Re: [ZION] Canada: Your ignorance makes you look silly

2002-11-30 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Indeed. I am only one in thirty million. Aim your invective at me alone. I do not
speak for all Canadians.

Jim Cobabe wrote:

> Our ignorance, we are informed, makes us look silly.  Ain't it the
> truth.
> Have to accept this assertion about Stephen, I guess, since I have not
> met him in person, and can't really guess how his ignorance makes him
> look.  Perhaps he habitually wears clown makeup, with a white painted
> face and big red bulbous nose, orange fright wig.  That would certainly
> make him look silly, in most circumstances.
> Interesting to consider this from another perspective, too.  If our
> ignorance makes us look silly, how does our enlightenment affect our
> appearance?  Are the two factors somehow antagonistic?  Does one somehow
> prove to be dominant and the other recessive?  Might be a good question
> for scientific inquiry.
> About my own appearance--I've always been pretty much in agreement with
> the sentiment that I look silly.  Just seems to be my natural condition.
>  Never could quite pin it down to anything so specific as the ignorance
> factor.
> A word of caution would seem to be in order, though.  Perhaps it would
> be appropriate to note that such invective issuing from Canada has a way
> of assuming an unwarranted degree of importance.
> Of course, we could just dismiss the whole story as being simply
> figurative, merely symbolic.  :-)
> ---
> Mij Ebaboc
> //
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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RE: [ZION] Canada: Your ignorance makes you look silly

2002-11-30 Thread Jim Cobabe

Our ignorance, we are informed, makes us look silly.  Ain't it the 

Have to accept this assertion about Stephen, I guess, since I have not 
met him in person, and can't really guess how his ignorance makes him 
look.  Perhaps he habitually wears clown makeup, with a white painted 
face and big red bulbous nose, orange fright wig.  That would certainly 
make him look silly, in most circumstances.

Interesting to consider this from another perspective, too.  If our 
ignorance makes us look silly, how does our enlightenment affect our 
appearance?  Are the two factors somehow antagonistic?  Does one somehow 
prove to be dominant and the other recessive?  Might be a good question 
for scientific inquiry.

About my own appearance--I've always been pretty much in agreement with 
the sentiment that I look silly.  Just seems to be my natural condition. 
 Never could quite pin it down to anything so specific as the ignorance 

A word of caution would seem to be in order, though.  Perhaps it would 
be appropriate to note that such invective issuing from Canada has a way 
of assuming an unwarranted degree of importance.

Of course, we could just dismiss the whole story as being simply 
figurative, merely symbolic.  :-)

Mij Ebaboc

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[ZION] LDS Writer Expects to Be Excommunicated

2002-11-30 Thread Jim Cobabe

 Saturday, November 30, 2002 

A graduate student at the University of Washington says he likely 
will be excommunicated next week for articles he has written questioning 
the validity of the Book of Mormon. 
Thomas W. Murphy, 35, wrote an article in the May 2002 Signature 
Books anthology American Apocrypha that used genetic data to discredit 
the Book of Mormon claim that American Indians are descendants of 
ancient Israel. The conclusion also is the thesis of his doctoral 
"We're told to tell the truth, but not if the truth contradicts 
church doctrine. I would prefer to tell the truth," Murphy said. 
Lavina Fielding Anderson, who in 1993 was excommunicated along with 
several other historians, biblical scholars and amateur theologians, 
said Murphy is one of at least three scholars similarly threatened with 
expulsion or excommunicated in the past three months. 
"It's kind of deja vu, a repeat of things we've seen several times 
in the past," said Brent Metcalf, who edited the anthology. "This is it 
for Tom, I think." 
Murphy, chairman of the anthropology department at Edmonds Community 
College in Lynnwood, Wash., will face a church disciplinary council Dec. 
8. There, he will be allowed to make a statement and council members may 
try to change his mind about the Book of Mormon. 
He won't, because he has made it his quest to expose racism in the 
scriptures, starting with the teaching that American Indians are 
descendants of Middle Easterners known as Lamanites, the heathen 
antagonists in the Book of Mormon. 
Mormons believe the Book of Mormon is a history of the Americas 
beginning in 600 B.C. Scripture teaches that a group of Lamanites who 
decided to forgo violence and war became Christians -- and white. 
"That's racist," Murphy said. "If we present the Book of Mormon as 
the history of the Americas, the racist depictions of Lamanites hurt 
real people." 
He also objects to church teachings that dark skin is a curse from 
God. Murphy questioned the lack of minority representation in church 
leadership, the church's political campaigns against women's and 
homosexual rights and "the policy of excommunicating scholars who 
honestly confront problems with church history and doctrines." 
In a Tuesday e-mail to Signature Books, Anderson said the two other 
scholars under fire were hoping to avoid public exposure. "Such 
ecclesiastical actions are deeply distressing," she wrote. 
Anderson was excommunicated after she presented a history of 
ecclesiastical troubles between church leaders, scholars and feminists 
at a Sunstone conference on Mormon scholarship in 1992. 
   High-profile excommunications waned significantly after current 
church President Gordon B. Hinckley was ordained in 1995. 
   Dale Bills, church spokesman, declined to comment specifically on 
Murphy's case. 
"Matters of church discipline are handled on a confidential basis 
between church members and their local leaders. Local church leaders 
determine what, if any, disciplinary action is appropriate," Bills said. 

