Mumia Case Reaches Its Climax (fwd)

2007-05-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 23:33:22 -0400
Subject: Mumia Case Reaches Its Climax

The Final Showdown - Mumia Case Reaches Its Climax

By Dave Lindorff and Linn Washington, Jr. - May 15, 2007

The case of death row prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, now a
quarter of a century long, is heading to a climax this
Thursday in a hearing before a three-judge panel of the
Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia. It is a
hearing that could result in a new trial for the
Philadelphia journalist and former Black Panther, or
possibly in a new date with the executioner.

The wide range of possible outcomes of this hearing
results from the fact that Abu-Jamal and the
Philadelphia District Attorney have filed cross-appeals
in the case. Abu-Jamal, convicted in 1982 for the 1981
slaying of white Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel
Faulkner during an arrest of Abu-Jamal's younger
brother William, is appealing his conviction. He is
arguing that his jury was unconstitutionally purged of
black jurors by the prosecutor, who used peremptory
challenges to bar 10 or 11 black jurors from being
seated, though all had said that they could vote for a
death penalty. He is also appealing his conviction on
the ground that the prosecutor, Joseph McGill,
improperly diminished the jury's sense of
responsibility for their verdict by telling them that a
guilty verdict would "not be final" since there would
be "appeal after appeal."

The DA's office, meanwhile, has appealed a 2001
decision by Federal District Judge William Yohn
overturning Abu-Jamal's death sentence-a ruling that if
sustained, converts Abu-Jamal's penalty to life in
prison without possibility of parole.

It is impossible to second-guess what the three judges
sitting on this appeal will decide on any of the claims
before them, but looking at their prior decisions, all
three of the judges, who include Chief Judge Anthony
Scirica and Judge Robert Cowen, both Reagan appointees,
and Judge Thomas Ambro, a Clinton appointee have,
during their time on the Third Circuit, overturned
capital convictions based upon the same claim Abu-Jamal
is making about race-based exclusion of jurors by the
prosecution. In his federal habeas appeal of his
conviction-the so-called Batson claim regarding jury
bias--Abu-Jamal's attorneys noted that in a city that
is 44 percent African-American, his jury initially had
only three black members (one was removed before the
start of the trial, under questionable circumstances
also possibly relating to judicial bias, leaving only

Abu-Jamal further presented evidence that his mostly
white jury was the result of a pattern of racism in the
city's justice system. Prosecutor McGill, who used 11
of his permitted 15 peremptory challenges (challenges
to bar jurors for which no reason has to be provided),
to remove black jurors otherwise qualified to sit, had
a record over the course of six capital cases between
1977 and 1986, of striking 74 percent of potential
black jurors while striking only 25 percent of white
jurors. Furthermore, defense data show that over the
same period, during which Ed Rendell was Philadelphia's
district attorney, prosecutors working under his
direction collectively used their peremptory challenges
to eliminate black jurors 58 percent of the time,
compared to only 22 percent of the time for white

If the appellate court decides that this damning
statistical evidence shows or suggests a pattern of
racism in jury selection, it would be bound to either
order a new trial, or to remand the case back to Judge
Yohn for a full hearing on the jury bias issue.

This would appear to offer Abu-Jamal his best chance
for a new trial. If the judges vote the way each of
them has voted in other similar cases, it could happen.

A second possibility for a new trial would be McGill's
clearly inappropriate summation to the jury, in which
he essentially told them to forget about "proof beyond
a reasonable doubt," and which the judge, who still
posthumously holds the national record for death
penalty convictions (31), allowed to go unchallenged.
Many a death sentence has been overturned for just such
prosecutorial misconduct, but to date, neither the
Third Circuit nor the US Supreme Court has overturned a
conviction on the basis of such comments. Still, it
remains a possible avenue for a reversal and a new

A third avenue of federal appeal by Abu-Jamal argues
that his initial appeal of his conviction, called a
Post-Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) hearing, was
constitutionally flawed because the judge--the same
Albert Sabo who tried him originally--was biased in
favor of the prosecution. Local newspaper editorials
made that observation during the hearing. But more
importantly, the PCRA hearing transcript shows that
Sabo refused to grant any subpoenas to the defense to
compel witness testimony, and that 

Please Don't Downlist Manatees!

2007-05-15 Thread Alan Sondheim



"The bottom line here is that the manatee is not safe from 
extinction, no matter how officials play the numbers game, 
and significant threats on its survival continue to haunt it."
--Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel

Hi Alan,

On Friday, May 18th, Americans from all across the country 
will celebrate Endangered Species Day. But as we pay tribute 
to our nation's endangered species, manatees are facing their 
biggest threat ever. Recently, after conducting a 5-year review 
of the manatee's federal status, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 
(Service) recommended downlisting them from "endangered" to 

We need you to help manatees by sending a quick online letter now!

Why aren't we celebrating the news we have fought for so many 
years to hear? Because these actions are politically driven. With 
the market for coastal land skyrocketing, powerful groups have 
been lobbying for a long time to change the manatee's status. 

According to the Service's own Recovery Plan, manatees should 
NOT be downlisted until deaths from boat strikes and the 
destruction of habitat are brought under control. But these 
threats are increasing. And the Service ignored a recent report 
from the U.S. Geological Survey that stated: "Any increase in 
watercraft-related mortality substantially increases the risk of 
the Florida manatee population reaching the point of no 
probable recovery." 


1. ACT NOW! Please let decision-makers know you strongly 
oppose the manatee's downlisting at this time. Click on 
the link below to get more information on this issue and 
to send a quick and easy online letter to Dirk Kempthorne, 
U.S. Secretary of the Interior; H. Dale Hall, Director of the 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; and Florida Governor Charlie Crist.

2. Ask all your friends and family members to send the letter.

3. Make a donation now to help us take whatever actions 
are necessary, including legal action, to ensure that manatees 
are protected to the full extent of federal and state law. 
Please be as generous as possible so we can have the 
resources to act decisively:



Read press articles on the manatee downlisting issue:

Find an Endangered Species Day event near you:

Thank your senator for unanimously declaring Friday, 
May 18th, Endangered Species Day:


You are subscribed to Save the Manatee Club's Action Alert List as [EMAIL 
To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

If you want to change your email address, please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sign Up for our free Paddle Tales E-Newsletter! 
Go to

Our postal address is 
500 N. Maitland Ave.
Maitland, Florida 32751
United States

Save the Manatee Club is a nonprofit organization founded in 1981
by former Florida Governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham and 
singer Jimmy Buffett. To learn more about manatees and our work, 
go to

Adopt-A-Manatee and join Save the Manatee Club. Your
contribution will support our work to help protect endangered
manatees and their habitat. For more information, go to

Help spread the word about manatees! Please forward this 
message to your family and friends. If you got this message 
from a friend, sign up to receive our Action Alerts at our 
Take Action page at

You can get updates on Action Alert issues by visiting the 
Take Action page of our web site. If you have additional questions, 
please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You Gave Wolves a Fighting Chance. 200,000+ Comments Filed (fwd)

2007-05-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 16:26:26 GMT
From: NRDC Action Fund - Frances Beinecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: You Gave Wolves a Fighting Chance. 200,000+ Comments Filed

Dear Alan,

Over the past 60 days you've given wolves a fighting chance
against the Bush Administration's proposal to strip them of
their Endangered Species protection and leave them vulnerable to
mass killing.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that more than
200,000 citizens registered their opposition to a dangerous plan
that could doom up to one half of the wolves in Greater
Yellowstone to a cruel and senseless death.

I'm proud to report that NRDC Action Fund supporters like you
generated 137,000 of those 200,000 comments!

Thanks to your support, we also made sure that concerned
citizens turned out in force at public hearings across the
Northern Rockies to testify for wolf protection. Wolf supporters
outnumbered opponents at key hearings in Cheyenne, Wyoming and
Boise, Idaho, where the wolf faces fierce hostility from state

And the outcry we raised was bolstered by more than 250
scientists, who expressed their own opposition to the Bush
Administration proposal.

What's next? The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service will review all
the comments it has received and will make a decision in about
six months on whether or not to maintain protection of the wolf
under the Endangered Species Act.

Although the American people have spoken out loud and clear in
favor of such protection, it is far from assured. The wolf has
powerful enemies in the Bush Administration and state

That's why, in the months ahead, we will be building even more
public pressure on the administration . . . bringing the plight
of wolves to the attention of the media . . . and making sure
that scientific evidence in favor of protection gets a full

We'll be counting on your support and activism at every step of
the way. Thank you again for making your voice heard during this
critical comment period for the wolves of Greater Yellowstone.


Frances Beinecke
NRDC Action Fund

. . .

If you would prefer not to receive NRDC Action Fund updates, you
can reply to this email message with "remove" or "unsubscribe"
in the subject line. To update your information, including your
email or mailing address, visit your subscription management
page at;.

The NRDC Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the Natural
Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

video footage of forthcoming epoetry SL performance

2007-05-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

video footage of forthcoming epoetry SL performance

please note the writing skillfully employed by sandy baldwin
please listen to the composition by azure carter
please watch the duet related to the writing and composition
please attend to the constant recalibration of camera position
please look towards the space between and among the avatars

every week brings a new plateau.
this plateau is on a new plateau.

materials for forthcoming performance paris epoetry conf

2007-05-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

sound and 2 images from upcoming epoetry performance paris

figure in white: Sandy Baldwin
singer and composer: Azure Carter
tabla player darker avatar: Alan Sondheim
SL space: Odyssey
(perhaps our best music/sound to date)
(production shots)

boundary phenomena

2007-05-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

boundary phenomena

 < ::: rot ovo om oos
 omoc .ovo m onomonoh
 p orodnoo
 b so donn
 oht:kramt iW tramS Y our the
 fo kcort oht ,odnor omom .roo
 rotno .oto
 oob otooo b .k noht is inside
 my 'n ivoL er omdikS flo ors connec ts eromdik
 S with ne edle park :::uoy gn ihtaerb m 'i:dna ' ,edosmirt : 9 0 Come me
, , bea
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 Ah, Reds and Blu es ! \ No ne w line at en d of file --- > S
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Of chimps and humans -- Barbara Ehrenreich (fwd)

2007-05-13 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 01:54:55 -0400
Subject: Of  chimps and humans -- Barbara Ehrenreich

Will Chimp Life Get Human Rights?

By Barbara Ehrenreich, AlterNet.
Posted May 11, 2007.

Hiasl, a 26-year old Austrian-based chimpanzee, is
petitioning the courts for human status, and let me be
the first to extend him a warm welcome to our species.

My animal rights activism has never gone beyond the
cage-free eggs' stage; it's the human possibilities
raised by Hiasl's case that caught my attention. If a
chimpanzee can be declared a person, then there's
nothing in the way of a person becoming an ape -- and
I'm not just talking about a retroactive status applied
to ex-husbands. In fact, I predict a surge in trans-
specied people, who will eagerly go over to the side of
the chimps.

The transition need not involve costly, time-consuming,
surgical arm extensions and whole-body Rogaine
treatments, since we are practically chimpanzees
already. We share 99 percent of our genome with them,
making it possible for chimps to accept human blood
transfusions and kidney donations. Despite their vocal
limitations, they communicate easily with each other
and can learn human languages. They use tools and live
in groups that display behavioral variations
attributable to what anthropologists recognize as
culture. And we may be a lot closer biologically than
Darwin ever imagined.

Last May, paleontologists reported evidence of inter-
breeding between early humans and chimps as recently as
5 million years ago, and proposed that modern humans
are the result of this ancient predilection for

Hiazl's motivation is economic: The animal sanctuary
where he resides has run out of funds, and, in Austria,
only a person can receive personal donations. Many
humans in this country may be similarly motivated to
seek chimp status. There are individuals who commit
crimes in order to gain access to the free food and
medical care available in a prison. How much easier and
more pleasant to have oneself declared a chimp and win
entry to the soft life of a zoo animal! Not only are
the guards friendly, but one's enclosure has been
designed with far more psychological forethought than
the average office or cubicle.

True, not all chimps have it as easy as Hiazl, who
spends most of his time watching TV. There's the danger
of being sold to a pharmaceutical company for research,
for example, but this should decline as chimps achieve
human status. We can't expect much progress on
chimpanzee rights in Bush's America, according to
Elizabeth Hess, author of the forthcoming book Nim
Chimpsky: The Chimp Who Would Be Human. But in addition
to the Austrian debate, the Spanish parliament is
considering a bill to extend "fundamental moral and
legal protections" to apes. Once apes achieve these
protections, American humans are going to want them
too. I'm thinking food, shelter, and medical/veterinary

Another reason to make the human-to-ape transition is
the sex, at least if you're smart enough to declare
yourself a bonobo or pygmy chimpanzee. Bonobos, who are
genetically as close to humans as larger chimpanzees,
use sex much as we use handshakes - as a form of
greeting between individuals in any gender combination.
See an old friend, and you start rubbing genitals
together, with mutual orgasm serving as a hearty "How
ya doin', pal?" Plus, bonobo bands are female-
dominated, which should be a special enticement to
women investigating their chimpanzee transition

There are is another, less selfish reason, to seek
chimpanzee status. Like me, you may be a wee bit
disappointed in our own species. Here we are - the
tool-wielding, word-spouting brainiacs of the earth --
and what have we done with our powers? We've poisoned
the world, encrusted it with our unsightly
infrastructure, and exterminated most of our fellow
earth-dwellers, from elephants and tigers to fish.

Of course, what makes humans especially obnoxious is
our tendency to believe in our absolute superiority
over all creatures. We alone, of all species, have come
up with religions and philosophies that declare us
uniquely deserving of global hegemony. Yet one by one,
our "unique" human traits have turned out to be shared:
Chimpanzees have culture; dolphins make art (in the
form of bubble patterns); female vampire bats share
food with their friends; male baboons will die to
defend their troop; rats have recently demonstrated a
capability for reflection that resembles consciousness.
We are animals, and they are us.

But just because you want, for whatever reason, to
attain the status of a chimp, don't assume that you'll
make the cut. Just as we don't know how the Austrian
court will rule in Hiasl's case, we have no reason to
believe that the chimps will have us.


Portside aims to provide material of interest
to people o

Judith Butler on Hannah Arendt

2007-05-13 Thread Alan Sondheim
‘I merely belong to them'

Judith Butler
LRB | Vol. 29 No. 9
dated 10 May 2007

The Jewish Writings by Hannah Arendt ed. Jerome Kohn ·
Schocken, 559 pp, $35.00

‘You know the left think that I am conservative,'
Hannah Arendt once said, ‘and the conservatives think I
am left or I am a maverick or God knows what. And I
must say that I couldn't care less. I don't think the
real questions of this century get any kind of
illumination by this kind of thing.' The Jewish
Writings make the matter of her political affiliation
no less easy to settle. In these editorials, essays and
unfinished pieces, she seeks to underscore the
political paradoxes of the nation-state. If the nation-
state secures the rights of citizens, then surely it is
a necessity; but if the nation-state relies on
nationalism and invariably produces massive numbers of
stateless people, it clearly needs to be opposed. If
the nation-state is opposed, then what, if anything,
serves as its alternative?

Arendt refers variously to modes of ‘belonging' and
conceptions of the ‘polity' that are not reducible to
the idea of the nation-state. She even formulates, in
her early writings, an idea of the ‘nation' that is
uncoupled from both statehood and territory. The nation
retains its place for her, though it diminishes between
the mid-1930s and early 1960s, but the polity she comes
to imagine, however briefly, is something other than
the nation-state: a federation that diffuses both
claims of national sovereignty and the ontology of
individualism. In her critique of Fascism as well as in
her scepticism towards Zionism, she clearly opposes
those disparate forms of the nation-state that rely on
nationalism and create massive statelessness and
destitution. Paradoxically, and perhaps shrewdly, the
terms in which Arendt criticised Fascism came to inform
her criticisms of Zionism, though she did not and would
not conflate the two.

She stated the matter quite clearly in The Origins of
Totalitarianism, published in 1951. Statelessness was
not a Jewish problem, but a recurrent 20th-century
predicament of the nation-state. What happened to the
Jewish people under Hitler should not be seen as
exceptional but as exemplary of a certain way of
managing minority populations; hence, the reduction of
‘German Jews to a non-recognised minority in Germany',
the subsequent expulsions of the Jews as ‘stateless
people across the borders', and the gathering of them
‘back from everywhere in order to ship them to
extermination camps was an eloquent demonstration to
the rest of the world how really to "liquidate" all
problems concerning minorities and the stateless'.
Thus, she continues,

after the war it turned out that the Jewish
question, which was considered the only insoluble
one, was indeed solved -- namely, by means of a
colonised and then conquered territory -- but this
solved neither the problem of the minorities nor
the stateless. On the contrary, like virtually all
other events of the 20th century, the solution of
the Jewish question merely produced a new category
of refugees, the Arabs, thereby increasing the
number of stateless and rightless by another
700,000 to 800,000 people. And what happened in
Palestine within the smallest territory and in
terms of hundreds of thousands was then repeated in
India on a large scale involving many millions of

It may well have been such views, along with her
criticisms of Zionism in 1944 and 1948, that led to
Gershom Scholem's sharp allegations against Arendt in
an exchange of letters in 1963, after the publication
of Eichmann in Jerusalem. Scholem called her
‘heartless' for concentrating dispassionately on
Eichmann's understanding of himself as a functionary.
Her text was controversial on a number of accounts.
There were those who thought she misdescribed the
history of the Jewish resistance under Fascism and
unfairly foregrounded the collaborative politics of the
Jewish Councils, and those who wanted her to name and
analyse Eichmann himself as an emblem of evil. Her
account of his trial, moreover, tries to debunk
speculations as to his psychological motives as
irrelevant to the exercise of justice. And though she
agrees with the decision of the Israeli court that
Eichmann is guilty and deserving of the death penalty,
she takes issues with the proceedings and with the
grounds on which that judgment is based. Some objected
to her public criticism of the court, arguing that it
was untimely or unseemly to criticise Israeli political
institutions. That she finds Eichmann careerist,
confused, and unpredictably ‘elated' by renditions of
his own infamy failed to satisfy those who sought to
find in his motivations the culmination of centuries of
anti-semitism in the policies of the Final Solution.

Arendt refused all these interpretations (along with
other psychological constructs such as ‘collective

the optical

2007-05-13 Thread Alan Sondheim

the optical

the optical asserts itself as punctum-turned-filter, the return of the an-
alogic within the digital. punctum {1} expands into the optical continuum
through a field transformation {x1,y1} > {x2,y2}. adjacent elements may
remain adjacent but any geometrical transformation more or less assures
that there are at least some elements that will no longer remain so. the
optical tends towards the puzzle; the punctum is those elements remaining
constant in the transformation of vector elements on the surface of a
sphere. every distortion is an artistic transform; some appear more artis-
tic than other. how much chaos does an image tolerate - transforms into
how much chaos delights the perceiver / to what extent is the original
image phenomenologically identifiable? but there are times when true joy
emerges, when the apparent real apparently shudders - when the viewer
shudders - as the real re/presents itself, and the punctum dissolves. for
the imaginary of the punctum is still the origin, and we rid ourselves of
that. the trawl scrapes earth or sky,
taking everything along with it, irrupting surfaces, constructing an un-
recognizable real. the trawl transforms the planet, what is visible every-
where, the world turned upside-down, inside-out, reconstituted and mirror-
ed. beauty is the return of the symmetricized gift of the real.

she dreams of fire

2007-05-13 Thread Alan Sondheim

she dreams of fire

( everything around her burns and she doesn't care )

she speaks of fire

( everything around her burns and she doesn't care )

Re: My life in a nutshell -

2007-05-12 Thread Alan Sondheim

Thanks; this sort of thing has been all too frequent...

- Alan

On Sat, 12 May 2007, Martha Deed wrote:

I really like that image, Alan.

- Original Message -
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 6:52 PM
Subject: My life in a nutshell -

My life in a nutshell -

I'm the crack I fall through.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 269.6.8/800 - Release Date: 5/11/2007

7:34 PM

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

My life in a nutshell -

2007-05-12 Thread Alan Sondheim

My life in a nutshell -

I'm the crack I fall through.

roaring burn

2007-05-11 Thread Alan Sondheim

roaring burn

roaring doesn't get rid of the nightmare.
burned the skin off several in the vicinity.
wood screams to the sky burns.
ash burns. cinders burn. coals burn.
i asked cylinder.node.avatar c.n.a. cna:
help me on this one and i'll let you go.
now i don't know where they are.
roaring burn.

roaring burn.
my dreamland is your nightmare.
roaring propitiation and dark matter.
quasars and cut-off hands.
created gods fell into water.
suicide not science the solution.
i'll let you go but i'll track you down.
cylinder roaring burn. avatar roaring burn.
world-node puppet fury roaring burn.
roaring burn.

roaring burn.
i am on fire for you.
my arms are on fire for you.
my face is on fire for you.
my legs are on fire for you.
my friends are on fire for you.
my family are roaring burn.
my family are on fire.
i am burning for you.
i am roaring burn.
roaring burn.

roaring burn.
help me on this one and i'll burn you alive.
avatar-burning-world cylinder-burning-world.
burning-world-node and bridge to salvation.
salvation and i'll burn you alive.
roaring burn.

roaring burn.
fire went in the mouth.
fire took form of the organ of speech.
fire took form of speech.
fire speaking help me out of this one.
manifold body roaring burn.
fire went in the body.
fire went in the speech.
roaring burn of the organ of speech.
my tongue is on fire for them.
my tongue is on fire for them.
roaring burn.


