Re: [Wtr-general] How to deal with the copyrihgt symbol

2007-07-13 Thread Paul Carvalho

On 13/07/07, marekj wrote:

This looks like fun with encoding.


Paul suggested to use the actual entity in the assertion. I tried it and it

doesn't work for me. I get false.

It works for me.  I created a ruby script as follows:
# Look for the copyright symbol on a page
require 'watir'
require 'test/unit'

class Test_scratch < Test::Unit::TestCase
   def setup
   $ie =
   $ie.goto( '' )

   def test_copyright
   assert( $ie.text.include?("(c)") )

end # o' class

When I run the script I get the following output:

C:\temp>ruby scratch_copyright_symbol_check.rb
Loaded suite scratch_copyright_symbol_check
Finished in 0.734 seconds.

1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

I don't know about you, but that looks like success to me.  If you run the
script above against the Google page, does it fail for you?

Paul C.

(P.S., please remember to CC: the googlegroups address so we can start
moving away from the old rubyforge mailing list.  Thanks.)
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] How to deal with the copyrihgt symbol

2007-07-13 Thread Paul Carvalho

Put the actual copyright symbol in this assert line and it should work:
assert( $ie.text.include?( "(c)" ) )

When you use the ie.text method, you don't get the source code, you get back
the contents as you see it on the page.  Since you see the *symbol* on the
page (and not "©"), just put what you see into the assert line.

Paul C.

On 12/07/07, jhe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear all,

Why use the following code always return false, although in the html
document include ©
assert( $ie.text.include?("©") )


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] UnknownObject Exception when running test cases

2007-06-28 Thread Paul Carvalho

If the code below is an actual snippet from your code then could the *order*
the tests be the problem?

Please remember that the _default_ order of execution is ascending alpha, so
the script would likely try to run the tests in the following order
regardless of how they are arranged in the script :
1. test_addAccounts
2. test_login

If the script hasn't logged in *before* you try to add the account, then you
will always get an error.

There are different ways of working around this issue.  You could try
changing the test method names or insert a command to override the order of
test execution.  Check the message archives for details - I didn't find
anything in the FAQ right now for it.

Let us know if that helps.  Cheers.  Paul C.

On 25/06/07, Tiffany Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm creating a test harness that will first collect all of the data
necessary to run the test cases then then execute the test cases.

Here's the code that is calling the test cases:

class TestScript < Test::Unit::TestCase

def test_login
login($producerName, $producerPass)

def test_addAccounts

The login test works just fine, but the addAccounts test returns the

Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: Unable to locate object, using
text and Find Account

This happens no matter what link or field I try to touch.  The same
commands work in the login test.  I've tried using the attach method to
specify what window to use, but that hasn't helped either.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Save results to file

2007-06-14 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hey B!  Just a few things.

First off, there is a more efficient way of opening a file for writing.  Try
the following instead:

 textlog ="text.log", "w")

Secondly, when I run your script, the text.log file is *not* empty.  There
are in fact 70 blank lines in the output file.  That tells me something.  It
tells me that you are correctly opening and writing to the file, but you
just aren't capturing the right information somewhere.

I replaced your link iteration with the following and I got the log file to
list all the URL's:

ie.links.each do |link|
   textlog.puts link.href

Is that what you wanted to do?  If not, please post some more details with
what you are looking for and we'll try to help.

Cheers!  Paul C.

On 14/06/07, B Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am very close, this finds the links but errors on a variable and the
.txt file is empty

#  I'm  a Pretty Flower Box


   require 'watir'   # the watir controller

   # set a variable
   test_site = ''
  # set the log file
  textlog ="text.log", File::CREAT|File::APPEND|File::WRONLY)

   # open the IE browser
   ie =
   # print some comments
   puts "## Beginning of test: Google search"
   puts "  "
puts "  Action: entered " + test_site + " in the address bar."
  ie.text_field(:name, "q").set("Beer + Bottle + Label")   # q is
the name of the search field
   puts "Step 3: click the 'Google Search' button"
   ie.button(:name, "btnG").click   # "btnG" is the name of the Search
   puts "  Action: clicked the Google Search button."

   puts "Expected Result: "
   puts " - a Google page with results should be shown."
 puts "Iterate thru links on page a pull them into txt file "
 puts "Test Passed. Found the test string: 'Beer Bottle Label'."
  ie.links.each do |link| # for each link on the current page in IE...
textlog.puts link.src # print url of the link in the textlog we
created end
# createdtextlog.puts "Here's some stuff"

   puts "## End of test: Google search"
  if ie.contains_text("Beer + Bottle + Label")
  puts "Test Failed!"
Wtr-general mailing list

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT-ish - What is determining the order this hash gets iterated through?

2007-06-13 Thread Paul Carvalho

Just remember that if you 'sort' a hash, you get an *array* not a hash.  You
may need to adjust your code to match.  That's tripped me up before.

On 12/06/07, Chris McMahon wrote:

> So here's the question: Why aren't the csv results in the order of the
> And what order /are/ they in? There seems to be some method to the
> here, because they come out consistently in the /same/ order...but it
> the order they are listed in the hash, or alphabetical by key or
> value...anyone know how this works?

Hashes are not sorted in predictable ways, regardless of which
language you're using.  Luckily, in Ruby, the Hash object has a sort()

I'm not a huge expert at this stuff, but I've tripped over it before.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Concurrent tests, different regions...

2007-06-06 Thread Paul Carvalho

Without seeing more of the code, I'm pretty sure you need to start by moving
away from using Global variables.

On 06/06/07, eisdrache <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here is the basic idea of what I am trying to do...

I have one site, lets call it On that site, there is a
login page which directs to four different regions, say,, etc.


I have tried setting up something like this:

php page:

$regions = array('region1','region2','region3','region4');

foreach ($regions as $region) {
$cmd = "start example.rbw $region";

ruby page:

region = $ARGV[0]

$ie = Watir::IE.start("")

$ie.text_field(:name, "user").set(username)
$ie.text_field(:name, "password").set(password)
$ie.select_list(:name, "region").select(region)

proceed with testing...

This, however, does not seem to work. Seems as if two or three instances
will start but only one will actually finish. So, hopefully this makes sense
and hopefully someone can help me figure this one out.

Thanks in advance.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Long, strange field name issue

2007-05-22 Thread Paul Carvalho

Did you try it with single-quotes instead of double-quotes?

On 22/05/07, Tiffany Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The line in my script (#126) that writes data to this field looks like

ie.text_field(:name, "Business Income/Extra Expense/Rental

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] How to run all the steps defined in a method even if any of step fails?

2007-04-10 Thread Paul Carvalho

You're repeating yourself, Charley. ;-)  This new assertions.rb covers one
aspect of what Watir User asked but not the other: "Its not only related to
assertions .. ".  That's why I described a general Ruby construct for
recovering from methods regardless of what Watir version you're using.

Cheers.  Paul C.

On 10/04/07, Charley Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You can also pull the assertions file and use it with Watir 1.4.1.  Download
this file, put it in your watir/watir directory and use it the same way I
mentioned in my previous mail.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] How to run all the steps defined in a method even if any of step fails?

2007-04-10 Thread Paul Carvalho

I suppose you could always wrap a "rescue true" around each of your
assertions.  There are different ways of doing this.  This is just off the
top of my head but I'm pretty sure it works because I've done something
similar in the past.

One way would be:

def assertButton
  assert($ie.button(:caption, "Click Me").enabled?)  rescue true

If you have other commands that are likely to fail (e.g. a navigate link
command when the link isn't there), then you could wrap the rescue for the
whole method like this:

def assertButton
  assert($ie.button(:caption, "Click Me").enabled?)

Where the "rescue" and "true" are the last lines before the "end" of the
method.  This will exit the method nicely and allow you to go to the next
method.  There are a lot of neat things you can do with a container like
this at the end of a test method.  If you want more information about
recovering from methods like this you should check out the "Programming
Ruby" book, second edition.

Hope this helps.  Paul C.

On 10/04/07, watir-user wrote:

Hi Charley,

Can you tell me how to overcome the same in Watir 1.4.1. Its not only
related to assertions, the problem i am facing is if the method which i am
calling if does not execute for some reason the  next step of the code does
not executes in the called method. So, is there any other way to over come
this problem in Watir 1.4.1?

Any suggestions  most welcome


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] How to check presence of link by using begin - until method

2007-03-29 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hello Watir user,

I get an error when I try to execute the command "..".  Perhaps you
could include a little more code in your email post?

Also, can you please clarify what it is you are trying to do in the web
application (i.e. as a user)?  What triggers the link to appear?

On 29/03/07, watir-user watir-user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I need to check presence of a link after some process
end until (link appears)

This is quite simple, but got struck

Thanks in advance,

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] hi, Is there a GOTO function for watir

2007-03-28 Thread Paul Carvalho


Read this important article :

Please rethink how you structure your code.  I *highly* recommend taking a
course on Programming Concepts and Design if you haven't done any formal
structured programming/scripting in a *long* time.

GOTO's bad.  Very, very bad.  =P

Good luck!  Cheers.

On 28/03/07, Maloy kanti debnath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


IS there any function which is simlar like VB 6.0 GOTO so
that we can say
if condition
goto line 8
goto line 20


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Click on button which isn't a button

2007-03-16 Thread Paul Carvalho

Heh.  You didn't miss the point.  That's why "populate_navigation_bar" is a
method! ;-)

Cheers!  Paul C.

On 16/03/07, Adam Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Thanks for the help Paul.  I did have one question about this method,

As far as putting indexes and the name you want in the Hash array, does
this assume that the indexes of certain elements are constant through the
website?  The reason that I didn't use index navigation inititally was
because as each div is clicked and activated, the div indexes around the
page appear to change.  While at first the "Home" div is #7, after being
clicked it becomes #9.  Would this throw a wrench in the gears of your

There's a very good chance I've just missed the point, but that's how I
understand it so far.

Thanks again,

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Click on button which isn't a button

2007-03-16 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hi Adam, this is the situation we have with our navigation bar for one of
our web apps.  Using Watir 1.4.1 I couldn't use the 'text' attribute for
SPAN tags and none of the Spans had unique ID's.  What I ended up doing was
creating two methods to help us navigate the system.

The first one is called 'populate_navigation_bar' and the second is
"navigate_bar()".  In the first method, I iterate through all the Div and
Span tags with the desired information and put them into a Hash array.  The
'values' are the index numbers.

Then when I want to navigate through the system, I call the navigate_bar()
method and pass it the name I want and the method clicks the corresponding
element using the index number.  This gives me a certain amount of
flexibility in my tests because I can now select random elements really
easily for each test run, navigate to the 'top' of the list regardless of
whatever it's called, and other cool things like that.

In Watir 1.5.x, I can now use the 'text' attribute for Spans, but I decided
to keep navigating the system the same way because I have greater control
this way.

That's how I deal with the problem anyway.  Maybe this might work for you?
Good luck!

Cheers.  Paul C.

On 16/03/07, Adam Reed wrote:

 This brings up an interesting issue that came up yesterday.  We have a
new front-end designer on staff who was creating some mockups for a new
project.  I was getting familiar with his code and using watir to navigate
around, and noticed that of the ~90 divs on the page, only 5-6 have unique
(or any) id tags.  These unnamed divs make up the primary navigation system
for the site.  There are no images, buttons or tables on the page.

So of course, not thinking much into it - I ask if it would be possible
for him add unique id tags to the major navigational elements (50% of the
divs are not important to anything other than design).  He replied, saying
that adding unique ids to all elements would wreak havoc with style sheets,
since all of these unnamed divs share the same style information.  Also, for
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), he needs to keep as much unnecessary text
off the page as possible (although this point is debatable).

In this case, where do we go from here?  I completely understand his
point, but at the same time I would be prevented from automating the
majority of the tests on the new site.  Of course we don't rely 100% on
automation (probably less than 50%), but 100% manual testing requires quite
more time, and produces many fewer test results.

I'd be interested to hear solutions, or just comments on the issue - I
know it has to be fairly common.

-- Adam

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Testing a development process

2007-03-16 Thread Paul Carvalho

This is a great question and a tough one too.  One of my philosophies during
my career has always been to make myself replaceable so that I can move onto
other more interesting things.  In your situation, it sounds like you've
accomplished that.  You introduced a tool and a desire to move testing back
towards the development staff.  That's a great success, isn't it?

That aside, I work in a small agile development shop and my boss understands
the value provided by having independent software testers on the R&D team.
Using a scripting tool to assist in the testing effort is not the same as
automating testing.  I don't believe that you can automate the complexity
involved in real Testing.  (And not in the foreseeable future either.)

So the question I would pose back to you is this: can you articulate to the
CTO what the difference is between testing software and computer assisted
testing (i.e. otherwise called 'test automation')?

Hint: the value you provide is not in the scripting.  If your CTO can't
understand that, then you might be better off looking for a new contract
elsewhere anyway.

Best wishes!  Cheers.  Paul C.

On 16/03/07, Tunde Jinadu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've introduced Watir to a small software house i'm contracted with and
now they love it so much, they want to get rid of me and include watir
scripts in their build process. The CTO's comments are "Thank you for
introducing us to Watir, WatirN, Goodbye". How can I convince them that they
need a tester to write Watir, Watin scripts to ensure an independant eye and
approach to testing.

