, TPS, IEG and GAC (2)

For Wikimedians willing to set up bigger projects, we keep our traditional 
project submission process, but this year we will host it on our Members Wiki 
AND on Meta (3).


Wikimedia CH global strategy is aligned with the global WMF strategy, but we 
will adopt some focus point.  Wikimedia CH aims to support Wikimedians, being 
member of the chapter or not, being in Switzerland or not.

==Measuring Impact==

Like all activities funds with movements money, that’s why we care about 
measuring and evaluating the impact of our activities on the Wikimedia projects.

We actively work with the FDC staff and the Program Evaluation and Design team 
to set up good evaluation and reporting tools that make the life of Wikimedians 

This Call for Projects is ongoing in July & August. Do not hesitate to contact 
me for any questions.


I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chief Science Officer
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:

[Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia CH is looking for a French Community Liaison

2014-06-30 Thread Charles Andrès
Dear all,

Wikimedia CH is looking for a French Community Liaison 

French-Community Liaison - 50%

Reporting directly to the Chief Science Officer (CSO), the FCL works actively 
with the Swiss French Wikimedia community in order to support it accomplishing 
projects and get in touch with Wikimedia entities and officials. It helps the 
community by gathering requests and ideas, communicating them to all relevant 
parties and translating information wherever needed. This includes support to 
bring formal requests and motions to WMCH by helping to prepare them, translate 
them and present them to the board.
In the same manner the FCL communicates activities of the Wikimedia entities to 
the community by writing reports, blog posts and mails, translating information 
from WMCH to the community's language.
It's her/his responsibility to make sure the community voices are heard inside 
the association and that activities and communications of Wikimedia movement 
entities are also replicated into the communities.
The FCL will also manage outreach project like editing or photo contest.

The ideal candidate will have:
*Experience in a similar position for at least 1 year;
*Fluency (speaking and writing) in English and French;
*Good computer skills (office software suite, ticketing system), comfort and 
familiarity with technology systems
*Familiar with online media (mailing lists, Drupal, Twitter, Facebook);
*Excellent communication skills;
*Familiar with Wikipedia / Wikimedia French speaking community, if possible 
active in the French speaking wikis.
This position is mainly based in our office in Lausanne, but requires to be 
flexible in terms of
working hours.
This is a one year renewable contract.
Dead-Line: July 15th


Please apply in English at or by postal mail: 

Ms Anh Chung – CAO 
Wikimedia CH 
Escaliers-du-Marché 2
1003 Lausanne

with a cover letter, a resume and other documents such as certificates, etc. A 
short summary on how you imagine the job will be appreciated. Please add 
English translations of your resume and short summary.


Hiring process:
The hiring comittee is made of :

*One board member
*One or two community member(s)
*The CAO and the CSO
*One community manager

The hiring committee will make a recommandation to the Wikimedia CH board who 
will utlimately take the decision. 

For the hiring committee,



Charles ANDRES, Chief Science Officer
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Office +41 (0)21 340 66 21
Mobile +41 (0)78 910 00 97
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Sponsorship/donations to other organizations

2014-04-15 Thread Charles Andrès
In a period where all the fund dissemination of the movement is driven by the 
question "what's the impact on wikimedia project" and a community-driven 
process, I would suggest that any redistribution of the funds done by the WMF 
would follow the same rules.


Le 15 avr. 2014 à 21:57, Michael Peel  a écrit :

> Hi Erik,
> I'd say 'maybe'. I think this sort of work is worth supporting in general, 
> but the question should be whether providing the support would improve the 
> content and/or provision of the Wikimedia projects. I'd like to see a good 
> community-driven process that would determine whether such sponsorship would 
> be helpful or whether it would be a waste of money.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> On 15 Apr 2014, at 20:50, Erik Moeller  wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I'd be interested in hearing broader community opinions about the
>> extent to which WMF should sponsor non-profits purely to support work
>> that Wikimedia benefits from, even if it's not directed towards a
>> specific goal established in a grant agreement.
>> This comes up from time to time. One of the few historic precedents
>> I'm aware of is the $5,000 donation that WMF made to FreeNode in 2006
>> [1]. But there are of course many other organizations/communities that
>> the Wikimedia movement is indebted to.
>> On the software side, we have Ubuntu Linux (itself highly indebted to
>> Debian) / Apache / MariaDB / PHP / Varnish / ElasticSearch / memcached
>> / Puppet / OpenStack / various libraries and many other dependencies [2],
>> infrastructure tools like ganglia, observium, icinga, etc. Some of
>> these projects have nonprofits that accept and seek sponsorship and
>> support, some don't.
>> One could easily expand well beyond the software we depend on
>> server-side to client-side open source applications used by our
>> community to create content: stuff like Inkscape, GIMP and LibreOffice
>> (used for diagrams). And there are other communities we depend on,
>> like OpenStreetMap.
>> So, should we steer clear of this type of sponsorship altogether
>> because it's a slippery slope, or should we try to come up with
>> evaluation criteria to consider it on a case-by-case basis (e.g. is
>> there a trustworthy non-profit that has a track record of
>> accomplishment and is in actual need of financial support)?
>> I could imagine a process with a fixed "giving back" annual budget
>> and a community nominations/review workflow. It'd be work to create
>> and I don't want to commit to that yet, but I would be interested to
>> hear opinions.
>> MariaDB specifically invited WMF to become a sponsor, and we're
>> clearly highly dependent on them. But I don't think it makes sense for
>> us to just write checks if there's someone who asks for support and
>> there's a justifiable need. However, if there's broad agreement that
>> this is something Wikimedia should do more of, then I think it's worth
>> developing more consistent sponsorship criteria.
>> Thanks,
>> Erik
>> [1]
>> [2] Cf.
>> -- 
>> Erik Möller
>> VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
>> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [WMFr] Feedback on the last 2 years

2014-04-15 Thread Charles Andrès
Thanks for that,

And because I’m one of those who ask repeatedly I thank you twice :-)

What I like in your feedback is that it echoes the « let’s do better mistake 
tomorrow » last saturday in Berlin.

I really think that sharing bad experience, is actually building the "good" 
experience of the movement.

We use to share our success because it’s never easy to share failure and 
because we naturally want to share positive experience that people can 
replicate, we always forget to share bad experience that people can avoid to 
replicate if they are aware. of

In 2013 in WMCH we learn a lot by trying to expose our challenges in the FDC 
quarterly report.  In wikimedia movement we are not good at reporting, we do 
not like to do report, I hate that. But honestly taking the time to understand 
why something goes wrong is always good, and lot of the time the initial 
failure was to have not really investigating why we wanted to do it in the 
first place :-D

Earlier this year I share this sentence on a social network: "Ever tried. Ever 
failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. » Samuel Beckett

I would just add that in our movement we have the chance to benefit of the 
experience of a lot of people and that we may be able to remove the "fail 
again" and add a "succeed" at the end

my 2 useless cents, but it's late :-)


I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chief Science Officer
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 12 avr. 2014 à 15:40, Christophe Henner  a 
écrit :

> Hi everyone,
> For the past few weeks, many people approached me asking for feedback
> on what Wikimedia France went through in the past 18 to 24 months.
> We realize we poorly communicated on the topic, time to fix that.
> I'll try to be as exhaustive as I can be without writing too much
> (even though you already know this is going to be a long email).
> == Short WMFr history ==
> Before going into the heart of the situation, here are some
> informations about Wikimedia France. We were founded in 2004. At some
> point, in 2007 iirc, we went from 30K€ in our bank account to 200K€
> over night as, at the time, we were payment processing.
> In 2010, we hired a first employee as a project manager. A year later,
> he left the organization. If we look back at why, at the core, he did
> leave, one of the reason is that we weren't ready to have an employee.
> Though at the time we might have not realized that.
> Afterwards we hired three new employees, one head of programs, one
> project manager for education and research programs and one technical
> project manager.
> We weren't able to manage them correctly because we underestimated the
> amount of work it required, especially as back then we were still
> payment processing.
> So we decided to hire a new employee, an Executive Director, to manage
> our employees for us and to hire a fundraiser.
> It didn't work out, and the new ED left the organization after a few
> months. That is where the story starts.
> == Facing failures and making radical changes ==
> When the new ED left we took the time to try to understand why
> Wikimedia France had those issues.
> We could have hired a new ED straight ahead, but we believed that,
> even though it would have been a good thing on the short run we
> weren't sure we wouldn't repeat past mistakes.
> We then started to wonder if the organization of Wikimedia France was
> the right one, perhaps at the core we were doing things wrong. So we
> decided to get help to sort this out and hire a HR company to audit us
> and advise us on what to do.
> Mostly at the same time, something else happened: the FDC rejected our
> first proposal and gave us a gap funding just to get through until the
> next FDC round.
> At the same time we were auditing the organization we had to rethink
> everything we were doing and how we were working.
> We had no ED, so the board and staff had to pick up on the tasks the
> ED used to do. We first splitted the tasks amongst us and then asked
> an interim company to help us hire an administrative assistant to help
> us with day-to-day administrative burden.
> Before her arrival, we introduced processes used at companies we
> (board members) worked at (such as "buying request" that means that
> every spending of the association is matched with a sheet that
> summarize what the money was used for and that the use of the money
> has been checked by two differents people).
> Once she arrived we worked, as a board, to define our needs and our
> role. We identified that one of our mistake was that, even though we
> had employees, we failed to build up trust an

[Wikimedia-l] WMCH's General Assembly and new Board

2014-03-30 Thread Charles Andrès

> Dear fellow Wikimedians,
> On 23 March, 36 Wikimedia CH members met for the 8th General Assembly at the 
> Youth Hostel in Zurich, the same location where the next Wikimedia Hackathon 
> is going to be held in May. The total membership has increased by 66% to 387 
> members at the end of 2013.
> The annual activity report presented the major achievements of the year under 
> the slogan „Closer to the Wikimedians, closer to the Wikimedia Projects“, 
> emphasizing that community support has become the main priority for the Swiss 
> chapter. It has seen an increase in staff from one to four employees plus a 
> part-time IT contractor. This additional manpower has been helpful to carry 
> on various successful projects in the GLAM and education areas, and to 
> promote Wikipedia offline (for example Kiwix in jail). The Wiki Loves 
> Monuments photo contest was another success story, with the unexpected first 
> place of a Swiss railway picture in the international selection.
> Several of the bylaws modifications proposed by the Board have been accepted, 
> while others have been rejected by the members present. 
> There were 8 candidates for 6 open seats on the Board. The future composition 
> of the Board after the election:
> Patrick Kenel, President (reelected)
> Frédéric Schütz, Vice President (reelected)
> Bagawathram Maheswaran, Treasurer (reelected)
>  Gabriel Thullen (reelected)
>  Mauro Cassina (reelected)
> Stéphane Coillet-Matillon (new)
> Matina Hämmerli, who has been elected as a new member one year ago, was not 
> reelected. We thank her for the time she spent to work with us on the Board. 
> In accordance with the bylaws, the new Board will take over its one-year term 
> 60 days after the GA.
> Patrick Kenel
> Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
> ___
> Chapters mailing list

Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Goodbye as the German president of the Dutch chapter

2014-03-30 Thread Charles Andrès
Despite all the arguments we had, I always respect the wikimedian you are, and 
with hindsight... even more 

Hope to see you soon!