Trent Stevens, a professor of anatomy and embryology at Idaho State 
University in Pocatello, met Murphy two years ago when both were 
panelists at a Sunstone symposium looking at the Book of Mormon and 
He agrees with Murphy's genetics data that virtually all DNA samples 
so far analyzed link the genetic markers in the current Indian 
population with native Siberians. But he disagrees with what Murphy has 
The Book of Mormon, Stevens said, makes no claim that every American 
Indian descended from the original displaced Israelites. 
"Scientific evidence says that's not the case," Stevens said. But 
that doesn't mean the Book of Mormon is a fiction. 
"The issue is, it was stated by Joseph Smith that the Book of Mormon 
is the keystone of our religion," Stevens said. "So when you look at 
genetic and anthropological data regarding native Americans, and say the 
data prove the book is not of ancient origin, I would say that's grounds 
for excommunication." 
Murphy, who described himself as active in Mormon intellectual 
circles but not a regular churchgoer, said being excommunicated will 
hurt his relationship with his southern Idaho family, descendants of the 
first Mormon pioneers. 

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[ZION] 24-ha "arachnid homestead" in B.C.

2002-11-30 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Andrea Stacey on Eyring-L found a CBC news report site, with lots of
photos. Be sure to look at these right before you go to bed tonight...
Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
will pick himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
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RE: [ZION] Canada: Bush is an idiot

2002-11-30 Thread larry . jackson
Marc A. Schindler:

Who watches the watchers?


We do.

Larry Jackson

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[ZION] I was afraid of this...

2002-11-30 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Saddam Hussein will, naturally, seize upon any excuse to discredit the
UN inspection team currently in his country. It's in his interest to do
so -- I think that's quite clear. He has in the past accused the former
team (rightly, as it turns out) of including people who were not true
inspectors, but spies, or at least inspectors who would pass on
non-inspection-related intelligence to western militaries. It looks like
someone -- no one seems to know who -- just couldn't resist the
temptation. A former USMC and Secret Service agent named Harvey "Jack"
McGeorge, has been shown to have no inspection credentials. Not only
that, but his personal "hobbies" are tailor-made to be forged into a
lightning rod for Saddam Hussein. How could they be so stupid? This team
has to be not only above-board, but has to avoid the appearance of
having spies in its midst, or it risks allowing Saddam to yank the moral
carpet (such as it is) out from under the U.S.

Here's a link to the article in the Washington Post. I'm posting this to
Zion-L and Eyring-L and to an acquaintance on LDS-Poll (I no longer
participate there in an attempt to cut down my Internet time because I
need more bedrest these days). So I have to point out to Zionisti that
this fellow's, er, hobby, consists of subjects the discussion of which
are very much against the charter of Zion-L. Please don't go to this
post if you're squeamish in that regard.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
will pick himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
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[ZION] 24-ha "arachnid homestead" in B.C.

2002-11-30 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Unfortunately I can't find an online link, and it wouldn't have the
spooky pictures anyway, but a 24-ha (60-acre) spider web (really a
collection of inter-connecting webs, of course) has been found on a
farmer's field near McBride, B.C., about 220 kilometres east of Prince
George, close to the Alberta border in a valley just west of the
Rockies. It was put together by untold millions of tiny black spiders
(Halorates ksenius), and the accompanying picture in our Edmonton
Journal looks like a bunch of teenagers or movie special effects people
were given too much rubber cement and went nuts on a fence and
surrounding shrubbery. It is really eerie looking!

Old joke from Gulf War I: "what movie is scaring Baghdad residents these
days? Iraqnaphobia, of course."

