Re: More about how I use Yojimbo

2008-05-06 Thread Bill Rowe

On 5/6/08 at 5:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

(The reason David Allen recommends a simple A-to-Z filing system as
part of the GTD method, it seems to me, is less about ease of
retrieval and more about ease of filing.

For me, this is where Yojimbo excels. With the current model, I 
don't need to give any thought to the filling system. Simply tag 
the item with something simple and let Yojimbo stick the item in 
the Library.

If you're in the middle of a productively heated bout of planning and
you have to give every item even twenty or thirty seconds of thought
and preparation before you can file it, you'll start putting things in
a "To be filed" pile, so as not to break your flow of thought, instead
of filing each item immediately. The point isn't to put thought into
your filing system so that you can find things again easily; the point
is to make the filing effortless so you'll do it for each item right
away the very moment you generate it,

For me, this is exactly the issue with nested folders. I have to 
think about where an item should go which takes more thought 
than simply adding a one or two word tag to the item.

and if that means that when you're retrieving it you have to look in a
couple of wrong places first because you can't remember whether you
filed something under "Banana cream pie" or "Desserts" or "Recipes",
big deal, it's nowhere near as big a drain on your system as it is to
let a "To be filed" stack pile up.

This is debatable. There is a time cost with either method, the 
time I spend looking for an item that I just don't recall where 
I put it versus the time going though a group of items to be 
filed and filing them. I think which costs more time for a given 
individual will depend on the individual.

The fact is, whether you use tags liberally or not, the fear that
you're going to lose a file forever is 99% illusion. The only way
you're really likely to lose a file forever is if there's a software
glitch or a hardware failure that destroys the file; if you stay backed
up, the worst that's likely to happen is that it may take you three or
four tries to find your file instead of one.)

Depending on the size of your hard drive, the number of items 
you store etc, this could easily be more than three or four 
tries. Given a sufficiently large drive with a sufficient number 
of files, a misplaced item could be effectively lost.

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Re: Tag Collections not treated the same as 'regular' Collections (was: The Real Issue With Nested Folders and Multiple Databases.)

2008-05-05 Thread Bill Rowe

On 5/5/08 at 7:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paulo Diniz) wrote:

I think that it would be natural to expect either that if you drag
an item into a tag collection, it would be automatically tagged as
to fit in that collection.

What would happen if the tag collection had several tags 
associated with it? Would you assign all of the available tags 
to an item dragged to that collection? This certainly wouldn't 
be what I would want in general. And if you don't have all of 
the tags assigned to the dragged item, how would you have 
Yojimbo decide which tags to assign to the item?

I believe there are good reasons for not having tags 
automatically assigned.

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Re: Backing up Yojimbo to JungleDisk Plus (or Rsync)

2008-04-26 Thread Bill Rowe

On 4/26/08 at 11:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Berg) wrote:

On Apr 9, 2008, at 9:10 PM, Doug Ransom wrote:

Does anyone know how effective  the block-level file updates
described in the Jungle Disk docs (below) will work with Yojimbo

Sorry for the delay in replying to this but I didn't want to answer
until I'd tested a backup. JungleDisk Plus backs up the changes 
to my Yojimbo database on a nightly basis without any need to shut

Yojimbo down. I just tested the integrity of the backup this morning
and it was up-to-date as of yesterday.

I believe you will find JungleDisk Plus is no more or less 
compatible with Yojimbo than Time Machine or any other backup program.

I believe the basic problem with Yojimbo and back up programs is 
access to the database. If Yojimbo is active and making changes 
to the database when the back up program is actively backing up 
the Yojimbo data base then the back up will likely have problems 
at some level.

I am sure the time it takes Yojimbo to change a record in the 
database is small compared to the time a backup program takes to 
backup the entire database. Hence, if Yojimbo is active and 
making changes to the database, the backup copy of the database 
is likely to be inconsistent.