Le 30 mars 2014 à 19:59, Ziko van Dijk  a écrit :

> Dear colleagues, collaborators and friends of free knowledge,
> After three eventful years I left the board of Wikimedia Nederland;
> yesterday was the General Assembly in Utrecht. This means a 'goodbye'.
> In this time, I had the privilege and pleasure to work with many great
> people in many different organisations. We saw a lot of small steps
> and some bigger ones directed to our common goal, the support of free
> knowledge. Certainly, not everything we as a movement or parts of the
> movement was achieved, though.
> Between many WMNL members and me, there were two grades of separation:
> coming from the humanities, my geekiness differs a little from the
> average Wikipedianess; having the German Wikipedia as my home wiki, I
> was never a very active or 'true' part of the Dutch editing community.
> And when I quoted in my speeches from medieval quests or Prussian
> literary realism, I received therefore some strange looks from some
> members.
> But I remain firmly convinced that good governance and respect have no
> nationality. Indeed, stroopwafels do have, and so I adopted the Dutch
> custom to bring them with me to Wikimedian meetings abroad.
> Wikimedia Nederland has experienced and overcome a difficult period of
> transition. Office space and employees, more members including more
> members without Wikipedia background, more activities, more money,
> more responsibility; more need for an association to mature and focus
> on what is necessary (and not always easy, cool or fun). We achieved
> that as a collective, slower than previously expected, but with the
> appropriate pride and good feelings about the future.
> Goodbye - and Hello: I am looking forward to see many of you again at
> whatever wiki, chat or real life meeting.
> Kind regards
> Ziko
> Dr. Ziko van Dijk
> Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland
> Postbus 167
> 3500 AD Utrecht
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list
> Unsubscribe:, 

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] More new editors?

2014-03-07 Thread Charles Andrès

it's what I mean by "I notice that every winter we have these increase of 
editors , most probably due to the fundraising campaign."


Le 7 mars 2014 à 11:00, Federico Leva (Nemo)  a écrit :

> Charles Andrès, 07/03/2014 09:35:
>> I've been surprised by the increase in january 2014 comparing to december 
>> 2013.
> You really shouldn't. It happens each January, check better. :)
> Jan 2014  +8%
>   76273
> Jan 2013  +7%
>   78717
> Jan 2012  +6%
>   79000
> etc.
> Nemo
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list
> Unsubscribe:, 
> <>

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[Wikimedia-l] More new editors?

2014-03-07 Thread Charles Andrès
TLDR:transform the thank you campaign after the fundraising  in a "Thank you 
campaign: became an editor"

Following a really nice discussion of the swiss mailing list, I had a look in 
the statistics here:

First, as unfortunately expected I notice the decrease between january 2013 and 
2014, but in the second time I've been surprised by the increase in january 
2014 comparing to december 2013.

I first thought the large press coverage of the "decline of Wikipedia"  had an 
effect to motivate new editors, but when looking to these charts

I notice that every winter we have these increase of editors , most probably 
due to the fundraising campaign.

But unfortunately, like for Wiki Loves Monuments effect, this increase of new 
editors during a month is not enough to invert the tendency

It has been discussed several time in the past, but I guess we should do it 
again, how can we turned the fundraising campaign in a massive outreach 

I have two leads, the easy one and the complex one :-)

The easy one would be to add to the thank you message an invitation to 
join/meet/take information about users-group, thematic organisation or 
chapters. This move may help to improve the retention by a face to face 

The complex one would be to develop a system to invite people to contribute in 
specific article.

The main point would be to transform the thank you campaign in a "Thank you 
campaign: became an editor"
The idea is to display a banner inviting the reader to edit wikipedia. the 
concept is the following:
identify the categories of the page currently displayed
select three articles in these categories with a template “expand” or similar
displayed a message like:
You can also help Wikipedia by expanding an article, here are three articles 
that need your help, if you want to know how you can help, click on the topic 
you like :
article from category one
article from category two
article from category three (or random category)
after the reader click on the article, send him to the section to expand:
in edit mode, with a banner explaining the basics of editing or
with visual editor displaying a banner explaining this mode
after publication of the article, a thank you banner, explaining how to 
register, with a link to the create an account page

I start a page on meta to see if this idea can be 

Thanks for your comment or your help, you can also took my idea , change it 
totally and turn it in something doable! :-D


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] How to force to enable Visual Editor

2013-11-15 Thread Charles Andrès
I don’t remember if I answered you James, but you’re totally right the problem 
was the browser, now we invite people to use only chrome or Firefix and we had 
no problem.



I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chief Science Officer
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 15 oct. 2013 à 20:32, James Forrester  a écrit :

> On 15 October 2013 00:58, Charles Andres wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> In our new education program with youngs in scholar difficulties, we have
>> the problem that only half of the new accounts have the visual editor
>> activated, it's quite annoying to have two teach two way of editing.
> ​Charles,
> ​Is this because of the browser they are using, the wiki they are trying to
> edit on, or specific to their account? Which wiki are you talking about
> this happening on?
> There was a configuration that we used in June for just over a week to A/B
> test VisualEditor, but that code is no longer around, so this should not be
> happening.
> However, users of Internet Explorer and some marginal or old browsers
> cannot use VisualEditor yet as we have not been able to get it to work
> there, which may explain the issue?
> Yours,
> -- 
> James D. Forrester
> Product Manager, VisualEditor
> Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
> | @jdforrester
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list
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[Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia CH is looking for a Projectleader in the National Library

2013-10-18 Thread Charles Andrès
We have great News to announce today: The Swiss National Library and Wikimedia 
CH are looking for a germanspeaking (mother tongue not mandatory) Project 
Leader to establish a strong and sustainable relationship between the Wikipedia 
Community and the National Library.

To get more information, please se the Job-Advertisement on our WMCH website or 
on the Website of the Swiss Confederation.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on

I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chief Science Officer
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] How to force to enable Visual Editor

2013-10-16 Thread Charles Andrès
Hello James,

The lesson was on the french wikipedia. I was thinking that it was account 
specific because the first time half of the new accounts had no VE, it looks 
like a random issue, but yesterday it was only one for 9 account created.

Actually I haven't check the browser used, as they all use the same type of 
computer, I've done the assumption that it wasn't hardware or software 
dependent. Bbut now that you mention that, I remember that the students were 
using chrome, firefox and explorer, next tuesday I will take care that they all 
use chrome or firefox.



I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chief Science Officer
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 15 oct. 2013 à 20:32, James Forrester  a écrit :

> On 15 October 2013 00:58, Charles Andres wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> In our new education program with youngs in scholar difficulties, we have
>> the problem that only half of the new accounts have the visual editor
>> activated, it's quite annoying to have two teach two way of editing.
> ​Charles,
> ​Is this because of the browser they are using, the wiki they are trying to
> edit on, or specific to their account? Which wiki are you talking about
> this happening on?
> There was a configuration that we used in June for just over a week to A/B
> test VisualEditor, but that code is no longer around, so this should not be
> happening.
> However, users of Internet Explorer and some marginal or old browsers
> cannot use VisualEditor yet as we have not been able to get it to work
> there, which may explain the issue?
> Yours,
> -- 
> James D. Forrester
> Product Manager, VisualEditor
> Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
> | @jdforrester
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Education] How to force to enable Visual Editor

2013-10-15 Thread Charles Andrès
Thanks, but in you only have the opt-out option (disable 
visual editor) :-(


I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chief Science Officer
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 15 oct. 2013 à 10:10, Enock Seth Nyamador  a écrit :

> Hello Charles,
> I don't think there is a way to for this in the registration process.
> To enable or disable Visual Editor. Login
> 1. Go to ---> Preferences --> Click Editing tab. 
> 2. At the bottom of Editing page, Check or uncheck the box beside Enable 
> VisualEditor (only in the main and user namespaces)
> OR 
> Follow this link 
> Then repeat step 2 above.
> Hope it helps.
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Enock S. Nyamador.
> ---
> Writer | Wikimedian
> Planning Wikimedia Ghana | | Blog
> C: +233 (0)27 565 7589
> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Charles Andres 
>  wrote:
> Dear all,
> In our new education program with youngs in scholar difficulties, we have the 
> problem that only half of the new accounts have the visual editor activated, 
> it's quite annoying to have two teach two way of editing.
> Is there a trick to force the activation of Visual Editor for a specific user?
> Thanks
> Charles
> ___
> Charles ANDRES, Chief Science Officer
> "Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
> Skype: charles.andres.wmch
> IRC://
> ___
> Education mailing list

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] The next Wikimedia Conference (AKA "Chapters' Meeting")

2013-08-30 Thread Charles Andrès


Wikimedia CH step in for the Hackathon in 2014 and for the Wikimedia Conference 



I use this email for mailing list only.

« Je donne mon avis non comme bon mais comme mien.  » (Michel de Montaigne)

Charles ANDRES
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 30 août 2013 à 18:39, Ziko van Dijk  a écrit :

> Hello,
> Another coincidence: WMNL is very much interested in hosting a big
> international GLAM event in 2015. How about if there is a page on Meta
> where we collect the intentions and plans for the following years, with
> regard to the major conventions:
> * Wikimania
> * WM Conference, the former chapters meeting
> * GLAM event
> * Hackathon
> * Education event?
> Kind regards
> Ziko
> Am Freitag, 30. August 2013 schrieb Nicole Ebber :
>> Hey, what a coincidence. Minutes ago I posted a suggestion to
>> chapters-l and copied it to the talk page of the "Future of the
>> Wikimedia Conference" page. Glad the we bring the discussion to the
>> next level now. Thanks, Asaf! :)
>> Cheers,
>> Nicole
>> On 30 August 2013 16:45, Asaf Bartov  wrote:
>>> Hello All:
>>> Following our most recent, successful, community gathering in Hong Kong
>> - A
>>> BIG thank you, again, to everyone who made it such an event to remember -
>>> we are looking ahead to the annual Wikimedia Conference (AKA Chapters'
>>> Meeting.)
>>> As many of you know, we typically await the offer of a specific group to
>>> host the event each year.  While this process has more or less worked in
>>> the past, we are increasingly aware that waiting until close to the
>>> gathering to decide on the date and the location creates an unnecessary
>>> inconvenience to those planning to attend and results in higher fees for
>>> travel and lodging that could be avoided if we worked together to plan
>>> further ahead.
>>> Wikimedia Deutschland had helpfully started a conversation about the
>> future
>>> of the Wikimedia Conference, on Meta[1], including the question of
>> settling
>>> the host group.  Regrettably, there has been practically no engagement
>> with
>>> that page so far.  (For my part, I have deliberately been waiting for a
>> few
>>> movement groups to speak first, as I wanted to avoid "priming" the
>>> conversation with the (perceived) weight of WMF's voice.)
>>> It has occurred to us that two of the reasons that we are not able to
>> plan
>>> further ahead may be 1. the somewhat vague nature of the planning process
>>> and 2. that groups who may want to host hesitate because of an
>> uncertainty
>>> regarding the costs involved in hosting such a large event.
>>> Therefore, we would like to provide some basic information about the
>>> Wikimedia Conference and begin a community conversation regarding how me
>>> might work together to set the date and location by, say, November of the
>>> year preceding the event; thus giving those who want to attend plenty of
>>> time to plan and saving the movement and each of the groups the higher
>> cost
>>> of last minute lodging arrangements and airline ticket purchases.
>>> Additionally, planning ahead will allow all of the chapters who wish to
>>> send participants to contribute to the agenda for the gathering; thus
>>> making sure that all of the issues that the participants would like to
>>> discuss are addressed at this annual conference.
>>> *==First a bit about the purpose of the Wikimedia Conference==*
>>> *An opportunity for Wikimedia movement organizations to meet face-to-face
>>> and share ideas about projects and practices and to discuss any
>> unresolved
>>> issues that may have come up during the past year.
>>> *A venue for one of the quarterly Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
>>> meetings and an opportunity for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of
>> Trustees
>>> and Wikimedia movement organizations to meet and talk.
>>> *A venue for the Funds Dissemination Committee to meet to assess the
>>> funding proposals for Round 2 of the current year and provide
>>> recommendations on those proposals to the WMF Board.
>>> We thought that beginning a discussion regarding "hosting requirements"
>>> i.e. venue size, accessibility of lodging near the venue, handicapped
>>> accessibility, ease of air and ground transit in and out of the venue
>>> location, visa application process, Internet access, catering
>> capabilities,
>>> and chapter and volunteer support available to organize the conference
>> and
>>> to provide support during the conference itself, would be helpful.
>>> To help facilitate the discussion, we have provided some information
>>> regarding past chapter mee

[Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia CH is looking for a temporary project manager for Wiki Loves Monuments 2013

2013-06-26 Thread Charles Andrès
Project manager for Wiki Loves Monuments 2013
Contractor for a temporary position 50 %

Reporting directly to the board and working in close collaboration with the 
Community managers and Wiki Loves Monuments working group, the project manager 
will be responsible for the implementation of Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 in 
Switzerland. He/she will manage the Wiki Loves Monuments and its budget, 
coordinate the volunteers, organize and support the jury, organize the final 
ceremony and check the advancement of the organization, and deliver internal 
and external reports. We offer a position in a typical not-for-profit setting, 
inside a high-profile association with interesting and varied tasks. The 
contractor agrees to provide Wikimedia CH with full non exclusive copyright of 
the content he/she will produce; the contractor and Wikimedia CH will be 
authorized to sub-license his/her work.
The ideal candidate will have:
Commitment to, and understanding of, free knowledge issues
Knowledge of the Wikimedia movement and of the Wiki Loves Monuments contest
Experience in the management and communication of Wikimedia projects
Experience in the management and communication of events/contests
Excellent computer skills and specific knowledge of uploading content and 
editing Wikis and the Wikimedia projects
Strong familiarity with social networks (OTRS an asset)
Fluent (orally and in writing) in English (German, French and Italian an asset)
Sense of humor an asset.
Start date: 1st July 2013 (or to be discussed) - End date: 31st October 2013.
Close on 30 June 2013 and should be addressed with your resume, a cover letter 
and the names and contact details of referees to Chantal Ebongue, CAO, 
Wikimedia CH Escaliers-du-Marché 2, 1003 Lausanne, 021 340 66 20,


I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikipedia in jail!

2013-06-19 Thread Charles Andrès
Hello and thanks Bishaka,

We planned two type of post about this story, today or tomorrow we should 
publish a short one about the genesis of the project and the relation 

As president of Wikimedia CH I'm very proud of the work accomplish by Emmanuel 
and Chantal, and we would like to share more about this aspect of the project.

The second post will arrive later this year with more information about the 
project itself and its usage.

Thanks too, SJ,

"unexpected" refers more to there eager of the newspaper.

It's really rare, if not totally absent, to read positive things about prisons. 
In this way, the public "expect" bad news when talking about prison, and when a 
nice story about prison arise, it's unexpected. :-)


I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 18 juin 2013 à 10:52, Bishakha Datta  a écrit :

> Fantastic - and fascinating.
> Would love to see a blog post by someone from the chapter or by one of
> them.
> Bravo for reaching out to forgotten people.
> Bishakha
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 11:05 PM, Samuel Klein  wrote:
>> Charles - How beautiful.   Thank you for doing and sharing this.
>> In what way was the partnership unexpected?  Did the Bellevue prison
>> approach Wikipedians?
>> Here is the announcement page w/PDF from the WM-CH site:
>> SJ
>> SJ
>> On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Liam Wyatt  wrote:
>>> Now THIS is seriously clever!
>>> Well done WMCH - that is a truly innovative way to provide access to
>>> knowledge to a community who is often forgotten.
>>> Can you link to the press release here, please?
>>> -Liam / Wittylama
>>> Peace, love & metadata
>>> On 17 June 2013 14:15, Charles Andrès 
>> wrote:
>>>> Wikipedia for prisoners – an unexpected partnership between a swiss
>> prison
>>>> and Wikimedia CH
>>>> Following an initiative from Emmanuel Engelhart, with the support of
>>>> Wikimedia CH CAO, Chantal Ebongué, since March 2013, prisoners who
>> request
>>>> can have an access to Wikipedia offline (Kiwix project). The idea is to
>>>> stimulate or to support the interest for education of prisoners who
>> were,
>>>> for a large majority, condemned to long-time sentences.
>>>> After three months of pilot phasis, the project is successful : Among
>> the
>>>> 36 prisoners of the Bellevue’s prison in Gorgier, 18 possess or rent a
>>>> computer. All of them requested the upload of Wikipedia offline on their
>>>> PC. For security reasons, swiss prisoners have a very restricted access
>> to
>>>> internet.
>>>> More informations in the press releases (ENG, DE, FR, IT) that was sent
>>>> today to the swiss media
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Charles
>>>> ___
>>>> Charles ANDRES, Chairman
>>>> "Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
>>>> Office +41 (0)21 340 66 20
>>>> Skype: charles.andres.wmch
>>>> IRC://
>>>> ___
>>>> Wikimedia-l mailing list
>>>> Unsubscribe:
>>> ___
>>> Wikimedia-l mailing list
>>> Unsubscribe:
>> --
>> Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
>> ___
>> Wikimedia-l mailing list
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> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Wikipedia in jail!

2013-06-17 Thread Charles Andrès
Wikipedia for prisoners – an unexpected partnership between a swiss prison and 
Wikimedia CH

Following an initiative from Emmanuel Engelhart, with the support of Wikimedia 
CH CAO, Chantal Ebongué, since March 2013, prisoners who request can have an 
access to Wikipedia offline (Kiwix project). The idea is to stimulate or to 
support the interest for education of prisoners who were, for a large majority, 
condemned to long-time sentences.
After three months of pilot phasis, the project is successful : Among the 36 
prisoners of the Bellevue’s prison in Gorgier, 18 possess or rent a computer. 
All of them requested the upload of Wikipedia offline on their PC. For security 
reasons, swiss prisoners have a very restricted access to internet.
More informations in the press releases (ENG, DE, FR, IT) that was sent today 
to the swiss media

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Office +41 (0)21 340 66 20
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Wikimedia-l mailing list

[Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia CH General Assembly and 2014 Call for project

2013-06-10 Thread Charles Andrès
Dear all,


Wikimedia CH had its Annual General Meeting, April the 27 this year.

A new board has been elected, and will officially start its mandate June 27:

President: Charles Andrès (reelected)
Secretary: Frédéric Schutz (reelected nut new secretary, FR press contact)
Treasurer: Bagawathram Maheswaran (reelected)
Patrick Kenel (reelected, DE press contact)
Gabriel Thullen (reelected)
Matina Hämmerli (newly elected)
Mauro Cassina (newly elected)

Matina originally studied theology, became an enterpreneur (software company) 
and founder of care projects in India. Observed the miraculous and prospective 
development of community technology and culture, the internet, from the early 
90's. Recognized Wikipedia as a milestone because it proofed and made visible 
to everybody: community and technology matches. She joined the board with the 
to support the organization with strong and efficient structures.

Mauro, born in the 1954 in Lugano, is active in Wikimedia communities since 
2005 and active mainly in Commons as he is photographer like hobby.
In the real life he is the account manager for the provider of the energy and 
water of the town of Lugano.
For his job he is also an organizer of events and he has been one of the main 
organizer of the Wikipedia Day in Lugano.

Documents available:
2012 Annual report
2012 Financial report
2012 Auditors report DE EN

==Call for Project==

Wikimedia CH launched its second cal for project last June 1st.

The CfP is intend Into prepare the 2014 Wikimedia CH budget and the associated 
annual plan. Please note that this program plan may not be the definitive 
Wikimedia CH 2014 program plan, but the one included in the next FDC proposal.
This year we introduce two definitions for the projects:
• Volunteer driven
• Staff driven
The Volunteer driven projects are projects proposed by one, or a group of WMCH 
members, that require only financial support and basic staff support (standard 
Community manager support). The Volunteer driven projects should be recognized 
as useful for the association or the Wikimedia movement, and so it should be a 
community decision to decide whether or not they should be supported.

The Staff driven projects are projects proposed by volunteers that require 
essentially staff work, or proposed by staff themselves. These projects should 
also be recognized as useful for the association or the Wikimedia movement, and 
so the community opinion is needed to decide whether or not they should be 
support. Eventually, the staff driven projects need to be chosen by the Board 
among the projects supported by the members in order to assure a good 
distribution of the workload between the staff.

Wikimedia CH adopt the following guidelines to rules our projects:

The call for project will follow a 4 month process:
June 1st, launch of the call
July 1st, start of the community comment period
July 31th, end of application
August 31th, publication by the board of the 2014 annual plan on Meta
September, Whole movement comments period on meta
October 1st, Application to the FDC

The first phase of the CfP will happen on wikimedia CH members wiki (restricted 
access), followed by a public comment period on META.



Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Office +41 (0)21 340 66 20
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Wikimedia-l mailing list

[Wikimedia-l] Broadcasting Wikimania 2013?

2013-05-18 Thread Charles Andrès

>> another criticism is that it should be equalized for all Wikimedia-
>> sponsored trips... last time, I believe it was Sue who mentioned
>> that this would simply result in much less travel and participation.
> Less travel need not mean less participation.  Take the money you were
> going to spend on jet fuel and hotel salaries, and invest it in
> videoconf infrastructure (some mix of software, better cameras and
> mics, and even timeshare access to video meeting rooms in hundreds of
> cities around the world). The whole movement would benefit from that,
> not only those with time to fly.

Wikimedia CH already set up a videoconference tools for the movement, we use it 
during the Education meeting in Milan and it works well.
Like all videoconf system, the bottleneck is the bandwidth of each participant.

Manuel already publish a list of the material needed for a perfect videoconf, 
but actually you only need a computer, a webcam and an headset (a mobile phone 
bluetooth headset make a perfect wireless mic).

The tools wkimedia CH choose is intend for on line teaching, it means that we 
have recording possibility, that box , desktop sharing (need java browser) and 
presentation display (open format or pdf are the most efficient)

It would be really easy to broadcast any talks or workshop during wikimania, we 
only need at the minimum:
-one volunteer per conf/workshop to broadcast with a computer, a mic and a 
webcam (not a built in, not convenient).

If there is a real demand for broadcasting the Wikimania , Wikimedia CH can 
coordinate the effort.

As a side note, wikimedia CH is asking from any recipient of a scholarship to 
provide a report about their "Wikimania" in order to share the experience with 
those who not attend. I think that in the future it may be fair to ask to all 
scholarship recipient to participate to a joint effort to make wikimania 
available for everyone in the wikimedia movement (broadcasting or taking 
minutes on ether pad)



I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch
Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] [okfn-discuss] OKCon 2013 Call for Proposals – out now!

2013-05-10 Thread Charles Andrès
wikimedia CH is considering to propose abstract.

independently we will be more than happy to help any wikimedians willing to 
come in Geneva if needed.