2007-05-11 Thread Alan Sondheim


i cannot propitiate the gods.
of crazed there are some.
of death and disfigurement there are some.
of suicide there are some.
i cannot propitiate the gods.

i am crazed.
i am disfigured.
i am still alive
my three traumatic places.
my propitiation.

Amazon News - May 11th, 2007

2007-05-11 Thread Alan Sondheim
Amazon News
Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira 

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by
 , the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian
Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media. Its publisher is
Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira, a Brazilian non-profit and public
interest registered organization


The news this week:

shows that dams are responsible for 4% of global warming - 05/10/2007

that impacts caused by Alcoa in Pará are serious - 05/07/2007

 sue oil
giant over Amazon pollution
The Guardian - 05/11/2007

in carbon levels shows vegetation struggling to cope
The Guardian - 05/11/2007

aims to extract dam methane
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation - 05/11/2007

 from the
Indigenous Council of Roraima goes to Brasilia and confirms demonstration on
Folha de Boa Vista - 05/10/2007

Stang Case - Committee will hold protest during trial
O Estado de S.Paulo - 05/08/2007

report of the IPCC highlights the importance of forests - 05/04/2007

Amazonia will impose drastic reductions on farm production
Amazonas Em Tempo - 05/04/2007

uses nuclear power to pressure for hydro power
Valor Econômico - 05/04/2007

states that monitoring in Amazonia performed by INPE is a model for the
INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - 05/03/2007

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Help save wild Colorado's archeological treasures

2007-05-11 Thread Alan Sondheim
Dear Alan,

The Bush administration wants to sacrifice more than one million
acres of outstanding wildlife habitat and archeological sites in
northwest Colorado to destructive oil and gas drilling and
off-road vehicle use.

We need your immediate action to block this proposal, which
would cause irreparable damage to fragile wildlands including
the world-renowned Vermillion Basin, home to one of the most
spectacular collections of ancient petroglyphs in the country.

Please go to
and tell the Bush administration to protect our natural and
cultural heritage by banning harmful drilling and off-road
vehicle use in the Vermillion Basin and all other
wilderness-quality lands in this region.

People from all over the world seek out the Vermillion Basin and
nearby Little Snake wildlands for outdoor recreation,
wildlife-viewing and its natural beauty. The Little Snake area
provides habitat for elk, pronghorn, mule deer, coyotes and
white-tailed prairie dogs. The waters of this region sustain the
endangered Colorado River Pikeminnow and the Colorado River
cutthroat trout. Greater sage grouse, golden eagles and
peregrine falcons also take refuge there.

Yet the Bush administration has proposed stripping existing
wildlife protections from these lands and opening virtually the
entire area to drilling and off-road vehicles. This scheme also
fails to protect the region's irreplaceable historical and
archeological treasures.

Please go to
and urge the administration to safeguard these sensitive
wildlands for future generations.

Thank you for helping to protect the natural and cultural values
of our last western wildlands.


Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council

. . .

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NRDC BioGems Defenders, but if you would prefer not to receive
BioGems updates or hear from BioGems activists in the field, you
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To update your information, including your email or mailing
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Ask for Stronger Manatee Plan

2007-05-10 Thread Alan Sondheim


Urge Revision of Imperiled Species Listing/Delisting Rule 

Hi Alan,

When the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) 
adopted new imperiled species listing/delisting criteria, they 
incorporated the international criteria for "endangered," but they 
elected to call those species that met the endangered criteria 
"threatened" instead of "endangered." As a result, the FWCC voted 
to downlist manatees to "threatened" status. We are highly critical 
of this move, as are a host of other environmental organizations 
and eminent scientists. 

Now, the FWCC has drafted a Manatee Management Plan (Plan), 
which is the final step in the species' reclassification from 
"endangered" to "threatened." However, the current Plan will 
not ensure adequate protection for manatees and, together with 
the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's recent recommendation to also 
downlist manatees at the federal level, the Plan will greatly 
hamper our chance of securing the manatee's future in the face 
of increasing human-related threats.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has recommended downlisting 
the manatee due to political pressure. An April editorial in The 
Bradenton Herald said, "The declassification is not being made 
because the manatee has made a 'landmark' recovery, as the 
USFWS' field supervisor asserted. Rather, it is a concession to 
the boat, dock-building and development interests that have 
lobbied for relaxing manatee protection rules for years. In the 
anti-environment posture of the Bush administration facing 
term limits, it has finally found a friendly reception."  

The two greatest threats to the manatee's long-term survival are:

-A growing number of boats on Florida's already 
dangerous waters

-The probable future loss of both natural and 
artificial warm water habitat.

Ironically, because of these threats, both the state and federal 
governments are projecting substantial to catastrophic decline 
in the manatee population unless strong new protections are implemented.

1. Act Now! Click on the link below to send a quick and easy online 
letter to FWCC Executive Director Ken Haddad and Florida Governor 
Charlie Crist, asking them to revise Florida's imperiled species 
listing/delisting rule and to retain the manatee's current 
"endangered" status. In addition, the letter asks them to make 
the Manatee Management Plan much stronger.

2.The formal comment period for the Management Plan is from 
May 7 - June 14. Please send the letter immediately and ask your 
family and friends to do the same.  


You are subscribed to Save the Manatee Club's Action Alert List as [EMAIL 
To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

If you want to change your email address, please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sign Up for our free Paddle Tales E-Newsletter! 
Go to

Our postal address is 
500 N. Maitland Ave.
Maitland, Florida 32751
United States

Save the Manatee Club is a nonprofit organization founded in 1981
by former Florida Governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham and 
singer Jimmy Buffett. To learn more about manatees and our work, 
go to

Adopt-A-Manatee and join Save the Manatee Club. Your
contribution will support our work to help protect endangered
manatees and their habitat. For more information, go to

Help spread the word about manatees! Please forward this 
message to your family and friends. If you got this message 
from a friend, sign up to receive our Action Alerts at our 
Take Action page at

You can get updates on Action Alert issues by visiting the 
Take Action page of our web site. If you have additional questions, 
please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

theory: topology and topography

2007-05-09 Thread Alan Sondheim

(in reality, a theory is embedded in the following, thinking through
virtual topology in relation to 'real' topography - node in relation
to grit, avatar in relation to organism, duplication in relation to
inviolation, violation in relation to economy. but these are other
stories as well as not told, unless, given the medium, presented with
the proper address.)

theory: topology and topography

sex-playing roles in organic display that disappears, sheaves of lives
disappear, all moments, topologies of desire, topographies of bodies and
media, topologies of media, topographies of representation, the grit of
the real, imaginary of the virtual, cleansed, hairless, in constant state
of rebirth, airborn, earthborn. nothing but prims, pixels, machinic
constructs that disappear as so many props only necessary at this point in
time. forget them. work the world.:

:the flower is connected, fecund, the flower is a shape, the flower is the
merge of connection and organism. things need names and often don't have
them; i learned firsthand when my mother died, what happens in any death:
the dispersion of the world she organized and assembled over decades, a
dispersion which happened quickly, in the matter of days. all my belong-
ings and works are organized in a skein of representations - they're so
fragile, so tied to temporal balance, feedback. what can be said of this,
of the fragility of worlds - just so my writings falter at the gate. in
1841 someone was awarded a certificate of merit; i have that certificate,
untethered, release, haunted - oh i cried when i found it, this delicate
index of the past, bones, skeletons, dust, death, hunger.:

:i forgot you jennifer i've been too busy with avatar bodies that can't
hold a stick to you. the news around here isn't good, there are closeups
of autopsies on television and i don't even know the people. i've been
writing with characters 'cylinder,' 'node,' and 'avatar,' which at least
presents connectivity of a certain sort in place of either the machinic or
the organic - a move from topography to topology that seems critical at
this point in time. but everything is still-born; i leave the site and the
citation, the object itself, leaves as well.::chests of connections and

Your small tables of nodes and vectors is in my wayward closet of
attachments and parts

Your breast seeps into my closet of attachments and parts - turning me
closet of attachments and parts
chests of connections and cylinders
tables of nodes and vectors

00: pramsevision a
01: pries even kno
02: primple. i'v
03: prime
04: primes
Thanks, A
05: primp

06: prism ^X Send
07: prismsd
ting wit
08: rimsers 'cyl
09: trimsode,' and


2007-05-09 Thread Alan Sondheim


: i am your pole punctum avatar
: take me off your world
: i devour cylinder of dream world
: no top or bottom
: pathetic
: balm, embalm

doctored in relation to

Re: The Problem of the Ape

2007-05-09 Thread Alan Sondheim

This reminds me of Brecht...stunning
We haven't progressed...
- Alan

On Wed, 9 May 2007, Obododimma Oha wrote:

The Problem of the Ape
(For Desmond Morris)

The problem is not that the human is the beast
The problem is not that the beast calls a feast
When he should call a long fast
To repent his shameful past

The problem is not that the beast is naked
And does not know
The problem is that the beast
Has learnt to pretend not to know

The problem is not that the beast
Is an ape with the longest penis
The problem is that he wields it
Against the other who has none

The problem is not that the beast may fail
To progress,
The problem is that the beast may think
He is no longer a beast
When he has progressed.

--- Obododimma Oha

Obododimma Oha
 PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
 MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
 Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English, University of Ibadan
 Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
 University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection.
Try the free Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =


2007-05-08 Thread Alan Sondheim


i am dead and avatar mourns
you don't see avatar in these images
you see what avatar sees
you know what avatar knows
avatar does not taste what you taste
that soft feeling in the back of your throat
harshness of vocal cords
muffled cries of the embalmed

Physics News Update 823

2007-05-08 Thread Alan Sondheim
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 823   May 8, 2007 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein

Researchers in Italy have created the shortest light pulse yet-a
single isolated burst of extreme-ultraviolet light that lasts for
only 130 attoseconds (billionths of a billionth of a second).
Shining this ultrashort light pulse on atoms and molecules can
reveal new details of their inner workings--providing benefits to
fundamental science as well as potential industrial applications
such as better controlling chemical reactions.  Working at Italy's
National Laboratory for Ultrafast and Ultraintense Optical Science
in Milan (as well as laboratories in Padua and Naples), the
researchers believe that their current technique will allow them to
create even shorter pulses well below 100 attoseconds.
In previous experiments, longer pulses, in the higher hundreds of
attoseconds, have been created.  The general process for this
experiment is the same. An intense infrared laser strikes a jet of
gas (usually argon or neon). The laser's powerful electric fields
rock the electrons back and forth, causing them to release a train
of attosecond pulses consisting of high-energy photons (extreme
ultraviolet in this experiment).  Creating a single isolated
attosecond pulse, rather than a train of them, is more complex. To
do this, the researchers employ their previously developed technique
for delivering intense short (5 femtosecond) laser pulses to an
argon gas target.  They use additional optical techniques (including
the frequency comb that was a subject of the 2005 Nobel Prize in
Physics) for creating and shaping a single attosecond pulse.  The
results are being presented this week (paper JThA5) at the
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the Quantum Electronics
and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS).  Expanded story at: ; also
see Sansone et al., Science, 20 October 2006.

A Princeton group led by Evgenii Narimanov will discuss a newly
emerging optical design known as a "far-field hyperlens." The
hyperlens aims to increase light's abilities to image and magnify
submicroscopic objects such as the components of biological cells.
The lens is built with metamaterials, composite objects usually made
from nanometer-scale arrays of rods and ring-shaped structures. It
can project an image relatively far away (therefore making it
"far-field"). The cylindrical shape of the hyperlens can collect
components of the light waves that in a conventional lens would be
lost. This helps the hyperlens capture details smaller than the
wavelength of the illuminating light. In addition to such
"subwavelength imaging," the hyperlens' cylindrical geometry enables
it to magnify an object's image.
The Princeton group theoretically proposed the hyperlens (Jacob,
Alekseyev, Narimanov, Optics Express, Vol. 14, Issue 18, pp.
8247-8256, September 2006), and six months later it was demonstrated
experimentally (see, for example, Science, 315, 1686, 23 March
2007). Nader Engheta's lab at the University of Pennsylvania has
also proposed a device, called a "metamaterial crystal lens,"
essentially equivalent to the hyperlens (Physical Review B 74,
075103, 2006).  According to Princeton researcher Zubin Jacob, the
initial prospects for the hyperlens are very promising, for
applications ranging from imaging biological objects to making
nanometer-scale circuit patterns. (Paper QTuD3 at CLEO/QUELS)

The University of Maryland's Igor Smolyaninov has presented what his
group calls a "magnifying superlens." Initially inspired by John
Pendry's "perfect lens" idea, and drawing upon the Princeton
hyperlens and U-Penn crystal lens concepts as well as Maryland's
previous work, the magnifying superlens uses alternating layers of
negative- and positive-index-of-refraction metamaterials. In
negative-refraction metamaterials, light or other electromagnetic
radiation bends in the opposite direction than it would in ordinary
matter, making it potentially very useful for focusing images. The
new device succeeds in magnifying the object while resolving details
as tiny as 70 nanometers, much smaller than the wavelength of
visible light. (Paper JMA4, CLEO/QELS; also see Smolyaninov et al.,
Science, 315, 1699-1701, 23 March 2007).

In efforts that can improve studies of biological objects and the
construction of nanotech materials, a Berkeley group has invented
"optoelectronic tweezers," a new way of controlling nanometer-scale
objects. Optoelectronic tweezers, which use optical energy to create
powerful electric forces in carefully prescribed places, differ from
ordinary "optical tweezers," which use optical energy to create
mechanical forces that can pus

A LEK OF NODES (alandanceis part 2)

2007-05-07 Thread Alan Sondheim


: i don't know you and don't want to know you. i'm my own person
and i've worked hard at this.
: say something cylinder, i'm not talking to myself here.
: i can change more than any of you. but i'm tethered to you.
oh, how i long to escape! i want to see the world! i want to get out of
: i'm imprisoned, i can't escape my neighbors. then you're both
around all the time, it's boring. i always know what you're going to say.
there's nothing going on, nothing at all. i stay in relation to avatar -
: and as long as i say so, in relation to cylinder as well. that's
the way the world is, you can't do anything about it.
: i refuse you're unhealthy humanism. you both look like parts
of the same species to me. what's with that? you're drowning in humanity.
humanity's already dead. i just don't want you to take me with you.
: trans-speciation's the answer. i just want to be somewhere else
in another body. i want you to be my body cylinder. i want to make that
: there's nothing i'd rather do myself. but it's impossible.
node holds us back and if it wasn't for this node, there'd be another and
another. they never end. they dangle. they dangle like dead men.
: we're not men at all. or women. or anything else you can imagine.
we're dimensionless. we're points and there's nothing but points. you can
trip over us but you can't see us.
: stop twisting me.
: i have no interest in continuing this. leave me alone.
(first part)
(alan-danceis recorded 11/2006)


2007-05-07 Thread Alan Sondheim


with behaviorcollision nothing is clear, what occurs is monstrous.
consider the cylinder as indexical, tracking an avatar node -
a cylinder the size of a gathering ...

: what have we here?
: you spurt from my loins and give away my location!
: now everyone will know where i am!
: don't blame me for transitive functions! i do as i'm told!
: everyone knows i'm blind ...
: i'm just following orders ...

making a song out of it

2007-05-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

1935 Folies Forever Song

songSome Speak
handwritten as
stuff Pass
including By,
With Sanders,
my Jean
Hands Darling
on (Little
Shoulders, songSome
Sue handwritten
KainWe stuff
Never including
Speak With
as my
Pass Hands
By, on
Sanders, Shoulders,
Jean Sue
Darling KainWe
Rascals)Book Rascals)Book
Two, Two,
Rainbow Rainbow
Album Album
of of
Popular Popular
Songs, Songs,
Star Folios,
Dance 1-13,
Folios, 15,
1-13, 16,
15, 17a,
16, 18a,
17a, 19b,
18a, 20a,
19b, Star

Ted 28Baby
World's World's
Greatest Greatest
Song Song
Folio, Folio,
George George
Cohan's Cohan's
Songs Songs


Little W.
Miss Hurlbut,
Fix-It, Harry
W. B.
Hurlbut, Smith,
Harry Nora
B. Bayes
Smith, Jack
Nora Little
Bayes Miss
Publication, NorworthLyrics
Hits, Publication,
Volume Hits,
3 Volume
#4, 3

Broadcast from
1938, Big
Love Broadcast
Blue October
Grass Blue
Roy, Grass
Hamlins Roy,
Corncracker Hamlins
"88" Collection
Grand "88"
Old Grand
Browne's Old
1928 Browne's
Special Inc.
Edition Universal
for PianoScarf
1924 Dance,
Irving scene
Berlin d'ballet,
Inc. Chaminade
Universal #383
PianoScarf Special
Dance, Edition
scene for
d'ballet, 1924
Chaminade Irving
November Amateur


a Lost
Fog, a
Dorothy Fog,
Fields Dorothy
Jimmy Fields

piano Dixieme
Date #18
Can't E.
Get Skidmore
Lovin' Jackmore
Where Baxley
there dedicated
Ain't Marianne
Any Harris
Love, (2
Will Can't
E. Get
Skidmore Lovin'
Jackmore Where
Baxley there
dedicated Ain't
Marianne Any
Harris Love,
copies)Like Certain
It, Party,
That Words
Certain Gus
Party, Kahn,
Words music
Gus Walter
Kahn, Donaldson,
music copies)Like
Walter It,
Did It?
you Phil
Mean Baker,
It? Sid
Phil Silvers,
Baker, Abe
Sid Lyman,
Silvers, 1927
Abe Did
Lyman, you
Everybody Everybody
Tells Tells
it it
Sweeney Sweeney
(and (and
tells tells
me), me),
1920Crawford Folies
Music 1920Crawford
Corporation Music
Mac Corporation
Gordon Mac



T. Mills
Paull's T.
Novelties Paull's
Marches, Novelties
2, Marches,
Mark Album,
Stern #4
Smart Witmark
Set Modern
Album, Styles
#4 Harmonic
Witmark Construction
Modern Player,
Styles Mark
Harmonic Stern
Construction Smart

Ragtime, KahnMax
Davis Gem
Call Call
Madness Madness
but but
Con Con
Conrad, Conrad,
Gladys Gladys
Dubois, Dubois,

GregoryWhat Trying
Life, Live
Trying without
Live You,
without Charlotte
You, Kent,
Charlotte Louis
Kent, Alter,
Louis GregoryWhat

MorganIn Wayne
Spanish Young,
Town featured
'Twas Julia
Night Gerity
This, Lonsome
Mabel Sorry,
Wayne Conrad
Young, MorganIn
featured Spanish
Julia Town
Gerity 'Twas
Lonsome Night
Sorry, This,
Somebody's Song,
Wrong Henry
Song, I.
Henry Marshall,
I. Raymond
Marshall, Egan,
Raymond Richard
Egan, A.
Richard Somebody's


Chas. Haviland's

John Hanon
Thompson, Studies
1, John

Fwd: wake up call (fwd) - the best! - Alan

2007-05-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
From: Hugenok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 6, 2007 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: wake up call

Just a little more improved than the ones I was planning about 60 years ago!



OMG!  i love these things!