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
will pick himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] Lewis on Liberty

2002-11-30 Thread Jon Spencer
OK, I've been on this list for many days now.  When are you going to post


- Original Message -
From: "Cousin Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 9:28 AM
Subject: [ZION] Lewis on Liberty

> OK.  I'm going to put myself out on a limb here, because I don't know if I
> can really do this.  But here goes.
> You are hereby invited to join "Lewis on Liberty," a soon to be started
> e-zine that will document the history of Liberty, offer commentary on
> of the day and provide resources on Liberty.  For more information use
> link:
> To join send a blank e-mail to:
> Hope to see one or two of you there.
> Cousin Bill
> Do you want liberty in your lifetime?

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Re: [ZION] Can Anyone Become A Fully Qualified Member In Good Standing Af

2002-11-30 Thread vicgh25
As I have been reading this issue, the one thing that keeps coming to mind is that 
phrase: Judge not, lest ye be judged.

As I contemplate the numerous helpful tips being given, the one that it appears to me 
is so many people are trying to get God to renege on his agreement to that individual. 
Did this person go into the waters of baptism and was his sins forgiven? Did this 
individual repent of his sins? Sorry folks, but no one on this planet has the 
authority to go against Gods word. If I am forgiven of my sins because God has so 
indicated, no one has that authority to so no to God, no he hasn't. No bishop, stake 
president can take back what God has given, and that is forgiveness. period - end of 


--- Jon Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Paul - this is excellent advice.  If one's motivation for telling on someone
>is along the lines of "that person shouldn't have a temple recommend," then
>do yourself a favor and keep the lips sealed.  However, if you are truly
>concerned for an individual's eternal blessings and wish to help them avoid
>trying to mock the Lord, then do as Paul (Paul O. that is :-) suggests.
>Talk to them.  if they are too afraid to go to the Bishop alone, then offer
>to go with them.  After that, in love and faith, seek the assistance of your
>Priesthood leadership to help this individual.
>Paul  wrote:
>> >If I tried to make this public what could happen to me?  Is this
>> considered
>> >"gossip?" and "heresay?"
>> I don't know about your situation but if I was close to someone whom I
>> was pretty sure had committed a serious sin and was not repenting I would
>> probably let the bishop know about it and leave it in his hands for the
>> time being. Keep it a private matter with the priesthood authorities.
>> Depending on the circumstances I might warn the person that the bishop
>> will be tipped off so if there is something to confess they best do it of
>> their own free will and choice and get the matter resolved properly.
>> I don't think it is gossip or what not. Nothing should be said outside
>> the bounds of love and general concern for the welfare of the individual
>> involved.
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Re: [ZION] Paul's Dad

2002-11-30 Thread Jon Spencer
Well, actually, you may lose that bet.  There are a lot of ways in which one
can rebel that are not obvious to other mortals.


Paul Osborne wrote:
> I'll bet I'm more rebellious than you Jon!  ;-)

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Re: [ZION] True Christians

2002-11-30 Thread Jon Spencer
If someone (a) takes on the name of Christ, and (b) keeps His commandments
which he has given them, then that person IMVHO is a true Christian.  They
may not have as many commandments given to them as we have, but then again
the Nephites didn't have all the commandments given to them that we have had
given to us, and neither has anyone else that I have a firm knowledge of.

Of course, I haven't read a "real" definition of a "True Christian" so I
guess we may each have our own.  But in any event, I am not going to go
around telling people that they are not "true" Christians, and I know that
you are not going to do that either.  I think that we will both do our best
to get as many of our Bros and Sisters to do all their own work, and not
leave it to someone else later on to complete.


John W. Redelfs wrote:

> After much pondering, Jon Spencer favored us with:
> >Unfortunately, however, many members of the Church are not true
> >and many members of other Churches are (which, of course, is not
> >unfortunate - the only unfortunate thing is that they are not in the true
> >Church).
> I agree that many members of the Church are not true Christians, but I
> disagree that there are true Christians outside the Church.  There are
> kind, loving, unselfish people outside the Church, but that does not make
> them true Christians.  There are also a lot of Muslims, Hindu, Buddhist,
> and Jews who are kind, loving and unselfish.  And we would never call them
> Christians.  The irrefutable fact is that true Christianity is taught in
> only one Church on earth, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
> Saints.  A true Christian has to be one that follows Christ.  And that is
> impossible without following his Prophet.
> This is a true teaching that many Latter-day Saints are not comfortable
> with.  I find such teachings the most interesting of all.
> John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===
> At present, the Book of Mormon is studied in our Sunday
> School and seminary classes every fourth year. This
> four-year pattern, however, must not be followed by
> Church members in their personal and family study. We
> need to read daily from the pages of the book that will get
> a man "nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by
> any other book." (Ezra Taft Benson, October 1988)
> ===
> All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Canada: Bush is an idiot

2002-11-30 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Stephen Beecroft wrote:

> -Marc-
> > A customer is not in any way responsible for what one of its
> > subcontractors say unless it is in the context of both of them
> > acting together.
> So then, why do you bother including the disclaimer at the end of each
> of your posts?

