Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-05 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 16:09, Christoph Zwerschke  wrote:
> Ok, I have added a link to the new ticket
> where it is already mentioned.
> The old ticket does not need to reopened, it is all covered by the new one.

Thanks, Christoph. I will follow up the two points that you mention there.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-05 Thread Christoph Zwerschke

Am 05.03.2012 14:43, schrieb Dotan Cohen:

Can you please mention support for adding an option to disable
wiki-syntax parsing here:

Ok, I have added a link to the new ticket where it is already 
mentioned. The old ticket does not need to reopened, it is all covered 
by the new one.

-- Christoph

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-05 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 19:39, Christoph Zwerschke  wrote:
> Concerning your original issue, I guess the best solution would be to add an
> *option* for disabling/enabling escaping of wiki style input, so everybody
> can be happy.

Can you please mention support for adding an option to disable
wiki-syntax parsing here:


Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-04 Thread Christoph Zwerschke

Am 04.03.2012 16:59, schrieb Dotan Cohen:
> The idea of  "entered text should be automatically escaped" means that
> **bold** will not be made bold. Rather, users who want to enter Wiki
> syntax would do that in source / raw mode. Isn't that what **bold** is
> (wiki source code)? Why does Source mode exist otherwise?
> Of course, there would ideally be a keyboard shortcut to easily enable
> source / raw mode and to switch back to normal mode. To make text bold
> in normal mode without entering source / raw mode, one has the Ctrl-B
> shortcut.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. I think I understand your reasoning 
much better now :-)

Anyway, I still like the idea that I can type in wiki syntax, because 
I'm doing that in a lot of other places already, e.g. when writing ascii 
emails or google+ posts or whatever. I also mentioned bullet lists which 
can be input more easily in wiki syntax.

I know my argument is a bit weak because Zim uses DokuWiki syntax which 
is a bit more obscure than e.g. Markdown which is more universal and 
follows more closely the way people "format" ASCII emails etc. anyway 
e.g. *bold* instead of **bold**. In fact the idea behind Markdown is 
that it is easy-to-read *and* easy-to-write. The whole idea is that you 
don't need a different mode or editor when writing text.

These articles explain the idea very well:

Therefore, from my point of view it would make sense to change Zim to be 
based on Markdown instead of Dokuwiki syntax. I think Markdown is also 
better supported as source language by Pandoc. But I'm aware that this 
is a very big change that requires a lot of work. A request for Markdown 
already exists:

Concerning your original issue, I guess the best solution would be to 
add an *option* for disabling/enabling escaping of wiki style input, so 
everybody can be happy.

One issue that needs to be solved before is to implement a way of 
escaping wiki syntax besides triple quoting. I have mentioned that in 
your RFE already. Markdown has escape mechanisms, e.g. you can write 
\*notbold\*, but I think Zim and DokuWiki can't do that yet.

-- Christoph

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-04 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 13:07, Christoph Zwerschke  wrote:
> Also, it's not clear to me what you mean when you say that "entered text
> should be automatically escaped by zim". The problem is that if you enter
> **bold** then you want your asterisks be interpreted by zim, not escaped,
> but if you enter 2**3 + 2**4 then you probably don't want them to be
> interpreted, but it's impossible for zim to distinguish these cases
> *automatically*.

The idea of  "entered text should be automatically escaped" means that
**bold** will not be made bold. Rather, users who want to enter Wiki
syntax would do that in source / raw mode. Isn't that what **bold** is
(wiki source code)? Why does Source mode exist otherwise?

Of course, there would ideally be a keyboard shortcut to easily enable
source / raw mode and to switch back to normal mode. To make text bold
in normal mode without entering source / raw mode, one has the Ctrl-B

> Maybe a solution would be to allow different modes for pasting text to zim,
> similar to the different modes for copying text from zim.

Right, that would be normal mode and source / raw mode.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-04 Thread Christoph Zwerschke

Am 04.03.2012 11:48, schrieb Dotan Cohen:
> Then why do you prefer that you can type //some text// to have it
> italicized in the normal window? What is wrong with Ctrl-I before and
> after? It is exactly the confusion between raw/source mode and normal
> mode that hinders Zim from handling arbitrary input.
> In other words, there already exists shortcuts for headings and
> formating in Zim, with the Ctrl modifiers just like in any other
> formatted editor. If one wants to type wiki-syntax directly, then have
> an easy way to switch to wiki-syntax / raw / source mode.