The likelihood of this actually happening will depend on several 
factors. A smaller database will clearly take less time to 
backup and provide less opportunity for this type of problem. 
Less frequent backups will also provide less opportunity.

The combination of block-level file updates and a nightly backup 
schedule would greatly reduce the opportunity for the type of 
problem I describe to occur. Also, I assume the nightly backup 
occurs when you aren't actively using Yojimbo. I believe this 
explains you success to date but doesn't mean Yojimbo is 
inherently compatible with JungleDisk.

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Re: Boolean searches solved with Spotlight in OS X 10.5.2?

2008-02-21 Thread Bill Rowe

On 2/21/08 at 9:10 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Allan J. Tsai)

There have been a couple of archived messages requesting boolean
operators in the Yojimbo search. Has this facility changed at all
with 10.5.2? If the Yojimbo search used Spotlight technology, maybe
it allows boolean searches now?

No. Yojimbo is compatible with Spotlight in that I can use 
Spotlight to do a search to find a Yojimbo item using Spotlight. 
But Yojimbo doesn't use Spotlight to search its database.

On a related note, can boolean searches be run on Yojimbo notes
through the Spotlight window?

Any Yojimbo item that can be searched using Spotlight, i.e., 
that is indexed by Spotlight can clearly be found using a 
boolean Spotlight search.

Unfortunately, even if such a feature works I'm still on 10.4.11 and
won't be upgrading anytime soon. But it helps to know so I can
decide whether to submit a feature request.

Spotlight is more useful in Leopard than it was in Tiger. But 
the relationship between Spotlight and Yojimbo has not changed 
from Tiger to Leopard as far as I can determine.

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Re: Yojimbo and 10.5.2

2008-02-12 Thread Bill Rowe

On 2/13/08 at 12:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Cradock) wrote:

Ever since I updated my system from Mac OS X 10.5.1 to 10.5.2, Yojimbo
hangs when I launch it. I cannot get it to launch completely. Anyone
else seen this issue?

No problems here. Yojimbo seems to work just fine with 10.5.2 on 
my G4 AlBook

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Re: no. of files associated with each tag

2007-12-15 Thread Bill Rowe

On 12/15/07 at 10:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Pieter Kunst) wrote:

2007/12/15, Bill Rowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Perhaps I am missing something here. But I don't see a way to look
for tags I am not using without being able to see what files the
tag is attached to. How are do you determine a tag isn't being used?

What you could do is go to Yojimbo preferences, choose 'Tags' and
try to delete a tag. If there are items associated with a tag, you
will get a confirmation dialog; if the tag is not used anywhere it
is deleted immediately.

This seems to work. But clearly, it is a rather tedious process 
if you have a lot of tags

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Re: no. of files associated with each tag

2007-12-14 Thread Bill Rowe

On 12/12/07 at 12:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (McGonegal Robert) wrote:

On 11-Dec-07, at 6:54 AM, Michael Young wrote:

Feature proposal: Could Yojimbo list the number of files associated
with each tag in Yojimbo > Preferences > Tags? That way I coul see
if I have "dead" tags (with no files associated).

Or is there already a way to ascertain that?

Isn't it faster to just not look for tags you're not using?

Perhaps I am missing something here. But I don't see a way to 
look for tags I am not using without being able to see what 
files the tag is attached to. How are do you determine a tag 
isn't being used?

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Re: Time Machine?

2007-10-30 Thread Bill Rowe

On 10/29/07 at 3:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Raj Nayak) wrote:

Just wondering if anyone has tried Yojimbo with Time Machine 
yet?  Since Yojimbo stores all of its files as one giant 
database --

almost 2 gigabytes for me -- I'm wondering if Time Machine knows how
to back it up incrementally, or whether it just copies a new version
of the database on every backup?

There is a fairly detailed review Time Machine and some of the 
underlying details of how it works and why at 
From the information presented there it is apparent Time 
Machine's granularity is at the file level. That is, Time 
Machine will copy any changed file in its entirety rather than 
incrementally. Note, it is only changed files that are copied.