I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 10 mai 2013 à 04:58, Everton Zanella Alvarenga  
a écrit :

> 2013/5/9 Quim Gil :
>> I agree! If there is more people interested it would be good to have a
>> point of coordination e.g. in Meta.
> It'd be great to organize a page on meta for that. Good idea, Quim. I
> don't have time to lead this, but if some one do it, I can give some
> help.
>> Wikidata, MediaWiki and your data
> [glup]
>> We are not there, but we are heading to that direction. Do the open
>> data community know? They should! Do they even know what MediaWiki
>> (including the Semantic extension) and Wikidata has to offer today?
>> They should!
> I said the same somewhere. I second that. At least here in Brazil,
> open data folks are hearing with attention about Wikidata.
>> It would be great to know the opinion of the Wikidata team and the
>> European chapters. Needless to say, there would be also people at the
>> Wikimedia Foundation interested in this event.
> Sarah invited WMF to the event and I emphasized its importance. Lots
> and lots to collaborate, I think.
> Tom
> --
> Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
> OKFN Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia CH staff changes in 2013

2013-04-10 Thread Charles Andrès
The need for community/project managers was identified by Chantal, our 
director, who prepared the proposal herself (in collaboration with me)

Then there was a time when anyone could propose projects for 2013 and/or 
comment on the proposed projects; at this point, it would make no difference if 
someone making a comment was a board member or an outsider. In any case, Ilario 
did not participate in any discussion about the new positions -- neither 
pushing for or against them. The board later approved the final budget proposal 
without any objection (and without discussing any particular detail about these 
position), so that Ilario could not have influenced the positions at this step 

When the job description prepared by Chantal, Yann and Myself was ready to be 
published, Ilario told us that he may be interested in applying for the italian 
position. This allowed us to build the recruitment committee without including 
Ilario (as the main Italian-speaking member of the board, he would indeed have 
been part of this committee otherwise).

As mentioned before, Ilario was not involved at all with the hiring process. 
The board (minus Ilario) held a phone meeting in order to discuss the 
recommandations of the hiring committee, which it approved. In order to 
formally register the decision and Ilario's absention, a voting page was open 
on our board wiki, which saw an approval by 5 board members and one abstention 
because of a conflict of interest.

We haven't use donors money to have "professional advice from either a charity 
lawyer or a charity governance expert", because it wasn't necessary.

All in all, the only influence that Ilario had in the process was when he 
submitted his application.

According to the UK Charity Commission we are in the case where Ilario " has 
had no significant involvement with the trustees’ decision to create or retain 
the post, or with any material aspect of the recruitment process"


I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 10 avr. 2013 à 13:13, Thomas Dalton  a écrit :

> On 10 April 2013 08:10, Charles Andrès  wrote:
>> Hello Thomas,
>> Thanks for asking!
>> In fact, it was as easy as said :-)  Ilario has just never been involved in 
>> the recruitment process. In WMCH we believe that the conflict of interest is 
>> not solved with the resignation, but giving the whole process in the hands 
>> of a committee.
> Thank you for clarifying, but it really isn't that easy... Did you
> seek professional advice from either a charity lawyer or a charity
> governance expert?
> I don't know how these things work in Switzerland, but the relevant
> guidance from the UK Charity Commission can be found here:
> "In the case of a trustee also being employed in a separate post
> within the charity, or a trustee being paid for a service provided to
> the charity, the conflict of interest may result in a liability to
> repay salary or other related benefits. It should not be assumed that
> such conflict can be overcome merely by the person concerned resigning
> as a trustee, either before or after taking up the post. The only
> instance where authority may not be needed is where, practically, the
> trustees can show that there is no conflict of interest. In our view,
> this is confined to the fairly narrow circumstance where the trustee
> concerned:
> * has had no significant involvement with the trustees’ decision to
> create or retain the post, or with any material aspect of the
> recruitment process
> * where that person resigns as a trustee in order to apply for the
> employed post in advance of a fair and open competition for it
> All other circumstances require an express authority. "
> "Authority" in this context means either an express authority in the
> governing documents of the charity, a court order or permission from
> the Charity Commission.
> Under UK guidance, the approach you took would not be at all acceptable.
> This is a very serious matter. A charity paying a trustee (other than
> to reimburse actual expenses incurred) is probably the biggest
> conflict of interest you can get. It needs to be handled extremely
> carefully.
> Can you elaborate on how the decision to create the post was carried
> out (presumably it was part of your annual planning process)? Was
> Ilario involved in that?
> _

Re: [Wikimedia-l] WMIL new Executive Director

2013-04-10 Thread Charles Andrès
Congrats and Welcome!!
I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 9 avr. 2013 à 21:58, Itzik Edri  a écrit :

> Hi,
> After four months
> After 6 years without employees, and 4 months of the recruitment process
> (collecting resumes and interviews)  I happy to announce that last month
> WMIL hired Executive Director to support the increase in WMIL's activities,
> projects, volunteers and professionalization..
> Meet Dorit Shafir Dyamant:
> Over the last decade she mainly worked at NGO's in a variety of roles: from
> marketing  through projects management and producing conferences. She have
> MA degree in nonprofit management from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem
> and B.A in literature and comparative philosophy from University of Haifa.
> As a student at the Hebrew University, she founded and produced for 6 years
> the project "Words and poets' - an open evenings meetings for young poets.
> She married to Itay, and mother to Marom and Shalev. And I quote her, "I
> love to read three books at the same time, I write primarily for myself all
> my life, and I fervently supports positive thinking and action based
> sharing and cross-fertilization."
> She will attend the ChapConf in Milan next week and I encourage her
> colleagues (CEO/ED and any chapters representatives or WMF's staff) to meet
> her, share tips and welcome her to our Wikimedia family!
> Dorit email is and she already been subscribed to
> all the relevant mailing lists.
> I will use this opportunity also to share our new website (we just launched
> it today) - we still have lot of bugs to fix and text improvement, but as
> most of you can't understand Hebrew, it will not really change a lot for
> you :) (We will launch the English version in the next few weeks):
> Regards,
> Itzik Edri
> WMIL Chairman
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia CH staff changes in 2013

2013-04-10 Thread Charles Andrès
Hello Thomas,
Thanks for asking!

In fact, it was as easy as said :-)  Ilario has just never been involved in the 
recruitment process. In WMCH we believe that the conflict of interest is not 
solved with the resignation, but giving the whole process in the hands of a 

The use of the committees are usual in Wikimedia (i.e the FDC) exactly to avoid 
this kind of problems.

To make a long story short, the recruitment process was not a Board process. 
Chantal was involved from the start, the job descriptions have been realized by 
French-speakers  (Chantal , me and Yann, a professional community manager). The 
interviews have been conducted by a committee of four people: Chantal, Yann, 
Patrick (Board member and active in both languages) and Manuel (our CIO).

The board continued to work normally side by side with the selection committee 
without any interference or pressure. The same communication was split in 
different channels.

The selection committee provided a report to the Board (less Ilario) and we 
just validated their conclusions.

Please have in mind that the meaning of "Board member" is not the same in all 
countries. In Switzerland all Board members are elected for one year only, with 
no appointed member, and we try to split as much as possible executive duties 
and board duties. For some countries it can seem hard to avoid a COI, for 
others its easier.


I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 9 avr. 2013 à 20:55, Thomas Dalton  a écrit :

> Charles,
> Thank you for sharing this information. Can you elaborate on how the
> conflict of interest of hiring a current board member was managed?
> You say Ilario wasn't involved in the hiring process, but appropriately
> managing such a conflict is more difficult than that. Did Ilario recuse
> from all discussions and decisions about the job from the early planning
> stages (ie. well before the job was advertised)? Did you seek professional
> advise on how to manage the conflict?
> In the UK, I think it is normal for a trustee to resign at least before
> they apply for the job, ideally sooner.
> On 9 Apr 2013 18:08, "Charles Andrès"  wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> We have the pleasure to announce the hiring of 2 new employees and one
>> long-term contractor in 2013. On the other hand, Chantal Ebongué, our Chief
>> Administrative Officer, will leave her job at the end of July.
>> The three hiring are:
>> - Manuel Schneider, as Chief Information Officer and Event Manager, who
>> has started on 1st January 2013 (so this announcement is long overdue !)
>> - Muriel Staub, as German-speaking Community manager, who will start on
>> 1st May 2013
>> - Ilario Valdelli, Italian-speaking Community and GLAM manager, who will
>> start on 1st may 2013.
>> Muriel Staub will be our new German-speaking Community manager a 50%
>> position. Muriel is preparing a Master in Management, Organization Studies
>> and Cultural Theory at the University of Sankt Gallen. The subject of her
>> Master Thesis is "How does the use of Wikipedia affect the production and
>> sourcing of knowledge at Swiss Universities". She has a strong experience
>> as community manager for Apple, as well as having managed academic events
>> as a personal assistant of the Chancellor and Vice President of the
>> Leuphana University in Lüneburg, Germany.
>> Ilario Valdelli is hired as our Italian-speaking Community and GLAM
>> manager, also a 50% position. Ilario has a Master in Arts and worked for
>> many years in the IT field. He is a well-known member of the Wikimedia
>> community; he is founding member of Wikimedia CH as well as a current Board
>> member (he was of course not involved in the hiring process, and will not
>> remain on the board when his new job starts). He knows very well the
>> Ticinese community and has already developed strong partnerships with GLAMs
>> in this area.
>> The Community managers will work actively with the German or
>> Italian-speaking community to support them in accomplishing projects and
>> get in touch with Wikimedia entities and officials. They help the community
>> by gathering requests and ideas, communicating them to all relevant parties
>> and translating information wherever needed. This includes support to bring
>> formal requests and motions to WMCH by helping to prepare them, translate
>> them and present them to the Board. It's their responsibility to make sure
>> the community voices are

[Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia CH staff changes in 2013

2013-04-09 Thread Charles Andrès
Dear all,
We have the pleasure to announce the hiring of 2 new employees and one 
long-term contractor in 2013. On the other hand, Chantal Ebongué, our Chief 
Administrative Officer, will leave her job at the end of July. 
The three hiring are:
 - Manuel Schneider, as Chief Information Officer and Event Manager, who has 
started on 1st January 2013 (so this announcement is long overdue !)
 - Muriel Staub, as German-speaking Community manager, who will start on 1st 
May 2013
 - Ilario Valdelli, Italian-speaking Community and GLAM manager, who will start 
on 1st may 2013.
Muriel Staub will be our new German-speaking Community manager a 50% position. 
Muriel is preparing a Master in Management, Organization Studies and Cultural 
Theory at the University of Sankt Gallen. The subject of her Master Thesis is 
"How does the use of Wikipedia affect the production and sourcing of knowledge 
at Swiss Universities". She has a strong experience as community manager for 
Apple, as well as having managed academic events as a personal assistant of the 
Chancellor and Vice President of the Leuphana University in Lüneburg, Germany.
Ilario Valdelli is hired as our Italian-speaking Community and GLAM manager, 
also a 50% position. Ilario has a Master in Arts and worked for many years in 
the IT field. He is a well-known member of the Wikimedia community; he is 
founding member of Wikimedia CH as well as a current Board member (he was of 
course not involved in the hiring process, and will not remain on the board 
when his new job starts). He knows very well the Ticinese community and has 
already developed strong partnerships with GLAMs in this area.
The Community managers will work actively with the German or Italian-speaking 
community to support them in accomplishing projects and get in touch with 
Wikimedia entities and officials. They help the community by gathering requests 
and ideas, communicating them to all relevant parties and translating 
information wherever needed. This includes support to bring formal requests and 
motions to WMCH by helping to prepare them, translate them and present them to 
the Board. It's their responsibility to make sure the community voices are 
heard inside the association and that activities and communications of 
Wikimedia movement entities are also replicated into the communities. As a GLAM 
Manager, Ilario will continue to contact GLAMs in Ticino and create various 
partnerships aiming to develop GLAM collaborations in Switzerland.
Manuel Schneider, another well-known member of the community, has been hired in 
January 2013 as a long-term part-time contractor to support Wikimedia CH with 
its technical infrastructure, help with technical questions in our projects and 
manage events. Manuel has been a Wikipedian since 2004. A co-founder of 
Wikimedia CH, he has technically supported both our chapter and the wider 
community for many years, helping in particular to organize several Wikimanias. 
Currently, Manuel has a lot to do working on our internal infrastructure 
(servers, backups, donation process, etc), but he should soon be able to spend 
more time supporting our actual projects, something that will benefit the wider 
Chantal Ebongué is WMCH’s CAO since July 2012. She was hired as our first 
employee to make the step for professionalization and gave a more solid 
administrative basis to our association. Thanks to her, after almost one year, 
the results are positive : WMCH has 4 staff members, an office in Lausanne, the 
2012-2013 fundraiser was a success, new projects have started or are in the, 
and reporting and communication have been improved even if it’s not perfect 
Chantal decided to resign from her position on July 31 2013, after having 
completed the transition phase. The success of Chantal's work can be seen by 
the increasing number of appeals we receive from cultural or education 
institution; the dark side of the success is that she has no time left for her 
for doing actual work on cultural or educational content, which was her initial 
motivation when joining WM CH. She will move to a new job where she will be 
able to create original work.
Chantal will support us in the hiring strategy for the next step and we wish 
her the best for the future.
As an important lesson, we are more than ever convinced that the 
professionalization of a chapter must go by leaps and bounds, and should 
involve several hirings at the same time. It is impossible for a single 
employee to handle the management of projects and the  administrative 
overheads, especially during the setup phase. We also believe that we need a 
good balance between members of the community and "external" people: it is 
likely a good thing to have administrative staff who is not from the community, 
but he/she needs to be able to rely on a day-to-day basis on someone who knows 
the community, something impossible to achieve when hiring only one person at a 
As such, while the limitat