The advantage is that you can write wiki syntax everywhere, not only in 
zim, and if you are accustomed to that syntax, it's easier to use than 
having to remember all these Ctrl/Alt-keyboard shortcuts. Ok, Ctrl-I for 
italics is easy, but what's the shortcut for code again? And how do you 
enter a bulleted list? I like the idea that my data is stored in a very 
simple format that can be exported and converted easily, and that is so 
simple that I can edit it directly.

I have tried both wysiwyg tools and tools with a strict separation of 
edit/view modes in the past, and I had problems with both. Zim appeared 
to me as a middle ground combining advantages of both approaches.

But ok, maybe the problems I experienced with other tools are only based 
on shortcomings in the software, not in the paradigms themselves.

For instance, Evernote is great. But there is no simple way to enter 
code snippets or shell commands inside a page. I have to manually mark 
the snippet, select a monospaced font, maybe change the size or color. 
Similarly, there is no way to mark a level 1 or 2 heading. Again, I have 
to mark the heading, and change the font size. And then all you have is 
formatted text, no semantic markup that could be used when exporting to 
other systems. Maybe this could be solved by Evernote adding simple 
semantic markup and ways to export that, but they never implement such 
things because they want to be attractive to the "casual" user who 
doesn't care about such things.

Likewise, ConnectedText is great. But having to switch between edit and 
view mode gives me headaches because the text looks completely different 
in both modes and it's often difficult to find the right location. Maybe 
this could be solved by automatically mapping the cursor location 
between modes, but I think switching view modes is still inconvenient in 
everyday use, I want to have living data that can be easily accessed and 
altered without switching modes.

-- Christoph

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-04 Thread Christoph Zwerschke

Am 04.03.2012 11:17, schrieb Dotan Cohen:
> Also, you might like to note that there is an Edit Source function in
> the Tools menu. That is the place where one should be entering data in
> raw format, not in the standard main window. A possible improvement
> would be to have the Edit Source function edit the source in the Zim
> window, with the cursor placed right where it was when in the standard
> mode. Text entered in the standard mode should be automatically
> escaped by Zim when converted to Source. That would solve all the
> mentioned issues. I will write an RFE for this, give me a few minutes.

Thanks for mentioning the "edit source" function, I overlooked that. My 
only issue with that function is that opening content in another editing 
window is somewhat problematic as it really may cause data loss. It's 
still great that it is *possible*, because the external editor may have 
some advantages for some people, e.g. you may prefer editing text in vi 
or a distraction less text editor or whatever. But it should not be the 
standard way of usage. Therefore the possibility to switch into a raw 
editing mode in the same zim window would still be desirable.

Your idea that the cursor should be "placed right where it was when in 
the standard mode" is also desirable, and it looks easy, but it's very 
difficult to implement programmatically. The closest thing I have seen 
was ConnectedText where you can mark a part of the text, and then 
ConnectedText would search the same text in the editor window and place 
the cursor at that location. But of course that's not really foolproof 
(e.g. when the search text exists several times) and still a bit 
inconvenient because you need to mark an appropriate text passage first.

Also, it's not clear to me what you mean when you say that "entered text 
should be automatically escaped by zim". The problem is that if you 
enter **bold** then you want your asterisks be interpreted by zim, not 
escaped, but if you enter 2**3 + 2**4 then you probably don't want them 
to be interpreted, but it's impossible for zim to distinguish these 
cases *automatically*.

Maybe a solution would be to allow different modes for pasting text to 
zim, similar to the different modes for copying text from zim.

>> For instance, if you see a mistake or type on a page, you simply go
>> and correct it. You don't need to switch to an edit mode, search
>> for the place with the error there, fix it, and switch back to view
>> mode.
> That could still be possible with the suggestion that I made above.

Yes, it the problem of mapping cursor positions in source text and 
rendered view could be solved, but as I said it's a really difficult 
thing. And even then, you will still have to switch editing modes which 
is not so convenient.

> Python code was just an example. How about ASCII art? The fact is that
> Zim should handle arbitrary input. Any argument to the contrary means
> that Zim will be inappropriate for some use case or another.