What are your suggestions

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: Regular Expression help

2007-03-15 Thread Paul Carvalho

On 15/03/07, Alan Ark wrote:

 Hi Paul.

Just a few notes.

Here's a regex that I came up with.

I used the "?" qualifier to make the regex non-greedy – which probably
would have been the next thing that you ran into.

Hi Alan, thanks for the reply.  Your regex string does work in IRB but still
doesn't produce any results in the regex tools I downloaded.  (stupid

As an aside, what's wrong with reading the line, then splitting it into an


I think that would have been much more readable than using the regex soln.



I'm thinking about going with the array solution the more I think about it.
Since the actual input lines have about 20 values each, the regex just gets
longer and uglier and harder to understand.  I thought I would give Regular
Expressions a try since I don't use them very often.  I think this is one of
those times when it is *not* the optimal choice for readability and

Thanks for the feedback.  Cheers.  Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: Regular Expression help

2007-03-15 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hi there.  After several hours of looking at this problem, I've decided to
ask for some help.

Here's the problem:  I have an input text file that has a series of values
stored like this:
"one"   "1"   "0.1234"   "0"   "4"
"two"   "3"   "1."   "1"   "0"

I want the values in the 4th and 5th quotes on each line.  I originally
thought about dumping each line 'split' into an array and working with the
array, but then I thought it might save me time if I could just figure out
the regular expression to get the right values.

I've read through an online Regular Expression tutorial, reviewed a few
books, and downloaded two apps (PowerGREP and Regexile) to help me try and
figure this out but so far no luck.

Here's the line I started with:
line =~ /^\"[^"]*"\t\"[^"]*"\t\"[^"]*"\t\"([^"]*)"\t\"([^"]*)"\t/

=> Expect $1 and $2 to hold the values I want... the (bracketed) regex's

- I tried switching the \t with \s but no luck
- tried adding and removing extra backslashes around the quotes, but nothing
- tried adding and removing all sorts of other characters but still can't
get it to work.

Can anyone help me figure out how to parse these input lines in a quick and
efficient way?  I wanted to avoid having to rely on arrays, but I'm ready to
give up and use them right about now.

Please let me know.  Thanks in advance.  Paul C.

(P.S. the *actual* input file has something like 20 values on each line.  If
I can figure out the pattern above for the simplified input file, I'm sure I
can apply it to the larger real input file.)
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] How to read all text fields of a page and store it into an array

2007-03-15 Thread Paul Carvalho

What have you tried and where have you looked for the answers?

On 15/03/07, sikander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have an array say arrayTextfield1 = [textfield1, textfield2, textfield3,
textfield4, textfield5, textfield6]

In a page i have following fields


Just i will create a array called Now I want to
push all the text fields with their names into this array. And finally i
want to compare these two arrays saying that arrayTextfield2 contains the
textfields of arrayTextfield1

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] How to clear the cache of the browser?

2007-03-08 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hi Bach, just wanted to chime in on your suggestion.

I tried a similar IE 6 browser setup a year or so ago when testing one of
our web apps.  I noticed very strange behaviour that was directly traceable
back to the Cookie settings.  For our secure (https) web app, it was looking
for some cookie information in the Cache rather than in memory for some of
the pages.  When it couldn't find it there, really strange things started
happening in the application.  Turning the cookies back on made the strange
behaviour go away.  After that test, our developers added a check for
Cookies routine to keep us (testers, and users too) from doing it again. ;-)

Just thought I'd throw it out there that sometimes turning off all Cookies
is not a viable solution.

Cheers!  Paul C.

On 08/03/07, Bach Le <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Actually, I believe keeping the cookies from writing to disk is a better
solution than the one Paul is suggesting (using code to delete it). In IE7
(don't know about 6 but I think it is possible).

In IE7, do the following:

1. Tools -> Internet Options
2. Click on the "Privacy" Tab
3. Click on the "Advanced" button
4. Check "Override automatic cookie handling"
5. Under First-Party Cookies, select "Block"
6. Under Third-Party Cookies, select "Block"
7. Check "Always allow session cookies"

This will keep the cookies in memory for as long as the browser is open
and clears them when the browser is closed. Cookies are never written to
disk so the data does not persist across multiple IE processes.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Excel Interface Class

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Carvalho

By any chance, would anyone be interested in writing a hook into Google
Spreadsheets?  I guess you'd sacrifice speed for portability.

Paul C.

On 05/03/07, Paul Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I use Open Office. Having the Excel reader is handy, but it obviously
work for me. I started working on some code that would read open office
spreadhseet files. It would be great if you could make it work on both,
the same interface, especially as things like firewatir and safari watir
work well on non windows platforms.

The open office format is an xml file in a zip, and its actually quite
to work with.
I can send you my code if you like


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Selecting an 'accented character' from a list

2007-03-02 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hi John, this may or may not be useful but when I work with accented items
like these, I treat them like a black box.  That is, I don't look into the
box to see how Ruby translates them .. which may or may not be how Ruby
really sees them.  In your select_list, can you refer to that "service name"
item by index instead of by text?

Not being a real programmer, I don't know if how I do things is the right
way or not, but I make *a lot* of use of arrays.  When I need to navigate
between names with accented characters, I drop all the contents into arrays
and then navigate by id and index numbers instead.  Hashes are really good
to me sometimes.

I spent some time months ago doing the same kinds of code magic translations
that you are proposing below but I gave up in frustration after a few days.
In my case, it looked like what Ruby showed me and what it really saw were
not the same thing, so I found it was best not to look at all.

Again, this might not help you, but it's how I managed to get around a
similar problem.  I don't know what your scripts do.  My scripts just kind
of randomly choose whatever data they need on the fly so no two runs are
ever the same.  I think the only data that I know my scripts reuse are the
user ID and password to log into the system.  Everything else sits in
randomly-created or selected variables and arrays.  I let Ruby work with
whatever data it finds.

I know.  It's weird.  But that's how I test, so I've programmed my scripts
to work the same way I do.  ;-)

Best of luck!  Cheers.  Paul C.

On 02/03/07, John Lolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Looking for a bit of help here.

I have a select list that has the following value 'Nome do serviço'.

When I do select_list(whatever).text i get back 'Nome do servi\347o'

if i look in the source of the html i get 'Nome do serviço'

I also found code to convert 'Nome do serviço' to 'Nome do serviço'
(but thats not what ruby sees)


I need a way to convert 'Nome do serviço' to 'Nome do servi\347o' (i

# Code to convert from 'Nome do serviço' to 'Nome do serviço'
# stolen from somwhere

def entities( str )
  converted = []
  str.split(//).collect { |c| converted << ( c[0] > 127 ? "&##{c[0]};" : c
) }

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Test Data Cleanup/Reset Database in a .bat between tests

2007-02-26 Thread Paul Carvalho

I think you might be interested in the 'setup' and 'teardown' methods.  Read
through the page on the Test:Unit module.

On 26/02/07, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have numerous TC methods within a class.  Before I execute the script, I
have a batch file (C:\mybatchfile.bat) I run that basically resets the
database and then performs some inserts for database setup.  The test data
and scripts I am creating are using the same data.


So, how can I call this batch file in between each TC, with the batch file

completing before starting TC#2?


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] TextField#set and utf-8

2007-02-23 Thread Paul Carvalho

I was able to input extended Ascii characters into text fields but I didn't
do it this way.  I should clarify that they were accented European
characters, not CJK.

I have a Watir script that sets up the base test data in the system. It
reads the inputs from an Excel file into an Array and then I use the array
data to populate the text fields.

I'm just looking at the data now.. it looks fine to me.  I didn't use any
special 'require' lines or KCodes.  I just let Excel worry about holding the
data I wanted and assumed the ruby array would hold and use the data I gave
it.. which it did.

Sorry if this solution doesn't work for you.  It worked for me.  You asked
if anyone had gotten it to work.  Apparently I have by not trying to
directly input the special characters.  Is that a limitation of the 'set'
method?  Dunno.

Good luck!  Cheers.  Paul C.

On 23/02/07, Željko Filipin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want to set text field to "željko".

ie.text_field(:index, 1).set("željko")

But, Watir sets it to "§eljko", "Ĺľeljko" or just "eljko" or some other
string (depending if I try from irb, or file that is saved in different

I have saved file as utf-8 and this to the top added

require "win32ole"
WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8

I have tried

I have tried adding this to the top of the file.

$KCODE = 'utf8'
require 'jcode'

I am reading threads from this list and searching Internet for utf-8 and
Ruby, but no luck for now. I just wonder if anybody has solved this?

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: What's the right way to exit a script?

2007-02-23 Thread Paul Carvalho

I wrote a small script that takes a filename from the command line argument,
reads in the file, does some stuff and produces some output.  It works and
I'm reasonably happy with it.  Now I'd like to make the script smarter about
handling command line arguments.

So what I'd like to do is something like this:

If ARGV[0] == nil
 puts "you need to specify a filename"

if ! File.exists?( ARGV[0] )
 puts "Input file is incorrect or cannot be found."

Question: Is this the right way to do this sort of thing?  I'm new to
working with arguments.  I read up on the "exit" command but I didn't really
follow all of the thread explanation.

Please let me know.  Thanks.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: algorithm help?

2007-02-13 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hi Chris, unfortunately, I don't remember enough math right now to be able
to offer a better solution than what you've already come up with.

The only catch that I can think of is that since you are looking for a
*percentage*, the "many" in your "many.times do" loop needs to be a
relatively large number for it to produce the kinds of numbers you want.

That is, "many" should be >= 1000.  If it's less than that, your random
number generator may have too much variability and your methods won't be
called the desired percentages.  (I confirmed this for myself by writing a
small script based on your pseudo code below.)

If "many" is a smaller number, you may need to come up with another approach
to ensure the desired percentages.  (e.g. I can think of another approach
using array lengths... bit more complex than what you've got now.)

If "many" is a random or unknown value, talk to a mathematician! ;-)

Let me know how it goes.  I'm interested to hear how this turns out for you.

Cheers.  Paul C.

On 12/02/07, Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Say I have 3 methods a, b, c.   Over the course of many iterations, I
want to call each method a certain percentage of the time.   Say I
have a config file like

method percentage
a 30
b 30
c 40

I'm thinking of writing code that will load up integer ranges like
arange = [1..30]
brange = [31..60]
crange = [61..100]

and then do

many.times do |foo|
num= rand(100)
if num in arange
if num in brange
if num in crange

end #loop

So two questons:
First, is this is a sane approach?  Is there any more elegant way to
call an arbitrary method a certain percentage of the time for a random
number of iterations?

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] while not exists does not work in Firewatir?

2007-02-13 Thread Paul Carvalho

Steve wrote:
> while not ($,"Withdraw").exists?)
> sleep 1
> $browser.reload()
> end
1.) Is there a better way for me to do this?

I am not sure why you are getting the text of old screen.

This question reminds me of a similar problem that I encountered a while

One of my early scripts had this problem on one particular page of an
application I was trying to navigate.  When I would click a "node" in a tree
structure, the corresponding information pane was supposed to update.
However, the ruby scripts moved too fast and the script kept returning a
similar error - i.e. it found the text from the previous page, not the
new/next page that I wanted.

In the end, I got around this by telling the script to not only wait for
what I wanted *to exist* but also to wait until what *used to be there*
*doesn't exist*.  The code looked like this:

sleep 1 until $ie.span(:id, /NodeIdLabel/).exists? and $ie.span(:id,

/NodeIdLabel/).text != '.'

For the major application that I've been using Watir to test, I need to tell
the scripts to specifically wait for all of the frames to finish loading.  I
use the "wait" function on each frame for that.

This one application was different because it didn't have frames like that.
That is, "ie.show_frames" returned that "there are 0 frames".  The "exists?"
part of the command above was important too because sometimes the script
would hit the page again when it was in the middle of refreshing and it
would break because there was *nothing* on the page to return.

Steve, if you don't have frames that you can apply the "wait" method to,
perhaps you can try something similar that worked for me?  That is, tell the
script to wait until what's currently there to go away *and* the link you
want to exist.

Just a thought.  Good luck.

Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] '', is not working

2007-02-11 Thread Paul Carvalho

Looks like RubyGarden is temporarily down - perhaps a maintenance window.
I've attached a copy of the page that I happened to have saved for just such
an emergency. ;-)

Cheers.  Paul C.

On 12/02/07, vijay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello people,

The link, '', is
not working.  Please, if any of you people, know the updated link, let me


Title: Ruby: ScriptingExcel




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Although the Pickaxe book has some examples of scripting Excel, I still had quite a lot of digging to do for some of the scripts I needed. I got some by looking at the M$ docs (poor as they are**), and some by looking at Perl examples. So this page is for collecting examples of code that others might adapt (and add to).