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Proposal to use the internal wiki more

2013-04-04 Thread Charles Andrès
Sure, it's so much better to ask to one WMF staff to use his payed time to 
collect the mail and phone number of each chapters board member, whereas all of 
this could have been done efficiently with no cost on Internal wiki.

The problem is that "old" wikimedians continue to consider internal like a 
place to do lobbying or secret stuff, whereas new wikimedians just want a place 
to share efficiently informations that cannot be displayed publicly like for 
example draft agreement between a chapter and an institution!

There is millions way to improve the usage of donors money, and the position 
"no place to work together" is not one of these.


Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 3 avr. 2013 à 19:46, Sue Gardner  a écrit :

> On 3 April 2013 03:34, Michael Peel  wrote:
>> So, rather than close the internal wiki, I'd like to propose a radical 
>> redesign and repurposing of it. Is there the interest and willingness in the 
>> WMF and the chapters to share such information with each other?
> I'd argue against this. From the perspective of the Wikimedia
> Foundation, I would rather staff bias towards putting information on
> public wikis wherever possible, and I'd worry that staff energy going
> into updating a closed private wiki would by necessity pull focus from
> public work. I'd argue for closing both the internal wiki and the
> internal mailing list: IMO there's nothing on either that needs to be
> confidential.
> Thanks,
> Sue
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Info: Markus Glaser is elected Chair of the Wikimedia Chapters Association Council

2013-03-19 Thread Charles Andrès
Congratulations Markus,

We hope you will find the way to free the WCA from all the bureaucracy and 
create a fresh restart, the future of the WCA is in the understanding of why so 
few chapters are really participating in the association life.

We assure you and the WCA of our support, we are really looking forward for a 
rebuilding of the WCA, starting from the basis : what the chapters needs, and 
what they can offer.



Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 18 mars 2013 à 01:58, Markus Glaser  a écrit :

> Hi,
> thanks for voting and thank you for your trust. Time will show if I can meet 
> your expectations. Thank you, Fae, for all the work you have done so far. I 
> assume I can continue to count on your experience :)
> In order to get things going, I totally depend on the help and support of the 
> Council members. We also need to involve all chapters and affiliate 
> organisations. Furthermore, I hope for very friendly relations to WMF and 
> their organisations.
> In order to shape the future of the WCA, please approach me with all 
> comments, criticism and suggestions!
> There's quite some work ahead of us! Our next milestone will be the Milan 
> conference.
> Cheers,
> Markus
> Am 18.03.2013 01:12, schrieb Kirill Lokshin:
>> Congratulations to Markus!  I look forward to working with everyone to make
>> the WCA a success in the coming year!
>> Cheers,
>> Kirill
>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 8:08 PM, Fae  wrote:
>>> Congratulations to Markus on becoming the Chair of the WCAC.
>>> The election results is available at
>>> <
>>> with an associated detailed Q&A from the candidates on the associated
>>> talk page.
>>> Thank you to all candidates for coming forward and taking part in the
>>> public debate so well.
>>> I look forward to supporting Markus in his role as our Chair, and the
>>> discussions with everyone at the Milan conference next month.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Fae
>>> --
>>> Ashley Van Haeften (Fae)
>>> Chapters Association Council Chair
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> -- 
> Markus Glaser
> WCA Council Member (WMDE)
> Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Fundraising testing

2013-02-28 Thread Charles Andrès
copy from the meta page:

The result of the Fundraising team and all the people involved has lead to an 
impressing abilities to minimize the time of display of the banners, and then 
decreasing the perturbation for the reader. I personally think that we reach an 
acceptable level of "perturbation" and that we should move from a strategy of 
"less perturbation for the reader" to "motivation of the reader". We will get 
back as soon as possible with numbers, but during the fundraising periods in 
general, and especially during the last one, we notice in switzerland a 
significant increase of the interest of the readers about how Wikipedia works, 
and the project of our chapter. During the last fundraising, we have been 
contacted by people wanting to join our chapter or becoming editors. In this 
period where renewing the pool of editor is a major challenge, I think we 
should not underestimate the power of the fundraising campaign. One simple way 
to use this synergy would be to redirect the donors (after their donation) to a 
thank you page that could incorporate a link to the corresponding chapter's 
page, or a thematic group's page, or an announce for a meet up, etc... the list 
is open.



I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 27 févr. 2013 à 19:11, Megan Hernandez  a écrit :

> Hi all,
> We have another update on fundraising testing.  We have been testing at low
> levels for almost three weeks.  We are preparing to increase the percentage
> for a 24-hour test so all anonymous readers in the countries and languages
> where we are running campaigns will see a banner (just 1 banner
> impression).  If a reader has already seen one banner over the past three
> weeks of testing, they should not see another banner during the 24-hour
> test.  The test is set to start at 18:00 UTC on Wednesday, February 27 and
> will run worldwide, excluding the countries where banners already ran in
> December 2012 (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France,
> Switzerland).
> Again, hiding banners from readers who have already seen a banner is new
> for us and our goal is to minimize the number of banners our users see.  If
> you read Wikipedia anonymously and see more than one banner, please let us
> know on the fundraising meta talk page:
> We are also testing out new translations and donation pages in many many
> countries, so if you see any errors or have any feedback, it'd really help
> us out if you'd send it to us:
> Thanks everyone,
> Megan
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Megan Hernandez
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We've been testing banners at a low level for about two weeks now.  We've
>> been showing just one banner impression to 5% of anonymous users (excluding
>> the 5 countries where banners ran in December: US, UK, Canada, Australia,
>> and New Zealand).
>> Hiding banners after one impression is new for us, and any feedback we can
>> get on how it's working will really help us. We are trying to minimize the
>> number of banners our users see each year.
>> If you visit Wikipedia anonymously (and you're outside of the 5 English
>> countries), have you seen any fundraising banners in the last two weeks?
>> If so, how many times have you seen a banner?
>> Thanks for your help!
>> Megan
>> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Megan Hernandez 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We wanted to let you know the fundraising team is starting up testing in
>>> February.  We're starting at low levels, so most people will not even
>>> notice banners to start with.  5% of anonymous users will see a banner just
>>> one time.  We are not showing any banners to logged in users.
>>> There was an announcement in November about us splitting up the
>>> fundraiser this year.  Just a very quick recap: We ran the end-of-year
>>> campaign in November and December in the top 5 English-speaking countries
>>> (US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand).  The campaign was successful
>>> and we were able to take the banners down a few weeks ahead of schedule:
>>> We are now working on starting up testing in countries that were not
>>> included in the end-of-year campaign.  We'll be working on translations and
>>> optimizing our donation pages in many countries over the coming months.
>>> We will post a report of the year-end campaign with much more detailed
>>> information and will send a note to this mailing list when it's available.
>>> We always need help making improvements in differe

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Info: Election for WCA Chairperson

2013-02-25 Thread Charles Andrès
The opt-in model make sense to be sure that all members actually support the 
WCA and what can be said in the name of the WCA.

But this is IMHO the problem, the WCA has been presented like a body that 
should represent the chapters in negociation with the WMF, but it has been 
received like a body that will actually  serve the big european chapters in 
their negotiation with the WMF.

Thus it's normal that several chapters refuse to join an association that do 
not demonstrate its capacity to help every chapter, and not only the noisiest 


I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 25 févr. 2013 à 16:45, Katherine Casey  a 
écrit :

> Seconding Béria here - by common sense, a group called the "Wikimedia
> Chapters Association" would represent the Wikimedia chapters. If it only
> exists to represent "Wikimedia chapters that sign on to ideas X and Y, and
> pledge Z, and attend meeting Q", then the name ought to be more
> representative of that - "Biggest Wikimedia Chapters Association", or
> "Wikimedia Europe", or "Wikimedia Chapter Politics Interest Group"...
> -Fluffernutter
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Béria Lima  wrote:
>> Well, since the WCA don't plan to represent all the chapters, it would be
>> good it changed the name to a more suitable representation of the truth
>> (that would be something like "European Chapters Association" based on the
>> people present in the last
>> meeting<
>>> )
>> to avoid confusion.
>> _
>> *Béria Lima*
>> *Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter
>> livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a
>> construir esse sonho. *
>> On 25 February 2013 12:21, Dariusz Jemielniak  wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Nathan  wrote:
 The model of voting delegates the casting of votes to members of the
 council; which are individuals, chosen by chapters. Purely from a
 practical perspective, it may not be possible for chapters to get
 council members in order by the deadline for this vote if they are not
 already members. Additionally, it's important to distinguish in voting
 between chapters abstaining and chapters simply not participating.
 Choosing to be a member, while not exercising a vote, is effectively
 assent to the outcome. This is not the case for those chapters which
 have chosen not to join the WCA.
>>> while I agree that in principle WCA should serve the large Wikimedia
>>> community and its impact should definitely not be limited to members
>> only,
>>> I believe it is quite dangerous from the point of view of governance to
>>> separate membership from voting rights. Although  it could make perfect
>>> sense to accept non-member chapter functionaries as candidates for the
>>> board/chair/etc., the very right to vote should be reserved to those who
>>> opt-in. Otherwise the chain of responsibility gets fuzzy, plus what
>> Nathan
>>> wrote.
>>> best,
>>> dariusz
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[Wikimedia-l] WMCH resolution about providing a web conferencing system for the Wikimedia Movement

2013-02-22 Thread Charles Andrès
Dear member of the Wikimedia Movement,

During our last Wikimedia CH board meeting, we resolved to set up a web 
conferencing solution.

After reviewing our needs, we decided that the most effective solution would be 
that of setting up a dedicated server for that purpose.

From a chapter level point of view, it could appear like an expensive 
investment, but put in the context of the Wikimedia movement, this investment 
(not such a large one, in fact) could be made profitable quite easily. 