If you use triple quotes and indent your content, I think you can 
include arbitary input already, though I agree that's not so convenient.

One solution that comes to my mind is to allow embedding external text 
files (similar to embedding images) which would be rendered literally in 
a monospaced font, maybe with syntax highlighting depending on the file 

-- Christoph

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-04 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 12:15, Christoph Zwerschke  wrote:
> Am 04.03.2012 07:19, schrieb Ulf Bro:
>> The editor I use in everyday life is Vim (Vi). Here you switch
>> between modes all the time. But you do so without taking your fingers
>> off the keyboard. A similar "edit" mode in Zim would be no harm so
>> long as one could keep the mouse out of the business.
> That's true, but the big difference is that in vi, the data and its
> rendering doesn't change at all when you switch between modes. vi doesn't
> show any rendered data, it only changes the accepted keyboard commands. But
> when you switch between rendered display and raw data, the content of your
> editor window changes, and usually it's not even possible to adapt the
> cursor position. So when you spot a typo in view mode, and then switch to
> edit mode, you need to find the location of that typo in the markup again.
> This is what makes separate edit/view modes so unproductive for everyday use
> in a personal wiki in my opionon.

I have filed in RFE to make this easier: when switching to Edit Source
mode Zim should keep the cursor in the same location as it was in
normal mode:

> I think switching to raw mode should only
> be used as a last resort in zim, not be encouraged as the standard way of
> editing content.

Then why do you prefer that you can type //some text// to have it
italicized in the normal window? What is wrong with Ctrl-I before and
after? It is exactly the confusion between raw/source mode and normal
mode that hinders Zim from handling arbitrary input.

In other words, there already exists shortcuts for headings and
formating in Zim, with the Ctrl modifiers just like in any other
formatted editor. If one wants to type wiki-syntax directly, then have
an easy way to switch to wiki-syntax / raw / source mode.

> But speaking of vi, it's a perfect example for great and mature software
> that is still not usable for the "casual" user. Without getting aquainted
> with the two input modes and the keyboard commands, users will only be
> frustrated with vi.

Agreed, even as a heavy VIM user myself (typing even now in GVIM!).
That is exactly why having the wiki syntax active in the normal mode
is confusing. Casual users will not already know the wiki syntax.

>>> One thing that surely should be added is a way to easily switch
>>> the editor to "raw mode" where it does not do any rendering. It
>>> should not be understood or used as the default edit mode, but it
>>> may be sometimes useful to see or edit the raw version of a page.
>> That is the point I'd like to support. With one key, and this could
>> be a function key like F2 for example, you could open an external
>> editor in a new window of course on the currently displayed page (im
>> my case that would be Vim) and do whatever editing you find suitable.
>> Then after saving, do a reload with Ctrl-R and that's it.
>> On the other hand you mostly really shouldn't need to do that.
>> Therefore there is no need to waste time doing revolutionary
>> development on Zim's code to enable raw editing. Just a key to open
>> an external editor and that's it.
> Agree. Except opening an external editor can be dangerous because then you
> have two disconnected editing windows open for the same content, and you can
> easily loose data when you save at the wrong time in the wrong editor.
> Better to include a real raw editing *mode* which can also have a keyboard
> shortcut. It would be a bit more work, but I don't think revolutionary
> development work will be needed for that.

Exactly what I had proposed! Please comment on that RFE mentiond above.


Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-04 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 08:19, Ulf Bro  wrote:
> The editor I use in everyday life is Vim (Vi). Here you switch between
> modes all the time. But you do so without taking your fingers off the
> keyboard. A similar "edit" mode in Zim would be no harm so long as one
> could keep the mouse out of the business.

It already exists, but it opens the edit window in a new window. See this RFE:
RFE: Edit source in Zim window

>> One thing that surely should be added is a way to easily switch the
>> editor to "raw mode" where it does not do any rendering. It should
>> not be understood or used as the default edit mode, but it may be
>> sometimes useful to see or edit the raw version of a page.
> That is the point I'd like to support. With one key, and this could be
> a function key like F2 for example, you could open an external editor
> in a new window of course on the currently displayed page (im my case
> that would be Vim) and do whatever editing you find suitable. Then after
> saving, do a reload with Ctrl-R and that's it.

