Zerbe John W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Nic
> From an operations perspective, I happen to like the "ear" files.
> In a shop running 30-40 distinct J2EE (WebSphere)applications in
> three "clustered" environments (test, qa, prod), ear files are
> much easier to version, track, and deploy/distribute than what
> we used to have to manage prior to their existence.

Don't you find that the versions balloon when you start using them? I
found it more difficult to keep track of version control.

But I'm guess I'm used to doing things in a particular way and I try
to make ears fit into that rather than changing the way I do things to
the 'ear way'.

> Yes, it can be a pain to assemble your first ear file, but you
> generally script it as part of your application build process.

I find it a pain every time I do it. And I've done 50 or 60 times
now.  /8->


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