Also, your phrasing isn't totally clear here. "back it up 
incrementally" could be taken to mean "back up Yojimbo's 
database incrementally". If so, then no Time Machine doesn't do 
this. Or, your phrase could be taken to mean "back up the hard 
drive incrementally". If so, Time Machine does do this.

Note,I haven't yet installed Leopard (I plan to do so this 
weekend). So, my comments above are based on what others have 
written rather than direct experience.

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Re: Yojimbo news?

2007-09-27 Thread Bill Rowe

On 9/26/07 at 8:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Cradock) wrote:

This list has gotten pretty quiet lately, and there's been no news
about Yojimbo recently either. Can anyone reveal whether there's an
update on the horizon anytime in the near future? Many potential
features have been discussed here, and I can only hope that some of
these might make it into a future release of Yojimbo. Any news,

Barebones has a standard policy of essentially saying nothing 
about future releases or what features they might contain for 
any of the software they create. Anyone that really knew what a 
future release of Yojimbo would look like and said something 
here would undoubtedly be in violation of either their terms of 
employment at Barebones or in violation of a NDA with Barebones 
in the case of beta testers.

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Re: User-Created Smart Collections?

2007-06-12 Thread Bill Rowe

On 6/12/07 at 6:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conrad Albrecht-Buehler)

I'm fairly new to Yojimbo, but I've read through the FAQ and I've
searched the mailing list archives and couldn't find mention of
this: Can users create their Smart Collections based on other search
criteria? Tag Collections require me to tag the files, but I'd like
to create Smart Collections that list files based on the same
criteria I use to search the Yojimbo library.

Currently, there is no provision for a user to create smart 
collections. Collections are static and don't change unless you 
specifically drag an item to/from the collection. OTOH, tag 
collections are dynamic. Simply adding one of the tags being 
grouped by a given tag collection to an item will cause that 
item to appear in the tag collection.

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Re: Issue with the drop dock

2007-05-01 Thread Bill Rowe

On 4/30/07 at 7:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (giovanni de stefano)

Hello there, I'm using Yojimbo with the greatest satisfaction, but
for the fact that drop dock is unusable after some dropping. It just
won't react after some minutes after the application launch.

Have you tried clicking on the portion says Yojimbo? If 
retracted, a click on this portion should cause it to expand 
until clicked on again. If you clicker here by mistake, that 
would explain what you are seeing.

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Re: Bookmarks and Encryption of S/Ns & Passwords

2007-03-10 Thread Bill Rowe

On 3/9/07 at 4:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Rogers) wrote:

2) Why is there no encryption button for S/Ns or Passwords? I'd like
to make sure these items are protected.

Why encrypt serial numbers? Programs that require serial numbers 
to be entered to access all of there feature almost always keep 
the serial number somewhere on your hard drive unencrypted. You 
really gain no security by having Yojimbo encrypt serial numbers.

And as for passwords, they are encrypted by default.

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Re: Change Tag names?

2007-03-08 Thread Bill Rowe

On 3/8/07 at 8:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harvey S. Leff) wrote:

Jim Correia wrote:

Tag names are currently immutable.

I just joined the list and have not seen prior messages on this, so
maybe the following misses the mark.  But . . . I seem to have just
changed tag names. I sorted by tag, selected all tags of the type I
wanted to change, opened the inspector, and changed the tag in the
"info" section. When I closed the inspector, the tags were indeed
changed. Tag names do not seem to be immutable.

I don't think so. What you describe is effectively deleting a 
tag and replacing it with another.

Try the following. Do as you indicate above but select only one 
item with a tag you want to change. Notice when you complete 
your set of actions above, the tag for the one item you had 
selected is changed but none of the tags for any other item 
which had the same tag have been changed.

If you were truly changing the name of an existing tag, a change 
to that tag on one item would affect all other items. But as you 
can see, this does not occur.

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