Chris Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  My issue is that I can either do all sorts of smart caching to
>  speed up the reporting side of things, or I can do querying on-demand
>  (avoiding stale cache issues).  I just want to inform the user,
>  and flip the display, so they don't keep clicking the damn
>  submit  button/link.

Is the backend SQL? If so you might do better to concentrate on
optimizing your SQL. Good SQL engines are very good at caching stuff.

You should also look at REST principles. If the same reports are
downloaded often then you could look at setting a last modified time
on the response and using:


to return a 304 when the user has the most up to date version.

>  We're only talking about lags of around 15-20 seconds on some of
>  the reports - but you know what theses users are, if is ain't
>  instant  they call you up to say the "site is down".

Yes. One of the simplest things you can do is have some Javascript
attached to the submit which calls the reports. You can pop up a
dialog box saying:

    this may take some time: are you sure?

It's cruddy but it's quick.

Nic Ferrier

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