See also: ScriptingOutlook, ScriptingAccess

 You can download the Office XP Excel Object Reference help file as part of an expanded help bundle here [1]. It's large [19MB], but it includes a bunch of VBA help files that I couldn't track down otherwise. The file you need for Excel items is VBAXL10.CHM. It appears to have complete docs on all the Excel objects. -- ChrisMorris

 A great resource for general Excel and programming related questions (well with VBA) are Chip Pearsons [Excel Pages]. I learned a lot from his article [Cell References In A Range] for example. -- BernhardLeicher

First of all:

require 'win32ole'

Opening spreadsheets, accessing workbooks and worksheets

excel = WIN32OLE::new('excel.Application')
workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open('c:\examples\spreadsheet.xls')
worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(1) #get hold of the first worksheet
worksheet.Select  #bring it to the front -need sometimes to run macros, not for working with a worksheet from ruby
excel['Visible'] = true #make visible, set to false to make invisible again. Don't need it to be visible for script to work

reading data from spreadsheet

worksheet.Range('a12')['Value']  #get value of single cell
data = "" #read into 2D array

finding the first empty row (using empty column A)

line = '1'
while worksheet.Range("a#{line}")['Value']
end #line now holds row number of first empty row

or to read as you go

line = '1'
data = ""
while worksheet.Range("a#{line}")['Value']
   data << worksheet.Range("a#{line}:d#{line}")['Value']

writing data into spreadsheet, example

worksheet.Range('e2')['Value'] = '%d/%m/%Y' #single value
worksheet.Range('a5:c5')['Value'] = ['Test', '25', 'result']

loading all Excel constants into a class

class ExcelConst

WIN32OLE.const_load(excel, ExcelConst)

Now the constant xlDown is accessible as ExcelConst::XlDown

To find out what constants to use you can use this script.  You run it by passing in a string which is matched against the constant names.

  require 'win32ole'
  module ExcelConsts

  excel ="Excel.Application")
  WIN32OLE.const_load(excel, ExcelConsts)
  puts 'Matches for: ' + ARGV[0]
  ExcelConsts.constants.each {|const|
match = const.match(/#{ARGV[0]}/)
value = eval("ExcelConsts::#{const}")
puts ' '*4 + const + ' => ' + value.to_s unless match.nil?

An example would be looking for the constant to center text.  I ran
 ruby search_excel_consts.rb Center 
and the following results came up:

  XlCenterAcrossSelection => 7
  XlVAlignCenter => -4108
  XlCenter => -4108
  XlLabelPositionCenter => -4108
  XlPhoneticAlignCenter => 2
  XlHAlignCetner => -4108
  XlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection => 7

calling macros


Setting background colour

worksheet.Range('a3:f5').Interior['ColorIndex'] = 36 #pale yellow
# Set background color back to uncoloured (rnicz)
worksheet.Range('a3:f5').Interior['ColorIndex'] = -4142 # XlColorIndexNone constant
# or use Excel constant to set background color back to uncoloured
worksheet.Range('a3:f5').Interior['ColorIndex'] = ExcelConst::XlColorIndexNone

Adding Formulae

emptyRow = 15
worksheet.Range("t#{emptyRow}")['Formula'] = "=(Q#{emptyRow}+L#{emptyRow}+I#{emptyRow}+S#{emptyRow})"

saving changes


# or
workbook.SaveAs 'myfile.xls'
# default path is the system defined My Documents folder

ending session


If you're experimenting from within irb and are having problems with processes hanging around after you've called excel.Quit - try deleting the reference to excel and invoking the garbage collector.

excel = nil

Hopefully this is of some use. Please add anything else you have discovered.

Some further stuff that I learned so fa

Re: [Wtr-general] renaming sheets in Excel

2007-02-07 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hi Alan, I'm interested in the answer to your question but I don't know what
it is.  I suggest reading through this message in the archive:

Let us know what you find out.

Cheers.  Paul C.

On 07/02/07, alan wrote:

After searching the forum I have found how to open an Excel spread sheet
and write to it, and how to create a new sheet in the exiting file using :
excelchart = excel.Sheets.Add()

How would I give this sheet a name instead of the default Sheet X name?
Preferably I would name the sheet with the current day's date, which I
think I have figured out how to get date in the script (I use another script
that uses the current date as a user name when creating an account in a web
tool I test).


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] A Different WIN32OLERuntimeError (Ruby)

2007-02-07 Thread Paul Carvalho

Ah.  Thanks for the info.  I haven't noticed that problem/error before on my
system that's running Ruby 184-20 and Watir 1.4.1, so I never really looked
closely at what the underlying calls are.

As far as I'm concerned, if it works don't look any further. ;-)

Good luck.  Paul C.

On 07/02/07, Nathan Christie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I use this Watir command you have suggested, it unwraps it and sends
essentially the WIN32OLE command to create a new IE instance, so in turn:

[ myIE = ] == [ myIE = WIN32OLE::new( "
InternetExplorer.Application" ) ]

So this Watir command: `` does this: —› IE object constructor: `initialize()`
—› `initialize()` calls `create_browser_window()` —›
`create_browser_window()` executes this command: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ='

Having used Ruby's WIN32OLE library for some years to automate MS apps, I
wanted to see what the error would be like if I used that code. The error
you get back from Watir is different and IMO not as informative as the one
you get from Ruby when executing the initialization code that throws the

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] A Different WIN32OLERuntimeError (Ruby)

2007-02-07 Thread Paul Carvalho

Why don't you just use the Watir command to do this?  Am I missing

myIE =

Nathan Christie wrote:

[b]irb(main):002:0> myIE = "InternetExplorer.Application" )

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] while not exists does not work in Firewatir?

2007-02-06 Thread Paul Carvalho

I try to avoid icky double negatives.  Does the following line work for you

sleep 0.5 until $, "Withdraw").exists?

On 05/02/07, steven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The following code only seems to work if $browser =, and not (i.e. with Firewatir).  Am I missing something or is this a
known issue?

while not ($,"Withdraw").exists?)
   sleep 0.5

To clarify, when I mean does not work, I mean, it never catches the link
as existing, even though it is there.  It just stays in the sleep command
over and over.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Everyday Scripting with Ruby (the book)

2007-02-05 Thread Paul Carvalho

On 01/02/07, Richard Conroy wrote:

I am curious what everyone thinks of this (new) book.

It starts off well, with the first example tutorial being
how to test if an uninstaller worked. No hello world,
silly arithmetic examples etc.

Well it is ordered, I will know myself soon.

I reviewed a late draft of the book late last summer 2006.  I think that the
book is a great companion to the Programming Ruby 2nd edition that has been
(and still is!) an invaluable reference for me.  The thing is that I'm not a
programmer by trade and my Ruby/Watir scripts were all horribly pieced
together like some kind of franken-code based on example snippets and email
posts that I came across.

After reading Brian's book, I was able to construct well-designed Ruby
scripts, refactor all of my earlier Watir scripts, and can now understand
more lengthy and complex pieces of Ruby code.  I also really like how Brian
didn't start with the typical "hello world" example and instead jumped right
into scripts that can solve real-world problems.  A "test the water with
both feet" kind of approach. =)

I certainly learned many useful things from "Everyday Scripting with Ruby"
and am looking forward to putting a hardcopy on my shelf next to my
"Programming Ruby" copy.  There's more in there that I need to digest but it
will take time (for me) since I only script in cycles, and I test more than
I script.

The book covers a lot and has many different layers in it that I think would
be useful to both beginners and intermediate scripters, and not just
testers.  Most importantly (for me) is that it is a fairly easy-to-read
book.  Most of the programming/scripting books that I have read or skimmed
through really seem to be speaking a language I almost, but don't quite
always, understand -- and that includes the "Programming Ruby" book.  I
found that Brian's book uses clear, simple language and builds upon terms
that he has already introduced and explained earlier in the book.  That made
it easier for me to stick with it and work through the more complex

I'd recommend it.

Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Installation Problem

2007-02-05 Thread Paul Carvalho

Install Watir 1.4.1 to a folder with no spaces in it.  e.g. C:\Watir

It should work.

On 02/02/07, RobG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hope this is an acceptable topic for this list...

I just installed Ruby 1.8.5 on my system, and then, with much effort,
managed to get the watir-1.4.1.exe installed (it has a major install bug
that I was able to circumvent).

So after all that, I open a command prompt into the installation
location, and run all_tests.rb as instructed, and I get the errors below:

C:\Program Files\Watir\unittests>all_tests.rb
C:/Program Files/Watir/unittests/../unittests/setup.rb:4:in `require':
no such f
ile to load -- watir (LoadError)
 from C:/Program Files/Watir/unittests/../unittests/setup.rb:4
 from C:/Program Files/Watir/unittests/all_tests.rb:4:in 'require'
 from C:/Program Files/Watir/unittests/all_tests.rb:4

It looks like it might be a simple pathing issue, but I'm not sure.  I
do have the path setup so that I can run regular ruby, but I haven't
tried to add anything for watir yet; I thought I would ask here first.

I don't remember having this problem about eight months ago when I first
tried Watir, but that was on another computer.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) error at the end of array???

2007-01-24 Thread Paul Carvalho

On 23/01/07, Bret Pettichord wrote:

This is largely because Watir is stupid in this area. We made a bad
design choice with Watir 1.0. We'd now like to make Watir consistent and
start with 0 everywhere (like everything else in Ruby) but this would
raise compatibility issues. We welcome your thoughts in this area.

I think being consistent everywhere would be a good thing.  If that means
being consistent with Ruby and starting at 0, then so be it.

Personally, I think the person who first coded programming/scripting
languages to start counting at 0 should have had his/her head examined and
then been committed to an insane asylum.  I've learnt many programming
languages over the years and even once sat and painfully read through a
series of programming language manuals as long as a desk shelf back almost
20 years ago.  I still recall how that language was hailed as a
Fourth-Generation Language that was supposed to make programming easier
because the syntax and vocabulary (commands, methods, etc) were closer to
more natural language.  It seemed ironic that the "easier" the language was
supposed to be, the more manuals were required to teach you how to program
in it.

The point here is that it is "natural" for human beings to start counting at
1.  I have never in my entire life ever heard anyone start counting at 0.
*That* is stupid.

"So, Paul, how many children do you have?"  "Well, my first boy would be 0,
and my second son would be 1, so I guess I have 1 child."  Even the Cat in
the Hat's best friends are "Thing 1" and "Thing 2".  I would have like to
have heard Dr. Seuss' thoughts on the topic of counting.

If machines can't be made to speak *our* language, then they're not very
useful.  Forcing people to think and code in that way is an impediment to
clear, human thought IMHO.

In the absence of something good, I'll take something consistent.  The
"enemy you know" and all that, right?  If you want to attract
non-programmers to the use of the tool, then you will have to appeal to them
in a friendly, non-programming way.  (That would include not forcing them to
rethink how to count because that's not a friendly thing to do.)

I recall Gracie Hopper once saying that if you hear the phrase "that's the
way it's always been done" then you know it's time to change it.

Well, you asked for my thoughts. ;-)  Thanks for asking.  Let me just put
this soapbox away for now.. ;-)

Cheers.  Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) error at the end of array???

2007-01-23 Thread Paul Carvalho

This is one of those times when I'll never understand why some things in
programming start counting at 1 and some things start counting at 0.

I, too, have several similar loops in some of my scripts, but I opted for
the more readable format of saying:

t.length.times { |x|
   puts t[x][0]

I just can't be bothered with loops like "1.upto(t.length) {|x| puts x}"
which, technically, counts from the "first item" to the "last item", but
really x starts counting at 0 and goes to (length - 1).  This might be
convenient if you are working with arrays but not a whole lot else.

Paul C.

On 23/01/07, Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1/22/07, mi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> t = [["a", "b"], ["aa", "bb"]]
> 0.upto (t.length) { |x|
> puts t[x][0]
> }
> For some reason i'm getting the following error at the end of the loop,
> any idea WHY???

0.upto (t.length-1) { |x|
 puts t[x][0]

should do it, but I think you figured that out.

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT - Bug in Ruby with adding strings?

2007-01-19 Thread Paul Carvalho

I just found what looks like a bug in Ruby.  Here's a simple script that
will expose this bug:

irb(main):001:0> x = 1
=> 1
irb(main):002:0> puts 'foo' + x.to_s +'bar'
SyntaxError: compile error
(irb):2: syntax error
puts 'foo' + x.to_s +'bar'
   from (irb):2

I finally figured out that it was the Plus sign *right next* to the "bar",
*after* the "to_s" method that Ruby dislikes.  If I insert a space, I get
the correct output.  If I take out both spaces, I get the correct output.
It's only if there's a space after the "to_s" and none between the Plus sign
and string-in-quotes that it blows up.

That is:

puts 'foo' + x.to_s + 'bar' # this works
puts 'foo' + x.to_s +'bar'  # doesn't work
puts 'foo' + x.to_s+ 'bar'  # this works
puts 'foo' + x.to_s+'bar'   # this works

Anyone know why this might be?  Is there a proper place where I might pass
this information on? (I'm not on any other Ruby groups right now.)
I haven't played with it anymore, so I wonder if this bug exists with other

I'll try to remember to be consistent with my spaces moving forward.
Thought some of you might be interested.

Cheers.  Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Watir with Ajax

2007-01-19 Thread Paul Carvalho

Are these links and fields within frames?  Do you know if the frame has
completely finished loading after the "click" and before the text_field is
set?  What version of Watir are you using?

