Chris Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi Nic,
> Just a question or two relating to the example you kindly provided
> (below)
> In my application, I want to deliver an HTML report as the result of
> calling the servlet.  In the example I can't see anything being
> output following the
>         >   String checkUrl = request.getServletPath();
>         >   out.println("<html><body><a href='" + checkUrl + "'>");
>         >   out.println("Check the call here");
>         >   out.println("</a></body></html>");
>         >   // The client sees a completed page from here
>         >   out.close();
> I assume the results are seen at "checkUrl" - which is the servlet
> itself.
> This being the case, I guess there would be some conditional code
> that inspects the session variable to check for completion before
> your results are formatted and output.
> Something along the lines of
>         if( session.statusVar == completed )
>         {
>                 format results and output with out.println()
>         }
>         else
>         {
>                 still working, out the same "busy" page
>         }
> I suppose this would live in the goGet() method.

You got it.

> If I wanted to avoid the user have to keep clicking, I suppose could put
> an auto-refresh header thingy in the busy page HTML. (Good or bad
> idea?)

Bad idea (mostly).

> Lastly, is there something more generic I could do using Filters?
> Ideally I'd like to set up a "BusyFilter" that maps to the URL
> pattern
>         /servlet/apps/*
> Ideally this would display a busy page for any /servlet/apps... request
> and require coding only in one place.

Yes. You could implement the same pattern using filters. But filters
are very complicated things and hard to get right (in retrospect I
feel they were a mistake to include in the API).

It would be easier to code the pattern as a helper class which you
could easily use in your servlets that want this. Maybe extend
HttpServlet if that takes your fancy.

Nic Ferrier

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