Please mention that on the above-linked RFE. Thanks!

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-04 Thread Dotan Cohen
Here are two issues to help improve the situation:

RFE: Edit source in Zim window

Escape input when translating to Source

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-04 Thread Christoph Zwerschke

Am 04.03.2012 11:15, schrieb Christoph Zwerschke:

Agree. Except opening an external editor can be dangerous because then
you have two disconnected editing windows open for the same content, and
you can easily loose data when you save at the wrong time in the wrong
editor. Better to include a real raw editing *mode* which can also have
a keyboard shortcut. It would be a bit more work, but I don't think
revolutionary development work will be needed for that.

By the way, as Dotan just pointed out, the possiblity to open the raw 
text with an external editor (of your choice) already exists, under the 
tools menu.

I totally overlooked that. The reason is that I'm not using zim on a 
daily basis yet, because there is no practicable way to import my old 
data as html/rtf. That's for me the only larger issue. But I expect this 
will be solved in future versions, or maybe I will work on that issue 
myself if I find the time.

-- Christoph

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-04 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 00:49, Christoph Zwerschke  wrote:
> Am 03.03.2012 18:41, schrieb Dotan Cohen:
>> And why would casual users know this?
> Well, to be honest I don't think zim is intended for "casual" users and
> never will because it is not intended to be a "wysiwyg" editor. People who
> want that wysiwyg stlye should use applications like OneNote or Evernote or
> MyBase or MyInfo or MyNotesKeeper. The special thing about zim is that it
> knows wiki syntax, and knowing the basics of that syntax is simply required
> to use it. It's explained very well in the online help. The other special
> thing about zim is that edit and view mode are not separated. People who
> want that separation of modes should use applications like ConnectedText or
> WikidPad or RedNoteBook.

If this is the case than that should be made clear. As it is, Zim
cannot handle arbitrary input and users are not likely to expect that.

Also, you might like to note that there is an Edit Source function in
the Tools menu. That is the place where one should be entering data in
raw format, not in the standard main window. A possible improvement
would be to have the Edit Source function edit the source in the Zim
window, with the cursor placed right where it was when in the standard
mode. Text entered in the standard mode should be automatically
escaped by Zim when converted to Source. That would solve all the
mentioned issues. I will write an RFE for this, give me a few minutes.

> The fact that I don't need to switch between edit and view mode is what
> makes zim so unique, and that paradigm really should be kept. For instance,
> if you see a mistake or type on a page, you simply go and correct it. You
> don't need to switch to an edit mode, search for the place with the error
> there, fix it, and switch back to view mode.

That could still be possible with the suggestion that I made above.
Thanks. I do agree with this benefit of Zim as you mention.

> But of course, this paradigm also has some disadvantages like the one you
> mention. I'm sure a lot can and will be done to attenuate these and make the
> tool even more usable. But you need to understand that they are somewhat
> inherent to the edit/view paradigm zim is using.
> One thing that surely should be added is a way to easily switch the editor
> to "raw mode" where it does not do any rendering. It should not be
> understood or used as the default edit mode, but it may be sometimes useful
> to see or edit the raw version of a page.

See the aforementioned Edit Source mode.

>> I see. Although I agree with your assessment that the data could be
>> recovered, it is still lost for Zim users. You and I might be able
>> to open the source file and retrieve the data. I would not expect
>> that of the casual user. That is quite the reason that I think that
>> it is a bit early to promote Zim to the casual user.
> See above regarding "casual users". A raw editing mode could help, but even
> that might not be found or understood by a casual user. Just like copying
> the data with "Copy as... -> Wiki" to get the raw data.
>> How about Python code, which maycontain triple quotes? Zim itself is
>> written in Python.
> But zim's triple quotes must be on a line for themselves, which rarely
> happens in Python snippets, and you can always indent your Python snippets
> to guarantee no triple quotes are at the beginning of a line. Also, Python
> normally uses triple double quotes for docstrings, not single quotes. So in
> reality, it's not much of an issue.

Python code was just an example. How about ASCII art? The fact is that
Zim should handle arbitrary input. Any argument to the contrary means
that Zim will be inappropriate for some use case or another.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-04 Thread Christoph Zwerschke

Am 04.03.2012 07:19, schrieb Ulf Bro:

The editor I use in everyday life is Vim (Vi). Here you switch
between modes all the time. But you do so without taking your fingers
off the keyboard. A similar "edit" mode in Zim would be no harm so
long as one could keep the mouse out of the business.