On 19/01/07, Naga Harish Kanegolla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  But its not working for me. Basically its working for all the
text_fields. But not working for this, I hope its becoz the form is
rendering dynamically thru ajax call. This is the error..
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:1939:in `assert_exists': Unable to
locate object, using name and contract_my_document[title]
from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:3393:in `set'

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Ruby equivalent of 'Continue' in C

2007-01-19 Thread Paul Carvalho

For those of us who don't know how to program in C, can you please explain
what "Continue" does?  It's not entirely clear to me what you are trying to

On 19/01/07, sarita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want to execute a test on a table where links are to be clicked based
upon its status. Only when status not 'Complete', it's to be clicked &
further actions to be performed. Otherwise those steps to be skipped. So,
thinking of Ruby equivalent of 'Continue' in C. Please help.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] What does IE.down_load_time really measure?

2007-01-15 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hey Bret, I have another question.

I'm almost finished updating another script that walks through the pages of
another web app and I'm noticing that the average difference between the
timers is ~ 2.0 seconds!

This second app is mostly frames though.  So when I issue the following


Does it report the download time for the whole page, i.e. including all of
the sub-frames, or does it only return the download wait time for the outer
IE frame?

Since I've written a separate method ('wait_for_frames') that waits for all
of the frames to finish loading before proceeding to the next LOC, it got me
wondering that perhaps your code example below doesn't include the wait time
(and therefore download time) for all of the sub-frames.

Do you know if this would be fixed in 1.5.x?

Please let me know.  Thanks.

On 10/01/07, Bret Pettichord wrote:

The "down_load_time" is the amount of time that watir waits in the wait
method that is automatically called after the click. It should be
roughly the same as the "wait_time" defined below:

ie. button(:name, /UpdateSettingsButton/).click!
then =
wait_time = - then

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] What does IE.down_load_time really measure?

2007-01-15 Thread Paul Carvalho

On 13/01/07, Bret Pettichord wrote:

Would it be possible for you to provide code and output that are synced up
with each other?


Sure thing.  Rather than include everything, here are some relevant bits:

Aside: filename written to from the setup method:
 filename1 = 'site_map_output'+ f_count +'.csv'
 $f =,  "w")
 $f.puts "#{header_info}"

def walk_Main_Menu

 $f.puts '"3. Main Pages:","Page Size (bytes)","Page Load Time 1 (s)","Page
Load Time 2 (s)"'
 # set the page_name array..

 # Log in, update password, and go to the Home page
 secondary_page_timer =
 $ie.button(:name, /UpdateSettingsButton/).click
 record_measurement( page_name[0], secondary_page_timer )

 # go on to the next page...

 def record_measurement( page_title, secondary_page_start_time )
 $f.puts page_title  + ',' + $ie.html.length.to_s + ',' +
$ie.down_load_time.to_s + ',' + ( - secondary_page_start_time).to_s

=> And the output file from a script run contains numbers like the

"3. Main Pages:","Page Size (bytes)","Page Load Time (s)","2 Page Load Time
"a) Home",15210,0.015,1.075
"k) Personal Settings",33639,0.872,1.06
"m) Contact Support",15106,0.373,0.514

(BTW, I'm still removing the global variables as I come across them, so
there are still a handful left.  The script may not be the prettiest from a
programming perspective, but it's a small site and the script works, so it's
good enough for me for now.)

I think the Home page might be cached in the browser and so the "download"
time is negligible.  The server response time navigating between the pages
still takes about a second though.  So I'm wondering if IE is making a
distinction between how long it takes to get the page versus how long it
takes to finish what it was doing with the last page visited.

Dunno.  I'll try changing up the order in which the pages are loaded and
clearing the browser cache to see if it makes a difference, but the ~300 ms
difference between the timers seems to be consistent.  (There are other
pages with a bigger time difference than that observed with the Home page!)

Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Iterating through all options of a List Box which is again dynamic

2007-01-12 Thread Paul Carvalho

You can use something similar to the following to get you started:

variable = ie.select_list( :id, /ListName/).getAllContents

On 12/01/07, sarita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want to run a test, which'll create one sample record for each option in
the List Box. Again the options in List Box is dynamic i.e, can be changed
through another module. How to iterate the test till the last option in the

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] problem in accessing elements of web page

2007-01-12 Thread Paul Carvalho

Instead of ie.wait, I wrote and use the following method call:

 def wait_for_frames
 if $ie.document.frames.length > 0
 $ie.document.frames.length.times {|x| $ie.frame(:index, x+1 ).wait

I imagine others may use something similar.  You should be able to modify it
to suit your needs.

Cheers.  Paul C.

On 12/01/07, VIKASH KUMAR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am running running a test case in windows platform.

Some of the time page can't get downloaded fully, due to slow speed, then
my code breaks, by giving message object not found - something like this.

I tried *ie.wait,* but it is also not working for me as there are lots of
frames in the page, page can get download but the elements inside the frame
used to take time for downloading.

If I use sleep 5, or sleep 10 then it works for me, but I want to avoid
using sleep in my code, what should be the better approach of doing this.

Please help me out.

Thanks in advance


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] What does IE.down_load_time really measure?

2007-01-11 Thread Paul Carvalho

Okay, I didn't want to reply right away without trying a few things first.
My results seem to be consistent in that my second counter is always larger
than the default down_load_time value.

On 10/01/07, Bret Pettichord wrote:

The "down_load_time" is the amount of time that watir waits in the wait
method that is automatically called after the click. It should be
roughly the same as the "wait_time" defined below:

ie. button(:name, /UpdateSettingsButton/).click!
then =
wait_time = - then

I like this code but "click!" doesn't work in 1.4.1 so I'll try it later on
one of my 1.5.x VMWare sessions.

I'm confused by your example because your output does not match your code.

Which part is confusing?  The script actually outputs in columns of data to
a CSV file.  I just picked a row and listed the results here in a more email
friendly fashion.

If you're wondering why the results don't match, then I'm confused too!

The second RT value is always larger than the IE.down_load_time value by a
difference of 0.12 to 1.5 seconds.  The average seems to be a difference of
~ 350 ms, which is noticeable.

I've updated the rdoc for down_load_time to read:

# The time, in seconds, it took for the new page to load after
executing the
# the last command

Is this clearer?

I'm not sure.  It sounds a bit better than the current description of: "use
this to get the time for the last page download."

I like the definition and code example that you gave at the top of your
reply.  That's the clearest I think.  All the other Public methods in the
Watir API reference have nice popup windows with code in it, so your
description and code example above follows the pattern nicely.

...There's just the matter of trying to figure out why there's a difference
in my Response Time values.  I'll keep collecting both for now so that I can
continue developing my scripts.  Maybe inspiration will come to me as I
collect more data and update the scripts further.

Currently, it looks to me like RT = (ie.down_load_time) + (additional IE
render time or other unspecified delay)

Cheers.  Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: Need help Trapping Errors in Ruby

2007-01-11 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hi Nathan, thanks for the follow-up.  I do have it working, as per my last
message in this thread, but I'll offer some additional info here since you

The $something_went_wrong variable is a legacy variable from when I first
wrote these scripts using Watir and I was trying to tell the script that a
particular 'test' method did not successfully complete.  It isn't really
used in the write_status() method.  That variable is used by a
"complete_walkabout()" method that runs at the end of the script -- which
cleans up the environment (e.g. closes files) and makes a decision based on
the successful completion of the test (i.e. whether or not "something went

I'm in the process of refactoring the logic and how the code works, and am
taking it one step at a time.  (I may even end up getting rid of that
variable.)  Basically what the script does is this:  Open IE, walk the web
app's site map, capture some performance metrics and close the browser.

What I *want* the script to do is recover from any page or link that it
fails to connect to.  The script *used* to do this in a very neat way, but
that way wasn't transferable to the new Ruby script structure that I'm

So how do you get the script to recover from an error and make it through
right to the very end? (I asked myself)

I put all the "walk the site map pages and capture metrics" code into
individual methods and I needed to find a way to capture any exceptions
raised.  I'm not doing any explicit [test] assertions in these scripts, but
the effect is the same.  i.e. if it fails to connect to a page, the script
fails on the next line and it stops cold.

So I tried to wrap it in a rescue block like this:

rescue => e
 #do something
#keep going

However, as soon as I realised that I needed to do this for *every* page set
I was going to call, I put that (above) code into a method on its own.

The problem is that the above rescue block *doesn't* work.  Ruby didn't get
what I was trying to do.  If the called method failed then the script just
stopped, it didn't return and get rescued like I thought it would.

That's when I discovered that you can put the rescue block *within* the body
of a method.  So I moved it to the method that does the actual walking, and
now it recovers nicely.  Voila!

So I learned one way how a regular Ruby method is different from the
Test::Unit::TestCase class' 'test' method.  The TestCase class will still
proceed to a 'teardown' method if any individual test method terminates
unexpectedly, but a regular Ruby method just stops where it failed.

Now I know how to get my non-TestCase (Ruby/Watir) scripts to recover
gracefully from exceptions.  Cool.

Does that help clarify things?  If not, mail me off-list and we'll chat.

Cheers.  Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Need Regular Expression help with a URL string

2007-01-11 Thread Paul Carvalho

Thanks Alan!  That works better than what I was trying to do.  Now I can
create the new URL with a line like:

new_url = ie.url[/(.*)\//] + "new_page.html"

Sweet!  I was trying expressions like =~ /\&\// but wasn't having any luck.

Cheers!  Paul C.

On 11/01/07, Alan Ark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi Paul.

The following should work:

irb(main):001:0> web_url = 'http://foo/bar.html'

=> "http://foo/bar.html";

irb(main):002:0> web_url=~/(.*)\//

=> 0

irb(main):003:0> p $1



Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Need Regular Expression help with a URL string

2007-01-11 Thread Paul Carvalho

Okay, I give up.  I've worked on this for over an hour and I need more
experienced help.  (Web searches and book references haven't helped either.)

I have a URL in a string and I'd like to replace part of it but first I need
to find the part that I care about.  Here's an example of the string:

web_url = 'http://foo/bar.html'

Now, what I am trying to do is find the *last* forward slash (/) in that
string so that I can then replace everything after it.  I am having
difficulty finding that last slash though.

I am trying to use the   str[ regexp, int ]  function, but I can't seem
figure it out.

Can anyone help me with this regexp?  Once I get it I'll figure out what's
the best function for what I need to do.  Thanks.

Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] What does IE.down_load_time really measure?

2007-01-10 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hmm, okay, so it looks like there are two interesting sub-measures then.

From a user's perspective, a web page's "response time" would equal

down_load_time + render time.

How much faith should we put in the IE.down_load_time attribute if it
doesn't include the render time?  I mean, I *watched* the Home page take ~ 1
second to load in the IE browser, so I really don't believe that it took
0.015 seconds to download to the user.

I think I'm going to keep the extra column in my output file for now and
plot both lines on the charts for comparison.

Thanks for checking this, Chris.  (I've tried sifting through the
watir.rbfile but it's still mostly Greek to me... and I'm not Greek.

Cheers.  Paul.

On 10/01/07, Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

@down_load_time = - start_load_time
in def wait
line 1519/1476 in watir.rb in 1.5.1127.

difference is probably render time

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: Need help Trapping Errors in Ruby

2007-01-10 Thread Paul Carvalho

Got the answer I need from the Programming Ruby 2nd Edition book and thought
I would share it here.

From the "Handling Exceptions" section (p. 361), I got that I should add the

"rescue" block to the end of my site-walking methods, and not the calling
method (i.e. page_set_to_check()).  Basically I was using the rescue block
in a way that Ruby didn't pay attention to.

So I made the following changes to my script:
(1) delete the page_set_to_check() method
(2) added the following rescue block to the end of each page set
(site-walking) method:

module site_walkabout_methods
 def walk_Public_Pages
 # launch ie
 # goto some page
 # get page size and download time
 # click to another page.  yadda, yadda.
 # ...
 rescue => e
 $something_went_wrong = 'Yes'
 puts e


So the methods themselves are self-correcting and I don't need to try and
capture exceptions with some umbrella method.  Cool.

I'm happy.  Moving on..

Cheers.  Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] What does IE.down_load_time really measure?

2007-01-10 Thread Paul Carvalho

I've got a script that walks through a simple web application and retrieves
the page size and page download times.  (By "simple web app" I mean no
frames and only about a dozen pages - mostly reports and a Personal Settings
page.)  The script outputs these values to an output CSV file so that I can
then chart them in Excel.

I watched the script run and complete just now and noticed something
interesting.  I watched the "Home" page take a second or so to come up but
when I checked the output file, it recorded that it took 0.015 seconds
according to "ie.down_load_time".

That didn't seem right to me, so I added a second time check to the script.
Like this:

# Begin code snippet:
 secondary_page_timer =
 ie.button(:name, /UpdateSettingsButton/).click

 $f.puts page_title  + ',' + ie.html.length.to_s + ',' +
ie.down_load_time.to_s + ',' + ( - secondary_page_timer).to_s
# End snippet

Now when I rerun the script and check the output file, I see the following:

Page Load Time 1 (s) = 0.015
Page Load Time 2 (s) = 1.075

That's a big difference!  I should mention that this is Watir 1.4.1.  I just
happened to be using this machine right now.  I haven't tried it with any
1.5.x gem yet.

Any thoughts or suggestions?  The Watir API Reference doesn't give any
insights into how the "down_load_time" attribute works.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: Need help Trapping Errors in Ruby

2007-01-10 Thread Paul Carvalho

page_set is just a local variable used to call the method name that I want
to execute.

I'm basically calling a method (e.g. 'walk_Public_Pages') from within a
method (page_set_to_check) that is supposed to trap the errors/exceptions.