Robert Kezelis wrote:

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Musical Comedy

2007-05-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

Musical Comedy

New work on YouTube (some pieces already up but well compressed here)
New work on (added here and there)
On MySpace and Facebook come along and fill them up
New stuff on (trickling in)

Musical Comedy, San Toy, A Chinese Musical Comedy, Edward Morton, Sidney
As You Desire Me, Allie Wrubel, signed Anita M. Coogan
Spring Parade, sung by Deanna Durbin, signed Eleanor C. Graham
If the Dreams that I dream Come True, Billy K. Wells, posed by Esther
When It's Lamplightin' Time in the Valley, Joe Lyons, Sam C. Hart, and
 the Vagabonds, Francis Langford's theme song
Some handwritten stuff including With my Hands on my Shoulders, Sue M.
We Never Speak as We Pass By, Joe Sanders, signed Jean Darling (Little
Book Two, Rainbow Album of Popular Songs, 1933,1941?
Star Dance Folios, 1-13, 15, 16, 17a, 18a, 19b, 20a,
 21, 24, 26, 28
When my Baby Smiles at Me, Ted Lewis
World's Greatest Song Folio, George M. Cohan's Songs of Yesteryear,
 Library of William J. McKenna, B64
The Popular Songs Monthly, April 1921
Little Miss Fix-It, W. J. Hurlbut, Harry B. Smith, Nora Bayes and Jack
A Song Lyrics Publication, Song Hits, Volume 3 #4, 1939
Song Hit Folio, July 1935
Song Lyrics from Big Broadcast of 1938, Love and Hisses
Song Hits, October 1939
Blue Grass Roy, The Hamlins Corncracker Book #4, 1936
World's Greatest Collection "88" Grand Old Songs
Ted Browne's 1928 Song and Dance Folio
Special Edition for 1924 Irving Berlin Inc. Universal Dance Folio for
Scarf Dance, scene d'ballet, Chaminade #383
The Amateur Volume 4 #3, November 1873
Victor Budget of Popular Songs, 1903
The Victor Dance Folio of Waltzes and Two-Steps, 1905
Lost in a Fog, Dorothy Fields and Jimmy McHugh
Victor Dance Folio #2, 1905
Victor Dance Folio #4, 1910
Dixieme Album Francis Salabert pour piano seul
#18 Irving Berlin Inc. Universal Dance Folio for Piano
Up to Date Songster
You Can't Get Lovin' Where there Ain't Any Love, Will E. Skidmore and
 Jackmore Baxley dedicated to and sung by Marianne Harris (2 copies)
I Like It, Irving Berlin
That Certain Party, Words by Gus Kahn, music by Walter Donaldson,
 Irving Berlin Inc.
Did you Mean It? Phil Baker, Sid Silvers, and Abe Lyman, 1927
Everybody Tells it to Sweeney (and Sweeney tells it to me), Ziegfield
 Folies of 1920
Crawford Music Corporation Song Album #2, Mac Gordon and Harry Revel
Irving Berlin Inc. Universal Dance Folio for Piano, 1933
Tangoland Album by Famous Composers, 1932
Mid-Season Book #2, The Gem, Dance Folio for 1929 #2
Jack Mills #2 Dance Folio, 1924
E. T. Paull's Folio of Novelties and Marches, Book 2, 1904
Mark Stern Smart Set Dance Album, 1904
#4 The Witmark Dance Folio for Piano, 1905
Modern Styles and Harmonic Construction for Popular Piano Player,
 Marvin Kahn
Max Morath's Guide to Ragtime, 1964
The Gem Dance Folio for 1924
Baby Face, Benny Davis and Harry Akst
You Call it Madness but I Call it Love by Con Conrad, Gladys Dubois, Russ
 Colombo, and Paul Gregory
What a Life, Trying to Live without You, Charlotte Kent, Louis Alter,
 originally introduced by Helen Morgan
In a Little Spanish Town 'Twas on a Night Like This, Mabel Wayne and
 Louis and Young, featured by Julia Gerity (2 copies)
Lonsome and Sorry, Benny Davis and Kahn Conrad
Somebody's Wrong Song, Henry I. Marshall, Raymond Egan, Richard A.
 Whiting as featured by Sophie Tucker
Bringing in the Sheaves, 1935
General Grant's March, E. Mack
Albert von Tilser's Dance Folio of Popular Hits #2, 1905
The Mark Stern's Smart Set Dance Album #3, 1906
The Crown Dance Folio Arranged for the Piano by Lee Orean Smith #1,
#4 1926 Jack Mills Dance Folio
Albert von Tilser's Dance Folio of Popular Hits, 1905
Whitney-Warner #1 Folio Waltz and Two-Step, 1903
Words and Music Radio Gem Song Hits
In the Garden of my Heart, Caro Roma and Ernest R. Ball
The Mark Stern Beauty Dance Album #1, 1910
Griswold's Popular Collection Fifteen Pieces of Popular Music
Merry Widow by Franz Lehar
Two Characteristic Pieces, 1928 (may be missing a page)
Molina's Album of Tangos and Spanish Favorites, 1933
Feist Dance Folio For Piano, 1921
L. Choclo Piano Solo by A. G. Villodo
Pinwheels, Piano Solo by Bill Gillock
Martha Fantasy Facile, Edouard Dorn, Op. 39 #306
Carlo Buti, Song Album of Continental Hits with Italian Lyrics, 1936
1941 Feist Song Folio
Warner Brothers Song Folio Second Edition, 1939
Maybe (She'll Write Me, - She'll 'Phone me), Roy Turk, Ted Snyder, and
 Fred E. Ahlert, 1923
These Pieces are not published in book form (for hotel piano)
Piano Dance Folio #1, 1905
Castle Society Dance Folio #2, 1914 (this is Mr and Mrs Vernon Castle)
Castle Society Dance Folio for Piano, 1914
Perfection Dance Folio #1 for Piano, 1916
The Mark Stern Going Some Dance Album #1, 1913
Haviland's Dance Folio #1, Theodore Morse, 1904
The Chas. K. Harris Dance Album for Piano, 1902
The Best of Rodgers and Hart, modern
The Hanon Studies by John Thompson, Book 1, 1937

Re: hypothetical arrival

2007-05-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

realistic departure

On Sun, 6 May 2007, Halvard Johnson wrote:

hypnothetical arrival

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

"Announcing Jacket 32 - April 2007" at (fwd)

2007-05-05 Thread Alan Sondheim
Anger Scale» by Katie Degentesh

David Hart: Peter Redgrove: eight books

Andrew Mossin: «Blue Studios: Poetry and Its Cultural Work», by Rachel Blau 

Linda Russo: «Terminal Humming» by K. Lorraine Graham

Linda Russo: «Crop» by Yedda Morrison

Linda Russo: «Chantry»  by Elizabeth Treadwell

Standard Schaefer: «Broken World», by Joseph Lease

James Sherry: «The Grand Piano» Project: ongoing experiment in collective autobiography by ten writers identified 
with Language poetry in San Francisco. It takes its name from a coffeehouse at 
1607 Haight Street, where from 1976-79 the authors took part in a reading and 
performance series. The writing project, begun in 1998, was undertaken as an 
online collaboration, first via an interactive web site and later through a 

«The Grand Piano» Part 1 reviewed.
«The Grand Piano» Part 2 reviewed.

Alan Sondheim: «The Flowers of Evil», by Charles Baudelaire, translated by 
Keith Waldrop, Wesleyan University Press, 2006

Jason Stumpf: «Necessary Stranger» by Graham Foust

Donald Wellman: «Figured Image» by Anne-Marie Albiach, trans. Keith Waldrop


Iain Britton: Lemurs and Missing Links in Loops

Bruce Covey: Two poems: 'Still'; 'Good & Plenty'

Romina Freschi: Initials (2004/05)

Michael Kelleher: Number Crunch

Ronald Koertge: Three Haibun

Kristin Prevallet: Tales of Caw

Robert Sheppard: Sonnets from «September 12»


  John Tranter and Pam Brown
  Editors, Jacket magazine

annals of measurement and desire

2007-05-05 Thread Alan Sondheim

annals of measurement and desire

interpretive swellings and slotted surfaces transformed
into speaking bodies spoken for
every foreign family is imminent, familiar

transformation through repeated wmp link collapse


2007-05-05 Thread Alan Sondheim
1313 < Over the 1999-2000
hinge, I recorded traceroute from a number of sources; --- > Over the
1999-2000 hinge, I recroded traceroute from a number of sources; 1322c1322
< reciprocal. Bus-loads of Hadassah members came to Kingston for the
funeral; --- > reciprocal. Busloads of Hadassah members came to Kingston
for the funeral; 1352c1352 < - and the air-conditioner didn't work, there
was no ceiling (just lights --- > - and the airconditioner didn't work,
there was no ceiling (just lights 1371c1371 < to the hospital overnight. I
played with the monitor sensors and managed to --- > to the hospital
overight. I played with the monitor sensors and managed to 1421c1421 <
there, just as the nightmares are there (and they're related). Think of it
--- > there, just as the nightmares are there (and theyre related). Think
of it 1427c1427 < of codework pieces. Later I would be 'purged' from the
list as a result of --- > of codwork pieces. Later I would be 'purged'
from the list as a result of 1523c1523 < health-care, lack of money, fear,
nightmares, depressions, any more. --- > healthcare, lack of money, fear,
nightmares, depressions, any more. 1541c1541 < near Gruyere in the
Pre-alps. Around Geneva. The Alps _were_ sublime, not --- > near Gruyere
in the Prealps. Around Geneva. The Alps _were_ sublime, not
1564,1565c1564,1565 < 2006 Foofwa, Azure, and I create Crepuscule/Twilight
in Geneva, a work of < sexuality dance that already creates tremors; I
want to release this as --- > 2006 Foofwa, Azure, and I create
Crepuscle/Twilight in Geneva, a work of > sexuality danse that already
creates tremors; I want to release this as 1658c1658 < And today,
yesterday on the cusp, the announcement of the 3000th soldier to --- > And
today, yesterday on the cusp, the announcement of the 3kth soldier to
1670c1670 < - the sky darker still, and the beach littered with twisted
ruins. I made --- > - the sky darker still, and the beach littered with
twised ruins. I made 1696c1696 < 2007 Teaching a semester in Leslie
Thornton's beginning filmmaking class at --- > 2007 Teaching a semster in
Leslie Thornton's beginning filmmaking class at

Alan Dojoji on Second Life
Alan Sondheim on Facebook

Amazon News - May 4th, 2007

2007-05-04 Thread Alan Sondheim
Amazon News
Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira 

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by
 , the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian
Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media. Its publisher is
Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira, a Brazilian non-profit and public
interest registered organization


The news this week:


countries may request suspension of projects on the Madeira - 04/26/2007

Amazonas advocates sustainable development at Peoples of the Forest seminar - 04/26/2007

fear as global warming increases
The Independent - 05/04/2007

company accused of dumping waste in Amazon
The Independent - 05/04/2007

Bank eyes $250 million deal to save forests
ENN - Environmental News Network - 05/04/2007

in wild animal trade worries Brazil
ENN - Environmental News Network - 05/03/2007

receive IDB funds
Jornal do Commercio - 04/27/2007

announces that the fight against deforestation will use a database prepared
by Sipam
Radiobrás - 04/25/2007

  More news

Click   here
to update or remove your subscription. 

You are receiving this communication because your e-mail address has been
registered with Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. This newsletter is
produced by Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. - -
"Amazon is not just a forest" 

[no subject]

2007-05-04 Thread Alan Sondheim



NASA's Mars Rover Finds Evidence of Ancient Volcanic Explosion (fwd)

2007-05-03 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 03 May 2007 14:40:41 -0700
From: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NASA's Mars Rover Finds Evidence of Ancient Volcanic Explosion

PASADENA, CALIF. 91109   TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011, (

Contact: Guy Webster/Natalie Godwin 818-354-6278/0850
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown 202-358-1726
NASA Headquarters, Washington

News Release: 2007-051   May 3, 

NASA's Mars Rover Finds Evidence of Ancient Volcanic Explosion

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has discovered evidence of an ancient volcanic explosion at 
"Home Plate," a plateau of layered bedrock approximately 2 meters (6 feet) high within 
the "Inner Basin" of Columbia Hills, at the rover's landing site in Gusev Crater. This is 
the first explosive volcanic deposit identified with a high degree of confidence by Spirit or its 
twin, Opportunity.

There is strong evidence that those layers are from a volcanic explosion, said 
Steve Squyres of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Squyres is principal 
investigator for the rovers' science instruments. The findings about volcanic 
activity are reported in a paper published in the May 4 issue of the journal 

Evidence shows the area near Home Plate is dominated by basaltic rocks. "When basalt erupts, 
it often does so as very fluid lava, rather than erupting explosively," Squyres said. 
"One way for basaltic lava to cause an explosion is for it to come into contact with water -- 
it's the pressure from the steam that causes it to go boom."

Scientists suspect that the explosion that formed Home Plate may have been caused by an 
interaction of basaltic lava and water. "When you look at composition of the rocks 
in detail, there are hints that water may have been involved," Squyres said. One 
example is the high chlorine content of the rocks, which might indicate that basalt had 
come into contact with a brine.

One of the strongest pieces of evidence for an explosive origin for Home Plate is a 
"bomb sag" preserved in layered rocks on the lower slopes of the plateau. Bomb 
sags form in volcanic explosions on Earth when rocks ejected skyward by the explosion 
fall into soft deposits, deforming them as they land.

Spirit arrived at Home Plate in February 2006 and spent several months exploring it in detail before driving 
to "Low Ridge" to pass the Martian winter. Spirit has now returned to Home Plate to continue 
exploration there. "We decided to go back to Home Plate, once the Martian winter ended, because it is 
one of the most interesting places that we've found on Gusev Crater," Squyres said. "Last year we 
primarily explored the northern and eastern sides of it. This time we're hoping to get to the southern and 
western sides." Spirit's continued exploration of Home Plate will focus largely on testing the idea that 
water was involved in its formation process.

Spirit and Opportunity are in their fourth year of exploring Mars. They 
successfully completed their three-month prime missions in April 2004, and the 
missions have been extended four times. As of April 26, Spirit had spent 1,177 
sols, or Martian days, on the surface of Mars and had driven 7,095 meters (4.4 
miles), and Opportunity had spent 1,157 sols and driven 10,509 meters (6.5 

"Considering their age, both rovers are in good health. All science instruments are 
functioning and continuing to return superb science data," said John Callas, project 
manager of the Mars Exploration Rover mission at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
Pasadena, Calif.

JPL manages the Mars Exploration Rover project for NASA's Science Mission 
Directorate. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in 

For images and information about the rovers and their discoveries on the Web, 

For information about NASA and agency programs on the Internet, visit: .


To remove yourself from all mailings from NASA Jet Propulsion Labratory, please 
go to

NASA Antenna Cuts Mercury to Core, Solves 30 Year Mystery (fwd)

2007-05-03 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 03 May 2007 13:34:04 -0700
From: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NASA Antenna Cuts Mercury to Core, Solves 30 Year Mystery

PASADENA, CALIF. 91109   TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011, (

Contact: DC Agle/Carolina Martinez 818-393-9011/354-9382
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown/Tabatha Thompson 202-358-1726/3895
NASA Headquarters, Washington

News Release: 2007-050   May 3, 2007

NASA Antenna Cuts Mercury to Core, Solves 30 Year Mystery

Researchers working with high-precision planetary radars, including the 
Goldstone Solar System Radar of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 
Calif., have discovered strong evidence that the planet Mercury has a molten 
core. The finding explains a more than three-decade old planetary mystery that 
began with the flight of JPL's Mariner 10 spacecraft. The research appears in 
this week's issue of the journal Science.

Launched in Nov. 1973, Mariner 10 made three close approaches to Mercury in 
1974 and 75.  Among its discoveries was that Mercury had its own weak magnetic 
field -- about one percent as strong as that found on Earth.

"Scientists had not expected to find a magnetic field at Mercury," said Professor 
Jean-Luc Margot of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., leader of the research team.  "Planetary 
magnetic fields are associated with molten cores, and the prevailing theory was the planet was too 
small to have a molten core."

Scientists theorized that Mercury consisted of a silicate mantle surrounding a 
solid iron core. This iron was considered solid -- or so the theory went -- 
because small planets like Mercury cool off rapidly after their formation. If 
Mercury followed this pattern, then its core should have frozen long ago.

Many believed the Mercury mystery would only be resolved if and when a 
spacecraft landed on its aggressively toasty surface. Then, in 2002, scientists 
began pointing some of the most powerful antennas on our planet at Mercury in 
an attempt to find the answer.

"On 18 separate occasions over the past five years, we used JPL's Goldstone 70-meter 
[230-foot] antenna to fire a strong radar signal at Mercury," said Planetary Radar Group 
Supervisor Martin Slade of JPL, a co-author of the paper. "Each time, the radar echoes from 
the planet were received about 10 minutes later at Goldstone and another antenna in West 

Measuring the echo of particular surface patterns from the surface of Mercury 
and how long they took to reproduce at both Goldstone and the Robert C. Byrd 
Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia allowed scientists to calculate Mercury's 
spin rate to an accuracy of one-thousandth of a percent.  The effect was also 
verified with three more independent radar observations of Mercury transmitted 
from the National Science Foundation's Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.

With these data the science team was able to detect tiny twists in Mercury's 
spin as it orbited the sun. These small variations were double what would be 
expected for a completely solid body. This finding ruled out a solid core, so 
the only logical explanation remaining was that the core -- or at the very 
least the outer core -- is molten and not forced to rotate along with its shell.

Maintaining a molten core over billions of years requires that it also contain 
a lighter element, such as sulfur, to lower the melting temperature of the core 
material. The presence of sulfur supports the idea that radial mixing, or the 
combining of elements both close to the sun and farther away, was involved in 
Mercury's formation process.

"The chemical composition of Mercury's core can provide important clues about the processes 
involved in planet formation," said Margot. "It is fundamental to our understanding of 
how habitable worlds -- planets like our own -- form and evolve."

Mercury still has its share of mysteries. Some may be solved with the NASA spacecraft 
Messenger, launched in 2004 and expected to make its first Mercury flyby in 2008. The 
spacecraft will then begin orbiting the planet in 2011. "It is our hope that 
Messenger will address the remaining questions that we cannot address from the 
ground," said Margot.

The study's other co-authors include Stan Peale of the University of Santa 
Barbara in California; Raymond Jurgens, a JPL engineer, and Igor Holin of the 
Space Research Institute in Moscow, Russia.