That's true, but the big difference is that in vi, the data and its 
rendering doesn't change at all when you switch between modes. vi 
doesn't show any rendered data, it only changes the accepted keyboard 
commands. But when you switch between rendered display and raw data, the 
content of your editor window changes, and usually it's not even 
possible to adapt the cursor position. So when you spot a typo in view 
mode, and then switch to edit mode, you need to find the location of 
that typo in the markup again. This is what makes separate edit/view 
modes so unproductive for everyday use in a personal wiki in my opionon. 
I think switching to raw mode should only be used as a last resort in 
zim, not be encouraged as the standard way of editing content.

But speaking of vi, it's a perfect example for great and mature software 
that is still not usable for the "casual" user. Without getting 
aquainted with the two input modes and the keyboard commands, users will 
only be frustrated with vi.

One thing that surely should be added is a way to easily switch
the editor to "raw mode" where it does not do any rendering. It
should not be understood or used as the default edit mode, but it
may be sometimes useful to see or edit the raw version of a page.

That is the point I'd like to support. With one key, and this could
be a function key like F2 for example, you could open an external
editor in a new window of course on the currently displayed page (im
my case that would be Vim) and do whatever editing you find suitable.
Then after saving, do a reload with Ctrl-R and that's it.

On the other hand you mostly really shouldn't need to do that.
Therefore there is no need to waste time doing revolutionary
development on Zim's code to enable raw editing. Just a key to open
an external editor and that's it.

Agree. Except opening an external editor can be dangerous because then 
you have two disconnected editing windows open for the same content, and 
you can easily loose data when you save at the wrong time in the wrong 
editor. Better to include a real raw editing *mode* which can also have 
a keyboard shortcut. It would be a bit more work, but I don't think 
revolutionary development work will be needed for that.

-- Christoph

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-03 Thread Ulf Bro
> ... The other special thing about zim is that edit
> and view mode are not separated...
> The fact that I don't need to switch between edit and view mode is
> what makes zim so unique, and that paradigm really should be kept.
> For instance, if you see a mistake or type on a page, you simply go
> and correct it. You don't need to switch to an edit mode, search for
> the place with the error there, fix it, and switch back to view mode.

The editor I use in everyday life is Vim (Vi). Here you switch between
modes all the time. But you do so without taking your fingers off the
keyboard. A similar "edit" mode in Zim would be no harm so long as one
could keep the mouse out of the business.

> One thing that surely should be added is a way to easily switch the 
> editor to "raw mode" where it does not do any rendering. It should
> not be understood or used as the default edit mode, but it may be
> sometimes useful to see or edit the raw version of a page.

That is the point I'd like to support. With one key, and this could be
a function key like F2 for example, you could open an external editor
in a new window of course on the currently displayed page (im my case
that would be Vim) and do whatever editing you find suitable. Then after
saving, do a reload with Ctrl-R and that's it.

On the other hand you mostly really shouldn't need to do that.
Therefore there is no need to waste time doing revolutionary
development on Zim's code to enable raw editing. Just a key to open an
external editor and that's it.


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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-03 Thread Christoph Zwerschke

Am 03.03.2012 18:41, schrieb Dotan Cohen:
> And why would casual users know this?

Well, to be honest I don't think zim is intended for "casual" users and 
never will because it is not intended to be a "wysiwyg" editor. People 
who want that wysiwyg stlye should use applications like OneNote or 
Evernote or MyBase or MyInfo or MyNotesKeeper. The special thing about 
zim is that it knows wiki syntax, and knowing the basics of that syntax 
is simply required to use it. It's explained very well in the online 
help. The other special thing about zim is that edit and view mode are 
not separated. People who want that separation of modes should use 
applications like ConnectedText or WikidPad or RedNoteBook.

The fact that I don't need to switch between edit and view mode is what 
makes zim so unique, and that paradigm really should be kept. For 
instance, if you see a mistake or type on a page, you simply go and 
correct it. You don't need to switch to an edit mode, search for the 
place with the error there, fix it, and switch back to view mode.