We plan to give access to these tools at first to all the chapters and 
affiliated group, as then as well for thematic groups.

Deployment is planned for the next Wikimedia Conference in Milan.

In the meantime, people interested in getting access to the tools can contact 
us by email at, with a simple description of the project, 
an estimation of the number of people interested and the frequency of usage.

For further information on the chosen solution, you can check the Big Blue 
Button website.

For the Wikimedia CH board


Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Office +41 (0)21 340 66 20
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Looking back at the London Conference

2013-02-21 Thread Charles Andrès
HI Ziko,

Could you give us more information about this action team?, and especially its 
composition  because there is few information here , no 
more on the minute of your meeting in London, and I don't remind any public 
call for joining this team?

Sorry to use Wikimedia-l for this question, but if we use the chapters mailing 
we are criticize, so here the transparency :-)



Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 21 févr. 2013 à 16:25, Ziko van Dijk  a écrit :

> Hi, Michal and I will soon come up with a general question to the
> movement, in the frame of the action team "research". Maybe today or
> tomorrow.
> Kind regards
> Ziko
> 2013/2/21 Markus Glaser :
>> Am 21.02.2013 15:57, schrieb Manuel Schneider:
>>> I think I have to agree that one announce list is enough. As we haven't
>>> started using the wca-announce yet I see no problem in agreeing that we
>>> use wikimedia-announce-l instead.
>>> /Manuel
>> +1
>> We can use a [wca] tag in the subject line as you suggested to raise wca
>> specific awareness.
>> Cheers,
>> Markus
>> --
>> Markus Glaser
>> WCA Council Member (WMDE)
>> Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
>> ___
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> -- 
> ---
> Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland
> dr. Ziko van Dijk, voorzitter
> Wikimedia Nederland
> Postbus 167
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia Foundation's support of OTRS

2013-02-21 Thread Charles Andrès
Thanks Sumana,

For legal reason , WMCH, as fundraising processor, had to get its own OTRS 
system and queues, if it's a Movement request supported by the Foundation , we 
will be more than happy to participate and support the development of an 
alternative host by a chapter or the chapter association or whatever…



I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 21 févr. 2013 à 13:07, Sumana Harihareswara  a écrit :

> I am sorry for breaking threading; my "undigestify" plugin is giving me
> an error.
> I'm looking at  -- "Upgrade
> Wikimedia OTRS installation from 2.4.x CVS to the latest version
> (3.2.1)" -- and I see that Wikimedia Foundation's Rob Halsell has been
> trying to get in touch with Martin Edenhofer, the OTRS inventor, to get
> him onto the next step of helping out.  If anyone knows Edenhofer and
> can ask him to reply, that would be great, even if it's just to say
> "sorry but this isn't something I can take on".  Resolving that will
> reduce the "cookie-licking"
>  and make it easier
> for others to coordinate.
> I believe one thing that's needed is a clear commitment or confirmation
> from the Foundation -- do we plan to upgrade or replace OTRS, or not?
> If so, what is our timeframe? I've asked CT Woo, head of WMF Operations,
> to please comment on the bug or on the list.  Since there are security
> implications, I've also notified our Security Engineer, Chris Steipp, to
> remind him of the current situation.
> And another thing that's needed is clarity from WMF Legal on whether it
> would be okay for a chapter or other affiliated group to work on
> upgrading/moving/hosting/switching from OTRS, and whether there are EU
> data privacy restrictions.  So I've asked Legal for comment.  Once we
> understand that better, I can help Peter Gervai and Madman get going,
> whether to help with an in-place upgrade, a move, or something else;
> thank you so much for your offer!
> Rjd0060, thanks for the link to open bugs in WMF's Bugzilla about OTRS
> problems
> .
> I've asked our Bug Wrangler, Andre Klapper, and our bug wrangling
> intern Valerie Juarez, to take a look at those tickets just to
> double-check their priority so it's clear what problems the out-of-date
> OTRS system is causing.
> I've also emailed labs-l to follow up on Madman's question regarding the
> status of 
> (the OTRS Labs project).
> Thomas Morton, if you can forward me the note where the WMF promised an
> update to OTRS early this year, that would be great to help me chase
> this down. :-)
> I am glad that people have been bringing this up and pushing for a
> better toolset and experience for our volunteers.  Hope I can help.
> -- 
> Sumana Harihareswara
> Engineering Community Manager
> Wikimedia Foundation
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Looking back at the London Conference

2013-02-21 Thread Charles Andrès
Dear Fae,

I find it contradictory to consider that anticipated election of the chair is 
good for WCA but that for the vice chair it would be bad, if we need to have 
elections before Milano we can have both in parallel.

Anyway I was,  and I'm still  oppose to anticipated election.  Since the 
beginning of the discussion about WCA bylaws , the question of "do we need a 
chair and a vice chair" hasn't been fixed, and I'm sorry to tell that provoking 
new election before fixing this point is just bad.

Jan-Bart in a previous mail made the good comment that we should stop 
discussing about membership and voting, but the question here is really about 
what is the WCA.
Several chapters ask for an Iberocoop model, it means that they don't want a 
chair and a vice chair. The people present in London can argue that at least 
some position should exist to assure that coordination is done, but the 7 
present in London cannot decide for 14 others.  By deciding to anticipate the 
election of the chair it's just what you have done.

In your answer you talk about WMF board asking directly or indirectly for your 
replacement. This argument has been read in the personal comment of board 
member, and all chapter are aware of that and will take it into account, or 
not, when the time will come. But we don't need your resignation now whereas 
the new election is already planned in just two month, the few week of 
difference will not affect the WCA. Also if you are personally disputed by 
people outside the chapter, the vice chair is at least equally disputed among 
the chapter, what's the most important?

Finally I will point that WCA is representing 21 chapters for now, and most of 
those chapters are really tired of discussion in english on meta, asking them 
to have a "campaign" and a vote online whereas we can have a live vote in 
Milano is just another way to say "we don't care of you".

WCA is needed, but is not needed tomorrow , it's needed when all chapter will 
participate and make it grow, and we won't have that unless we find the seed 
action that will make all chapter willing to support is growth, and sorry this 
is not this list
 that will change the actual dynamic.

I'm not a magician, I don't have a ready to use solution, but what I'm sure, is 
that the very first step should be an open discussion between chapters about 
what is the WCA is, and for that purpose I created this page, to build a survey 
among chapters:

I invite all interested people to participate to the creation of this survey. 
In a second time the same type of survey should be open to the whole movement, 
but because the WCA is the CHAPTER ASSOCIATION, I think it's reasonable to 
first know what the first concerned people think.




I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 20 févr. 2013 à 09:25, Fae  a écrit :

> On 20 February 2013 07:57, Charles Andrès  
> wrote:
>> Hello Ziko,
>> Because you want to hear:
>> 1)Their is no census within the chapter whether we still want a deputy chair 
>> position
> It's better for us to focus on the actions we are taking for the next
> 3 months. We decided to defer discussion about changing roles and
> considering a board, or changing the titles we currently use. Any
> member of the Council is welcome to draft a resolution or discuss
> alternatives, but this will draw the oxygen away from being seen to
> make progress on solid outcomes, rather than internal affairs.
>> 2)if we keep a chair and a deputy chair, it has always been planned that 
>> this position should be open to vote at the next WCA meeting
> It was my decision, made after private discussions with Ting and SJ,
> apparently in response Jimmy Wales raising this for the WMF board's
> attention immediately after my English Wikipedia ban and before the
> end of the summer conference in Washington DC, to ensure that we would
> have an election this spring for the Chair position in a more formal
> and structured way. Though our vote was valid, I was never very happy
> at being elected without competition or much discussion. For that
> reason I was not prepared to just stay in position for 2 years. You
> will recall that for the Deputy Chair position, there was a
> competition and discussion so I believe this had a firmer sense of

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Looking back at the London Conference

2013-02-20 Thread Charles Andrès

In fact this mailing list has already been created since  a while, it's just 
not used for the moment.

The question of the hosting hasn't been discuss in this way, for the WCA  WMCH 
is offering the hosting of chapters mailing list, "chapters wiki", and some 
"chapter wiki". So it has just been natural to create the mailing list on WMCH 

It's an illustration of active step the WCA could take. 

The idea behind offer such "IT" service is to avoid to people to have to 
reinvent the wheel swell as an optimization of the cost, by sharing a server.



I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 19 févr. 2013 à 20:57, Thehelpfulone  a écrit :

> On 19 February 2013 16:10, Ziko van Dijk  wrote:
>> There will be a special list 'WCA-announcements". If you want to be
>> informed about Bulletins and discussions, join the list and you will
>> get links to Meta Wiki. It's a one-way-list, because the discussions
>> are supposed to be on Meta Wiki. This is a WCA service for Council
>> Members and non Council Members alike. In this way, nobody is obliged
>> to be on a heavy traffic list such as Wikimedia-l.
> Thanks Ziko, I'm happy to create this list for you on the Foundation
> servers, please follow the instructions at
> to file a
> bug. I'd suggest "WCA-Announce" to match our similar announcement lists for
> MediaWiki, WLM, Toolserver etc and to keep it relatively short.
> -- 
> Thehelpfulone
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Looking back at the London Conference

2013-02-19 Thread Charles Andrès
Hello Ziko,

Because you want to hear:

1)Their is no census within the chapter whether we still want a deputy chair 

2)if we keep a chair and a deputy chair, it has always been planned that this 
position should be open to vote at the next WCA meeting

3) 7 council member connote decide on their own of keeping in place the deputy 

4)The WCA do not need continuity, since ten month we haven't been able to 
provide something real , I don't see why we should continue this way


I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 19 févr. 2013 à 17:10, Ziko van Dijk  a écrit :

> Dear Council Members and everyone interested in the WCA,
> On 16/17th February 2013 a number of Council Members visited the
> London Conference I had proposed in mid January to talk about the way
> of the WCA and to prepare the Wikimedia Conference in Milan. We are
> happy that the London Conference did happen, and, in spite of the
> debatable WMF board statement of 5th February, that two WMF board
> members still agreed to join us.
> Because in 2012/2013 the signals from the WMF were not very consistent
> I tried to receive more clarity about the relationship between
> Foundation and Association. This was only partially successful, but I
> understand that the two present WMF board members were as open as it
> was possible within the constraints of the WMF board unity. We very
> much appreciated the commitment of Alice and Jan-Bart and were happy
> not to hear certain allegations from the board statement again.
> The London Conference discussed many WCA subjects collected during the
> last months. One of them was communication, and I am content that I
> could convince the participants of a major change. For someone who is
> interested in the WCA it has been very difficult to follow the
> proceedings, plans and results. When e.g. a Council Member wanted to
> talk to others or discuss something, he or she used one of the several
> mailing lists the movement has, or Meta Wiki, or private email
> addresses. I believe that this has been a fundamental problem with the
> regard to the perception of the WCA, and that the participation even
> from Council Members suffered also because of this kind of
> communication.
> After the election of a new Chair, the Chair of the WCA Council will
> issue a Bulletin, a kind of short report, with a summary of what
> happened recently and what are the plans for the near future. This
> will be put on Meta Wiki, and, naturally, discussions will centre
> around those Bulletins. For those who are interested it will be much
> easier to follow and to participate. If someone wants to support the
> WCA via translations, he or she can translate those Bulletins instead
> of a lot of messages.
> There will be a special list 'WCA-announcements". If you want to be
> informed about Bulletins and discussions, join the list and you will
> get links to Meta Wiki. It's a one-way-list, because the discussions
> are supposed to be on Meta Wiki. This is a WCA service for Council
> Members and non Council Members alike. In this way, nobody is obliged
> to be on a heavy traffic list such as Wikimedia-l.
> When we talked about the future and a possible new election of the
> Chair I also asked about my position. If for any reason someone
> believed that there should be a new election of the Deputy Chair, I
> wanted to hear. The participants said that that is no issue and that
> it is good to have continuity. The role of the Deputy Chair is to be
> there for the case that at some moment there is no Chair, and then the
> Deputy has to arrange the election.
> The WCA continues to exist and will make some rearrangements - it's
> exiting to follow the evolution.
> Kind regards
> Ziko van Dijk
> -- 
> ---
> Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland
> dr. Ziko van Dijk, voorzitter
> Wikimedia Nederland
> Postbus 167
> 3500 AD Utrecht
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Outcome of Wikimedia board discussion on the Chapters Association