However, if there's an error in the 'walk_Public_Pages' method, it not only
escapes out of the page_set_to_check() method, but also out of the whole

I'm wondering if changing the main "module" to a "class" will have a
different effect?  Just a shot in the dark.  I'm chasing another goose at
the moment, so I'll try that shortly.


On 10/01/07, John Lolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm a touch confused by this, what is page_set?

My first reaction is to say that somewhere deeper down in your code an
exception is begin thrown and is silently beginning handled thus said
function returns even though things didn't work.

The only reason I'm guessing this is because of the way you handle this

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: Need help Trapping Errors in Ruby

2007-01-10 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hi there, I've got more of a Ruby question than a Watir one, so I hope you
don't mind if I post it here first.

I am in the process of rewriting my first Ruby/Watir scripts from a year ago
- a site-map walkthrough script to collect some simple Performance metrics.
When I first wrote the script, I used the Test/Unit (Class/Test) structure
because that was the only way I knew how to structure scripts at that time.
(i.e. used the Watir examples as a guide.)

A year later, I now know how to structure my scripts in a more regular Ruby
script fashion so I updated my walkthrough script.  I used a neat trick in
my old script to recover from a script error (e.g. assertion failure) and
continue on but I seem to be having some problems doing the same thing with
the Ruby script format.  I was wondering if someone can offer any advice to
help me figure this out.

Here's what I've got so far:

## Main script snippet:
 # open the IE browser
 $ie =

 # A) Walk the Public Pages.  => Need to Trap this so the
"something_went_wrong" variable works correctly
 page_set_to_check( walk_Public_Pages )

# Here's the page_set_to_check() method:

module site_walkabout_methods

 def page_set_to_check( page_set )
 rescue => e
 $something_went_wrong = 'Yes'


So, the "walk_Public_Pages" routine gets called, but if there's an assertion
failure in it (e.g. because of an incorrect link name), the "rescue => e"
part of page_set_to_check() doesn't run like I would expect it to.  In fact,
the whole script terminates at this point!

Please let me know if you have any helpful suggestions to get the script to
auto-recover and continue.

Thanks.  Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Error with file_field in a modal window (using 1.8.2 / )

2007-01-10 Thread Paul Carvalho

And you do this how...?  Perhaps you should include a link, reference or
example of how to do this in your response.

On 10/01/07, Angrez Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi John,

You can manually install AutoIt dll using regsvr32 command.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: help understand return from ODBC tables() call?

2007-01-09 Thread Paul Carvalho

Hi Chris, I'm not familiar with the table structure that you're working with
but I can offer a suggestion as to how I've worked out similar problems in
the past.

When I can't quite guess the correct returned data structure, I use IRB at a
command prompt.  I find IRB to be better at trouble-shooting these kinds of
things than working through an IDE.

After you get the 'indexes', what do you get if you print the output?  i.e.
just type 'indexes' at the next line?

Do you see a multi-dimensional array?  Is it a string?  Do you see the data
you're looking for?  IRB's really good about showing you all the correct
brackets and quotation marks.

BTW, you don't really mention what you're trying to do or looking for.  The
loops below seem to work as expected - except for the last one.  Is there
particular data that you don't see?

I usually flatten Arrays Of Arrays when they annoy me. ;)

Let us know what you find.  Cheers.  P.C.

On 09/01/07, Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Help me understand what data structure this is?  Ruby ODBC almost always
returns an ArrayOfArrays, but this is very very weird and I don't understand
what I'm seeing.  (btw, google groups access to comp.lang.ruby is down)

indexes = @conn.indexes('tablename')

  indexes.each do |ind|
 puts ind[5]

  indexes.each do |ind|
 puts ind[5]
 puts "hah"

  indexes.each do |ind|
 puts ind[5][1]
=>foo_index.rb:122: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] probelm with Watir

2007-01-08 Thread Paul Carvalho

You may have better luck if you uninstall Watir from the default ("Program
Files") installation location and reinstall it to a folder that has no
spaces in the name. For example "C:\Watir"

This problem has been discussed several times before.  You may wish to try
searching the mail archives for more information regarding install problems
with Watir 1.4.1.

Good luck and have fun!  Cheers.  Paul C.

On 08/01/07, sarita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I installed Ruby 1.8.5-21 & Watir 1.4.1. While installing Watir 1.4.1,
errors came only with following files at the beginning, then installation
completed with no more errors.


when I execute unittests\all_tests.rb, the following error is coming:

C:/PROGRA~1/Watir/UNITTE~1/../unittests/setup.rb:4:in `require': no such
file to load -- watir (LoadError)
from C:/PROGRA~1/Watir/UNITTE~1/../unittests/setup.rb:4
from C:/PROGRA~1/Watir/UNITTE~1/ALL_TE~1.RB:4:in `require'
from C:/PROGRA~1/Watir/UNITTE~1/ALL_TE~1.RB:4

plz provide the solution.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Menu links have duplicate attributes

2007-01-08 Thread Paul Carvalho

I also have duplicate menu names in one of our apps.  I just use the link's
index number instead.  It's not as nice or convenient as using the text, but
I don't mind hard-coding a link index every now and then if it means I can
get on with the test and move onto the next thing.

On 08/01/07, Garry West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I am currently having a problem clicking on a menu item.  This menu item
has the same attributes as another menu item, but they both do different
things.  I was using ie.frame("left").link(:id, "21").click (example)
however because the link id's change depending on the user access rights I
found it time consuming and difficult to manage.

I am now using ie.frame("left").link(:title, "Edit News").click
(example).  This has now caused a problem because we have two links, both of
them with the same title, but within different directory folders in the menu

Does anybody know of a solution to this problem?

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] how to access an element whose html tag is

2006-12-12 Thread Paul Carvalho

Unless I'm mistaken,  Click Here  is a link.  Did you try the method?

On 11/12/06, vijay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello people,

I do not know how to access an element whose html tag is .  There is a
link, named 'Step 1. Details'.  According to its View Source, it is present
in the following hierachy:

frame -> form -> div -> table and then that element but its html shows as

Thanks, in Advance.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Does Watir support a .Net webbased application?

2006-12-12 Thread Paul Carvalho

I have been using Watir to test our .Net web app for almost a year now.  Did
you check to see if there were any frames in your window?

On 12/12/06, Devesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can Watir be used for testing a .Net based web application ?
On running showAllObjects() function on an .net based web application, no
objects are displayed. Is there any method by which i can automate the page.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Identifying a tab to click on

2006-12-03 Thread Paul Carvalho

Maybe you're being too specific?

Did you try just: $ie.span(:index, 1).click

Or, based on the id tag, does this work: $ie.span(:id, 'firstTab').click

On 03/12/06, Neil Daniell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I am trying to use Watir to click on secondTab but cannot seem to get the 
following to work:
$ie =

$ie.div(:index, 1).table(:index,1)[1][2].span(:index, 1).click
Can someone indicate to me how I can fix this?
Is it possible to select an element via the class?

Page source:(jsp)

<%-- Show the Second Tab --%>

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] startClicker

2006-11-10 Thread Paul Carvalho
Ha!  Thank you, Mark!You don't know it, but this just helped me solve a completely different problem that I was experiencing with a non-Watir Ruby script.The key was the "start".  Every time I would run my Ruby script (using the "rubyw") from a batch file a command prompt window would still be left open just to annoy me.  When I saw the "start" that you included below, it dawned on me that it was the batch file that was leaving the cmd window open not the Ruby interpreter.
I added that DOS command to my batch file and now the cmd window closes when the ruby script runs.  Sweet!  Sigh.  What a relief.Have a great weekend.  Cheers!  Paul C.
On 10/11/06, Cain, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What you're seeing is correct.  What is happening
with the command prompt window it is scrolling through all of the active
windows objects on your machine trying to match the window title bar text. 
The clicker starts a new process (command prompt window) since a JS alert is
modal otherwise the JS Alert would never get clicked.  If the command
prompt window bothers you could change the line in startClicker by adding a 'w'
after ruby:


c = "start rubyw
#{shortName}\\watir\\clickJSDialog.rb #{button} #{waitTime} "
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] WIN32OLERuntimeError - I get this error after two hours - see details

2006-11-10 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hello Nathan, thanks for all the details you included in your initial post.  While I don't think I can add anything more to the programming/troubleshooting side of things than have already been offered, I haven't seen anyone yet ask what else is going on in the system.
Do you have any other programs or services running in the background?  (In particular any monitoring programs in the System Tray?)  Have you tried collecting system performance metrics while you run your test?  For example, using the Windows Perfmon tool, set up a new Counter Log to trace the CPU and Memory usage of the system and the iexplore process.  Make sure to create a "Text File (Comma delimited)" Log file type so that you can bring the results into Excel and examine them after the test failure.  Sysinternals also makes some nice tools that you can use for monitoring your system, including Process Explorer, Filemon, etc.
If you can't solve the mystery with the information you have, look for more clues and information.All the best!Cheers.  Paul C.On 09/11/06, 
Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am using Watir 1.4 (latest) and Ruby 1.8.5-21 I believe on Windows (of course) with Internet Explorer 6.  PLEASE, please help me if you have a solution.  I have thought to maybe put a begin...rescue...end block around some of my code to try and keep this from happening, but I'm not sure that would do any good.  Oh also, I know pretty much that something WIERD is going on because my browser window is always closed at this point - when the error occurs, which is obviously the reason for the RPC Server problem.  But WHY is it closing?  

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] invoking tests in right order

2006-11-07 Thread Paul Carvalho
Umm.. I have something to add to this..On 07/11/06, Phlip <
You shouldn't need to run them in any order. Each test case should setup data, invoke a web browser, browse your site, assert, and shut downyour browser.Google "Test Isolation" for lectures on why test cases should run in
any order. Your cases should not, for example, drive your website intoa given state, and then rely on that state in the next case. Doingthis is a sign you have not characterized that state.

Bah!  Lectures!  You want to lecture me on how to test!?I see this style of testing (that you describe) as almost a complete waste of time (for me).  I think that fundamentally we are hitting on a difference in approach between System Testing and Unit/Integration Testing.  
If my focus were on Unit/Integration Testing, I  would likely agree with you.  That is, you set up the tests, perform the required steps and checks and then tear them down to a known, good state.  If you do that, why should you care what order you run them in?  However, I am a System/Black-Box tester and during a particular test run, the system gets into fairly complex setups that would be rather stupid to close the web browser between each test.  There is no *reset* between tests.
Just as everyone's definition of what a "test" might be, so we should respect that the order in which the tests need to be executed may be different.  The addition of the feature to specify an order to the test cases is a valuable one that acknowledges that Watir is not only a tool for unit/integration/developer testing.
Paul C.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: Programming/Ruby Logic question

2006-10-30 Thread Paul Carvalho
I like your simplification, thanks.What I was originally trying to do was use a CASE structure, but I couldn't figure out how to use multiple comparisons.  That is, I tried something like this:case array[ position ]
   when 'foo' then start_col = 1   when 'green eggs' then start_col = 10   when 'ham' then start_col = 20   when 'bar', first_seen then start_col = 30; first_seen = false   when 'bar', ! first_seen then start_col = 40
endBut this doesn't work.  Rereading the Programming Ruby 2nd edition several times, I eventually got it that the (multiple) comparisons are only applied to the original "array[ position ]" object at the top.  Ah.
So I had to turn it into a series of "if" checks.  Not as pretty to look at as the above might be (if it actually worked), but I'm happy that I just got it working.  Not being a programmer by trade, I like to try new structures every now and then to see if I can simplify what I'm trying to do.  Practice makes perfect, eh?
Cheers.  Paul C.On 29/10/06, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This will do the same thing, somewhat more simply.first_seen = truearray.each do |element|  ...  if element == 'bar'if first_seen  start_col = 30  first_seen = falseelse
  start_col = 40end  end  ...end
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: Programming/Ruby Logic question

2006-10-27 Thread Paul Carvalho
Nevermind.  Problem solved.  Nothing that a power nap and another hour of exploratory programming couldn't work out. ;-)I had to give my loop a 'memory'.  Here's what I ended up doing:first_seen = true
array.each_index do | position |   ...   if array[ position ] == 'bar' and first_seen  start_col = 30  first_seen = false   elsif array[ position ] == 'bar' and ! first_seen  start_col = 40
   end   ...endThis works in this example because there are at most only two occurrences of 'bar' in the array.Now onto the next thing.  Have a great weekend!Cheers.  Paul C.
On 27/10/06, Paul Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi there, I've been staring at a piece of code trying to get it to work for a while and I think I need a break.  I have just one piece of the puzzle left to figure out and it's not really a Watir problem.  Here's the problem simplified...
I have an array with changing contents that I'm working with.  For example:array = ['foo', 'bar']array = ['bar', 'bar']--> The relative positions are important here.  The *first* occurrence of 'bar' should be implied to be "bar-1" and the second occurrence would be "bar-2".
Now, the contents of these arrays are not only used to populate a text field on an input page somewhere, but they are also used as lookups in a spreadsheet to identify where the rest of the input data is.  I'm trying to find a simple, elegant way to set the lookups but I'm running into a logic wall. (Very likely due to a lack of sleep.)
Here are the lines of interest pertaining to the array data above:start_col = 0...start_col = 30   if array[ position ] == 'bar' and ( something )start_col = 40   if array[ position ] == 'bar' and ( something_else )
--> The part I'm having difficulty with is the "something" and "something_else".  (FYI: 'position' is a local variable because these lines are in a loop that iterates through the elements of 'array'.  So I need to tell the script that the first time you see 'bar' it means go to the first set of spreadsheet columns, but the second time you see it go to the second set of spreadsheet columns.)
I originally had "something" check to see if it was the first element in the array, but as you can see from the first example above, that's not necessarily true.  Then I tried having "something" check to see if the spreadsheet cell data for "bar-2" = 'None', but that's not necessarily true either (
i.e. see the second example).I'm just worried that I might have programmed myself into a corner.  My request for help here is my last attempt at a way out before I rewrite a whole bunch of code so that this will work differently.
Renaming the array elements (i.e. the "bar") to be unique would certainly solve this problem easily, but then it would break the code elsewhere.Any suggestions?Cheers.  Paul C.