But of course, this paradigm also has some disadvantages like the one 
you mention. I'm sure a lot can and will be done to attenuate these and 
make the tool even more usable. But you need to understand that they are 
somewhat inherent to the edit/view paradigm zim is using.

One thing that surely should be added is a way to easily switch the 
editor to "raw mode" where it does not do any rendering. It should not 
be understood or used as the default edit mode, but it may be sometimes 
useful to see or edit the raw version of a page.

I see. Although I agree with your assessment that the data could be
recovered, it is still lost for Zim users. You and I might be able
to open the source file and retrieve the data. I would not expect
that of the casual user. That is quite the reason that I think that
it is a bit early to promote Zim to the casual user.

See above regarding "casual users". A raw editing mode could help, but 
even that might not be found or understood by a casual user. Just like 
copying the data with "Copy as... -> Wiki" to get the raw data.

> How about Python code, which maycontain triple quotes? Zim itself is
> written in Python.

But zim's triple quotes must be on a line for themselves, which rarely 
happens in Python snippets, and you can always indent your Python 
snippets to guarantee no triple quotes are at the beginning of a line. 
Also, Python normally uses triple double quotes for docstrings, not 
single quotes. So in reality, it's not much of an issue.

-- Christoph

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-03 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 17:38,   wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Dotan Cohen  wrote:
>> Possibly, and I appreciate your telling me that. I don't see where I
>> have been forceful but I'm sure that you're right. I am certainly no
>> diplomat!
> It's quite possible to be fully honest and brutal about objective facts,
> while expressing one's opinions with courtesy and tact, not least by clearly
> distinguishing between the two domains.

Thanks. Would you mind pointing out where I was without courtesy or
tact? I agree that my approach could be improved. My own language has
much less adjectives and synonyms than English, so I may be using
words with negative connotation where words with positive connotation
exist but I don't realise the difference.

Thank you for identifying that the problem is with my style, and not
with my intent.

> Like Chris, I think you'll find if you look at the original file itself
> outside of Zim, you'll find that your original content is intact (other than
> the meta-header)
> It's just the rendering within Zim that makes it look different.
> Do let us know if that's not the case.

Thank you. I address this in my on-list reply a few minutes ago.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-03 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 16:17, Adam Porter  wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 13:33, Dotan Cohen  wrote:
>> However, Zim is a bit unpolished in some key areas and I feel that
>> these "paper cuts" should be addressed before actively promoting the
>> application.
> Respectfully, I disagree.  I generally support the idea, "Release
> early, release often."  Zim is more a project than a product--and
> being a project, what we need are more interested parties who may
> contribute in whatever ways they can, including spreading the word.
> Zim is far beyond the point of being vaporware that needs to have
> something to show before releasing--it's a great tool right now.  :)

If is to be promoted as a project in look of parties who may
contribute in whatever ways they can, then I agree. If Zim is to be
promoted as a product ready for end users, then I disagree.

I reiterate that my motivation is constructive criticism. I love and
appreciate Zim very much.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-03 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 11:29, Christoph Zwerschke  wrote:
> Am 02.03.2012 08:53, schrieb Dotan Cohen:
>> This bug has a real-life example:
> Dotan, I think the problem is that what you are labeling a "data loss" issue
> is no data loss issue at all. In your example, the data is displayed without
> the "**", because these are interpreted as "bold". But the "**" are still
> there in the text file, nothing is lost.

I see. Although I agree with your assessment that the data could be
recovered, it is still lost for Zim users. You and I might be able to
open the source file and retrieve the data. I would not expect that of
the casual user. That is quite the reason that I think that it is a
bit early to promote Zim to the casual user.

> If you do an ordinary copy of that example snippet, the "**" will not be
> copied, but if you copy as wiki syntax, and paste it into an editor, the
> "**" will be pasted as well.

The text is question was copied from a web page in Firefox and pasted into Zim.

> You can and should also surround such code snippets with triple quotes, then
> they will be treated as verbatim blocks.

And why would casual users know this? How about Python code, which may
contain triple quotes? Zim itself is written in Python.

> This has all been pointed out on the bug tracker, so I don't understand why
> you're still talking about "data loss".