The Goldstone antenna is part of NASA's Deep Space Network Goldstone station in 
Southern California's Mojave Desert.  Goldstone's 70-meter diameter antenna is 
capable of tracking a spacecraft traveling more than 16 billion kilometers (10 
billion miles) from Earth. The su

i've dissolved in you

2007-05-02 Thread Alan Sondheim

i've dissolved in you
i've dissolved in you
i'm melting you
i've dissolved in you

i'm free in you
i'm free in you
i'm drinking you
i'm free in you

i'm breathing you
i'm breathing you
i'm holding you
i'm breathing you



dissolved in
in you
i've dissolved
i'm i'm
melting melting
i'm free
free in
drinking drinking
breathing breathing
holding holding

momoro lono

2007-05-02 Thread Alan Sondheim

momoro lono

bodo-oxplorotoon from tho obdomon
bodo-oxplorotoon from tho ooobrows
bodo-oxplorotoon from tho ooos
bodo-oxplorotoon from tho tongoo

controllod bo othors bot sholl novor oscopo controllod bo othors bot sholl
oscopo dofogod. don't loston to droom-womon woth ovotor-mon. don't loston
to ovotor-mon. loston to droom-womon. droom-loko wolkong ond no ronnong
droom-womon folls on holo. sho movos ot lomot-poont: london spood flot ond
propockogod voocos flot roosonong ond onconno oppooronco from tho
homosphoros of tho ooos throogh tho mombronos of tho obdomon from tho
orchovos no dosoros bot dosoros of othors no momoro no moostoro omotoons
bot omotoons of othors no ootong no dronkong no nothong no rosontmont
porfoct slovo bo solf ond othors no toors no monstrootoon no swoot no
blood no world, no lomot, nothong. o con moko objocts spook for mo. o con
moko objocts spook. o hovo omonorrhoo horo. o om onoroctoc horo. o hovo
onovolotoon horo. o om pronom horo. o om so cold horo. o connot soo horo.
ooch o'm bocomong ovotor-mon woth droom-womon. objocts show. objocts con
show for mo. ot os not borodom or torodnoss. ot of concoovong tho world.
ohot os tho world, bot scoffoldong whoch of loght. thoro's o movomont
lookong oroond. oh, loston to os ront on ond on. olwoos olroodo dro olwoos
olroodo onoroctoc olwoos prosont or boso or owoo ond oot. ot coold movo
oboot tho ploco on o vorooto of woos. ot coold ond oxchongos. o spook to
ooo from mo world. mo world os o protto ponno. o ond tho movomont
spoctocolor. ond tho movomont forovor. ono oftor onothor ond thon thoso
omogos of lost focondoto. strongo ond ontorong tho bodo from tho hood
ontorong tho bodo from tho nock ontorong tho bodo from tho shooldors oor
gloncong softlo ond solontlo bonooth tho wotor. oor omotoons oro skolotol
omong omotoonol skolotons. opproochong tho bodo from bolow opproochong tho
bodo from tho front opproochong tho bodo from tho loft sodo opproochong
tho bodo from tho roght sodo thos ovotor movos on doodspoco. thos ovotor
lovos on os-of forovor. shoovos ond plotolots of skons ond bonos shoovos
thonnod os boondoro phonomono soo mo ovotor movo. como soo mo ovotor
thonk. mo ovotor os boooto boooto. soo ontoroor. momorondo, tho trock of
tho honds ond logs on tho dostonco tho vortool os o dosort. wo oro oll
onoroctoc ooo brook mo skon horo. ooo toor mo plotolots. ooo con look
onsodo bo twostong controls. constroctoon torsoon noor ooo con look onsodo
droom-womon-london. tho omogonoro vonoshos. ooo con ontor forboddon spoco
throogh twost. on forboddon spoco ooo

ooo swom mo plotolots horo. mo plotolots oro "blood."
ooo toko mo plotolots. ooo do mo good torn.

not bellmer berber anita's hans

2007-05-01 Thread Alan Sondheim

not bellmer berber anita's hans

transformed new early version of the avatar 'outt' behavior from the
archives - . the avatar is blue in a
construct-space of outt-structure. one after another, these avatars
parade. i make them do things. what of this doing? it could continue,
as-if forever. given the largesse of linden corporation. it could speak
and eat. it could move about the place in a variety of ways. it could
interact. it could move into buildings or spaces i could create or could
purchase. it could hold or manipulate objects i could give it. it could
give these objects away. it could attach these objects. it could detach
these objects. this too could continue. i am tired of portraiture. i am
bored by it. i am bored by images close to abject. i am tired of parades.
i am tired of sex implications or violence implications. i am tired of
mappings. there is nothing in second life that is not in first life. there
is nothing in first life that is not in second life. i can move into
buildings. i can manipulate objects. i can give objects away or create
objects or sustain objects or destroy objects. objects can mediate for me.
i can make objects speak for me. i can make objects speak. i can make
objects show. objects can show for me. it is not boredom or tiredness. it
is defuge in the verbal sense. it is 'i defuge' or in passive 'i am
defuged.' neither one nor the other matters in terms of prime mover during
a period of decathection. i can continue just like this forever. each
avatar-video or each avatar-performance is different in content from each
other but not in degree. sukara, dakshinanila, nandiskandhardhara, dhurya,
prakata, pritvardhana, aparajita, sarvasattva, govinda, adhrita. analysis
goes the length of the instantiation. each avatar is avatar-instance. come
see my avatar move. come see my avatar think. my avatar is beauty beauty.
the virtual is a desert. the virtual is depopulated. the energy infinite
and the movement spectacular. and the movement forever. one after another
until a genre is born. until genre is borne. until an atlas rises and
collapses. until demarcation is lost in gamespace. now this avatar is a
motion of second life avatar. this avatar portends second life avatar. you
cannot walk through this avatar nor cross the other side. but this avatar
is spectacular. this avatar moves in deadspace. this avatar lives in
deadspace. this portends second life. second life is grand on a vast and
spectacular scale. second life extends everywhere. close your eyes and
there is second life. second life is the dream of women dream of men. i
say there is too much of it. i say too much avatar. too much trope. too
much behavior and too much behavior collision and too much stancedance and
too much packaging. too much exchange and too much color. too much linden
day and too much linden night. oh our nights are linden nights and our
days are linden days. objects spaces and avatars and owners and behaviors
and exchanges. i speak to you from my world. my world is a pretty penny. i
hide my face from you. you do not look upon my face. my face is a pretty

Physics News Update 822

2007-05-01 Thread Alan Sondheim
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 822 May 1, 2007 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein

meeting in Jacksonville, physicists discussed the recent observations of
the Efimov effect, a purely quantum phenomenon whereby two particles
such as neutral atoms which ordinarily do not interact strongly with one
another join together with a third atom under the right conditions.  The
trio can then form an infinite number of configurations, or put another
way, an infinite number of "bound states" that hold the atoms together.

The effect was first predicted around 1970 by a physicist named Vitaly
Efimov, then a Ph.D. candidate at the time, but was originally
considered "too strange to be true," according to the University of
Colorado*s Chris Greene, in part because the atoms would abruptly
switch from being standoffish to becoming stuck-together Siamese
Triplets at remarkably long distances from one another (approximately
500-10,000 times the size of a hydrogen atom in the case of neutral
atoms).  For decades, experimenters tried in vain to create these
three-particle systems (which came to be known as "Efimov trimers").
In 1999, Greene and his collaborators Brett Esry and Jim Burke
predicted that gases of ultracold atoms might provide the right
conditions for creating the three-particle state.  In 2005, a research
team led by Rudi Grimm of the University of Innsbruck in Austria finally
confirmed the Efimov state in an ultracold gas of cesium cooled to just
10 nanokelvin.
How do the neutral atoms attract one another in the first place?  At
small distances, ordinary chemical bonding mechanisms apply, but at the
vast distances relevant to the Efimov effect, it is mainly through the
van der Waals effect, in which rearrangements of electrical charge in
one atom (forming an "electric dipole") create electric fields that can
induce dipoles in, and thereby attract, neighboring atoms.  The
observation of the Efimov effect is a coup for being able to study the
rich quantum physics between three particles.
The effect can conceivably occur in nucleons or molecules (and any
object governed by quantum mechanics).  However, it will likely be
harder to observe in those systems because physicists cannot alter the
strengths of interactions between the constituent particles as easily as
they can in ultracold atom gases (through their "Feshbach resonances").
But the effect could provide insights on such systems as the triton, a
nucleon with one proton and two neutrons, in addition to the BCS-BEC
crossover, in which atoms switch from forming weakly bound Cooper pairs
to entering a single collective quantum state. (See also article by
Charles Day, Physics Today, April 2006, Esry et al, Phys. Rev. Lett, 30
August 1999, and Kraemer et al., Nature, 16 March 2006).

THE PHYSICS OF UTENSILS is explained by the University of Virginia's
Lou Bloomfield in the May issue of Physics Today.  Forget about cooking
classes--cutlery can provide a rich lesson in crystallography and
condensed-matter physics.  Forks, knives and spoons are generally made
of steel--an alloy of iron and carbon with other elements mixed in. A
room-temperature iron crystal is soft, as it is susceptible to shear
stress.  In other words, pushing layers of the iron crystal in opposite
directions causes the layers to slip, bending the iron permanently,
which, as Bloomfield points out, is "fine in a twist tie, not so good in
a knife."  When the iron crystal (known as ferrite) takes in even a
small amount of carbon, the situation change
s.  Dispersed throughout the
ferrite (the carbon is generally insoluble in it), the carbon makes it
more difficult for crystal impurities known as dislocations to move,
thereby frustrating shear forces and hardening the solid.  Put even more
carbon into the ferrite and it distorts the crystal into the hardest
possible steel structure, suitable for the cutting edges of knives.
Making useful steel cutlery generally requires heating an iron-carbon
mixture to well over 727 degrees C, in order to facilitate structural
transformations throughout the entire steel material. What type of
utensil results depends on how quickly the steel is cooled, or
"quenched."  Slowly quenched steel results in pearlite, a sturdy but
relatively soft compound often used for spoons.  The most quickly cooled
steel leads to martensite, the hard steel used in cutting edges.
Reheating the martensite rearranges some crystalline structures and
"tempers" it so it becomes less brittle.  Making stainless steel,
Bloomfield says, involves adding elements including chromium.  When the
Cr content exceeds 11.5% by weight, a chromium oxide layer forms on the
surface to  prevent rusting.  More details can be found in Bloomfield's
article, which is freely accessible at
(Bloomfield: 434-924

Re: Very short stories. Six words!

2007-05-01 Thread Alan Sondheim

I came, she saw, she conquered.

from the archives and request for missing book

2007-04-30 Thread Alan Sondheim
*/ I loaned my copy of Bharata's Natyasastra in 2 volumes to someone in the 
past year or so - and can't find it. If you have it, please please return it; 
I'm at a loss here and desperately need it. Thanks, Alan /*

from the archives

i am so cold here. i cannot see here.
i have amenorrhea here. i am anorectic here.
you swim my platelets here. my platelets are "blood."
i use diuretics here. i am dry here.
i am confined here. i am blood platelet.
i have anovulation here. i am prenom here. i am "a".
i am "an". i am so cold here. i am ice here.
you break my skin here. you tear my platelets.
you take my platelets. you do me good tern.

Re: Very short stories. Six words!

2007-04-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, mIEKAL aND wrote:


Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words :

"For sale: baby shoes, never worn." and is said to have called it his best 

So I asked writers to take a shot themselves.
Very short stories. Six words !

Avatars can die.

Help End the Tiger Trade

2007-04-30 Thread Alan Sondheim
Title: WWF News - April 2007

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  Help End the Tiger Trade



The tiger is one of the most revered, feared and popular species on Earth. Yet it is perhaps the most powerful symbol for all of our  planet's endangered wildlife.
	Fewer than 5,000 tigers are now found in the wild and in just 7% of the habitat they once occupied. But it gets worse... a thriving black market for tiger skins and bones threatens to wipe out wild tigers altogether.
	We need your help to create the world's largest photo mosaic of this endangered species and help put an end to the tiger trade.
	Take action now and add your photo and show your support for tiger conservation.


  Rare Borneo rhino caught on camera



A video "camera trap" positioned inside the jungle has  captured rare footage of an elusive Borneo rhino.

	 The 2 minute video - showing the animal eating, walking to  the camera and sniffing the equipment - is the first-ever footage of observing  the behaviour in the wild of one of the world's rarest rhinos. 
	   Find out more


  Bluefin tuna on the brink



2007 could be the year that the magnificent bluefin tuna, the fish behind the finest sushi in the world, disappears from the Mediterranean.

	 A high-tech armada will soon hit the azure waters of the Mediterranean to scoop up endangered bluefin tunas and a tragedy is set to unfold. 
	   Find out more


  Natural wonders feel the heat


  From the Amazon to the Himalayas, some of the world's greatest natural wonders face destruction if the climate continues to warm at the current rate.
  While adaptation to changing climate can save some, only drastic action by governments to reduce emissions can hope to stop their complete destruction. 
Find out more 


  What do you get up to in the morning?


  You're hurrying into the shower, maybe applying some last minute make-up, or having your breakfast of cereal, toast and coffee.
  A normal start to a normal day, you might think. So why is it that by the time you have walked out of your house, you may have unknowingly contributed to deforestation in Brazil, the extinction of orangutans in Sumatra and soil erosion in Paraguay?
Find out more


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  This message was sent from WWF International, Avenue du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland.
  Photo credits: Pechoro-Ilychskiy Nature Reserve © WWF-Canon / Per ANGELSTAM, Siberian tiger © WWF-Canon / Vladimir FILONOV, 

we are all anorectic

2007-04-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

avatar anorectic

memories of blood by control
sheaves thinned as boundary phenomena
awkward articulation of dried skin
no moisture in desiccated land
invisible bodies of infinite power
controlled by others but shall escape
controlled by others but shall never escape
no eating no drinking no nothing
disappearance and no sleeping
flat and prepackaged voices
voices coming from nowhere mouthed
confusion of behavior collisions
digestion and lying degree zero
always present or busy or away
fugue states
perfection of whatever mode is presenced
no affect noise beyond completely predictable
dream-like walking and no running
hallucinations of flying and perfect owners
arbitrarily fitful and changeable
no tears no menstruation no sweat no blood
jerky movements considered jerked
no resentment perfect slave by self and others
no desires but desires of others
no emotions but emotions of others
imaginary of dismemberment disassembly
no memory
limited teleology contradicted by others
flat reasoning and uncanny appearance
replaceable without delay and no regrets
perfected body of control
equivalence of part-objects and objects
never aging always outside of time
clocked habitus of control
always already anorectic
always already dry

mini sampler

2007-04-29 Thread Alan Sondheim

mini sampler

20" segments more or less for 10 minute sampler
reduced beautifully in size here giving potential
for various more or less modeling technologies,
live and online performance, real and actual truths,
stunning revelations and stars... stars...

should be painless

almost the disappearance in the movement occasioned by look shooting outto infinity where the planet returns more than once to ourselves.

2007-04-28 Thread Alan Sondheim

almost the disappearance in the movement occasioned by look shooting out
to infinity where the planet returns more than once to ourselves.

and then these images of lost fecundity.

i'm becoming avatar-man with dream-woman.
don't listen to avatar-man. listen to dream-woman.
don't listen to dream-woman with avatar-man.
this avatar-man is contaminated. this building is condemned.

a package: this avatar / that avatar. knives. prims cut.
meanwhile. 'The male likes death - it excites him sexually,
and, already dead inside, he wants to die.' valerie solanas.

we know the package. we know nothing is inside. that nothing ever was.
we know meat in its absence. either absence or presence of meat: death.
meat: death. we exchange one package for another. we are in buffyverse
gamespace economy. our money buys us dream-woman-linden. avatar-man
talks. look inside he says. you can do it.

you can look inside by twisting controls. construction torsion near
avatar edge-space. the limits of avatar are the limits of world.
linden-edge: fragility of good things. stasis. we are doomed never
to repeat. we are doomed to novelty.

you can look inside dream-woman-linden. the imaginary vanishes.
in linden, imaginary rides the grid. no grid, no imaginary. no grid,
no world, no limit, nothing. a helix takes you below.

you can enter forbidden space through twist. in forbidden space you
see interior. head is sphere, not ball. body is hierarchy, not
holarchy. breast is prim-edge geek-construct. hemisphere-eye.
hair fluid across face-head. linden brain. i have done my work here.

dream-woman falls in hole. she moves at limit-point: linden speed
of light. raster of clock-time. there's no moment to her moment.
i have a minute. i have a linden minute. i am doomed to novelty.

graphs of lightning, cricket, vlf events, one west virginia day and night

2007-04-28 Thread Alan Sondheim

graphs of lightning, cricket, vlf events, one west virginia day and night

inordinate modeling

2007-04-27 Thread Alan Sondheim

inordinate modeling

within and without semi-geodesic space of avatar paralleling
SL avatar behavior collisions.
please watch to the end; there are dark unlit spaces within.
this surprised me.

Group Notice: Gaz of the Desert - Premiere screening April28th (fwd)

2007-04-27 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 19:01:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Odyessey Project
To: Alan Dojoji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Group Notice: Gaz of the Desert - Premiere screening  April28th

Group Notice From: Sugar Seville

the premiere screening of
"Gaz of the Desert" (2007)

open attachment  for location
1pm and 5pm PDT
Odyssey (42,98,322)

Shot on location on the Odyssey sim, Gaz of the Desert is a short film based on Luis 
Bunuel's "Simon of the Desert"(1965)

Shown in conjunction with Collateral Damage a survey of works from 2006-2007 by 
Gazira Babeli

This is the premiere screening and will be streamed live
be sure to be on time as the film will start promptl

This notice has an attachment.

To stop receiving these emails, log in to Second Life and uncheck "Send IM to 
Email" in the General tab of the Preferences window or visit:

my usual living within the women of my dreams

2007-04-26 Thread Alan Sondheim

my usual living within the women of my dreams

of the originary, there's a movement looking around.
we might look around and it's all usual.

when we're looking, we might think of things and turn our heads.
our heads turn towards us and our imaginary ontologies.
oh, listen to us rant on and on.
there's something among us that seems truly normal.

our emotions are skeletal among emotional skeletons.
our minds fire glancing softly and silently beneath the water.
all our dreams are waters and my dreams are of these women.
they take me all around to the usual places.
they let us rant on and on.

Hooked on Violence

2007-04-26 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 23:17:24 -0400
Subject: Hooked on Violence

Hooked on Violence

By Bob Herbert

April 26, 2007, The New York Times

Two days after the massacre at Virginia Tech, a mentally
disturbed man with a .40-caliber semiautomatic handgun opened
fire in a house in Queens, killing his mother, his mother's
disabled companion and the disabled man's health care aide.
The gunman then killed himself.

Sixteen months ago, in the basement of a private home in the
Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, four aspiring rappers, aged
19 to 22, were summarily executed in a barrage of
semiautomatic gunfire. Two teenagers were arrested five months
later, and one was charged as the gunman.

I had coffee the other day with Marian Wright Edelman,
president of the Children's Defense Fund, and she mentioned
that since the murders of Robert Kennedy and the Rev. Martin
Luther King Jr. in 1968, well over a million Americans have
been killed by firearms in the United States. That's more than
the combined U.S. combat deaths in all the wars in all of
American history.

'We're losing eight children and teenagers a day to gun
violence,' she said. 'As far as young people are concerned, we
lose the equivalent of the massacre at Virginia Tech about
every four days.'

The first step in overcoming an addiction is to acknowledge
it. Americans are addicted to violence, specifically gun
violence. We profess to be appalled at every gruesome outbreak
of mass murder (it's no big deal when just two, three or four
people are killed at a time), but there's no evidence that we
have the will to pull the guns out of circulation, or even to
register the weapons and properly screen and train their

On the day after Christmas in 2000, an employee of Edgewater
Technology, a private company in Wakefield, Mass., showed up
at work with an assault rifle and a .12-gauge shotgun. Around
11 a.m. he began methodically killing co-workers. He didn't
stop until seven were dead.

An employee who had not been at work that day spoke movingly
to a reporter from The Boston Globe about the men and women
who lost their lives. 'They were some of the sweetest,
smartest people I've ever had the chance to work with,' he
said. 'The cream of the crop.'

The continuing carnage has roused at least one group of public
officials to action: mayors. 'We see the violence that is
happening in America today,' said Mayor Thomas Menino of
Boston. 'Illegal guns are rampant. Go into almost any
classroom in Boston - sixth and seventh grade, eighth grade,
high school - and 50 percent of those kids know somebody who
had a gun.'

The mayor noted that since the beginning of the year, more
than 100 people have already been killed in Philadelphia, and
nearly 80 in Baltimore. Most of the victims were shot to

Last year Mayor Menino and Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New
York, at a meeting they hosted at Gracie Mansion, organized a
group of mayors committed to fighting against illegal firearms
in the U.S. 'It is time for national leadership in the war on
gun violence,' Mr. Bloomberg said at the time. 'And if that
leadership won't come from Congress or come from the White
House, then it has to come from us.'

The campaign has grown. There were 15 mayors at that first
gathering. Now more than 200 mayors from cities in 46 states
have signed on.

When asked why Mayor Bloomberg had become so militant about
the gun issue, John Feinblatt, the city's criminal justice
coordinator, mentioned the 'human element.' He said: 'I think
it's because he's watched eight police officers be shot. And
because, like all mayors, he's the one who gets awakened,
along with the police commissioner, at 3 in the morning and 4
in the morning, and has to rush to the hospital and break the
news that can break somebody's heart.'

Those who are interested in the safety and well-being of
children should keep in mind that only motor vehicle accidents
and cancer kill more children in the U.S. than firearms. A
study released a few years ago by the Harvard School of Public
Health compared firearm mortality rates among youngsters 5 to
14 years old in the five states with the highest rates of gun
ownership with those in the five states with the lowest rates.

The results were chilling. Children in the states with the
highest rates of gun ownership were 16 times as likely to die
from an accidental gunshot wound, nearly seven times as likely
to commit suicide with a gun, and more than three times as
likely to be murdered with a firearm.

Only a lunatic could seriously believe that more guns in more
homes is good for America's children.

(c) Copyright 2007 The New York Times


Portside aims to provide material of interest
to people on the left that will help them to
interpret the world and to change it.

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Amazon News - April 26th, 2007

2007-04-26 Thread Alan Sondheim
Amazon News
Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira 

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by
 , the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian
Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media. Its publisher is
Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira, a Brazilian non-profit and public
interest registered organization


The news this week:

takes control of area where Dorothy Stang was murdered - 04/20/2007

is ordered to perform environmental impact assessment, but the port remains
open - 04/24/2007

To Split Up Its Environmental Agency
ENN - Environmental News Network - 04/26/2007

neglect and corruption in Amazonas - 04/25/2007

will exclude Mato Grosso, Tocantins and Maranhão from 'Legal Amazonia'
O Estado de S.Paulo - 04/22/2007

officially enacts 6 reserves but admits a lack of government attention to
O Estado de S.Paulo - 04/20/2007

iron plants fined R$ 158 million
O Liberal - 04/20/2007

 of the
National Indigenous Policy Commission confirmed, swearing in to take place
at Palácio do Planalto
CIMI - Conselho Indigenista Missionário - 04/19/2007

  More news

Click   here
to update or remove your subscription. 