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: Programming/Ruby Logic question

2006-10-27 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hi there, I've been staring at a piece of code trying to get it to work for a while and I think I need a break.  I have just one piece of the puzzle left to figure out and it's not really a Watir problem.  Here's the problem simplified...
I have an array with changing contents that I'm working with.  For example:array = ['foo', 'bar']array = ['bar', 'bar']--> The relative positions are important here.  The *first* occurrence of 'bar' should be implied to be "bar-1" and the second occurrence would be "bar-2".
Now, the contents of these arrays are not only used to populate a text field on an input page somewhere, but they are also used as lookups in a spreadsheet to identify where the rest of the input data is.  I'm trying to find a simple, elegant way to set the lookups but I'm running into a logic wall. (Very likely due to a lack of sleep.)
Here are the lines of interest pertaining to the array data above:start_col = 0...start_col = 30   if array[ position ] == 'bar' and ( something )start_col = 40   if array[ position ] == 'bar' and ( something_else )
--> The part I'm having difficulty with is the "something" and "something_else".  (FYI: 'position' is a local variable because these lines are in a loop that iterates through the elements of 'array'.  So I need to tell the script that the first time you see 'bar' it means go to the first set of spreadsheet columns, but the second time you see it go to the second set of spreadsheet columns.)
I originally had "something" check to see if it was the first element in the array, but as you can see from the first example above, that's not necessarily true.  Then I tried having "something" check to see if the spreadsheet cell data for "bar-2" = 'None', but that's not necessarily true either (
i.e. see the second example).I'm just worried that I might have programmed myself into a corner.  My request for help here is my last attempt at a way out before I rewrite a whole bunch of code so that this will work differently.
Renaming the array elements (i.e. the "bar") to be unique would certainly solve this problem easily, but then it would break the code elsewhere.Any suggestions?Cheers.  Paul C.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Error selecting links within nested iFrame?

2006-10-25 Thread Paul Carvalho
I'm running Watir 1.4.1 (from Windows Installer) and Ruby 1.8.4-16 on my main machine.I copied your iframe_nested.html files into my "C:\Scripts\1.4.1\unittests\html" folder, and renamed your rb file to "frame_test_Ethan.rb" and placed it in my unittests folder.
To begin with, I re-ran the standard 'frame-test.rb' file and it ran without error. (as expected)Then I ran your rb file and I got several Failures, but no UnknownObjectExceptions errors.  I got four very specific test failures:
(1) test_normal_frame_text_link_clicks(TC_NestedIFrames) : Link in normal Frame using text failed to click.(2) test_normal_frame_id_link_clicks(TC_NestedIFrames) : Link in normal Frame using id failed to click.
(3) test_nested_iframe_text_link_clicks(TC_NestedIFrames) : Link in nested iFrame using text failed to click.(4) test_nested_iframe_id_link_clicks(TC_NestedIFrames) : Link in nested iFrame using id failed to click.
I found these errors weird, because if I use IRB, I can interact with these links without error.  So I decided to try a variation of your script code to see what happens.I copied your tests and took out the assert part.  That is, there are now test pairs like this:
    # Test to click the link    def test_nested_iframe_text_link_clicks1            $ie.frame("testFrame1").frame("linksFrame").link(:text, "test1").click    end    
    # Test that expected nested iFrame contains link using text.    def test_nested_iframe_text_link_clicks2            assert($ie.frame("testFrame1").frame("linksFrame").link(:text, "test1").click, "Link in nested iFrame using text failed to click.")
    end--> Now when I run the script again, the first test passes but the second one fails with the following error:  2) Failure:test_nested_iframe_text_link_clicks2(TC_NestedIFrames) [frame_test_Ethan.rb:172]:
Link in nested iFrame using text failed to click. is not true.--> I would suggest a different assert command, but either way I'm not getting the same errors you are.  I am able to work with links in frames and nested frames as I would expect to.
Paul C.On 24/10/06, Ethan Jewett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bug submitted, but the situation gets curiouser and curiouser.  Myunit test seem to indicate that I can't .click links in any frame.  Ican't imagine that no one else has had this problem, so I have toassume that it's relatively unique to my setup.
The bug report is bug 113, link:'ve attached a modified frame_test.rb and the necessary .html files,so if someone feels like taking a minute to test, that would be
appreciated.I will continue investigate further and attempt to determine whetherthis shows up in Watir 1.5.EthanOn 10/23/06, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:> Ethan Jewett wrote:> > These commands fail with the UnknownObjectExceptions:> > $ie.frame("buttonFrame").frame("linksFrame").link(:text, "test1").click
> > $ie.frame("buttonFrame").frame("linksFrame").link(:id, "link_id").click> >> > Is this a known issue?  I don't see it in the OpenQA database as far> > as I can tell.  I'll clean up my tests and send a modified frames unit
> > test and the necessary HTML files if that is desired.> >> This sounds like a new problem. Please open a new bug report for it.> Does this happen in Watir 1.5?
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Wtr-general Digest, Vol 35, Issue 27

2006-10-25 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hmm, that's an interesting problem.  When I first evaluated Watir to see if it would work with our .Net web app, it was important to figure out how to work with our tree control.  Each tree control/library out there is different and none of the referenced examples that I could find worked for me.
Using IRB, I tried clicking through the images, clicking on text, there were no table cells to work with for me, tried clicking the DIV tags, and in the end I found that I could click on the 'SPAN' tags.  It was tricky because none of the span tags had identifiable ID or NAME labels (
i.e. they were all blank).  But where there's a will there's a way, and knowing that clicking on the SPAN tags worked, I found a way to work around the fact that none of them were labelled.Scanning through your code below, I see that the tree control appears in a single table row/cell.  It does have images associated with each of the menu options though. That is, it looks like these images are associated with the menu options:
- ico_attachment_pencil_24.gif  -- Code Groups- ico_admin_add_16.gif  -- Key Person Detail- ico_calendar_16.gif  -- Holiday Calendar- etc.Does clicking any of these images in that frame do what you need?
On 25/10/06, Roger Studner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is going to be messy.. but testing ASP.NET stuff:Here is the HTML.. this is the 'left frame' of my application.. the frame's name is "contents"
        Code Groups    
        Key Person List
            Key Person Detail            
        Holiday Calendar    
        Fiscal Calendar    
        Product List
            Product Detail            
        Vendor List
            Vendor Detail            
        Party List
            Party Detail                                        [snip] 
I have absolutely no idea how to click/locate/use any of the TreeView ( components.Roger

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: Ruby linguistics

2006-10-12 Thread Paul Carvalho
I just took a look at this.  It looks really cool!  =)  Thanks for sending the link.I don't have an application for this module right now, but I wish I did.  Smart stuff.Cheers.
On 10/10/06, Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For all the DSL people, you have to read this:

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] How do you access an image that doesn't have img in the HTML tag?

2006-10-05 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hello Eva,What output does the following command produce when executed at an IRB prompt?  > ie.show_imagesOr if it's in a frame:  > ie.frame(:name, 'framename').show_images
On 04/10/06, Eva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Typically image have this tag...[snip] I know this isn't a typical image tag. I believe that is why I'm having these problems. Any suggestions to get this to work?
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Joining two variables

2006-10-03 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hello Astha, you would do it in Ruby just about exactly as you have suggested.I would suggest a minor change to your data content though.  You should either remove the final slash (/) from the first variable, or the first slash from the second.  Otherwise your built-up URL will look like:
  $about_url = '' # the double-slash in the middle is undesirableWhenever you have doubt or want to play with some ideas, give them a try at the Interactive Ruby (IRB) prompt.
Cheers.  Paul C.On 03/10/06, Astha Raj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All,This is what I want to do. I want the base URL of the site to be a variable and to get other pages, I could create varaibles attaching to the base. So that if I have to change the URL, I can simply change the base variable.
Is there any way I can do this – something like below?$base_url = ''$about_url = $base_url + '/intl/en/about.html'Thanks for your help.Astha
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] regex && url

2006-09-28 Thread Paul Carvalho
Technically, you didn't send us the full link in your post.  You sent us only a part of the full link.  Can you simplify your regex?  That is, is this good enough?   $, /selectTerritory/).clickOccam's razor works for me.  Keep it as simple as possible.
Paul.On 28/09/06, Adrian Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi,I am having difficulties using regex and clicking on a link.the full link is:"_javascript_:PC_7_0_G6_selectTerritory('1',%20'select')"the regex I am using is: $, /_javascript_.*selectTerritory('1',%20'select')/).click
and I receive an UnknownObjectException
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Managing the Watir Project -- Wikipedia entry

2006-09-26 Thread Paul Carvalho
Nice!  Thanks.  =)On 26/09/06, Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Regarding documentation, please see: have updated this by creating an example information section, plus updating the base note, and adding links to External Links and See Also.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] cell access

2006-09-23 Thread Paul Carvalho
Umm.. I have no idea what you're talking about, Bill.   is just a  with some fancy formatting.  I see no reason why a command like the following wouldn't work with Watir 1.4.1:irb> ie.table(:index, 1)[1][3].flash
As with anything you do, there are usually a few ways to get to a particular object on a page.  You could just try to use the table(..)[row#][col#].whatever approach, or you could try to just access the span tag directly (as you suggested) and completely ignore the table.
Luke, in order for us to know what kind of advice to offer, it might help for you to also tell us what you have tried.  Including the section of html was good, but not enough.  Is the table in a frame?  Is the "Action" just a text label, or also a link?  Trying to "get to" something is not always straightforward by zooming in on the target.  Sometimes you have to step back and take in the big picture too.
Paul C.On 22/09/06, Bill Agee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't think Watir (1.4.1, at least) has built-in support for the  tag.But if you know the index of that  in the document, you can getto it using $ie.span(:index, theIndex)Otherwise, if you really need to interact with the TH itself, you may
need to use Watir 1.5.x and its new XPath support (unless 1.5 alreadyhas a class for TH).  The list archives have examples of using XPathto access unsupported elements.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Unit tests failed.

2006-09-17 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hi Raghu, Thank you for sending the output files.  I suspect the problem is because you installed Watir into the "Program Files" folder.  I've found that Ruby sometimes works unexpectedly if there are spaces in the folder or file name.
If you try to reinstall Watir off the root directory (e.g. C:\Watir ), your last remaining errors may go away.Paul.On 17/09/06, Reghunath B
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi Bret,
Thank you very much.I am attaching the command prompt details for Watir 1.4 core_tests.Also, I have downloaded 1.5 gem and ran the same. afterwards, I tried thecore_tests again. It shows 2 failures. I have attached the command prompt
details of that as well.Note: I tried to run the googleSearch example, it ran fine.Regards,Raghu
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Unit tests failed.

2006-09-16 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hi Raghu, I believe this is a known issue with the 1.4.1 release.  You can download the zip file for the previous (1.4) release to get the missing images subfolder.1. Go to: Download the "" file3. Open the zip file and copy the "watir-v1_4/unittests/html/images" folder to the 'unittests/html' folder on your hard drive
4. Re-run the unit tests.That should work.Paul C.On 16/09/06, Reghunath B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:Hi,I installed Watir 1.4.1 and tried to run the unit test all_tests.rb
Towards the end, I got an error message that triangle.jpg file could not befound in /html/images/ directory. There is no such directoty as /images inthe folder /unittests/html.Also, the command prompt said  "182 tests, 616 assertions, 6 failures, 79
errorsPlease let me know how to solve this issue.Raghu
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Do you want Watir to be more popular?