I don't follow you. I don't have any clients, nor am I anybody else's client on
this list. But I *will* tell you why I started putting that disclaimer on all of
my email. Once, on a non-LDS list, a geography list on moderated by a
young geography prof at UCDavis, someone took exception to something I said and
threatened to take his complaint to my boss. Also, when I had a calling in public
affairs, I was asked not to write any letters-to-the-editor on Church-related
matters (not even to defend the Church against a bad article, for instance).

> > And please read properly: it was the *Alberta* government in
> > the MediaWorks situation, not the *Canadian* government.
> Good point, duly noted.
> > If you can't even get that right, it's no surprise that you
> > get everything else wrong, too.
> Thanks for the kind words.

Hey, it's my job. Just pointing these things out, like you like to do. Who watches
the watchers?

> > Jim was wrong, as I've demonstrated on several ocasions. I
> > don't care about his dictionary definition. Ducros is no Ari
> > Fleischer.
> So then, the dictionary is only correct if it agrees with your personal
> definition?

He was wrong when he said it was a public statement -- he's never retracted that,
even after being shown that it wasn't a public statement. And it is illogical to
claim that because I disagree with someone's interpretation of a dictionary in use
in one particular country, that I therefore hold an idiosyncratic definition of my
own. Hello? There are far more anglophones outside the USA than inside the USA. I
explained the difference between Ducros and Fleischer. I have worked with
provincial counterparts of Ducros. I think I can speak on the basis of direct
experience. But Jim never acknowledged that either.

> > Your ignorance just makes you look silly.
> How true this is. Thanks again for more kind words.

Well, you're the one who's used to being in the "keep 'em straight" saddle. How
does it feel? I meant nothing personal or insulting. As a favourite saying of mine
goes, "there's a big difference between ignorance and stupidity: ignorance can be
fixed, but stupidity is forever." I never called either you or Jim stupid, but I
do believe that, based on this exchange and your refusal to see that things don't
necessarily work the way you're used to outside your sphere of influence, that you
were exhibiting a lack of knowledge -- ignorance, iow.

> Stephen

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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[ZION] A friend has sent you this Herman comic

2002-11-30 Thread Tom Matkin
Hi! A comic strip has been sent to you from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

To see your comic and your friend's message, visit here: 

If you cannot access the page by clicking on the URL above, just copy and paste it 
into your browser's address window. Be sure to copy the entire URL, as it may be 
broken up into two lines.

You'll be able to view the message on our server for the next two weeks so print it 
out if you'd like to save it for posterity or sentimental value.

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RE: [ZION] Canada: Bush is an idiot

2002-11-30 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> A customer is not in any way responsible for what one of its
> subcontractors say unless it is in the context of both of them
> acting together.

So then, why do you bother including the disclaimer at the end of each 
of your posts?

> And please read properly: it was the *Alberta* government in
> the MediaWorks situation, not the *Canadian* government.

Good point, duly noted.

> If you can't even get that right, it's no surprise that you
> get everything else wrong, too.

Thanks for the kind words.

> Jim was wrong, as I've demonstrated on several ocasions. I
> don't care about his dictionary definition. Ducros is no Ari
> Fleischer.

So then, the dictionary is only correct if it agrees with your personal 

> Your ignorance just makes you look silly.

How true this is. Thanks again for more kind words.


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[ZION] Lewis on Liberty

2002-11-30 Thread Cousin Bill
OK.  I'm going to put myself out on a limb here, because I don't know if I
can really do this.  But here goes.

You are hereby invited to join "Lewis on Liberty," a soon to be started
e-zine that will document the history of Liberty, offer commentary on issues
of the day and provide resources on Liberty.  For more information use this

To join send a blank e-mail to:


Hope to see one or two of you there.

Cousin Bill
Do you want liberty in your lifetime?

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Re: [ZION] Paul's Dad

2002-11-30 Thread Paul Osborne
>Don't you follow the prophet's counsel?  He said that every member
>always have a valid temple recommend, whether or not they can get to the
>temple.  Tsk, tsk!  :-)

No, I don't always follow the prophet's counsel and neither do I always
do what the Lord expects of me. I have my ups and downs and am not always
on the ball.

It's a wonder that the Lord is so gracious and kind in spite of my
rebellious spirit.

I'll bet I'm more rebellious than you Jon!  ;-)

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] True Christians

2002-11-30 Thread Paul Osborne
I agree with JWR in so much as a true Christian must be a baptized member
of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and have a testimony
given by the Holy Ghost.

Paul O

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