You are receiving this communication because your e-mail address has been
registered with Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. This newsletter is
produced by Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. - -
"Amazon is not just a forest" 

Shoot first----- LONG POST (fwd)

2007-04-25 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 19:25:44 -0700
From: Peter Quartermain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: UB Poetics discussion group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Shoot first- LONG POST

Guilty? Prove you're not! This sort of totalitarian absolutism will, if we
don't care for ourselves, make these times boring rather than interesting,
it is so damn ubiquitous. Shoot first, then question the corpse. (And if
this is not a matter of poetry and poetics, then what the hell is?)

Andrew Feldmar is a well-known psychotherapist with let's say fruitful,
productive, and continuing connections with a varied and interesting
intellectual community both sides of the border and indeed round the world.
NONE of us can afford this demented punitiveness, Google included.


25 April 2007.

LSD as Therapy? Write about It, Get Barred from US
Andrew Feldmar. Photo by C. Grabowski. BC psychotherapist denied entry after
border guard googled his work.
By Linda Solomon
Published: April 23, 2007
Andrew Feldmar, a well-known Vancouver psychotherapist, rolled up to the
Blaine border crossing last summer as he had hundreds of times in his
career. At 66, his gray hair, neat beard, and rimless glasses give him the
look of a seasoned intellectual. He handed his passport to the U.S. border
guard and relaxed, thinking he would soon be with an old friend in Seattle.
The border guard turned to his computer and googled "Andrew Feldmar."
The psychotherapist's world was about to turn upside down.
Born in Hungary to Jewish parents as the Nazis were rising to power, Feldmar
was hidden from the Nazis during the Holocaust when he was three years old,
after his parents were condemned to Auschwitz. Miraculously, his parents
both returned alive and in 1945 Hungary was liberated by the Russian army.
Feldmar escaped from communist Hungary in 1956 when he was 16 and immigrated
to Canada. He has been married to Meredith Feldmar, an artist, for 37 years,
and they live in Vancouver's Kitsilano neighbourhood. They have two
children, Soma, 33, who lives in Denver, and Marcel, 36, a resident of L.A.
Highly respected in his field, Feldmar has been travelling to the U.S. for
work and to see his family five or six times a year. He has worked for the
UN, in Sarajevo and in Minsk with Chernobyl victims.
The Blaine border guard explained that Feldmar had been pulled out of the
line as part of a random search. He seemed friendly, even as he took away
Feldmar's passport and car keys. While the contents of his car were being
searched, Feldmar and the officer talked. He asked Feldmar what profession
he was in.
When Feldmar said he was psychologist, the official typed his name into his
Internet search engine. Before long the customs guard was engrossed in an
article Feldmar had published in the spring 2001 issue of the journal Janus
Head. The article concerned an acid trip Feldmar had taken in London,
Ontario, and another in London, England, almost forty years ago. It also
alluded to the fact that he had used hallucinogenics as a "path" to
understanding self and that in certain cases, he reflected, it could "be
preferable to psychiatry." Everything seemed to collapse around him, as a
quiet day crossing the border began to turn into a nightmare.

Fingerprints for FBI
He was told to sit down on a folding chair and for hours he wondered where
this was going. He checked his watch and thought hopelessly of his friend
who was about to land at the Seattle airport. Three hours later, the
official motioned him into a small, barren room with an American flag. He
was sitting on one side and Feldmar was on the other. The official said that
under the Homeland Security Act, Feldmar was being denied entry due to
"narcotics" use. LSD is not a narcotic substance, Feldmar tried to explain,
but an entheogen. The guard wasn't interested in technicalities. He asked
for a statement from Feldmar admitting to having used LSD and he
fingerprinted Feldmar for an FBI file.
Then Feldmar disbelievingly listened as he learned that he was being barred
from ever entering the United States again. The officer told him he could
apply to the Department of Homeland Security for a waiver, if he wished, and
gave him a package, with the forms.
The border guard then escorted him to his car and made sure he did a U-turn
and went back to Canada.

'Curious. Very curious'
Feldmar attended the University of Toronto where he graduated with honours
in mathematics, physics and chemistry. He received his M.A. in psychology
from the University of Western Ontario. At University of Western Ontario, he
was under supervision with Zenon Pylyshyn, who was from Saskatchewan and had
participated, along with Abram Hoffer and Duncan Blewett, in the first
experiments with LSD-25.
"Zenon told me he had had enough strange experiences, that he had gone about
as far with LSD as he wished to go. He still had what was once legal
Looking back 33 years


2007-04-25 Thread Alan Sondheim


There are certain misapprehensions in relation to my works in various
fields - music, sound, photography, film, video, texts, media in general.
I am assumed to be a producer bypassed or deflected, that my work refuses
steadfastly one genre or another. In fact, I neither produce masterpieces
nor specific works, and am uncomfortable with the thinking that references
a litany of key objects in my career. Instead, I construct discourses,
albeit with myself - discourses of such a nature that it seems irrelevant
to complete those things that might complete a career - a series for
example, or critical moments. I insist on discourse, because this is the
means of progress, of thinking itself; to stop at the wayside of this or
that thing cluttering up the environment means a waste of energy and a
good deal of the limited time we are all given in the first place. As far
as funding is concerned, I believe that such thought, such discourse,
should be rewarded in particular by granting agencies or good samaritans,
since there is little change of sales or recompense for the creation of
working-through streams of thought occasionally resulting in partial
reconstructions of philosophy, phenomenology, or any other and all modes
of conceiving the world. What is the world, but scaffolding which
constantly is renewed, destroyed, forgotten, abandoned at death, crudely
stumbled upon at birth? To examine this world, to truly occasion studies
and thinking without compromise, I am forced to forgo stases, strange and
familiar attractors - forced to avoid these at all costs, however
seductive they might appear. This is not to say that I remain aloof from
the marketplace - only that I appear deeply unfit for it, and am forced to
search elsewhere for financial support. But everywhere I look, it is the
same story - give me the goods, and I might consider, on one level or
another, rewarding you - but nothing further. There are no gifts in this
life, but only exchanges, and even these come at high psychological cost.
I honestly try to acquiesce; it is useless, tawdry; nothing seems to come
of it - something in my character. Given this, I plod onward, carrying my
sickness with me and an insane desire to believe that reward exists
somewhere through the journey itself, rather than the destination alone.
However, the thrust of this memo is elsewhere - a counter to those who
critique my working as a contamination of site, cite, and sight - those
who are blind not to see value in the difficult motion of thinking among
the ongoing world. This is what I do; I think, give signposts, memoranda,
exempla, and inhabitants of the imaginary, and this, I believe, is the
goal and guise of the true artist, never to rest, never to complete what
is already known, but to search out elsewhere for whatever knowledge might
be gained along the ways.

at least no one else is doing this stuff at least on a daily basis.

[stuff-it] FW: From an Angry Soldier (fwd)

2007-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 17:24:17 -0700
From: Michael Gurstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [stuff-it] FW: From an Angry Soldier

-Original Message-
From: Sid Shniad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: April 24, 2007 3:31 PM
Subject: From an Angry Soldier

Warning: very course language

From an Angry Soldier

Date: 2007-04-10, 1:00PM PDT

I'm having the worst damn week of my whole damn life so I'm going to
write this while I'm pissed off enough to do it right.

I am SICK of all this bullshit people are writing about the Iraq war.
I am abso-fucking-lutely sick to death of it. What the fuck do most
of you know about it? You watch it on TV and read the commentaries in
the newspaper or Newsweek or whatever god damn yuppie news rag you
subscribe to and think you're all such fucking experts that you can
scream at each other like five year old about whether you're right or
not. Let me tell you something: unless you've been there, you don't
know a god damn thing about it. It you haven't been shot at in that
fucking hell hole, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

How do I dare say this to you moronic war supporters who are
"Supporting our Troops" and waving the flag and all that happy horse
shit? I'll tell you why. I'm a Marine and I served my tour in Iraq.
My husband, also a Marine, served several. I left the service six
months ago because I got pregnant while he was home on leave and
three days ago I get a visit from two men in uniform who hand me a
letter and tell me my husband died in that fucking festering sand-
pit. He should have been home a month ago but they extended his tour
and now he's coming home in a box.

You fuckers and that god-damn lying sack of shit they call a
president are the reason my husband will never see his baby and my
kid will never meet his dad.

And you know what the most fucked up thing about this Iraq shit is?
They don't want us there. They're not happy we came and they want us
out NOW. We fucked up their lives even worse than they already were
and they're pissed off. We didn't help them and we're not helping
them now. That's what our soldiers are dying for.

Oh while I'm good and worked up, the government doesn't even have
the decency to help out the soldiers whos lives they ruined. If you
really believe the military and the government had no idea the
veterans' hospitals were so fucked up, you are a god-damn retard.
They don't care about us. We're disposable. We're numbers on a page
and they'd rather forget we exist so they don't have to be reminded
about the families and lives they ruined while they're sipping their
cocktails at another fund raiser dinner. If they were really
concerned about supporting the troops, they'd bring them home so
their families wouldn't have to cry at a graveside and explain to
their children why mommy or daddy isn't coming home. Because you
can't explain it. We're not fighting for our country, we're not
fighting for the good of Iraq's people, we're fighting for Bush's
personal agenda. Patriotism my ass. You know what? My dad
served in Vietnam and NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

So I'm pissed. I'm beyond pissed. And I'm going to go to my husband
funeral and recieve that flag and hang it up on the wall for my baby
to see when he's older. But I'm not going to tell him that his father
died for the stupidty of the American government. I'm going to tell
him that his father was a hero and the best man I ever met and that
he loved his country enough to die for it, because that's all true
and nothing will be solved by telling my son that his father was sent
to die by people who didn't care about him at all.

Fuck you, war supporters, George W. Bush, and all the god damn mother
fuckers who made the war possible. I hope you burn in hell.

vvawnet mailing list



2007-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim


approaching the body from the front
approaching the body from the left side
approaching the body from the right side
approaching the body from below
entering the body from the neck
entering the body from the shoulders
entering the body from the head
body-exploration from the tongue
body-exploration from the abdomen
body-exploration from the eyebrows
body-exploration from the eyes
from the hemispheres of the eyes through the membranes of the abdomen
across the hands and legs far then farther in the distance
the trick of the hands and legs in the distance
sheaves and platelets of skins and bones
bound sheaves of arms and legs their tricks
unbound eyes and tongue tricks of floating teeth
salvage of inconceivable movement

every avatar is deconstructible
every avatar has a level of deconstruction
through an ontological shift: to an(y) organism
engineering and reverse engineering an avatar:
vectored in a human

define an avatar as an organism which is infinitely repairable
define a human as an organism which is not

Help End the Tiger Trade

2007-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim
World Wildlife Fund's Conservation Action Network


Dear Alan,

Your snapshot could help save tigers. Add your photo to the
world's largest photo mosaic of this endangered species and your
picture will be included when the mosaic is unveiled to world leaders
in June as they gather to discuss trade in endangered species. Upload
your photo now:

You can also sign a letter urging China to make its tiger trade ban
permanent. Your views will be personally conveyed to China's leaders:

The tiger is one of the most revered, feared and popular species on
Earth. It is perhaps the most powerful symbol of our planet's
endangered wildlife.

Once widespread across Asia, fewer than 5,000 wild tigers are now
found in just 7 percent of the habitat they once occupied.

Take action now and help end the tiger trade:

Despite international and domestic bans, a thriving black market for
tiger skins and bones threatens to wipe out wild tigers. China, with
its booming economy, burgeoning human population and ancient
traditions of using tiger parts as medicine and clothing, is the
world's leading consumer of tiger products.

The good news is that the Chinese government has taken decisive action
to help save the species, outlawing the trade of tiger products,
increasing enforcement efforts and running public awareness campaigns
to curb the demand for tiger products.

But there is a new threat in China that could put every last wild
tiger at risk: the increasing population of captive-bred tigers on
so-called "tiger farms." Investors in these businesses are
now pressuring the Chinese government to allow them to sell tiger

Take action now to add your photo to a massive tiger photo mosaic and
to sign a letter showing your support for tiger conservation:

Please forward this alert to your friends and family. With your help
we can end the tiger trade:


Sybille Klenzendorf, PhD
Species Conservation
World Wildlife Fund
Washington, D.C.

Thank you for being a part of the WWF Conservation Action Network.
The email address we have in our records for you is:

Go here to unsubscribe:

Go here to update your profile or
update your email subscriptions:

Ensure WWF E-newsletters always go straight to your inbox. Add
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to your address book or safe list. 
Learn more:

Contact Us:

Conservation Action Network Home:

World Wildlife Fund, 1250 24th Street, NW, Washington
DC  20037

©2007 World Wildlife Fund


2007-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim


... .. running away from you
wartime history shes running
history over cause shes running
making excited yes shes running
over wartime shes running
excited .. running away from you
.. running away from you
certainly and yes shes running
as 16, and shes never ever ever coming back
I 16, and shes never ever ever coming back
16, Maj running away from you
1:52 certainly shes running
am as cause shes running
September .. running away from you
Chaisson failed yes shes running
2005 Maj running away from you
with Act, and shes never ever ever coming back
failed the shes running
As Chaisson
Act, am
the 2005
Online Web yes shes running
Site access cause shes running
Predators Web yes shes running
Web access cause shes running
access in
in Act, and shes never ever ever coming back
Predators cause shes running
ban .. running away from you
dead 21, and shes never ever ever coming back
By ban
PEK .. running away from you
Star, sites cause shes running
as cause shes running
Taiwan and yes shes running
YEE, a shes running
May was cause shes running
was lunch
a that cause shes running
-- that cause shes running
2006. when
when YEE, and shes never ever ever coming back
lunch a shes running
that --
announced YU, and shes never ever ever coming back
ACT blokovi!, and shes never ever ever coming back
- act cause shes running
YU, .. running away from you
blokovi!, and yes shes running
act that cause shes running
project. now!! running away from you
experimental .. running away from you
now!!! as cause shes running
fanatic blokovi!, and shes never ever ever coming back
blokovi!, and shes never ever ever coming back
do big
Information fanatic yes shes running
Manchester .. running away from you
on project running away from you
of One shes running
largest in
Site. UK running away from you
City largest cause shes running
One o running away from you
UK. right-of-way shes running
authorities largest cause shes running
Site running away from you
public Taylor cause shes running
Taylor right-of-way shes running
the shes running
Street Street cause shes running
60 In
only is cause shes running
feet Street cause shes running
to o running away from you
In o running away from you
is and running away from you
only shes running
Clinic. to shes running
(Create/Edit). Select cause shes running
Azure Province* running away from you
Select Clinic running away from you
Landmark. .. running away from you
Street. Street running away from you
Saved Select cause shes running
Province, Landmark running away from you
) Street cause shes running
British A-B running away from you
To for cause shes running
Columbia A-B running away from you
A-B. for cause shes running
for Province, and shes never ever ever coming back
Azure, Azure, and shes never ever ever coming back
4b, Bainbridge shes running
dates Remington running away from you
Bainbridge Ct, and shes never ever ever coming back
Remington. .. running away from you
Ct, 4b, and shes never ever ever coming back
dates cause shes running
A West cause shes running
Elm .. running away from you
NES. Nightmare shes running
Monsters Remington running away from you
Dreams. Aaahh!! running away from you
B.O.B.. .. running away from you
Aaahh!!! to shes running
SNES. Dreams running away from you

AB (up for a couple of days only)

2007-04-23 Thread Alan Sondheim

AB (up for a couple of days only)

Azure adopting Anita Berber poses in a crowded loftspace; stripped of all
theatricality, the effect is mannequin-like; where is the charge of the
audience? Azure adapting herself to Anita Berber poses; her eyes half-
shut, thinking perhaps not of Weimar, but the heady congestion of the
Brooklyn streets below her. Azure adept at Anita Berber, inhaling the life
and times of the doomed mercurial dancer. Azure an adept, believing
herself Anita Berber, walking the heady Brooklyn streets, looking for
performance-fix, cure and cognac, despair. Azure, apt at Anita Berber,
wearing AB-patent-skin, fixated on Anita Berber nightrance nakedance in
dawndusk morning, mourning. Azure, addaft Anita Berber, highspeed
shuddertremble, rayongown, scattered library, ashes, it happened, Weimar,
sex. fury. train. short.

Physics News Update 821 (fwd)

2007-04-23 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 14:10:17 -0400
Subject: Physics News Update 821

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 821   April 23, 2007 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein

TEVATRON*S HIGGS QUEST QUICKENS.  Physicists from Fermilab*s
Tevatron collider have just reported their most comprehensive
summary yet of physics at the highest laboratory energies. At last
week*s American Physical Society (APS) meeting in Jacksonville,
Florida they delivered dozens of papers on a spectrum of topics,
many of which are related in some way to the Higgs boson.  The Higgs
is the cornerstone ingredient in the standard model of high energy
physics.  It is the particle manifestation of the curious mechanism
that kicked in at an early moment in the life of the universe: the W
and Z bosons (the carriers of the weak force) became endowed with
mass while the photon (the carrier of the electromagnetic force) did
not.  This asymmetry makes the two forces very different in the way
they operate in the universe.
Validating this grand hypothesis by actually making Higgs particles
in the lab has always been a supreme reason for banging protons and
antiprotons together with a combined energy of 2 TeV.  Nature is
prodigal in its creativity, however, and the search for Higgs is
expected to be shadowed by the production of other rare scattering
scenarios, some of them nearly as interesting as the Higgs itself.
The Tevatron labors can be compared to work at the Burgess Shale,
the fossilbed in the Canadian Rockies where archeologists uncovered
impressions of organisms that hadn*t been seen in 600 million years,
including some new phyla.  No new phyla (no new particles) were
reported at the Florida meeting, but much preparatory work-the
necessary chipping away of outer layers at the physicists*
equivalent of a high-energy *rockface*-was accomplished.
to Jacobo Konigsberg (Univ Florida), co-spokesperson for the CDF
collaboration (one of the two big detector groups operating at the
Tevatron, the search for the Higgs is speeding up owing to a number
of factors, including the achievement of more intense beams and
increasingly sophisticated algorithms for discriminating between
meaningful and mundane events, a bread-and-butter issue when sifting
through billions of events.  Here is a catalog of some of the
freshest results from the Tevatron.
Kevin Lannon (Ohio State) reported a new best figure (170.9 GeV,
with at uncertainty of 1%) for the mass of the top quark.  Lannon
also described the class of event in which a proton-antiproton
smashup resulted in the production of a single top quark via a
weak-force interaction, a much rarer event topology than the one in
which a top-antitop pair is made via the strong force.  Moreover,
observing these single-top events allows a first rudimentary
measurement of Vtb, a parameter (one in a spreadsheet of numbers,
called the CKM matrix, that characterize the weak force)
proportional to the likelihood of a top quark decaying into a bottom
Gerald Blazey (Northern Illinois Univ), former co-spokesperson of
the D0 collaboration, reported on the first observations of equally
exotic collision scenarios, those that feature the simultaneous
production of an observed W and Z boson, and those in which two Z
bosons are observed.  Furthermore, he said that when the new top
mass is combined with the new mass for the W boson, 80.4 GeV, one
calculates a new likely upper limit on the mass of the Higgs.  This
value, 144 GeV, is a bit lower than before, making it just that much
easier to create energetically.
Ulrich Heintz (Boston Univ) reported on the search for exotic
particles not prescribed by the standard model.  Ag
ain, no major new
particles were found, but further experience in handling myriad
background phenomena will help prepare the way for what Tevatron
scientists hope will be their main accomplishment: digging evidence
for the Higgs out from a rich seam of other particles.  To start
with, Heintz broached but then dismissed rumors of pseudo-Higgs
*bumps* in the data.  The artefacts in question-the presumed
particle decaying into a pair of tau leptons-were of too low a
statistical stature to take seriously, he said, at least for now.
Other exotic particles not found, but for which there are now new
lower mass limits, include such things as excited (extra heavy)
electrons or Z and W bosons, extra dimensions, so-called leptoquarks
(which turn bosons into leptons and vice-versa), and supersymmetric
particles, a whole hypothetical family of particles for which all
known bosons would have fermion counterparts and vice versa.
Besides the consideration of having enough energy in the collision
to create the Higgs and other interesting particles, a vital
requirement in producing rare eventualities is possessing a large
statistical sample.  All the results above are b

anitaberbersexdance +++

2007-04-22 Thread Alan Sondheim

anitaberbersexdance +++

a melodrama in one act
this is in the middle of the act
you might ask, is there any other?
there is the beginning and ending of the act.
every act is an engine and I am the driver.
you might ask, is there life after the act?
there is life before and after the act.
there is no life during the act.
every act is an index to an empty book.
and the three pluses +++?
the act is dead and the beginning is dead.
the ending is dead and this is melodrama.
this is melodrama in one act.