2006-09-15 Thread Paul Carvalho
On 15/09/06, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A couple of recent posts were premised on the assumption that we wantWatir to be more popular? Do we? Why?I say 'yes', we do want it to be more popular.  Here's my reason why.I first started out in this industry as a programmer for several years, almost 18 years ago.  I then moved into Support for a while (swing that pendulum!) and finally into QA/Test in the early 90's.  My programming skills definitely fell behind as newer, cooler, more powerful programming languages and methodologies began to appear on the scene.  I was always intimidated by Object-Oriented programming, and I must have tried a dozen times to pick up Java, _javascript_, Perl, and Python over the last decade.  I came close to Python, but it never really 'stuck' with me.
Over the last few years I've heard Brian Marick go on and on about Ruby and how it is the best scripting language for testers.  I thought about giving it a try but it wasn't until Watir was recommended to me on a testing forum that I finally gave Ruby a look.  The problem I needed to solve at the time was that I needed some simple performance measurements for a web site that I was testing -- I needed benchmark numbers to compare against the performance of development builds.
I was a little hesitant about trying another scripting language, but I must say that Watir made my life a whole lot easier.  I had tried OpenSTA last year and failed to get it completely working with our .Net apps.  Watir was different.  It didn't care about Viewstates and Gets and Posts - it talked directly to the browser!  And the scripts themselves are so readable that you'd swear you're reading pseudo code!
I must say that thanks to the hard efforts of everyone who contributed to making Watir possible, I now find myself programming in a powerful, object-oriented scripting language in order to complement my manual testing methods.  With the advice from many wonderful people on this mailing list, my interest in the scripting has gone beyond Watir to explore more of what Ruby has to offer.
I've been bitten by the programming bug again and it's entirely due to the fact that Watir has made scripting fun and easy for me.  My scripts may seem a bit loopy to a seasoned programmer, but I'm happy with them and so is my boss, the VP of R&D at the company I'm currently working at.  In fact, some of the scripts we've developed might even get adapted to be used by our Professional Services team too.
Because of Watir, our testing bandwidth has increased.  For example, investing some time in some simple scripts now allows us to quickly populate large forms (e.g. with ~ 100+ input fields) with random data so that we can proceed more quickly with our manual testing.
Watir made it possible for me to get where I am, not Ruby on it's own.  You've got a great thing going here.  You need to continue to spread the word and show more testers out there how simple it is to get up and running with their own scripts to become more productive, effective, and valuable to their companies.
Thank you, Bret and Paul and all the others.  Your hard work is making an impact in the Testing community and beyond.  Keep up the great work and continue to spread the word!Cheers.Paul Carvalho

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Global Variables

2006-09-01 Thread Paul Carvalho
Is it called "Duck Typing" when Ruby figures out the variables as it goes along?That totally rocks.  I only declare things as I need them in my scripts, and if my tests didn't run sequentially I would be totally screwed.  =)
On 01/09/06, Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Perl forces you to understand scope of variables fairly early (unless you write bad Perl using package variables, not lexical variables, and don't use warnings and don't use strictures, in which case you can ignore everything that follows):  unless you declare variables' scope the first time the variable is used, the compiler gives you a warning.  Variables declared within a routine with "my $var" are available only to that routine; variables declared outside routines with "my $var" are available to all subroutines declared in that scope.  
Global variables are designated by "our", not "my".  "our $var" is available to all routines in the program.  Managing this sometimes gets tricky.  One of the most popular Perl FAQs of all time is "Coping with Scoping":
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] I am a newb

2006-09-01 Thread Paul Carvalho
Word to the wise..On 01/09/06, Lonny Eachus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David, sometimes these people forget what it is like to be a newb, andgive you specific information might be helpful *IF* you had a context inwhich to put it. From what you say, it appears you need some moregeneral information first.
[snip] $, 'sessionDialogCancel').click
However, I will caution you that it is usually not a good idea to useglobal variables like $ie.  In the vast majority of cases, you will wantto use an instance variable instead, which uses the @ sign. So rather
than $ie you would have @ie.I hardly think that bringing up the difference between global and instance variables to someone who doesn't know how to start IRB is a good idea right now.  I think you should follow your own advice and keep things simple right now.
I don't consider myself a newb anymore but I still can't be bothered working out the difference between global and instance variables in my scripts.  $ie works quite nicely for me and I am really not interested in sorting out the difference right now.  Global/class/instance/local variables all have their place and everyone has their own ideas about how to use them based on their level of programming experience.  Do you really think this is the right time to spring them on David?
I remember all too well the frustrations I went through in the beginning trying to figure out Ruby and Watir and getting advanced advice like yours above that had almost no meaning to me whatsoever from where I was coming from.
Points for hitting the target, but you missed the bullseye. (i.e. added to the confusion factor)  Just a friendly reminder.  (I'm not shooting the messenger, just letting you know that I don't believe the message was helpful this time.)
Cheers.  Paul.(The recent post-newb who's more interested in solving testing problems with scripts than learning to become a programmer.)
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] I am a newb

2006-09-01 Thread Paul Carvalho
On 01/09/06, Phlip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To the Ruby users: Where's the nearest ProgrammingRuby.chm for the OP?Does Watir come with it?Should be installed with Ruby itself.  On my hard drive, I found a copy located in the /ruby/doc folder.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: Ruby FTP behind a Firewall

2006-08-25 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hoo-ahh!  Got it!  After much convincing, I managed to get our IT guy to look into the problem in more detail.  This is what he wrote back to me:"I did find one thing. They may be doing a reverse DNS lookup (our outgoing IP) and then seeing if that IP has an A record. We didn't have an A record for one of our hosts. I have made this change on our external DNS so in a few minutes (possible not for a few hours) we can try again and it might work."
I tried the Ruby FTP commands again and the error is gone!  Now I can relax and enjoy my weekend.  =)Take care and have a great one!  Cheers.  Paul.On 25/08/06, 
Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
2) This:> Net::FTPPermError: 530-> 530-Your hostname cannot be confirmed via the nameserver.looks very much like a DNS error.  If you can get your IT guy to fixthe nameserver, great, if not, try editing your hosts file (in XP,
found at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, of all places.  I hateWindows sometimes)  on the FTP client machine.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: Ruby FTP behind a Firewall

2006-08-25 Thread Paul Carvalho
Aha!  Thanks Chris.  My google searches didn't turn up that hit.Unfortunately, it gets me one step further but I still cannot connect:irb(main):001:0> require 'net/ftp'=> trueirb(main):002:0> ftp = Net::> #irb(main):003:0> ftp.passive
 = true=> trueirb(main):004:0> ftp.connect('')Net::FTPPermError: 530-530-Your hostname cannot be confirmed via the nameserver.530-530-
530- -- ACCESS DENIED --530-530-530-530    from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:243:in `getresp'    from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:251:in `voidresp'    from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:176:in `connect'
    from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:229:in `synchronize'    from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:174:in `connect'    from (irb):4irb(main):005:0> ftp.connect('')=> nilI'm going to go back to our IT guy and see if he can shed anymore light as to why I'm getting this error.  Google didn't turn up anything helpful to me when I tried searching on that specific ftp error message.
Cheers.  Paul.
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: Ruby FTP behind a Firewall

2006-08-25 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hi there, I have a Ruby question.  I'm trying to ftp through Ruby at work (which is behind the corporate firewall) and I'm having difficulty understanding what I need to do to get this to work.  The IT guy here said that I need to set it to "passive" mode to get it to work, but I can't quite figure out how the syntax works.
Here's what I've tried:C:\>irbirb(main):001:0> require 'net/ftp'=> trueirb(main):002:0> Net::FTP.passiveNoMethodError: undefined method `passive' for Net::FTP:Class    from (irb):2
irb(main):005:0> ftp = 530-530-Your hostname cannot be confirmed via the nameserver.530-530-530- -- ACCESS DENIED --530-530-530-530
    from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:243:in `getresp'    from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:251:in `voidresp'    from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:176:in `connect'    from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:229:in `synchronize'
    from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:174:in `connect'    from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:136:in `initialize'    from (irb):5irb(main):006:0> ftp.passive = trueNoMethodError: undefined method `passive=' for nil:NilClass
    from (irb):6While browsing through the Ruby Docs (
 ) I see that "passive" is an Attribute that I can set, but I don't know how to do that.  I also found this chapter from Matz' Nutshell book and it refers to the attribute too ( ).Can anyone suggest how I might get this to work at the IRB prompt?  Thanks.Paul.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] method which contains array as the parameter

2006-08-21 Thread Paul Carvalho
You can also use the "each" method... as in:def run_check_links(ieHelper, arrayText)   arrayText.each do |link_text|      assert(, link_text.exists?)      assert(
(:text, link_text.enabled?)  assert_equal("link",, link_text).type )   endendOn 21/08/06, sikander <

this method is restricted to check for only 3 specific
links. But I want to define array[] as the parameter, and I want to pass any
number of links and verify it. 

Here is what I want to do

def run_check_links(ieHelper, arrayText[])

i <= arrayText.length-1



arrayText[i]).type )



Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] invoking tests in right order

2006-08-18 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hello there,Here is more information regarding the default order of test execution in Ruby:
-> This is how you may expect it to work if you are using Watir 1.4.1.If you are using Watir 1.5+, then you have another option - you can specify the order you want.  See this follow-up message in the archive:  Paul.
On 18/08/06, dzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi all, i have the following problemi have a test1.rb placed in folder1 in test1.rb is the Test1 < Test::Unit::TestCase class then i have test2.rb in folder2. there is the Test2 classi want to run the test2.rb and to have first Test1 performed and then Test2
im tring to do it with require test1.rb but what happend is first to be performed Test2 and then Test1why does this wors that way and how could that be solvedthanks in advice
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Regex string comparison

2006-08-15 Thread Paul Carvalho
Sweet!  Worked like a charm.  Thanks.  Learned something new today.  I guess I can go home now. ;-)Cheers!  Paul.On 15/08/06, Dave Hoover <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Yep, use the String#match method.
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Regex string comparison

2006-08-15 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hi there, I'm still a novice when it comes to using regular expressions and am having a bit of difficulty figuring out the syntax on the following problem.Here's what I want to do:- I'm trying to create a branch in the code if the PageHeadingLabel contains one of two words.
Here's the line that I've tried:   if t_ie.span(:id, /PageHeadingLabel/).text.include?( /Create|Update/ )This doesn't work.  When I try it in IRB, I see the following message:---TypeError: can't convert Regexp into String
    from (irb):7:in `include?'    from (irb):7    from :0---Suggestions?  I really didn't want to use two comparisons, one for each word.  There must be an efficient way to do this, yes?
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Navigating in IE frames

2006-08-10 Thread Paul Carvalho
Yes, you do need to specify the frame.  Try something like:    ie.frame('FrameName').text_field(:name, "inpListFilter" ).set("adm" )You should be able to incorporate the FrameName into your 'ECMTestFixture' object.
To see the frames that Ruby/Watir sees, try the following at an IRB prompt:> ie.show_framesOn 10/08/06, Dave Munns <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi. I am building a test tool to automate navigation through a UI with IE frames. Text fields, buttons, lists, and web dialog boxes are all targets for my tool.  The examples I see in the watir user guide don't mention frames. I have tried navigating to a text field, using the user guide example, but watir complains that my text field identifier ("inpListFilter") is not found (I identified it with SpySmith). Do I have to qualify the identifier with a frame name or set the frame context ?
Here is the offending line:ECMTestFixture.text_field(:name, "inpListFilter" ).set("adm" )
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Incrementing object names

2006-08-08 Thread Paul Carvalho
I use similar mixed variables in my scripts but I use the 'succ' method rather than trying to manually figure it out.For your sample code below, I might rework it to something like:def enter_data   x = 0 ; object_name = 'A10'
   read_in_test_data...   ...   object_name.succ!   p object_name   ...endHope this helps.  Paul.On 08/08/06, aidy rutter
 At the moment I am trying to add 0 or 1 onto  'A11' like this      def enter_data x=0 read_in_test_data.each { |x|  line = x.chomp   next if line.upcase == 'ADDRESS:' 
 object_name =  'A' & "#{11+x}"  p object_name $ie.text_field(:name, object_name).set(line) x+=1 }  end   
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Handling of the Mouse Over using watir

2006-08-03 Thread Paul Carvalho
Try accessing the final cell with :index instead.  Try it in IRB using the .flash method until you find the right index number.On 03/08/06, Chintakrindi Meghanath
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:[snip] 
Now we have different actions, but  the final click has the same name "Screening",soits always performing the first one i.e DPS-LIC and I am unable to do the DPS -- ClickOne more thing i noticed is , the user can execute the last statement 
ie.cell(:text,"Screening").clickwithout excecuting the previous statements.ThanksMeghanath
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Problem in accessing array element

2006-08-02 Thread Paul Carvalho
I had a similar problem recently when I started reading directly from Excel sheets too.  The problem was that the code below creates a 3-dimensional array, not a 2-dimensional one as expected.That is, when I looked at the contents of 'data' in irb, it looked like the following:
data = "" [[b,2,..]], [[c,3,..]], etc]Try adding ".flatten" to your retrieval line:  data << worksheet.Range("a#{line}:u#{line}")['Value'].flattenThis worked for me.  Now the 'data' array will be in an expected 2-dimensional format.  That is, it should now look like:
data = "" [b,2.0,..], [c,3.0,..], etc]
Incidentally, since this is a 2-dimensional array I don't know what you mean by 'access 3rd element'.  If you want to print the 2nd value in the 3rd row, you might do something like:puts data[2][1]=> 3.0
Hope this helps.  Paul.On 02/08/06, VIKASH KUMAR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sir,     I am storing values from excel to a array name 'data
', I am using below code for it.          excel = WIN32OLE::new('excel.Application')   workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open('E:\sam.xls') worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(1) 
 worksheet.Select excel['Visible'] = true  line = '2'data = "">while worksheet.Range("a#{line}")['Value']data << 
worksheet.Range("a#{line}:u#{line}")['Value']data.each { |x| print x,  "\n\n\n".chomp }puts("\n")line.succ!end  Now, I wants to access 3rd element stored in the above array name 'data'.
  I am
 facing problem in doing this.  Please send me a solution for this.     Thanks in Advance     Vikash Kumar

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Re: [Wtr-general] Watir, file_field, dojo and VMware

2006-07-27 Thread Paul Carvalho
I have used VMware with Watir successfully.  I've got a WinXP Pro SP2 VMware session that has IE7 Beta 2.  On it, I have Ruby 1.8.4 and Watir 1.4.1.I just ran the UnitTest "filefield_test.rb" and it executed without error.
I can't say I really understand what the problem described below is, so I can't offer any suggestions right now.Paul.On 26/07/06, Bret Pettichord
What is a "ruby attach dialog"?I'd be surprised if vmWare itself is the source of your problem. I'm pretty sure we have people here who have used it with Watir successfully. True?Bret

On 6/26/06, John Castellucci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Howdy all – I have some Watir tests
that invoke the file_field field object, and I've noticed some slightly
odd behavior when running on native WinXP vs. virtual
WinXP through VMware.

