Neil Jerram <> writes:
> Thomas Zimmermann <> writes:
> > Hi,
> > i want announce the RC1 for the upcomming SHR-testing release in 2011.
> >
> >
> >
> > So please test these images and report the bugs so that we can release a 
> > really working SHR-testing.
> The image looks pretty good to me.  I really appreciate how responsive
> it is.

I do, too..., but...:

> I've successfully tested sending and receiving SMSs, playing
> sgt-puzzles, Pidgin MSN and IRC, and Vagalume.

I'm finding that I need to reboot it every few hours, regardless--
it keeps losing the ability to make (or receive) phone-calls,
and also seems to lose the ability to suspend (via the GUI or via "apm -s",
though "echo mem > /sys/power/state" does work).

I haven't done enough digging to be confident about this, but
it seems like it may be putting the modem to sleep and then failing
to put the main system to sleep on at least some occasions:
trying to dial results in an error-message about the modem
being in a `suspended' state (or another state that I can't
recall off the top of my head, right now--`closed', maybe?).

Initially, I'd thought there may be a problem with my SIM--
since I've just changed providers from AT&T to T-Mobile,
and the build of SHR that I was running previous to this
stopped working with that change (which is what motivated me
to try this new build...); but I decided to try QtMoko v29,
and that seems to be working just fine--it's been running
for several days, has successfully suspended and resumed
several times and has both made and received numerous calls,

I also tried my wife's SIM with SHR, and had the same problems
as with mine. I have third, pre-paid SIM that I may be able to try,
but I'm not really hopeful....

> Unfortunately I do see frequent system freezes - reliably within half an
> hour of intensive usage.  This is when running from the SD, and using
> the Glamo driver, and I guess is the same as or similar to what is
> already covered at and

I'm also running from the SD, though I'm not experiencing
any filesystem-corruption or freezes. Though, since I've
just been concerned with getting the phone to handle calls
and suspend properly, my usage has been `light' and consisted
only of:

    * check the signal-indicators
    * try calling my voicemail
    * try putting the phone to sleep (or letting idle to sleep)
    * reboot when my wife tells me that my phone's not working

(So, I guess most of my time is actually spent rebooting,
 while using SHR right now...).

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."
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