2013-02-14 Thread Charles Andrès
After carefully reading the WMF Board of Trustees letter and evaluating the 
first months of existence of the WCA, Wikimedia CH wants to make the following 
Wikimedia CH has been supporting the idea of a Chapters Council since its 
beginning. Our support is even stronger in these troubled times.
Since the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin, a lot of work has been accomplished 
to make the WCA a successful and helpful organization for the Wikimedia 
Chapters and the whole movement. It has to be said though that along with this 
hard work some aspects have been lost, like what our real priorities are.
For almost a year, Wikimedia Chapters have worked to build a strong 
organization, trying to prevent all possible problems from an administrative 
point of view. We believe it was important to think about all the 
organizational problems the WCA would have to face in order to reach its goals 
but by doing this we first lost the enthusiasm of lots of chapter 
representatives and then the dynamics to actually create a helpful structure 
for the movement.
Considering this, we, Wikimedia CH, encourage the Wikimedia Chapters to go back 
to the blue print and develop the list of tasks and goals the WCA should 
It is important to build an association where all chapters are equal, to start 
over designing an association without focusing on needed staff, focusing 
instead on the expected outcomes. We realize that in order for an international 
organization like the WCA to exist in the long term, we will need paid 
employees to do the routine work, and to prevent volunteer burnout. We feel 
that the necessity of staff will arise by activities. Let's cross that bridge 
when we come to it.
To assure the equality of all chapters, we believe in a system where the 
chairman or president is a coordinator, not a decision-making power. Only this 
way we will ensure every chapter stays engaged with the Chapters Association.
We also believe the first task of the Chapters Association should be to produce 
a manifesto which defines the goals of the Chapters Association and how we 
think we will carry out our duties. This manifesto should also respect the 
expectations of movement actors like the project communities and the WMF Board 
of Trustees. Their expectations are important and require actions from the 
chapters. We are ready to face them.
For WMCH, --Charles Andrès (WMCH) 09:56, 14 February 2013 (UTC)


Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 5 févr. 2013 à 06:29, Kat Walsh  a écrit :

> Those of you who have been following the discussion of the Chapters
> Association may wish to read the statement written by the WMF board at our
> recent meeting, which is now posted on the Meta talk page for the
> Association; we encourage comments and discussion to take place on the wiki.
> Link:
> For the Wikimedia board,
> Kat Walsh
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Strange, surprising, bold and unnecessary - reply to the WMF board statement

2013-02-06 Thread Charles Andrès
In the WCA model the decision making power is held by the council, it means by 
the assembly of all chapters, there is no high power statutory position.

And any chapter can be a member of the Chapter association. 

I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 6 févr. 2013 à 16:18, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton  a 
écrit :

> Administrators are just volunteers with tools that do what the community
> demands, has no decision-making powers, is not a statutory position.
> Furthermore, anyone can volunteer in Wikis, but is not anyone who may be a
> member of WCA...
> And there are a lot of other differences that I'll let you think.
> On 6 February 2013 13:12, Charles Andrès wrote:
>> I do not see big difference between what you call "wiki model" and an
>> association like the chapters association.
>> Every individual has the same right, for specific purpose both model need
>> to elect a guy that took the responsibility.
>> ___
>> I use this email for mailing list only.
>> Charles ANDRES, Chairman
>> "Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
>> Skype: charles.andres.wmch
>> IRC://
>> Le 6 févr. 2013 à 15:55, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton <
>>> a écrit :
>>> So ... you not believes in the model Wiki, and also not believes that he
>> can be
>>> used in other locations, unless in building a encyclopedia?
>>> On 6 February 2013 12:51, Thomas Dalton  wrote:
>>>> On 6 February 2013 14:44, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> I said this in Berlin, and I will repeat here: Why the chapters do not
>>>>> apply the Wiki model in the offline world?
>>>> Because different problems require different solutions.
>>>> ___
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>>> --
>>> Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
>>> +55 11 97 97 18 884
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> -- 
> Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Strange, surprising, bold and unnecessary - reply to the WMF board statement

2013-02-06 Thread Charles Andrès
It's quite easy to leave the discussion when people do not agree without, 
nobody forced you to change the way you are working, we all respect the way you 
choose. just let's respect the way other can choose.

And by the way, a sarcastic analysis of the wiki model is that is working only 
if the majority of editors have minimal interaction with the other and than 
only a minority of editors are really acting together at the meta level, you 
really think it's a magic model?


I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 6 févr. 2013 à 16:31, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton  a 
écrit :

> HEHHEHEHE, okay, okay
> So... do you not believe?
> I find it odd organizations that promote free collaborative construction,
> do not to believe in their own model, do not use the model itself and talk
> that should be the model to be used ... "blacksmith's house, wooden
> skewer"(casa de ferreiro, espeto de pau) [1]
> I will not prolong, I just think that you are wasting your capacity.
> Peace.
> [1],_espeto_de_pau
> On 6 February 2013 13:18, Thomas Dalton  wrote:
>> On 6 February 2013 14:55, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
>>  wrote:
>>> So ... you not believes in the model Wiki, and also not believes that he
>> can be
>>> used in other locations, unless in building a encyclopedia?
>> It may be useful in other situations, but there is no reason to assume
>> that just because it's a good way to write an encyclopaedia that it is
>> going to be a good way to run a chapter.
>> ___
>> Wikimedia-l mailing list
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> -- 
> Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
> +55 11 97 97 18 884
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Strange, surprising, bold and unnecessary - reply to the WMF board statement

2013-02-06 Thread Charles Andrès
I do not see big difference between what you call "wiki model" and an 
association like the chapters association.

Every individual has the same right, for specific purpose both model need to 
elect a guy that took the responsibility.

I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 6 févr. 2013 à 15:55, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton  a 
écrit :

> So ... you not believes in the model Wiki, and also not believes that he can 
> be
> used in other locations, unless in building a encyclopedia?
> On 6 February 2013 12:51, Thomas Dalton  wrote:
>> On 6 February 2013 14:44, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
>>  wrote:
>>> I said this in Berlin, and I will repeat here: Why the chapters do not
>>> apply the Wiki model in the offline world?
>> Because different problems require different solutions.
>> ___
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> Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
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[Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia CH Living tradition in Switzerland project

2013-01-31 Thread Charles Andrès
Dear all,
In 2013 and 2014 Wikimedia CH will support the development of the content 
associated with the Living tradition in Switzerland

One of the goal will be to provide help to create the articles about each 
tradition. As a preparative work I'm looking for someone able to create 
infoboxes for Wikipedia DE IT FR and EN.




Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Wikimedia-l mailing list

[Wikimedia-l] Two 50% Community Manager position available at Wikimedia CH

2013-01-11 Thread Charles Andrès
Dear all,

Wikimedia CH is looking for 2 positions of 0.5 FTE, one for Italian communities 
and one for German communities (percentage can be discussed).

The Community Manager is a person who works actively with the communities to 
support it accomplishing projects and get in touch with Wikimedia entities and 
officials. It helps the communities by gathering requests and ideas, 
communicating them to all relevant parties and translating information wherever 
needed. This includes support to bring formal requests and motions to WMCH by 
helping to prepare them, translate them and present them to the board.
In the same manner the Community Manager communicates activities of the 
Wikimedia entities to the communities by writing reports, blog posts and mails, 
translating information from WMCH to the community's language.
It's her/his responsibility to make sure the communities voices are heard 
inside the association and that activities and communications of Wikimedia 
movement entities are also replicated into the communities.

The positions will remain open until successfully filled. Please apply in 
English at or by postal mail: Wikimedia CH, 8008 Zürich with 
a motivation letter and usual documents. A short summary on how you imagine the 
job will be appreciated. Please add English translations of your resume and 
short summary.



I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Fundraiser causing confusion

2012-11-28 Thread Charles Andrès
In fact we haven't seen the link before but we had the same in Switzerland, it 
seems that in a way people complain about the traditional banners that are to 
intrusive, but in the other hand they are more suspicious and have doubt about 
banners that are not the same than previous year! 


Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 28 nov. 2012 à 15:27, Philippe Beaudette  a écrit :

> Not trying to be snarky, but like what?
> We run a fundraiser.  It happens every year.  I'm pretty sure we have an
> OTRS template about it.  :)
> pb
> ___
> Philippe Beaudette
> Director, Community Advocacy
> Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
> 415-839-6885, x 6643
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 6:24 AM, Andy Mabbett 
> wrote:
>> I'm seeing a significant number of OTRS tickets along the lines of:
>>   I was looking at Wikipedia and a big orange banner popped up
>>   asking for donation> Is this for real, or is it a scam?
>> Can anything be done about this?
>> --
>> Andy Mabbett
>> @pigsonthewing
>> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikipedia-l] Sort it

2012-10-26 Thread Charles Andrès
Amir is right, without judging this specific case, the pattern describe here is 
a problem.

Especially the massive revert attitude , it's really a challenge for retaining 
new specialist editor.


Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 26 oct. 2012 à 13:43, "Amir E. Aharoni"  a 
écrit :

> Shortened, and grossly over-simplified:
> A biologist wrote some things about biology and they were not challenged.
> Then he wrote some things about dinosaurs, and they were reverted. If
> I understood correctly, the reason for the reverts was that it
> appeared to be original research (WP:NOR).
> And now the biologist is pissed off, possibly for a good reason, and
> wants his previous contributions removed, too.
> This is a story that repeats itself quite often, with surprisingly
> similar details: an expert does some acceptable things, then doing
> some things that turn out to rouse controversy, then wanting to retire
> with a storm. I'm not implying that the expert is bad, absolutely not;
> I'm just noting a pattern.
> Whatever the details of the story are, it's not good and it may
> justify discussion.
> But as a meta-comment, it should be done on wikien-l or on
> wikimedia-l, and not on this list, which is called "wikipedia-l", but
> is not active in practice.
> --
> Amir
> 2012/10/26 Thomas Dalton 
>> TL;DR (Too long; didn't read.)
>> Please provide a summary that makes clear what point you are trying to 
>> make...
>> On 26 October 2012 11:55, John Jackson  wrote:
>>> Greetings –
>>> I hope this is a good place to send a weighty message to Wikipedia.
>>> You’ll want to read all through.
>>> I am a scientist who has always liked the Wikipedia idea, and I like
>>> your implementation.  Lately I’ve started making contributions.
>>> Although I’m a cognitive scientist who taught biological psychology at
>>> degree level for several years and have done AI research since the
>>> ‘80’s, I’ve diverted for a decade or more to resolve a set of major
>>> evolutionary puzzles.
>>> Fairly peripheral but within the overall project was an investigation
>>> of bird breathing, and I decided to piece together the research into
>>> it, and deliver it properly to the public.  Trust me, the finer
>>> details were obscure.  On the way I discovered why penguins’ lungs
>>> don’t collapse even at 500m when whales’ lungs collapse by 100m; I
>>> found out what the neopulmo did (though not why) and why penguins
>>> don’t have it, and I changed our understanding of flow within it; I
>>> also resolved the old chestnut of whether birds had counter-current
>>> exchange in their lungs.  That is, completely discovered, not just for
>>> myself.  By careful editing and addition including the long overdue
>>> diagram the subject needed, I converted the two Wikipedia pages
>>> dealing with bird breathing from an incomplete mire to a place of
>>> revelation (though the German version needs starting afresh, and
>>> Duncker agrees).  But it was an honour do so.
>>> More central to my overall project was cladogenesis, the heart of
>>> palaeontology and just the thing that I, as an MSc in info. sys.
>>> engineering would be expected to get into.  I’ve written my own clad.
>>> software, invented and implemented my own heuristic version, proved
>>> the theorem in graph theory that resolves an issue in checking
>>> evolutionary trees by time and rooting them, and highlighted a serious
>>> statistical fallacy invalidating another major current of work in the
>>> time-checking of trees.
>>> In these activities I was almost entirely alone as regards other
>>> workers in the overall field, since that field, dinobird
>>> palaeontology, is notorious for its abuse of the lack of scientific
>>> and indeed academic constraint that all historical disciplines are
>>> prey to.  Applicants for research positions into that biological
>>> science, which relies heavily on computer science and statistics, are
>>> usually accepted with just a geology first degree.  Put succinctly but
>>> honestly, the standard of science amongst professional dinobird
>>> palaeontologists is crap, so much so that I’ve never taken the idea of
>>> publishing formally in the field very seriously.  I do from time to
>>> time in AI, but any scientist with something sensible to say in
>>> dinobird palaeo will always be violating sacred errors and be blocked.
>>> Although useless, the field is very proud and stubborn.
>>> But there is a layer of humanity too stupid even to become
>>> professional palaeontologists – and guess what?  They’ve established a
>>> self-aggrandising population in the basement of Wikipedia, grooming
>>> their egos by becoming gatekeepers.  I’m sick of the sight of their
>>> pathetic award stars.
>>> I wasn’t su

Re: [Wikimedia-l] WMF core and non core expenses

2012-10-08 Thread charles andrès
Dear Sue,
I partially disagree with the statement "we're not in a position where we need 
to make extraordinarily difficult choices about whether to preserve"

If you consider the WMF financial reserves it's true, but for what I 
understand, the FDC should decide about the distribution of the forthcoming 
fundraising and so we can only guess that the movement has no fundings problem. 
If this winter we cannot reach the total amount fixed, what will happen? The 
entities that apply to the FDC will have to share the money that remain after 
the WMF took a lot more than what is needed to operate the project (bottom 

I personnaly agree that the "core" should be more than only the basics, but 
there should be something between this extremitiy and the actual WMF FDC 
proposal where the community can comment only 10% of the real WMF budget.

What I could suggest is too split the WMF proposal in two parts: 1)the expanded 
core (high priority) 2) the non core (lower priority=actual FDC proposal). In 
this case, if the fundraising is not successful has intend, the cost of the 
difficult choices will be assumed by all the part of the movement.



Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 8 oct. 2012 à 14:08, Sue Gardner  a écrit :

> On 8 October 2012 12:18, Thomas Dalton  wrote:
>> It seems clear to me, based on the end result and what foundation board and
>> senior staff have said, that they decided an account of money they wanted
>> to request from the FDC and then decided what to designate as non-core so
>> that it added up to that amount.
>> Rather disingenuous of them, but Sue has been very clear that she only sees
>> the foundation's application as a way of testing the process rather than as
>> actually being the right way to determine the budget.
>> On Oct 8, 2012 11:14 AM, "Itzik Edri"  wrote:
> Hi Thomas & Itzik,
> There's FAQ material on the wikis about how core versus non-core were
> determined -- I think it's part of the annual plan FAQ. (I'd link you
> to it, but I'm in a bit of a rush. Maybe somebody else can point to
> the right place?)
> The Board and I had a number of discussions about core versus non-core
> -- to very swiftly recap, we decided that we did not want core to mean
> the rock-bottom base costs of operating the site. We realized that in
> making that decision we'd risk being confusing, and that people would
> likely end up sending inquiries like the one Itzik just sent, because
> they'd likely be operating on the assumption that core did indeed mean
> base costs. We considered whether to label it as something other than
> "core" in order to avoid being confusing, but in the end went ahead
> with core for lack of a better word.
> Going from memory -- core is intended to represent the ordinary costs
> of running the global sites -- so for example, it would include all
> the costs of maintaining the trademark portfolio, providing legal
> defence where necessary, doing media stuff and internal global
> movement communications work, etc. For example we decided that
> internationalization & localization are part of "core," because our
> core work includes providing a service in multiple languages.
> We did not want core to represent the base, rock-bottom,
> non-negotiable costs of operating the sites on a shoestring, because
> that's not the purpose of this exercise, because we're not in a
> position where we need to make extraordinarily difficult choices about
> whether to preserve, for example, internationalization & localization
> versus site performance. If we were in that position (needing to make
> very painful choices due to financial necessity) of course we would.
> But that's not where we are.
> Thomas, it's not actually true that I see this as purely an exercise
> in testing the FDC process, although I do definitely think running
> part of the WMF budget through the FDC will help us be sensitive to
> fund-seeker needs as we iterate the process. I do also see value in
> the process itself -- getting community input on the WMF's non-core
> activities, etc., will be useful.
> (Just FYI -- I won't be able to reply any more to this thread for much
> of the rest of the day, by the way -- I'm swamped and doing a bunch of
> things.)
> Thanks,
> Sue
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] FDC Proposals

2012-10-02 Thread charles andrès
The talk page of the template is a good place to start

even if it's clear that a real effort has been done about the wording, it's 
still need internationalization, too much sentence are ambiguous for non native 
english speaker.



Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 2 oct. 2012 à 14:06, Fae  a écrit :

> I have quite a few emails in my inbox that mention problems using the
> submission form, and how much of an administrative burden this
> created. Where is the best place to raise suggestions for improvement
> (including, I hope, pointing out the aspects that are working well),
> and who will be promptly managing those suggestions of behalf of the
> FDC?
> It would be sensible to ensure, and be seen to ensure, that the
> administrative burden on Chapter staff and volunteers is kept to a
> minimum.
> Thanks,
> Fae
> '' Writing as me, personally, rather than in any role people might think I 
> have.
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Upcoming Survey, Feedback requested, and Office Hour

2012-09-14 Thread charles andrès
Dear Jan-Bart,
Unfortunately the exact wordings was "I'll point out also that there are zero 
real-world implications for the survey results".

Because we all agree that there is now such thing like a zero real-world impact 
survey, we really hope that the raw results of this survey will be made as 
public as possible (privacy issue), and that in the future , survey including 
question about WMF partners (chapters are not the only ones) will be done since 
the very beginning in collaboration with all the partners involved.



Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 12 sept. 2012 à 16:14, Jan-Bart de Vreede  a écrit :

> Hey
> So I might have missed some mails on this thread (perhaps because they were 
> not posted on this public list) but I highly doubt that Sue perform surveys 
> that do not have a real-world impact on our operations. I know that the 
> results of the previous surveys were used in several discussions (including 
> at a board level) in order to provide more insight….
> On the other hand, using these surveys to gain more insight is not the same 
> as using them to "hold each other accountable" which is sometimes easy to do. 
> Every survey (and questions) has a lots of interpretation magic which can 
> easily lead you astray, but I don't have to tell you (the community) this :)
> Jan-Bart
> On 10 Sep 2012, at 23:01, Delphine Ménard  wrote:
>> Contrarily to Sue, I do
>> think that these surveys (should) have a real-world impact and
>> (should) keep us all on our toes, fine tuned to the critisicism, needs
>> and wishes of the editors of the WIkimedia projects. As such I expect
>> us to make sure that we do get as precise a picture as possible of
>> what those are.
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Shark IM?

2012-09-11 Thread charles andrès
I may have misunderstood, but I think it's nothing else that what we already 
explain to companies arguing that informations in their article are inaccurate 
i.e. answering "improve your website with more useful information and 
wikipedians will use it in the article"


Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 11 sept. 2012 à 22:37, Gregory Varnum  a écrit :

> My work just got this contact submission today.  I am kind of annoyed that 
> they offer this service.  Has anyone else encountered it?
> Most aggravating line:
> " Wikipedia editors are notorious for their strict policy in allowing links 
> or company entries. We have realized, over the years- that the best way to 
> get a link to stick in wikipedia, is to ensure that the content it links to 
> is useful and contributes to the entry. We have formulated fool-proof methods 
> to ensure that links stick;"
> -greg aka varnent
> -Original Message-
> From: Shark IM [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 1:38 AM
> Subject: Contact form submission
> Your Message:
> Backlinks from wikipedia are in a league of their own. The right wikipedia 
> backlink can single-handedly rank a website for it's target keyword on 
> google. We speak from experience! You can also expect significant direct 
> traffic from wikipedia.
> Another service we offer; creating a wikipedia entry/page for your company or 
> topic of choice is
> also excellent for search engine reputation management & brand boosting 
> purposes. Of course, you will also get a backlink from the entry to your 
> website.
> Wikipedia editors are notorious for their strict policy in allowing links or 
> company entries. We have realized, over the years- that the best way to get a 
> link to stick in
> wikipedia, is to ensure that the content it links to is useful and 
> contributes to the entry. We have formulated fool-proof methods to ensure 
> that links stick; including the
> sourcing/creation of useful content which we can advise you to include on any 
> page you'd like, and association with hundreds of cooperative editors to 
> overcome any edit-wars
> and vote against deletion. We are a professional operation. When you hire us, 
> you can be assured of results. We have acquired thousands of backlinks from 
> wikipedia for our
> clients, and created 50+ company & biography entries.
> For the Fastest support & order status, or bulk/orderinquiries, please 
> contact us via the Live Chat on our website:
> Our motto is that "a happy customer is a repeat customer!"
> Submitted: September 11, 2012 at 1:37 am
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Upcoming Survey, Feedback requested, and Office Hour

2012-08-24 Thread charles andrès

Le 22 août 2012 à 13:11, Cristian Consonni  a écrit :

> 2012/8/21 Delphine Ménard :
>> If, however, we're going to mix editor's experience and satisfaction
>> about Wikimedia, I am cruelly missing any kind of feedback question
>> about the work of the chapters and/or other organisations or groups in
>> the Wikimedia Universe that would give people the right scope about
>> what is happening in a more "offline" kind of way. Of course, we could
>> do a separate survey for chapters, but if we're truly an international
>> movement, then all Wikimedia entities that support/interact with the
>> community probably would benefit from being put in the same bag in
>> order to fine tune their support and help for the Wikimedia
>> communities.
> +1.
+1 and I emphasize the "Wikimedia Communities" because according to the survey 
it seems that the Foundation is still believing that there is only one and 
unique community! 


Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] [WikiEN-l] "Stocking personal details"

2012-08-20 Thread charles andrès
WTF? What the link between WMF finances and the topic?  And by the way are you 
talking about the movement finances or the foundation finances, because it's 
not the same thing.


Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 19 août 2012 à 18:30, Nathan  a écrit :

> That's a little Orwellian, isn't it. If a "fact" is known elsewhere, but
> not in your own country, you could be prosecuted for reporting it. So much
> for everyone not being entitled to their own facts. An example of the
> wisdom of not incorporating the WMF in the European Union, and something
> that should inject caution into efforts to more closely link the WMF and
> its finances to European chapters.
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