Because it affects casual users.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-02 Thread hansbkk
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Dotan Cohen  wrote:

> Possibly, and I appreciate your telling me that. I don't see where I
> have been forceful but I'm sure that you're right. I am certainly no
> diplomat!

It's quite possible to be fully honest and brutal about objective facts,
while expressing one's opinions with courtesy and tact, not least by
clearly distinguishing between the two domains.

> This bug has a real-life example:
Like Chris, I think you'll find if you look at the original file itself
outside of Zim, you'll find that your original content is intact (other
than the meta-header)

It's just the rendering within Zim that makes it look different.

Do let us know if that's not the case.
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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-02 Thread Adam Porter
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 13:33, Dotan Cohen  wrote:
> However, Zim is a bit unpolished in some key areas and I feel that
> these "paper cuts" should be addressed before actively promoting the
> application.

Respectfully, I disagree.  I generally support the idea, "Release
early, release often."  Zim is more a project than a product--and
being a project, what we need are more interested parties who may
contribute in whatever ways they can, including spreading the word.
Zim is far beyond the point of being vaporware that needs to have
something to show before releasing--it's a great tool right now.  :)

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-02 Thread Christoph Zwerschke

Am 02.03.2012 08:53, schrieb Dotan Cohen:
> This bug has a real-life example:

Dotan, I think the problem is that what you are labeling a "data loss" 
issue is no data loss issue at all. In your example, the data is 
displayed without the "**", because these are interpreted as "bold". But 
the "**" are still there in the text file, nothing is lost.

If you do an ordinary copy of that example snippet, the "**" will not be 
copied, but if you copy as wiki syntax, and paste it into an editor, the 
"**" will be pasted as well.

You can and should also surround such code snippets with triple quotes, 
then they will be treated as verbatim blocks.

This has all been pointed out on the bug tracker, so I don't understand 
why you're still talking about "data loss".

-- Christoph

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-01 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 03:29,   wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 4:49 PM, Dotan Cohen  wrote:
>> The dataloss and the fact that Zim cannot handle arbitrary text for input
>> are the reasons why Zim is unsuitable for use. The mislabel icon and
>> reappearing links are reasons why Zim seems only half-baked.
>> One of my many use cases is storing code samples. If this is considered a
>> valid use case then the two primary issues that I mention must be addressed.
> It is possible that your IMO overly forceful style of expressing your ideas
> will work against your goals.

Possibly, and I appreciate your telling me that. I don't see where I
have been forceful but I'm sure that you're right. I am certainly no

>> cannot handle arbitrary text
> While I'm not storing "code" in the normal sense at this point, many of my
> source file trees **are** marked up with other syntaxes, so in those cases
> I'd prefer to be able to turn off Zim's rendering. However I haven't yet
> come across any arbitrary **changes** to my data or actual data loss - so
> far they're just issues visual appearance - could you be more specific about
> any issues where Zim actually changes your data against your wishes (other
> than the headers of course)?

This bug has a real-life example:

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-01 Thread hansbkk
On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 4:49 PM, Dotan Cohen  wrote:

> The dataloss and the fact that Zim cannot handle arbitrary text for input
> are the reasons why Zim is unsuitable for use. The mislabel icon and
> reappearing links are reasons why Zim seems only half-baked.

One of my many use cases is storing code samples. If this is considered a
> valid use case then the two primary issues that I mention must be addressed.

It is possible that your IMO overly forceful style of expressing your ideas
will work against your goals.

> cannot handle arbitrary text

While I'm not storing "code" in the normal sense at this point, many of my
source file trees **are** marked up with other syntaxes, so in those cases
I'd prefer to be able to turn off Zim's rendering. However I haven't yet
come across any arbitrary **changes** to my data or actual data loss - so
far they're just issues visual appearance - could you be more specific
about any issues where Zim actually changes your data against your wishes
(other than the headers of course)?
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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-03-01 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 22:20, Marco Cevoli  wrote:
> Most of the bugs you submitted are related to the way Zim visualizes
> content and to the fact that you stores code into it. I don't see that
> any of these bugs is so severe to limit the diffusion of Zim Wiki. In
> fact, they don't even see bugs as far as I'm concerned.