If a regular page has a file_field control,
everything works peachy.

But, the application also has pages where you
can click a button and it opens a dojo (a _javascript_ toolkit) modal faux popup
with the file_field (the underlying page is disabled), and this is where I see
the weird behavior.

When invoking field_field.set(), only the ruby
attach dialog opens – the standard IE File Upload dialog *does not* open.  It's not until the attach dialog
closes that the IE File Upload finally appears, and at this point, the Watir
script "hangs." (I suspect because there was no File dialog for
ruby to attach to).

If I were to take a stab in the dark, I would
say it might have something to do with how VMware manages
threads – dojo, ruby and IE are all fighting over processes, and IE is
the loser…

Anyone ever run into behavior like this


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] problem in click event of "div"

2006-07-21 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hi Vikash,Maybe your code is working.  Maybe it just doesn't do what you think it should do.Are you trying to access the checkbox?  If so, why not just try something more direct like:   ie.checkbox(:id, /3_1/).flash
   ie.checkbox(:id, /3_1/).setOn 22/07/06, VIKASH KUMAR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                name="assignedSystemGroups" value="baseWebAccess" >
  Login to Web Application        I wanted to click on div having id="tCt2", the below code is not working:    ie.div
(:id,"tCt2").flash  ie.div(:id,"tCt2").click   
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] for loop syntax??

2006-07-19 Thread Paul Carvalho
Ruby rocks!  My fav is:  9.times {|x| puts x}It doesn't get any clearer for me than just telling it how many times I want it to loop without worrying about extra syntax that I'm likely to get wrong.. ;)
On 19/07/06, Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/19/06, mi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> ahhh, That was it!!!  I'm just NOT used to start an iteration> form 0:-(  THANKS a millionRuby folks don't generally use for loops:
1.upto 9 do |x|  puts x  endruby loop.rb123456789>Exit code: 0
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Re: [Wtr-general] Watir Users forum at

2006-06-21 Thread Paul Carvalho
Yes, I think it would be a great idea.On 21/06/06, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Zeljko,The plan has been to rename that forum Watir General and then to set up a mirror (or whatever you call it) between this list and that forum. Thus everything that is posted here would show up there and everything that was posted there would show up here.
I think the only blocker has been that I haven't had the time to follow this up with OpenQA. Would you mind arranging the details with Patrick Lightbody?Do we have agreement on the list that this would be a good thing to do?
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Re: [Wtr-general] tag a name to an assertation

2006-06-14 Thread Paul Carvalho
I recommend Zeljko's one-line assert statement, but *if* you really want to keep the format you have now, you can also use the 'flunk' command.For example:if $ie.select_list(:name, 'criteria.countryId').exists?
  assert(true) else flunk( "select_list(:name, 'criteria.countryId') does not exist" ) endOn 14/06/06, Adrian Rutter <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi,Is it possible to tag a name to an assertation, so if I run this:
if $ie.select_list(:name, 'criteria.countryId').exists?  assert(true) else assert(false) endif $ie.select_list(:name, 'criteria.lob').exists?   assert(true) else assert(false) endAnd one passes and one fails, I can pinpoint and log which one has failed,
instead of just getting this1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errorsCheersAidy
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Re: [Wtr-general] Clicking on the link in table

2006-05-17 Thread Paul Carvalho
I've found that sometimes I can just click on the table cell itself to accomplish the same thing.For example, try something like this:$ie.frame("mainFrame").table(:index, 2)[1][1].clickDoes this work for you (check first that you have the right table and cell)?  Thanks for including the HTML.
Paul.On 17/05/06, Manish Sapariya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi,In the attached html code, I have two tables in 2nd Frame.There is a link in first table "Create New Policy". I cannotclick on this link by$ie.frame("mainFrame").link(:text,"Create New Policy).click.
However, the link in 2nd table can be clicked when I say$ie.frame("mainFrame").link(:text, "edit").clickI am not a web-developer, but only difference I noticed thatthe second link is enclosed in   tag, whereas the first
one is not.Any ideas?Thanks and Regards,Manish
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] How do I set the end of a string to a variable?

2006-05-16 Thread Paul Carvalho
That's perfect.  Thanks.  I found that 'sub' works just as well in this case because it's just the first occurrence of the pattern that I want to get rid of.Cheers!  Paul.
On 16/05/06, Andy Sipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Assuming that the first part of the label is always the same, then gsub isone of many ways:irb(main):017:0> x = 'Good Morning, Billy Bob Joe'=> "Good Morning, Billy Bob Joe"irb(main):018:0> 
x.gsub(/Good Morning, /, '')=> "Billy Bob Joe"-andy
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] How do I set the end of a string to a variable?

2006-05-16 Thread Paul Carvalho
Okay.  I know that I should know this, but knowing that doesn't mean that I know it. arrrg.  This is a Ruby string manipulation question, not really a Watir question.I have this label on a web page - we'll call it PageHeadingLabel - and the contents change based on selected user.  I need to know how to capture the *last* part of that string to a variable.
Here's the code that calls up the text:   $main_frame.span(:id, /PageHeadingLabel/).textAnd the output is something like: "Good Morning, "e.g. "Good Morning, Bob" or "Good Morning, Jamaican Bobsled Team" or whatever.
I *need* to capture the user name to a variable (let's call it 'user_name')-> I have looked through all the String class methods, but I haven't found anything straightforward that will help me output the last part of a random-length string.  I managed to get the Element Reference [] to spit out what I need but it's kind of gross-looking (mostly because I don't want to work with intermediate variables).
I browsed through the Regular _expression_ stuff, but I still haven't had a chance to read up on it.  My amateur re commands keep returning true, false, nil, etc. but not actual strings.Does anyone know of a simple way to set a variable to something like this:
  user_name = $main_frame.span(:id, /PageHeadingLabel/).text (from ', ' to the end)?help.  please.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: How to Navigate the Watir FAQ

2006-05-11 Thread Paul Carvalho
Really?  I tried the corrected links on IE6 in WinXPSP2 before I posted my observations and they work for me.  Mind you, I always get a few Runtime Errors when I try to connect to that page with IE6 for some reason, but the FAQ and correct section *do* appear.
That is strange.  Oh well.Paul.On 11/05/06, Boyt, Darrel <
Paul (and anyone else who's interested),I tried the corrected links you supplied in IE6, Firefox, and
Opera 9.00 Beta Build 8367.  The links worked as you said in Firefox and
Opera, but not in IE.  Kinda weird...Darrel
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: How to Navigate the Watir FAQ

2006-05-11 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hi there, this is totally aside and just 'FYI' so please disregard if you are not interested.It's been bugging me for a few weeks so I just took a look and discovered why the anchors to the FAQ haven't been working as expected.  Here's an example -- Bret sent out the following link in a recent email: followed the link, and like other similar links, I am brought to the *top* of the FAQ page, but not the actual intended section. (unexpected)

I browsed the 'code' on the page and you will see the following line just above the corresponding section:   {anchor:concurrent-ie}--> I think the assumption here is that you would form the URL by simply adding a # in place of the 'anchor:', but this is not how this code is actually translated to HTML.
First off, all the dashes are removed from the actual HTML.   So the anchor will really be identified as "concurrentie".Next, for some reason, the page Title is being *prefixed* to the real anchor.
This means that the anchor name is actually: #FAQ-concurrentieSo, to go to that section of the FAQ, you would have to follow this URL:
Using another example, another popular section that is often referenced is the "Access denied when trying to access a frame."  This has the following corresponding 'code': {anchor:access-denied}
Therefore, to access this URL you would use the following: thought some of you might be interested to know this.
Cheers.  Paul.(no, the *other* Paul. ;))
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] frame.html fails in development version

2006-05-10 Thread Paul Carvalho
This is a known problem in 1.5.  The description is perhaps not clear enough to be found by a search, but it is in JIRA:, there's nothing wrong with the google_maps.rb script... it just fails because the 
frame.html fails in the script.Paul.On 10/05/06, David Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have some code which was using Frame#html which was inherited fromWatir::IE in 1.4.
In 1.5 this broke because Frame is no longer inherited from IE.  I movedWatir::IE#html to the Container module and now it's working fine becauseboth Watir::IE and Watir::Frame include Container.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Order of execution for ruby tests with test/unit

2006-05-04 Thread Paul Carvalho
Hi George, it's been my experience that the unit tests run in what appears to be an alphanumerically-ascending order.  It's been a while since I've looked at it, but I think this is the general pattern.  (This is all off the top of my head, but I'm sure I can easily confirm it.  I still have the scripts lying around somewhere that gave me this info.)  This might be academic to some but it was enlightening to me so I thought I'd share it since you asked.  
(BTW, please forgive me for not using correct Test case/suite/whatever terminology here.. I don't have my Ruby/Watir references handy as I type this.)Let's say that you have a master script that calls 3 other scripts that have the test classes in them.. something like:
---# Setuprequire 'watir'require 'test/unit'# Set up common methods, variables, whatever# My Testsrequire Startup.rbrequire HomePage.rbrequire ShutDown.rb---The imaginary contents of '
Startup.rb' could be something like:---class Test_Startup < Test::Unit::TestCase  ie = Watir::IE...  puts 'This is the start'  def test_navigation    ie.goto(..)    ie.blah.blah    assert_equal(yadda, yadda)
  end  def test_login    ie.text_field().set()      end  puts 'This is the end.'end---And so on.  You can assume that a similar pattern exists for the other two scripts.  Here's where it gets fun.
My initial, uneducated, guess was that these tests would run in the following order:1) Startup.rb   a) test_navigation   b) test_login   c) ...
2) HomePage.rb   a) ..   b) ...3) ShutDown.rb   a) ..
   b) ...
Ya, well, reality was something a bit different.  That is, I found out that these tests are supposed to run in a 'random' order.I didn't believe for one second that Ruby was really going to run these tests randomly so I tried to figure out what the pattern actually was.  Here's what I found out.
First of all, the code is put into two 'pools': (1) Stuff not in a 'test' definition (i.e. *not* a test), and (2) stuff that's in a test definition (i.e. the tests).-> All the non-test stuff is executed first, in the order in which they appear.
So, all the lines in the Master script are run first, as you would imagine, followed by the lines it finds in the test scripts that aren't in 'test' definitions either.  That means that the following lines will be executed *before* any tests are run, even though they're within test classes:
---  ie = Watir::IE...
  puts 'This is the start'
  puts 'This is the end.'
Next, all the Test Classes are put into alphanumeric order.  So regardless of how I called the scripts above, they will be run in the following order:---class Test_HomePage < Test::Unit::TestCase
class Test_ShutDown < Test::Unit::TestCase
class Test_Startup < Test::Unit::TestCase
---Lastly, all of the test cases are sorted in an ascending alphanumeric order.  So, given the two tests in my 'Startup' script above, they will actually run in this order:
  def test_login

  def test_navigation...and so on..To get around this, I've been using a naming convention for my test classes that include numeric labels.  Something like this:---

class Test_01_Startup < Test::Unit::TestCase

class Test_02_HomePage < Test::Unit::TestCase

class Test_03_ShutDown < Test::Unit::TestCase---
-> Which assures me that they will be run by Ruby in that order.Then I also use numeric labels similarly with the test case names too.  That way, I know that they run in the correct order.  So using my example from above, you would probably see something like this if you browse through my scripts:

class Test_01_Startup < Test::Unit::TestCase

  def test_0101_navigation

  def test_0102_loginclass Test_02_HomePage < Test::Unit::TestCase

  def test_0201_check_userdata

  def test_0202_check_reports
class Test_03_ShutDown < Test::Unit::TestCase   ...

This way, I don't have to worry about which order the tests are run because I *know* that they will run from top to bottom, in the order that I specify the tests to run.I was quite happy to discover that pattern.  I don't recall where I got the initial tip, but I'm pretty sure that someone or something mentioned that I should consider ascending labels.
Works for me.  I would be happy to have someone confirm this pattern for me.  As I said, it was a while ago that I figured this out (probably 4-6 weeks ago now), and I am just winging this off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure I got the details correct.
Hope this helps.  Have a great day!Cheers.  Paul.On 04/05/06, George Flaherty <
> wrote:Sorry to repeat here, but did someone post a way to execute ruby unit tests in a "predetermined order" 
vs.the default "random" order?Thanks-george
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