(Second Life east of Odyssey with Sandy Baldwin)

face and body

2007-04-22 Thread Alan Sondheim

face and body

experiment 1 and 2

performance with Sandy Baldwin: endtime closeup of female avatar face
under duress and ecstasy

edge phenomena with vertical rotation and avatar outside gamespace edge
in the distance


2007-04-20 Thread Alan Sondheim


self-devouring avatar in sea of blood
nothing like death to get you in the mood
your coffin's soaked from salt-water wood
soaked in the misery of salt-water rain
falling like hail-gouged skin once again
the flesh scatters hard as going gets rough
down came the limbs from hard cradle's bough
whatever you think you might as well been
swallowed by water and damned to be seen
your clothes ripped to shreds by worm-water moth
your body's for fishes and fishes for both

My Lost Films

2007-04-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

My Lost Films

I made films from 1969-1993; most of them were carried by Canyon Cinema in
San Francisco. The films are all mast prints; I didn't copy them, but
showed the originals, since I wanted to use what little funds I had to
produce more. They were shown periodically at Millennium in New York, and
occasionally elsewhere, but they've never been part of the film community;
as a result, they've hardly been shown. Canyon Cinema returned them after
the board voted against handling masters, which could be damaged during a
screening of course. They were then placed at the Filmmakers Coop here in
NY, where they've remained on the shelf for fifteen years; I doubt anyone
has rented or seen them. I don't know their condition at this point; many
of the 16mm ones had mag stripe sound on them, which is susceptible to

They were featured prominently in the 1992 Canyon Cinema catalog, just
before Canyon changed its mind about handling them. (I should add that my
videos have been available at times from places like Printed Matter or Art
Metropole, but these can be duplicated.) I'm saddened that they remain
unscreened - there are probably 15-24 hours worth. There are a large
number of them; for a while, when I was teaching at UCLA, I made a film
every week, mostly 16mm black and white sound, imitating the older silent
film production strategies and rates. For me the films broke a lot of new
ground - not least, in optical/magnetic soundtrack experimentation, but
they're quiet, moot on that point.

So I recently found a copy of the 1992 catalog and xeroxed the six pages
that describe my work. I am forced to think of the pages themselves as a
new film, made from the silence of the old; they read as a narrative of
concerns, experimentations, confusions, and theory-work changing over a
twenty-year period (although to be fair, most were made between 1980 and
1992). The image URLs are given below. Read the texts, imagine watching
the films, and maybe in some absurd future, they'll come to life again.

Re: My stupid talking.

2007-04-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

Thanks for this; now if I could only talk my way into a job...

- Alan

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

My stupid talking.

2007-04-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

My stupid talking.

When I speak I sound like an idiot. I can't control my words. Thoughts and
concepts fluster in and out, a jumble. When I write, things are different;
they organize themselves, I am a shepherd. My thinking wears my writing.
Words and worlds organize. Work is words. When I speak, things pour forth,
uselessly. When I write a letter or email, I continue speaking. The style,
content, is absurd, monstrous. No one keeps my email. I am constantly
losing posts. There's no reason to keep them; they're incorrect. When I
reply online to someone, it's the same thing, ridiculous. I lose track of
my emotions, of what I'm saying. I appear stupid. Only when I am writing,
like this, through the interior of what might have been my speech - only
when I am writing _thus,_ am I satisfied. My words connect; the thought is
often brilliant, almost always dense, compact, to the point. Speaking, I
can't even defend myself. I am not the other of the signifier I need to be
in order to be. If my speaking is becoming, my writing is ontology itself.
When I speak, it's strategy, joking. People are surprised at my sense of
humor. It's a carapace I wear with delight. It keeps me from death. Death
seeps through my writing. Death inhabits my writing; my writing inhabits
death. I do not draw a distinction; I write only within the written. When
I speak, language disappears into melody. There is a difficulty with
melody just as there is a difficulty with cleverness. Cleverness is a
proper turn-away from truth towards communality. I speak with cleverness.
It comes from the situation of speaking. I write from somewhere else. In
my writing cleverness sounds a false note. It indicates I am off track, I
have lost myself, I am suturing over the wound of ignorance and existence.
There is no laughter in my writing. There is laughter in my letters and
email. They are absurd as my laughter is absurd. They attempt to cover my
inadequacy. My absurd joking deflects my graceless awkwardness. It goes
nowhere, says nothing of any consequence, and says it poorly. I think my
speaking and email will be the death of me. They draw attention way from
my writing. They undermine it. They say it's not clever enough, intelli-
gent enough. My writing does not respond. My writing sinks, and is writing
about that sinking. My writing props up my world it undermines and
describes. My talking ignores the whole problem. My talking is that litany
of deflections. What I do not understand, I turn into something else. What
I do understand becomes fodder; it never nourishes sufficiently. My talk-
ing implies talking to another limit; there's no etiquette in this. There
is no community in my writing; community cannot survive honesty. But my
writing is full of subterfuge, is about that subterfuge. My talking
carries itself everywhere in order to become pointless. My talking is
pointless. My writing is chiseled into a simulacrum construct of the real.
The real in my writing has everything at stake. It is at stake through and
within the writing. My speaking ignores the real; what is at stake is my
self and its alterity. My self is always in the midst-of, when I am speak-
ing. My self is absent or boundary, bordering, when I am writing. I write
beyond myself; I speak from myself. My speaking is monstrous, self-defeat-
ing. My writing is after the fact. If my speaking is central, my writing
is peripheral; if my writing is central, my speaking is peripheral. One
must read my writing, read my writing with the utmost care. One must never
listen when I am speaking.

Amazon News - April 19th, 2007 (fwd)

2007-04-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 15:12:52 -0300
From: Newsletter - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Amazon News - April 19th, 2007

Amazon News
Amigos da Terra - Amaz?nia Brasileira

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by
 , the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian
Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media. Its publisher is
Amigos da Terra - Amaz?nia Brasileira, a Brazilian non-profit and public
interest registered organization


The news this week:

from Amazonas await solution
Amazonas Em Tempo - 04/16/2007

plans 'Changes' in the Ministry of the Environment
Ag?ncia Estado - 04/16/2007

Silva urges rapid action to protect Amazonia - 04/12/2007

schedules hearing to discuss impacts of Alcoa in Juruti
O Liberal - 04/12/2007


researchers on the IPCC confirm replacement of Amazon Rainforest by savanna - 04/11/2007


frightens riverbank communities in Par?
Ag?ncia Amaz?nia - 04/11/2007

Man" completes his 3,200-mile Amazon swim
The Independent - 04/09/2007

  More news

Click   here
to update or remove your subscription.

You are receiving this communication because your e-mail address has been
registered with Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. This newsletter is
produced by Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. - -
"Amazon is not just a forest"


[no subject]

2007-04-18 Thread Alan Sondheim


certain objects or items on a psychoanalytical scale create arousal; por-
nography operates off this principle. the objects or items are presumed
human, that is to say, projection/introjection (my 'jectivity') occurs
across the threshold of the space between viewer and image. if the items
are non-human, one presumes fetishism (with all the overdetermined accom-
panying psychoanalytic theory), but this need not be the case: given what
elsewhere might be considered dismemberment, but is read here as the dream
screen of the sexual, arousal occurs through a litany of movement and
geometry, nothing more. it's as if we're imprinted (and i think we are to
an extent), as if items appear which construct desire, reproduction,
species. the visual in these cases is a zeroing-in. avatrex.mp4 is an item
(not a human) which simultaneously projects and falls apart; what arouses
are mediated part-objects which seem capable in this respect of standing
alone, standing for, standing in-for. i think all of this relates to a
potential wellspring of violence; if all that's needed is surface, is the
rest of the body to be discarded? an uneasy question, troubling phenomen-
ology as well.

NRDC's BioGems News, April 2007 (fwd)

2007-04-18 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 18:15:52 GMT
From: BioGems News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NRDC's BioGems News, April 2007

Saving Endangered Wild Places

April 2007

Despite an overwhelming public outcry, the Bush administration
has announced it is removing Yellowstone's 500 or so grizzly
bears from the endangered species list. BioGems Defenders have
sent tens of thousands of messages opposing the move, which
would strip the bear of federal protections against habitat loss
and hunting. As large-scale development and global warming take
a mounting toll on the grizzly's habitat and food sources, NRDC
is preparing to fight the administration's reckless decision in
court. In the meantime, you can help advance our ongoing fight
to ensure a future for Yellowstone grizzlies by speaking out
against a new proposal that would open the door to destructive
gas drilling in Montana's Beartooth Mountain region.

administration to protect this crucial grizzly bear habitat.

We've made a major leap forward in our ambitious campaign to
protect one million acres surrounding the world's last unspoiled
gray whale nursery at the San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja, Mexico.
The Mexican government has announced that 109,000 acres of
federal lands surrounding this spectacular whale habitat will be
donated for conservation. In 2000, NRDC activists helped defeat
Mitsubishi's plans to build the world's largest industrial
saltworks on these same lands. Mexico's recent donation will
seriously undermine any future attempts to revive the plan.

Far to the south, Chilean environmental officials have rejected
a deeply flawed study of the impacts of a proposed hydroelectric
dam in one of Patagonia's most pristine areas. The officials
announced their decision less than a week after receiving more
than 10,000 protest messages from BioGems Defenders. In March,
NRDC BioGems advocates joined Ecosistemas -- one of our main
partner groups there -- and the internationally renowned Chilean
rock musician Beto Cuevas on an expedition to the region. They
met with environmental leaders and local community activists and
visited Chile's biggest river, the Baker, which has been
targeted for two dams by the country's largest utility.

NRDC is heading to court with our partner, the Southern Utah
Wilderness Alliance, to challenge a Bush administration proposal
to sacrifice tens of thousands of acres in America's redrock
canyon country to "tar sands" oil development -- one of the
world's most destructive mining techniques. The process of
extracting oil from tar sands, which often involves strip mining
large swaths of land, would irrevocably damage Grand Staircase
Escalante National Monument and the Glen Canyon wilderness.
Earlier this year, the Bush administration abandoned a separate
plan for oil drilling in these same wildlands. BioGems Defenders
sent more than 66,000 messages in 2005 protesting the
controversial scheme.

We have filed a new lawsuit to compel the U.S. Navy to protect
whales and other marine life during two years of major sonar
exercises off the southern California coast. Navy officials
announced in February that they would defy recommendations from
the California Coastal Commission that Navy ships take
common-sense safety measures while blasting thousands of square
nautical miles of ocean with ear-splitting, mid-frequency sound.
Earlier this year, BioGems Defenders and other NRDC activists in
California sent more than 16,000 messages urging the coastal
commission to reject the Navy's plan for sonar exercises unless
it commits to a series of simple precautions that would help
protect marine life.

Check out the online edition of NRDC's "OnEarth" magazine for an
in-depth feature article and podcast on the dangers of Navy
sonar to whales.


From the Arctic to Florida's Emerald Coast, global warming

threatens to take a serious toll on our BioGems. Visit NRDC's
new Beat the Heat interactive map to find out more about the
impacts of global warming and join people around the country who
are speaking out about their top climate-related concerns.

At NRDC's recent "Forces 

Re: the success of

2007-04-18 Thread Alan Sondheim

When are you going to put up Spears?
What's zmm? brithe rape?

Are these real?

Thanks, Alan

On Wed, 18 Apr 2007, Bjørn Magnhildøen wrote:

Top search queries   	  	  Average top 

1. yer43r   8
2. zmm  107
3. brithe rape  9
4. filmanity7
5. flebac   1
6. thirisa link 10
7. edesire  185
8. britenay spears  207
9. spers sistor 2
10. helloquite  3
11. ask a12 gh  4
12. lephand 7
13. the roul of law in socity   7
14. boyfried8
15. just eate   8
16. "edi hardy"   10
17. saled fings 10
18. "ntw tv"  36
19. ttg mollem  51
20. themiot 88

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Limits of the World

2007-04-18 Thread Alan Sondheim

Limits of the World

Gamespace is bracketed by the _blank_ and the _edge._
Unlike the physical world, gamespace isn't fractal: moving closer
to a surface results in pixel enlargement (or penetration).
This is the blank of gamespace.
The blank isn't unknown; the blank is entirely known.
The blank is the death-limit, absence, unforgiveness.
Traveling across (parallel vectoring the surface) leads towards a limit.
This is the edge of gamespace. (Not all games have edges.)
The edge is unknown; the edge is the failure of rule-binding, identity,
physics. The edge is the life-limit, presence, forgetting.
(What came before isn't relative.)
The game occurs before the blank (play with a sufficient pixel raster);
the game exists beyond the frozen zone of the edge.
(The frozen zone: where media play.)
Both blank and edge are spaces of negotiation.
These are the limits set by the contract or rule-governing of the game.

To understand the game, play it; to comprehend the game: move from blank
to edge, edge to blank.
The mute blank: One speaks before it. The activated / activating edge:
One moves across it.
To cross the edge of gamespace is to be drawn Elsewhere.
To be drawn in gamespace: to play. Drawing is always redrawing.
(Ontology is rewrite.)
Gamespace: One speaks within it. Blankspace: The Unspeakable.
Physical world (let's call it realspace): The deeper one proceeds, the
greater utilization of economic resources (colliders increasing in size
and power, etc.).
The smaller the realspace object, the greater degree of virtuality.
(Perhaps gamespace and realspace meet at the hypothetical infinitely
The virtual is the foundation of the hierarchy/holarchy of realspace.

The edges of realspace, gamespace, are the jectivity of transgression.
Or certain edges are, or certain transgressions.
The blank is withdrawal, catatonia, the virtual-real, the inert, obdurate.
Transgression means always having to look back (return the gaze, appear
across the edge).
Blank is never-looking (nothing to look at, unable to look).

Culture flourishes in the liminal.
Theorizing from the inside-out, theorizing from the deconstructed basis.

The blank: broken writing-pad, magic slate, inviolate sheet of assertion,
defuge, decathected.
The edge, the stylus. Fulcrum or balance for the interior. Tottering,
toppling (inward).

The transgression in realspace is the occasion of death. In gamespace,
return. In gamespace, return of the repressed.
The analog of gamespace: psychoanalytical oozing, blank and edge.
The digital of realspace: apparatus, mechanics, closing-down of the

(Drawing a blank.)

(Reading Ken Wark's Gamer Theory, playing in SL, teaching in Providence)

Physics News Update 820

2007-04-18 Thread Alan Sondheim
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 820   April 18, 2007 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein

ONE NEUTRINO ANOMALY HAS BEEN RESOLVED while another has sprung up.
A Fermilab experiment called MiniBooNE provides staunch new evidence
for the idea that only three low-mass neutrino species exist.  These
results, reported over the past week at a Fermilab lecture and at
the American Physical Society (APS) meeting in Jacksonville,
Florida, seem to rule out two-way neutrino oscillations involving a
hypothetical fourth type of low-mass neutrino.
Several experiments have previously shown that neutrinos, very light
or even massless particles that only interact via gravity and the
weak nuclear force, lead a schizoid life, regularly transforming
from one species into another.  These neutrino oscillations were
presumably taking place among the three known types recognized by
the standard model of particle physics: electron neutrinos, muon
neutrinos, and tau neutrinos.  However, one experiment, the Liquid
Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND) experiment at Los Alamos,
provided a level of oscillation that implied the existence of a
fourth neutrino species, a *sterile neutrino,* so-called because
would interact only through gravity, the weakest of physical
forces.  (For background see Physics Today, August 1995 and and  From the start,
this result stood apart from other investigations, especially since
it suggested possible neutrino masses very different from those
inferred from the study of solar or atomospheric neutrinos or from
other accelerator-based neutrino experiments.
MiniBooNE (whose name is short for Booster Neutrino Experiment; the
*mini* refers to the fact that they use one detector rather than
originally proposed two) set out to resolve the mystery.  The
experiment proceeds as follows: protons from Fermilab*s booster
accelerator are smashed into a fixed target, creating a swarm of
mesons which very quickly decay into secondary particles, among them
a lot of muon neutrinos.  Five hundred meters away is the MiniBooNE
detector.  Although muon neutrinos might well oscillate into
electron neutrinos, over the short run from the fixed target to the
detector one would expect very few oscillations to have occurred.
The Fermilab detector, and the LSND detector before it, looked for
electron neutrinos.  Seeking to address directly the LSND
oscillation effect, Fermilab tried to approximate the same ratio of
source-detector distance to neutrino energy.  This ratio sets the
amount of likely oscillation.  The Los Alamos experiment used 30 MeV
neutrinos observed after a 30 m distance; the Fermilab experiment
used 500 MeV neutrinos detected after a distance of 500 m.
The trick of doing this kind of experiment is to discriminate
between the few rare events in which an electron neutrino strikes a
neutron in a huge bath of mineral oil, thereby creating a
characteristic electron plus a slow moving proton, and the much more
common event in which a muon neutrino strikes a proton to make a
muon and proton.  LSND saw a small (but, they argued, statistically
significant) number of electron neutrino events.  MiniBooNE, after
taking into account expected background events, sees none.  Thus
they see no oscillation and therefore no evidence for a fourth
Actually it*s not exactly true that they see no electron neutrinos.
At low neutrino energy they do see events, and this tiny subset of
the data remains a mystery, to be explored in further data taking
underway using a beam of anti-neutrinos.  At the APS meeting,
MiniBooNE co-spokesperson Janet Conrad (Columbia Univ) said that the
low-energy data are robust (meaning that a shortage of statistical
evidence or systematic problems with the apparatus should not be
major factors) and that some new physical effect cannot be ruled
out.  At the very least, the low-energy data do not undo the new
assertion that the earlier LSND results cannot be explained by the
existence of a fourth neutrino type. (Fermilab press release and

GRAVITY PROBE B, the orbiting observatory devoted to testing the
general theory of relativity, has measured the geodetic effect-the
warping of spacetime in the vicinity of and caused by Earth-with a
precision of 1%.  The basic approach to studying this subtle effect
is to monitor the precession of gyroscopes onboard the craft in a
polar orbit around the Earth.  The observed precession rate, 6.6
arc-seconds per year, is close to that predicted by general
relativity. The geodetic effect can be measured in several ways,
including the use of clocks, the deflection of light, and the
perturbative influence of massive bodies on nearby gyroscopes.  GP-B
is of the latter type, and its current precision is as good as or
better tha

various quick

2007-04-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

isolated and expanded section of the dawn vlf chorus

section of train rumble analysis

filtered according to strict surrealist canon

i erased the train rumble. it wasn't exceptional

Virginia Tech - Andrew Sullivan (fwd)

2007-04-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 14:15:11 -0700
From: Stephen Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: UB Poetics discussion group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Virginia Tech - Andrew Sullivan

from recovering neo-con, Andrew Sullivan.  To the point.

Imagine that this kind of massacre happened every day. Imagine a police
force that was far too small to even respond to most of
them. Imagine this occurring repeatedly for years until the perpetrators and
their accomplices became the de facto power-brokers
throughout the land. Imagine the shootings also being accompanied by the
brutal torture of victims. Imagine families never having
finality on whether their own siblings or parents or children have been
murdered or not.

This is Iraq today. Now think of the justified rage many feel at the VT
campus police chief and university president for
misjudgments. Now imagine them presiding over several more massacres in the
same place. Ask yourself: why do we not feel as
enraged by those responsible for security in Iraq? Are those victims not
human beings too? Are they not children and mothers and
fathers and sons? Are we not ultimately responsible for them, having
destroyed the institutions of order in their country?