I should probably break the bugs down into two types: the type that
makes Zim unsuitable for use, and the type that makes Zim appear as
underdeveloped software. The dataloss and the fact that Zim cannot
handle arbitrary
text for input are the reasons why Zim is unsuitable for use. The
mislabel icon and reappearing links are reasons why Zim seems only

These comments should not be misconstrued as being my general opinion
of Zim! Quite the contrary I love Zim and I appreciate all the work
that Jaap has put into it. When the time comes for testimony you will
find few with as many words of praise for Zim as I will have. However,
as someone with an interest in seeing Zim actually achieve wide
acceptance I have no problem being the one to point out that the
emperor is missing a few garments.

> The idea behind collecting use cases is to better understand what
> people are using Zim for. Once we have collected a significative
> sample, we might even summarise the most common use cases in a survey
> and ask everybody to submit a vote. That way the devs will better
> understand which are the needs and where they should head.

One of my many use cases is storing code samples. If this is
considered a valid use case then the two primary issues that I mention
must be addressed.

I hope to take a look at the code myself some time, though I know no
Python, however I really don't know when that time will manifest. Zim
is open source, and I do recognise that Jaap has provided us with the
means to scratch our own itch if need be. So I do blame myself for
that particular Zim shortcoming.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-02-29 Thread Marco Cevoli
Dear Dotan,

Most of the bugs you submitted are related to the way Zim visualizes
content and to the fact that you stores code into it. I don't see that
any of these bugs is so severe to limit the diffusion of Zim Wiki. In
fact, they don't even see bugs as far as I'm concerned.

The idea behind collecting use cases is to better understand what
people are using Zim for. Once we have collected a significative
sample, we might even summarise the most common use cases in a survey
and ask everybody to submit a vote. That way the devs will better
understand which are the needs and where they should head.

Just my 2 cents.


Marco Cevoli

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 20:35, Dotan Cohen  wrote:
> One more issue that I should have mentioned that needs to be addressed
> as it makes Zim seem as immature software:
> Links come back after closing Zim
> --
> Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-02-29 Thread Dotan Cohen
One more issue that I should have mentioned that needs to be addressed
as it makes Zim seem as immature software:

Links come back after closing Zim

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-02-29 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 15:19, Marco Cevoli  wrote:
> Hi,
> When I read the posts of this mailing list, I'm always suprised by how
> many different uses Zim Wiki can be adapted to. Sometimes a program
> reaches a huge success when its users are aware of all the program's
> possibilities. So I was wondering that perhaps we can start to collect
> all users' cases, that is a small description about how you use Zim
> Wiki in your daily routine. We can later "pack" these testimonials in
> a more marketing-oriented text that Jaap can publish on the website.
> The ultimate goal of all this would be to spread the word about Zim
> Wiki among the largest audience possible. This might increase
> donations and give Jaap (and other devs) some freedom, so that they
> can devote more time to the project. Well formatted and presented,
> these testimonials could be placed in the documentation pages.
> It's just an idea. Let me know what you think.

I think that the idea of collecting user experiences to promote Zim is
great, but I am not sure that now is the time. I really love Zim, I
use it extensively. The recent 0.55 release addresses some key issues
and makes for a very pleasant and productive user experience.

However, Zim is a bit unpolished in some key areas and I feel that
these "paper cuts" should be addressed before actively promoting the
application. Understand that my intention is to improve Zim, not to
berate. This is all constructive criticism.

The most glaring issue is the fact that Zim cannot handle arbitrary
text for input. I have lost important data due to this fact. See these
two related bugs:

Do not parse input as wikicode

Option to disable all autolinking

Secondly, the wrong icon is used for highlight. This is misleading and
confusing to users:

Highlight feature uses underline icon

Add underline feature

Another issue that needs to be worked out is the presentation of the
new Table of Contents widget. It currently works well and adds
much-needed functionality to Zim. However, it is poorly presented and
needs to be further developed. Peer Neubert has a slightly modified
version that adds some features but is missing others.

If these issues are addressed then Zim could really be world-class
software. However these little issues, especially the first issue
mentioned, make me reluctant to recommend Zim right now.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Zim-wiki] Call for user cases ?

2012-02-29 Thread Ulf Bro
> possibilities. So I was wondering that perhaps we can start to collect
> all users' cases, that is a small description about how you use Zim
> Wiki in your daily routine.

I agree with you. No problem. I can make a description any time.


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