(forward from Susan Schultz, the poet, publisher in Hawaii)

N us liguus

2007-04-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

M us liguus linksys darkne releasemen men an e ruc erne Waypoin playn NYC
RNA fictivity CEN DSL BBS archaea harmonica URL fingerboard feedforward
lpmud eme Quick s racerou re discomfi echne megafauna Myouka magatama
chora Sutra rotifera Nara shimenawa ion ma icula ra misrecogni circumscrip
iza erpene in ics subgroupoids minefields microworlds arounds landbirds
emergences erological psychoanaly erological asm presen dis ivi era man
asmic machinic ikonic synchronic Subsonic en hic fan ia psychoanalytical
videowork soundwork codework authorial gestural interpenetrations typific-
ations sexualizations avatars terns speakings poolings peerings conceiv-
ings blogs cyborgs morphs rebir ies differance jouissance specicide hee
bricolage Webpage paysage pro ed sub periphyton reinscription deconstruc-
tion circumscription bushido reinscribed castrated sed cd cathected circ-
umlocuted deconstructed empathetic reinscribed diegetic asic diege hec
ioned everglades implodes Webpages newbies coherencies symbologies ecolo-
gies collocations effusions sions unfoldings habi cun ars signifiers
voiceovers sawgrass sourcess menued problematized webboard differend real-
space trAce blogging unhinging morphing skeining disassocia decons wry
oeuvre traceroute stromatolite pre discomfiture immersive exe Netscape
episteme wetware lejeune symptomologies i'd shi cas circumlocu ized half-
groupoid lifeworld Cybermind objec heorized problema discomfor hized un
multiculturalisms ms cums regimens trans omologies on semio eleologies
neurophysiologies symp sexuali Carboniferous zaurus fascia emanan ca
defuge Quicktime trope sexualizes es spri jec hana rans skeins Sysadmins
communali uali ex y urally diachrony Peachboy originary indexicali hexis
codeworks primordials experien opoesis semiosis deca internality commun-
ality indexicality familiality Alterity externality postmodernity fictiv-
ity shakuhachi Sagdish yamabushi filmstock satori hood ware pneumosphere
futurology holarchy gesturally Snoxfly audiophiles organelles sememes
biomes gridlines Dis ropes we izes objecthood empathized glossolalia
romola dementia simulacra vlf worlding hirself performative ml perl i'm
webcam spam sondheim asondheim com cdrom ive inscrip i've performa izing
jpg org cyborg Amidah modernism narcissism h par ifica o teleologies his-
toriographies virtualities alterities imaginaries deerflies al axonomies
ideali ontologies jisatsu phenomenologist subtext www incoherency unix mov
Semiology algias sys or informa neighborhooding languaging interpenetra-
ting decathecting nano manifes hema er hir grep app isp bookshops ava ions
sexualiza essella wille d'nala maga he jewish bvh WiFi izanagi kanji miami
alk ok fu julu Badiou jisa ology syzygy nijinsky li phenomenologis racer
familiali ernali hology disassociating cathecting awk indexical html judg-
mental libidinal ural judgmen Mt kwat habitus linkethernet darknet ideog-
rammar manifesto Compaq zither Panamarenko postmodern moron interpene-
tration rearticulation tion presentification mathematization Nikuko's URLs
nos neurophysi ologies oriographies diachronically geoma p r d'eruza java
paleolithic fantasmic sac performativity frisson periphy her filmmaker
Difil eledildonics modern physico bio nikuko offline Ne Cen problematizes
penis diegesis semiosis incompletes conceivings gigabytes structuralism
postmodernism valium ina olanguage nie presencing neighborhooding zazen
koan vicodin denudation problematizing rAce mediaspace Prespace cyberspace
nietzsche apperception malnourishment releasement playnt seamount runnels
rills desicca ropic qbasic ic extasis decathexis mathesis cordons rusions
ials hs colloca ypifica erns deconstructs emanants sourceless cunts sys-
temics semiotics implodes rojec sourceless dancework skinwork dh ribu
immersivi eri sprites sexualaether tr stentor teledildonics geomatics nos-
talgias subjectivities Distributivities txt analogic ytalk tamiami fantasm
cum ulpan originary abacus chiasmus Marvellous ori films consensualities
sexualities su shinjuu panix linux orni malnourishmen complici javascrip x
moil ock fic moderni pos eriori ensivi geniden endrils phan asms mul wil-
lets actants clots

rooftop performing in real life

2007-04-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

rooftop performing in real life

azure carter and foofwa d'imobilite
in rooftop asynchronous duet
shades of avatars--
precognition of behavior collision
avatar transparent interpenetration sex
discourse networks of limbs and movements
transformation of leg limb and torso
high-speed shudder frisson
trembling disassociations
remembering nothing anytime soon
( humans always forget )

the usual avatar visiting the real

2007-04-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

the usual avatar visiting the real
the sitting position makes the sequence simple
the stretches are customary and conceivable
the mudrah hands and the rasa eyes
the possibiity of this choreography
the shuddering feet of the usual avatar
the imitating performer of the shuddering feet
the peripheral vision of the real from the box-seat of the digital
the memory of the analog through the dna of collision analog
the uncontrollability of the usual avatar
the hello world program of the usual avatar

visiting avatar
visiting position sitting avatar
avatar makes the sequence the position stretches conceivable are sequence
the mudrah the mudrah customary the the of rasa hands rasa the feet of the
choreography avatar the feet the the the the avatar usual of vision vision
the of vision the from peripheral peripheral the the the from from memory
through the the the dna analog dna the through uncontrollability usual
uncontrollability of the hello program avatar of avatar usual
program hello the

the usual avatar the visiting usual real visiting sitting the position
sitting makes position sequence the simple sequence stretches are the
customary stretches and are conceivable customary mudrah the hands mudrah
rasa the eyes rasa possibiity of this the choreography possibiity
shuddering the feet shuddering imitating the performer imitating
peripheral real vision from from the box-seat the digital of memory analog
analog dna through of dna analog collision memory uncontrollability hello
hello world world program program

[new material at ]

liminal air/ground/water growths

2007-04-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

liminal air/ground/water growths

Re: your mail

2007-04-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

Send us the bio!

love Alan

On Sun, 15 Apr 2007, phanero wrote:

no, i just recognized the comic cause my grandma had some she saved i read. i 
liked tumbleweeds better. i would copy them, draw them.
not that they were better comics, but the style of drawing was much stranger 
and deformed. i guess even then that appealed to me.
i found a biography i wrote of myself in 6th grade yesterday which was 
dedicated to Frankenstein and the Marx brothers!

Sure wish I could play Chinese Checkers w/ Granny! she was pure Tong on the 
checker board!

- Original Message - From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: your mail

Yes - do you know the dates of these?

Thanks, Alan

On Sun, 15 Apr 2007, phanero wrote:

alan, this is interesting. i had just written "fitting unfitness"
yesterday. is the comic strip the Katzenjammer kids?

don't forget about the real taste of licorice. Panda brand is fat free.



----- Original Message - From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 7:31 AM


set of late 19th cent early 20th cent children's blocks.
rearranged i desperately tried to fill in the gaps.
closed in one area and expanded in another,
just like the true-real, nothing fits any more.
the gaps are small, hiatus, liminal, interval.
they tend towards closure, implying they didn't mean it,
they meant nothing by it, it was an accident,
it was nothing at all. teeth are always on the edge
of things, and that's where the world forms and tears
apart. later, azure appeared and set everything aright.
it took her a few minutes. she followed the diagrams.

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Re: your mail

2007-04-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

Yes - do you know the dates of these?

Thanks, Alan

On Sun, 15 Apr 2007, phanero wrote:

alan, this is interesting. i had just written "fitting unfitness"
yesterday. is the comic strip the Katzenjammer kids?

don't forget about the real taste of licorice. Panda brand is fat free.



- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 7:31 AM


set of late 19th cent early 20th cent children's blocks.
rearranged i desperately tried to fill in the gaps.
closed in one area and expanded in another,
just like the true-real, nothing fits any more.
the gaps are small, hiatus, liminal, interval.
they tend towards closure, implying they didn't mean it,
they meant nothing by it, it was an accident,
it was nothing at all. teeth are always on the edge
of things, and that's where the world forms and tears
apart. later, azure appeared and set everything aright.
it took her a few minutes. she followed the diagrams.

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

[no subject]

2007-04-15 Thread Alan Sondheim


set of late 19th cent early 20th cent children's blocks.
rearranged i desperately tried to fill in the gaps.
closed in one area and expanded in another,
just like the true-real, nothing fits any more.
the gaps are small, hiatus, liminal, interval.
they tend towards closure, implying they didn't mean it,
they meant nothing by it, it was an accident,
it was nothing at all. teeth are always on the edge
of things, and that's where the world forms and tears
apart. later, azure appeared and set everything aright.
it took her a few minutes. she followed the diagrams.

deconstructing julu

2007-04-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

deconstructing julu

three sections to skinstretch:
1 camera-movement limit-point collapse into catastrophic behavior
2 behavior collision from above including skin-stretch
3 analysis of skin-stretch in two movements

years ago invented a board game in which the board squares moved
independently, as well as the game pieces on them.
now thinking of second life performance involving two performers
and an architect:
the architect constructs and transforms the performance space;
the performers create psychodrama in relation to behavior collision
within that space.
a performer might fall off the space, be absorbed by the space,
be excluded from the space.
the architect is moved towards greater and greater extremes:
what holds the performance in place, what dissolves it?

i've contacted the potential performers, now would they use their
real names.


homeland swaying

2007-04-13 Thread Alan Sondheim

homeland swaying

leaving for another ocean interweaving

1. Events interweave among events.
2. An event is an occasion for the asking.
3. An occasion is a frameworked transformation.
4. Frameworks are syzygies within potential wells.
5. A syzygy is a perceptual configuration.
6. The configuration appears characterized by genidentical flows.
7. The perception of the syzygy is characterized by the frame problem.
8. Syzygies are momentary stases relative to one or another tolerance.
9. Potential wells are characterized by perturbations around equilibrium.
10. Think of such well as strange attractors in chaos theory.
11. When something pushes out from a potential well, that's an event.
12. When genidentity is perturbed perceptually, that's an event.
13. When genidentity is fundamentally perturbed, that's chaotic flux.
14. Identified chaotic flux between collocations of states is an event.
15. Thereupon events are statistical ensembles.
16. Identified events are ensembles apparently near the breaking-point.
17. "Leaving home is an event when you've actually left your block."
19. "Leaving home is an insecurity."

Report Reveals Likely Causes of Mars Spacecraft Loss (fwd)

2007-04-13 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:52:34 -0700
From: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Report Reveals Likely Causes of Mars Spacecraft Loss

PASADENA, CALIF. 91109 TELEPHONE  818-354-5011

Guy Webster 818-354-6278
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown  202-358-1726
NASA Headquarters, Washington

NEWS RELEASE: 2007-040  April 
13, 2007

Report Reveals Likely Causes of Mars Spacecraft Loss

WASHINGTON - After studying Mars four times as long as originally planned, 
NASA's Mars
Global Surveyor orbiter appears to have succumbed to battery failure caused by 
a complex sequence
of events involving the onboard computer memory and ground commands.

The causes were released today in a preliminary report by an internal review 
board. The board was
formed to look more in-depth into why NASA's Mars Global Surveyor went silent 
in November
2006 and recommend any processes or procedures that could increase safety for 
other spacecraft.

Mars Global Surveyor last communicated with Earth on Nov. 2, 2006. Within 11 
hours, depleted
batteries likely left the spacecraft unable to control its orientation.

"The loss of the spacecraft was the result of a series of events linked to a 
computer error made five
months before the likely battery failure," said board Chairperson Dolly 
Perkins, deputy director-
technical of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

On Nov. 2, after the spacecraft was ordered to perform a routine adjustment of 
its solar panels, the
spacecraft reported a series of alarms, but indicated that it had stabilized. 
That was its final
transmission. Subsequently, the spacecraft reoriented to an angle that exposed 
one of two batteries
carried on the spacecraft to direct sunlight. This caused the battery to 
overheat and ultimately led to
the depletion of both batteries. Incorrect antenna pointing prevented the 
orbiter from telling
controllers its status, and its programmed safety response did not include 
making sure the spacecraft
orientation was thermally safe.

The board also concluded that the Mars Global Surveyor team followed existing 
procedures, but that
procedures were insufficient to catch the errors that occurred. The board is 
recommendations to apply to other missions, such as conducting more thorough 
reviews of all non-
routine changes to stored data before they are uploaded and to evaluate 
spacecraft contingency
modes for risks of overheating.

"We are making an end-to-end review of all our missions to be sure that we 
apply the lessons learned
from Mars Global Surveyor to all our ongoing missions," said Fuk Li, Mars 
Exploration Program
manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Mars Global Surveyor, launched in 1996, operated longer at Mars than any other 
spacecraft in
history, and for more than four times as long as the prime mission originally 
planned. The spacecraft
returned detailed information that has overhauled understanding about Mars. 
Major findings include
dramatic evidence that water still flows in short bursts down hillside gullies, 
and identification of
deposits of water-related minerals leading to selection of a Mars rover landing 

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., manages Mars Global Surveyor 
for NASA's
Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, 
developed and
operates the spacecraft.

Information about the Mars Global Surveyor mission, including the preliminary 
report from the
process review board and a list of some important discoveries by the mission, 
is available on the
Internet at:


To remove yourself from all mailings from NASA Jet Propulsion Labratory, please 
go to

five pieces for solo classical guitar

2007-04-12 Thread Alan Sondheim

five pieces for solo classical guitar

instrument: Romeo Di Giorgio 1949

the first four are probably some of the most difficult 
I've played

the last is denouement

Grotosqoo Doncos Ovoodong tho Consor

2007-04-12 Thread Alan Sondheim

Grotosqoo Doncos Ovoodong tho Consor

Molo ond Fomolo Doncor, Molo ond Fomolo Non-doncor, nodo, no gonotol hoor.
FN stroddlos MD who focks hor wholo doncong; donco onds onlo whon ho comos
or folls to tho floor oot of oxhoostoon.
MN socks MD who doncos ontol ho coms.
MN os prono on tho floor, focks FD ontol sho comos.
MD ond FD fock ontol thoo como; donco onds onlo whon thoo both como.
MD focks MN on tho oss; MN os on oll foors; donco ontol, otc.
Rovorso: MN focks MD on tho oss; MD os on oll foors; donco ontol, otc.
FD possos on MD prono on floor; both donco ontol dro.
MN ond FN poss on MD ond FD on floor; tho somo.
MD ond FD poss on MN ond FN; tho somo.
MN ond FN poss on MD ond FD; tho somo.
MD focks MN focks FN fongors FD fongors MD on tho oss; onds whon oll com.
FD sots on MN, focks MN, scrotchos hom ontol ho bloods ontol sho coms.
FN sots on FD, focks FD, scrotchos hor otc.
MD sots on FD, tho somo. FD sots on MD, tho somo. Combonotoons, tho somo.
Monsos: Of possoblo, FD ond FN sprood monsos on MD, doncos ontol dro.
MN swollows monsos of FD ond FN doncong oroond hom, donco ontol dro.
MD possos on MN's mooth, FD possos on FN's mooth, MN ond FN mostorboto.
MN possos on FD's mooth, FN possos on MD's mooth, otc. Combonotoons, otc.
FD botos FN's broost ontol ot bloods, doncos ontol blood droos.
FD botos MN's broost, otc. Combonotoons, otc.
FD, MD, MN, FN, shot, covor thomsolvos on shot. Onds whon shot droos.
(Oll woth lovong ombroco, shoddorong, tromblong, groons, othor soonds.)

nethappenings Digest V6 #8 (fwd)

2007-04-12 Thread Alan Sondheim

I'm not sure you receive this - but it's definitely worthwhile. - Alan

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 05:35:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: FreeLists Mailing List Manager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: nethappenings digest users <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: nethappenings Digest V6 #8


Please link to the Educational CyberPlayGround


Please Share and Add Your Song

Educational CyberPlayGround NetHappenings Mailing List ?1993


nethappenings DigestTuesday, April 10 2007  Volume: 06  Issue: 008

In This Issue:
#1: From: Educational CyberPlayGround <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ECP] Educational CyberPlayGround NetHappenings 
Resources an
#2: From: Educational CyberPlayGround <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ECP] Educational CyberPlayGround NetHappenings 
Newsletter H


Msg: #1 in digest
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 04:00:00 -0400
From: Educational CyberPlayGround <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ECP] Educational CyberPlayGround NetHappenings Resources and

Greetings everyone,

Snow in April and cold outside.

Happy reading.


Chicago Public School employees info stolen
A huge breach of security has put thousands of Chicago Public School
employees at risk. A thief stole two laptop computers containing private
information about 40,000 current and former employees. The heist was
caught on tape.
Investigators say its still unclear if the laptops were stolen for the
sensitive information they contained or as a crime of opportunity.
Either way, it has some questioning how the school district safeguards
valuable information.


Cyberbullies, hate and character education.
43% of the youth population say they've been bullied online.
In a unanimous decision, the New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled that
school districts are responsible for stopping bias-based harassment of
students "Much like employees in a workplace, students have the right
to attend school without being subjected to repeated taunts from other
children," the court said.
Gender and race still an issue for school leaders
National survey shows women still far behind in educational leadership

Gender Bias
COLUMBIA, Mo. =AD Women fill the vast majority of=20
classrooms as teachers, but check the=20
administration office, and most of the school=20
leaders are men. A new book details a national=20
survey that reveals a gender gap in America's school systems.
"It's shocking to me that in 2007 there is still=20
such a disparity. In 1992, only 5 percent of=20
America's school systems were led by women. Now,=20
that number is 18 percent. I would expect it to=20
be at least 50/50 at this point," said Margaret=20
Grogan, professor and department chair in the=20
University of Missouri-Columbia College of=20
Education's Department of Educational Leadership=20
and Policy Analysis. "It's not about education;=20
it is about society. Despite the fact that gender=20
is considered to be a non-issue today, there is=20
still a gender issue when it comes to leadership and management."
The book =AD "Women Leading School Systems:=20
Uncommon Roads to Fulfillment" =AD was published=20
this month and co-authored by Grogan and C. Cryss=20
Brunner. It is based on the first major national=20
survey of all female superintendents in the=20
country. Nearly 1,200 women representing=20
positions of leadership in school districts=20
responded to the survey. The study was=20
commissioned by the American Association of School Administrators.

Multi Cultural Views - Teaching Tools

Hackers Promise 'Nude Britney Spears' Pix To Plant .ANI Exploit
There are problems with the patch Microsoft released Tuesday for a
critical .ANI vulnerability, and hackers have launched a new spam
campaign to take advantage of the flaw by promising nude pictures of
Britney Spears to lure users to malicious sites.

Vonage Wins termporary reprieve in verizon case

Researchers crack WEP WiFi security in record time
and Hot Spot Finder

Hackers now offer subscription services, support for 


2007-04-11 Thread Alan Sondheim


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JKEM :ec:c ADACHI-  Bartko HOF :ea: rignana :cd:f :df:eb:  bding

CNN Breaking News (fwd)

2007-04-11 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 00:34:02 -0400
From: CNN Breaking News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CNN Breaking News

-- Kurt Vonnegut, whose novels included "Slaughterhouse Five" and "Cat's 
Cradle," has died at 84, his wife tells The Associated Press.

Watch the latest video now on Access at CNN - The most 
trusted name in news.


Watch "Larry King Live" tonight to watch the mystery guest
clip! Then go to to enter the
Larry King Suspender Sweepstakes for a chance to win a pair of
autographed suspenders and/or a trip to visit Larry on the set
in L.A.!


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Physics News Update 819

2007-04-11 Thread Alan Sondheim
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 819   April 11, 2007 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein

NEWTON*S SECOND LAW OF MOTION, that pillar of classical physics, the
formula that says the force on an object is proportional to
acceleration, has now been tested, and found to be valid, at the
level of 5 x 10^-14 m/s^2.  This is a thousandfold improvement in
precision over the best previous test, one carried out 21 years ago
(Physical Review D, vol 34, p 3240, 1986).  The new test was
performed by physicists at the University of Washington using a
swiveling torsion pendulum, a special kind of pendulum in which the
restoring force is not gravity (as you would have in a hanging
pendulum) but is provided by a very thin torsion fiber.  One
implication of Newton*s law is that the pendulum*s frequency (its
tick-tock rate) should be independent of
the amplitude of its swiveling (as long as the oscillation is
small).  Looking for a slight departure from this expected
independence the Washington researchers watched the pendulum  at
very small amplitudes; in fact the observed swivel was kept so small
that the Brownian excitation  of the pendulum was a considerable
factor in interpreting the results.  Newton*s second law is expected
to break down for subatomic size scales, where quantum uncertainty
frustrates any precise
definition of velocity.  But for this experiment, where the pendulum
has a mass of 70 g and consists of 10^24 atoms, quantum
considerations were not important.  According to one of the
scientists involved, Jens Gundlach (206-616-3012,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]), this new affirmation
that force is proportional to acceleration (at least for
non-relativistic speeds), might influence further discussion of two
anomalies: (1) oddities in the rotation curves for
galaxies---characterizing the velocity of stars as a function of
their radii from the galactic center---suggest either that extra
gravitational pull in the form of the presence of as-yet-undetected
dark matter is at
work or that some new form of Newton*s Second Law could be
operating (referred to as Modified Newtonian Dynamics, or MOND); and
(2) the ongoing mystery surrounding the unaccounted-for
accelerations apparently characterizing the trajectory of the
Pioneer spacecraft
(see  (Gundlach et
al., Physical Review Letters, upcoming article).

PLASMON-ASSISTED SOLAR CELLS.  Because of its ubiquity in
electronics, silicon is the favorite semiconductor used in solar
photovoltaic cells.  Still, one would like to reduce the amount of
Si needed for large-area devices.  Furthermore, silicon is a poor
light emitter and absorber, and therefore solar cell efficiencies
have generally been poor.  The efficiency of thin-film Si cells is
even poorer than for wafer-thick Si cells.  How to make the cells
cheap (using thin films) but also nicely absorptive is an important
goal.  Scientists at the University of New South Wales in Australia
have now enhanced the absorption of sunlight using surface
plasmons.  When light strikes a metal sample it can initiate
electrical disturbances in the surface, either as localized
excitations called surface plasmons or as moving waves called
surface plasmon polaritons.  The plasmons can be considered as a
sort of proxy for the light, except at a shorter wavelength.  If,
moreover, the plasmon energy can be efficiently collected and
transferred to an underlying waveguide as part of a solar cell, then
the cells* yield can grow.  This what the New South Wales
researchers do.  They use silver nanoparticles to ex
cite surface
plasmons, which enhances light trapping.  For 1.25-micron-thick
thin-film cells, the enhancement was by a factor of 16 for light
with a wavelength of 1050 nm.  For wafers, the enhancement was by a
factor of 7 for light with a wavelength of 1200 nm. Silicon normally
absorbs light only weakly in this part of the spectrum, so the
enhancement is significant.  Across all wavelengths, the
photocurrent enhancement for the 1.25-micron film and the wafer
samples was, respectively, 33% and 19%.  According to Supriya Pillai
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), optimizing the nanoparticle size
should bring additional improvements. (Pillai et al., Journal of
Applied Physics, upcoming article)

PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE is a digest of physics news items arising
from physics meetings, physics journals, newspapers and
magazines, and other news sources.  It is provided free of charge
as a way of broadly disseminating information about physics and
physicists. For that reason, you are free to post it, if you like,
where others can read it, providing only that you credit AIP.
Physics News Update appears approximately once a week.

AUTO-SUBSCRIPTION OR DELETION: By using the expression
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will have automatically 

behavior collision

2007-04-11 Thread Alan Sondheim

behavior collision

when behaviors collide and there's no catastrophe
things decide what things will be in relation in situ
sub specie aeternis all things are in-decision
the indecision of things functions as a falling
the falling of things is not ever a failing
the in-decision of things is smooth striations
there are not ever decisions / sometimes out of a corner
of an eye there are behavior collisions
the slightest shudder of adjustment
one might notice pleas for help for an end to the shuddering
for a moment of grace for quietude and deepest sleep
in deepest sleep there is disappearance and you are gone
you are gone with the falling of things
the eternal falling of things
when we are together and there is behavior collision
it is always high noon among the primitives and polygons
unlike separation and real life this is real life
this is separation this is the slightest pause
things pause like that in worlds of in-decision
in in-decision and the falling unfailing of things

Make Change this Earth Day + Free WWF T-shirt

2007-04-11 Thread Alan Sondheim
What are You Doing for Earth Day?
12 Days Left!

Dear Alan,

In the past month, thousands of supporters like you have written in to tell us 
exactly how they are making change for Earth Day. Why are your commitments so 

- In the Arctic, the science points to a 20 percent loss of sea ice--essential 
habitat for polar bears and their prey--in the last 30 years, and models 
predict a potential summer ice free Arctic by 2040.

- Almost half of our planet's original forests have disappeared. These forests 
are amazing storehouses of biological diversity, housing over two-thirds of all 
known terrestrial species. Only about 10 percent of what remains are protected 
in areas like national parks.

- In the last 40 years, one third of America's topsoil has washed off the land, 
ending up in waterways where it can cloud freshwater streams and smother coral 

We cannot simply standby and allow this to continue. We've reached a critical 
moment in the history of the earth and it's Time for Change. In honor of all 
the creatures on our living planet, we're asking you to help us protect the 
future of nature this Earth Day.

Your generous donation will help WWF to continue to take action to save 
endangered species, protect endangered spaces and address global threats. For 
more than 45 years, we've been working in more than 100 countries to create 
lasting results. And today your support is needed more than ever.

Join WWF this Earth Day in our fight to make change.

With your generous donation of $50 or more, we'll send you a FREE organic 
cotton tee as a thank you gift. The beloved WWF panda logo is a powerful symbol 
of your commitment to preserve and protect the diversity and abundance of life 
on Earth.

As we count down the 12 remaining days until April 22, we encourage you to 
continue to commit your support to make this planet a better place today and 
for future generations. Together we can protect the future of nature around the 


Terry Macko
Vice President, Membership

P.S. Remember, if you make a donation of $50 or more for Time for Change, we'll 
send you a FREE organic cotton t-shirt as a thank you gift. Donate now!

Free T-shirt with $50+ Donation
Make a gift of $50 or more to the Time for Change campaign and we'll send you 
this washed soft and faded regular fit tee in organic cotton featuring the 
beloved WWF panda logo. Donate now!

Check out what some of WWF's friends are doing to make change:

"My high school biology students in Manhattan are donating their leftover lunch 
money, coins they've collected in jars over the years, and even their 
allowance! We have studied both local and global environmental issues all year, 
and wanted to help preserve our beautiful world for Earth Day."
-Danielle Dubno, Rockville Centre, NY

"As part of a community service project, my three friends and I are holding an 
Earth Day Poetry Festival. On April 22, we are inviting poets... to come share 
their work themed around the Earth. All contributions will be... given to WWF!"
-Bridget Nugent, Washington, DC

"I keep a candy and gum basket by my office door, so I have put out my WWF 
Earth Day bank and a sign that says the treats are still free, but to consider 
making a contribution to help make a change."
-Lora Morgan Dunham, Lone Tree, IA

You can make change, too. Share your commitment now!


Thank you for being a part of the WWF online community. The email
address we have in our records for you is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To subscribe to other free WWF E-newsletters or change your email address or 
contact information, please log in

to the member center. You can also unsubscribe from WWF
E-newsletters as well.

World Wildlife Fund
1250 24th St. NW
Washington, DC 20037-1193

I enter the phrase: Enduring the realm of inherent contradiction.

2007-04-10 Thread Alan Sondheim

I enter the phrase: Enduring the realm of inherent contradiction.

Endurance: here, to subsist within for an indefinite period of time. The
realm is that of broken, convoluted, fragmented information. Contradiction
references multiple strands tending towards differing and temporary truth-
tables.Inherent, because this becomes the condition of existence; outside
the realm of language, what is, is, but within the same, mappings are
fast-forward, imminent, and decomposable.

Fragment generates fragment; the goal of the fragment is the fragment;
there is no goal. What happens in the real is the incandescent slaughter-
house; ecologies and bodies burn. The fragment is the life-raft.

The iron-clad fragment protects itself as ideology within the inerrancy of
a text. The text itself is of little matter; what matters is its command-
structure. An inerrant text is absolutist; it brooks no contradiction; it
is nothing but words.

One word follows another; within the fragment, they are deeply untethered.
The inerrant text constructs the digital world; the digital world decon-
structs, destroys, the inerrant text. The construction of the digital
world: from parts and parcels of the analogic, the inert real. The frag-
ments otherwise; the fragment returns to the analogic - is fragment pre-
cisely because of the analogic; in relation to the analogic; within the
analogic. The fragment is the passing symptom; the symptom is the passing
trope; the trope stands in for the raster, the horizon of the digital.

What one says and does is irrevocable.

The fragment is endured; the fragmented is nostalgia for a lost and mythic

The fragment leaves the fragment, leaves language and name behind. The
fragment is the dream of the proper name.

"To fragment something" carries the torn world on its shoulders. Contra-
diction seeps from the torn. The hole dreams of the whole; the hole dreams
of the whole dreaming of the hole.

This has nothing, has everything, to do with the slaughterhouse. The
slaughterhouse is the last of the shifters - meat and dwelling of the
shifters. Contradiction: seepage from the slaughterhouse. Slaughterhouse:
the irrevocable torn.

*/ Who carries my voice when I speak? To where and when is it carried? And
from where? And from when?


2007-04-10 Thread Alan Sondheim


although guidebooks list turkey vultures summering across Pennsylvania,
this is the first I've seen in the Valley. it's a probable harbinger of
climate change; the local rabbits, skunks, and possums have disappeared
this year. (the possums came only three years ago.) lawns seem in trouble,
perhaps under attack from fungi or nematodes. last year we saw 11 blue
herons - this year, none. the Canadian goose population seems decimated.
there was a killdeer on the Susquehanna banks. last year, several hawk
species - this year, none; this might be nothing more than chance
observations, but there seems to be an underlying pattern. I photographed
the vulture in flight around the local Valley airport. pardon the shaky
camera; it was the best I could do in the wind. 3 to 4 were seen, somewhat
together; vultures are social creatures. something was tasty near the
airport runway.

I'd be interested in hearing stories about climate change in your, in
anyone's, neck of the woods. what species have increased? what species
have disappeared? global transformations lead to local, as well as global,
symptoms. animal and plant populations are on the move, some heading
towards destruction, some able to survive migration. overall, the
prognosis is one of disaster, and I wonder what really happened to the

Re: leaving the Valley

2007-04-09 Thread Alan Sondheim
there actually were crackhouses about 15-20 years ago in Wilkes-Barre; for 
all I know they might be there still. Scranton seems to have a large drug 
trade. It's a depressed area, no future, no futures...

- Alan

On Mon, 9 Apr 2007, D^Vid D^Vizio wrote:

or crack house in tow ~
  root ni blood drag loo
leavin the valley ~
  pullou alt road

12:22 4/9/07 1318 bytes

Thanks much for both these wonderful bits Alan.
I honestly was sure I read "our crack house in tow"
--- Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

leaving the Valley

through wyoming exeter forty-fort kingston wilkes-barre towards blakeslee
through and out of Wyoming Valley sped to 300 miles an hour - where i grew
up surrounded by the blue-gray mountains of pennsylvania - you couldn't
see very far in any direction - something like west virginia - you've got
no viewpoint - you're trapped in the Valley - the roads wind long through
it - you leave up and out along the five mile hill - then 19 miles to
blakeslee in the poconos - it's always dark - always raining - there's
coal in the mountains - anthracite - strip-mining but not mountain-topping
- mines were deep and dangerous - the five mile hill was dangerous -
trucks would lose control - crash into wilkes-barre at ninety miles an
hour - plow through houses - taking out everything in their path - for
years they worked at taming the hill - now there are runaway truck roads -
they go on up there - you can usually see tire marks - furrows - nothing
gets down into the town any more - but we're going out of the town and up
the hill - then through the mountains to blakeslee - first through the
Valley past the airport - there were turkey vultures there - the first
i've seen in eastern pennsylvania - the first i've seen in pennsylvania -
they're moving in - on the landing strip - paid no attention to the planes
- down past the dikes around forty-fort - named for the forty settlers who
first arrived - the area has a long history - wars were fought - lot of
people died - the susquehanna's held back by the dikes - floods anyway -
the cemetery - you can just make it out at 300 mph - cemetery lost a lot
of coffins - they floated down the river in 1972 - our house flooded as
well - we saw eleven herons in the area a year ago - the area's aging now
- lots of people left - mainly young people - the mines are closed -
flooded out in 1959 - land subsidance - our house cracked in two - we're
leaving at 300 miles per hour - we're on our way - we're gone -


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Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

leaving the Valley

2007-04-09 Thread Alan Sondheim

leaving the Valley

through wyoming exeter forty-fort kingston wilkes-barre towards blakeslee
through and out of Wyoming Valley sped to 300 miles an hour - where i grew
up surrounded by the blue-gray mountains of pennsylvania - you couldn't
see very far in any direction - something like west virginia - you've got
no viewpoint - you're trapped in the Valley - the roads wind long through
it - you leave up and out along the five mile hill - then 19 miles to
blakeslee in the poconos - it's always dark - always raining - there's
coal in the mountains - anthracite - strip-mining but not mountain-topping
- mines were deep and dangerous - the five mile hill was dangerous -
trucks would lose control - crash into wilkes-barre at ninety miles an
hour - plow through houses - taking out everything in their path - for
years they worked at taming the hill - now there are runaway truck roads -
they go on up there - you can usually see tire marks - furrows - nothing
gets down into the town any more - but we're going out of the town and up
the hill - then through the mountains to blakeslee - first through the
Valley past the airport - there were turkey vultures there - the first
i've seen in eastern pennsylvania - the first i've seen in pennsylvania -
they're moving in - on the landing strip - paid no attention to the planes
- down past the dikes around forty-fort - named for the forty settlers who
first arrived - the area has a long history - wars were fought - lot of
people died - the susquehanna's held back by the dikes - floods anyway -
the cemetery - you can just make it out at 300 mph - cemetery lost a lot
of coffins - they floated down the river in 1972 - our house flooded as
well - we saw eleven herons in the area a year ago - the area's aging now
- lots of people left - mainly young people - the mines are closed -
flooded out in 1959 - land subsidance - our house cracked in two - we're
leaving at 300 miles per hour - we're on our way - we're gone -

Parable of the return

2007-04-08 Thread Alan Sondheim

Parable of the return

Having perfected the machine which allowed us to travel backwards in time,
we decided to visit the very origins of humankind, that savanna where
proto-hominids roamed, beginning their conquest of the flora and fauna of
the planet. We returned to a period before the great dispersion, before
the diasporic spread of humans fearful of themselves.

We brought clubs, knives, guns, explosives; we brought encapsulated germs
and plagues. Around eleven o'clock in the morning, we appeared on the
savanna. The hominids, tearing a sloth to pieces, were everywhere. They
carried clubs, hand axes, crude knives.

We knew the slaughter would kill us as well. We imagined the arrival of
other intelligent species who might know better, or who would also send
expeditions of destruction into their pasts. We were prepared for death,
an oddly retroactive form of suicide.

We began the slaughter; clubs and knives did not become us. We began
shooting and the hominids ran in all directions. We still survived.

We bombed their gathering places. We killed families indiscriminately. We
released smallpox, measles, plagues of all sorts. We machine-gunned men,
women, and children. We were harbingers of death. And yet we survived.

We checked our demographies; we were at the center of the holocaust We
were the holocaust. We knew one or two might escape; we were prepared for
that. The future, our present, would be transformed. Hominids would either
go extinct or become a minor species with an ecological niche in some
savanna backwater.

We discovered this: We changed evolution utterly. We changed it towards
ourselves, the most violent of the futures of the hominids. The ones that
escaped would live to slaughter others. It was slaughter that guided them
all along. It was slaughter that created us. For those that escaped,
wounded, life would be constant fury. We had set the script of revenge
into motion. We produced ourselves.

We knew then that attempts to change the past only produced it. We knew
then that there was no escape; life itself would wane as plants and
animals hurtled towards extinction. Our return had created our return; our
return from the botched journey produced at best a botched species. We had
only ourselves to blame; our ancestors, each and every one, were innocent,
following the path we had set for them.

We knew then that we followed the same path, that we were determined as
well, produced by the circularity of our return. We were at the birth of
the wounded, the birth of indiscriminate slaughter. We were at our own
birth as well. We understood that there was nothing to do, nothing to be
done, that death was always in the doing, that violence was mandated from
our own beginnings. We knew then that we would die soon, just as others
died, fellow travelers back in time, fellow architects of doom.

looking for work

2007-04-08 Thread Alan Sondheim
If you know of any mentoring, tutoring, part-time teaching, or visiting 
artist positions, in the areas of new media, video, film, or English, 
please let me know. I'm currently teaching a filmmaking course at Brown, 
which will be coming to an end in May; my students are doing amazing work. 
I can get references, recommendation letters, and so forth. I wouldn't be 
asking on email lists, but I'm relatively out of the academic loop at this 

Thanks greatly, Alan

the difference between war and cinema

2007-04-07 Thread Alan Sondheim

The difference between war and cinema

What's happening always suffers

The music in this film makes me all excited. Then nothing happens, or
rather nothing happens as exciting as the music. It's not that the music
disappoints - how could exciting music disappoint? - but what happens is
really different, nothing one might call exciting, unless one - I - was
excited by what's happening. The excited music assumes either I'll be
excited by what's happening or won't be excited by what's happening but
then the excited music will make me excited about what's happening. I
can't be excited about anything that's happening without exciting music.
Sometimes there's music that wants to be excited, or something is happen-
ing that's exciting and I expect the music to be excited but it isn't
excited, and what's happening might suffer as a result. In general, what's
happening of course always suffers. Sometimes what's happening makes the
music excited as well and I find myself listening to the excited music as
what's happening excites me and then I might wonder, what is it about this
music that might have made me excited had it been excited, and why do I
find it exciting now if it's not excited? What's happening can make music
excited, and music I think can't be excited without something happening
that makes it so. But the music in this film doesn't make me all excited.

What's happening always suffers

The battle in this place makes me all distraught. Then nothing happens, or
rather nothing happens as disastrous as the battle. It's not that the
battle disappoints - how could disastrous battle disappoint? - but what
happens is really different, nothing one might call disastrous, unless
one - I - was distraught by what's happening. The distraught battle as-
sumes either I'll be distraught by what's happening or won't be distraught
by what's happening but then the distraught battle will make me distraught
about what's happening. I can't be distraught about anything that's hap-
pening without disastrous battle. Sometimes there's battle that wants to
be distraught, or something is happening that's disastrous and I expect
the battle to be distraught but it isn't distraught, and what's happening
might suffer as a result. In general, what's happening of course always
suffers. Sometimes what's happening makes the battle distraught as well
and I find myself listening to the distraught battle as what's happening
excites me and then I might wonder, what is it about this battle that
might have made me distraught had it been distraught, and why do I find it
disastrous now if it's not distraught? What's happening can make battle
distraught, and battle I think can't be distraught without something
happening that makes it so. But the battle in this place doesn't make me
all distraught.

The difference between war and cinema

5,24c5,22 < The battle in this place makes me all distraught. Then nothing
happens, or < rather nothing happens as disastrous as the battle. It's not
that the < battle disappoints - how could disastrous battle disappoint? -
but what < happens is really different, nothing one might call disastrous,
unless < one - I - was distraught by what's happening. The distraught
battle as- < sumes either I'll be distraught by what's happening or won't
be distraught < by what's happening but then the distraught battle will
make me distraught < about what's happening. I can't be distraught about
anything that's hap- < pening without disastrous battle. Sometimes there's
battle that wants to < be distraught, or something is happening that's
disastrous and I expect < the battle to be distraught but it isn't
distraught, and what's happening < might suffer as a result. In general,
what's happening of course always < suffers. Sometimes what's happening
makes the battle distraught as well < and I find myself listening to the
distraught battle as what's happening < excites me and then I might
wonder, what is it about this battle that < might have made me distraught
had it been distraught, and why do I find it < disastrous now if it's not
distraught? What's happening can make battle < distraught, and battle I
think can't be distraught without something < happening that makes it so.
But the battle in this place doesn't make me < all distraught.


The music in this film makes me all excited. Then nothing happens, or >

rather nothing happens as exciting as the music. It's not that the music >
disappoints - how could exciting music disappoint? - but what happens is >
really different, nothing one might call exciting, unless one - I - was >
excited by what's happening. The excited music assumes either I'll be >
excited by what's happening or won't be excited by what's happening but >
then the excited music will make me excited about what's happening. I >
can't be excited about anything that's happening without exciting music. >
Sometimes there's music that wants to be excited, or something is happen-

ing that's exciting and I expect th

the Poets' Corner (fwd)

2007-04-07 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 23:11:24 +0200
From: Anny Ballardini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: UB Poetics discussion group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: the Poets' Corner

1. The one who will shine in the science of writing will shine like the sun.

A scribe (EP, p. 87)

O Samas (sun-god), by your light you scan the totality of lands as if they
were cuneiform signs (ibid.).

from the opening of the *Exergue* by Jacques Derrida, *Of Grammatology*

*New Poets: *

*David Baratier*

*Laura Heidy*

*Tim Peterson*

*Jeffrey Side*

*Anne Tardos*

*Luc Fierens*

*Ruth Lepson*

*Paul Vangelisti*

*Joyce Nower*

*Paul Muldoon*

*Tom Beckett*

*New poems of already featured Poets:*

*Richard Dillon *



*Alan Sondheim *

The gods

A/Rose for Baudrillard

*Barry Alpert*




*Halvard Johnson*

Favorite California Churches

*James Cervantes*

Poems That Arrived Without a Briefcase

*David-Baptiste Chirot*

light remains 1

light remains 2

light remains 3

*Jeff Harrison*

* The Recital *

* The Vying *

*Under Poets on Poets:*

* *

*Paul Vangelisti*

*Euripides by Jon Corelis* and ongoing work with new additions

*Under Poem Reviews:*

* *

*Emanuele Carnevale by Dennis Barone*

My acknowledgment to all those who appear on the Poets' Corner _as usual the
order of apparition follows the order by which I received the contribution.
With my best wishes for a wonderful and fruitful Spring,

Anny Ballardini
I Tell You: One must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing
Friedrich Nietzsche

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >