In the past I have had problems with the transfer policies of APNIC NIRs not 
matching APNIC’s own transfer policies.

When those differences prevented a transfer I asked APNIC to intervene by 
imposing the (governing, to my mind) APNIC transfer policies on the 
recalcitrant NIR.

And that was effective but maybe it didn’t settle the issue, which I think 
should be clear to all.


I believe that there is a hierarchy in which the topmost organizations delegate 
some specified roles to subsidiary organizations via some document  like a 
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

It would be such a document that spells out whether policies must match, or if 
they mismatch which is controlling.

I have been under the impression that the APNIC NIRs must adhere to APNIC 
policies but could create their own policies if they don’t contradict those of 


I hope somebody can clear it up.







From: Fernando Frediani <> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 10:25 AM
To: sig-policy <>
Subject: [sig-policy] Re: New proposal: prop-158-v001: IPv6 auto-allocation for 
each IPv4 request


To resume my initial point there is no point in allowing NIRs to develop and 
have specific policies, complicate and confuse things unecessarily. Policies 
developed by the entire RIR community is more than enough in order to regulate 
how IP addreess assignment is conducted as in all.other RIRs worldwide.


NIRs may well continue to exist and perform their administrative functions 
under the umbrella of the RIR facilitating things in certain economies and 


Best regards



On Wed, 24 Jan 2024, 11:47 Fernando Frediani, < 
<> > wrote:


On Wed, 24 Jan 2024, 07:39 David Conrad, < 
<> > wrote:


On Jan 24, 2024, at 4:19 AM, Fernando Frediani < 
<> > wrote:
> No government should ever be able to mandate anything related to policy 
> development and how they apply to IP space assignment and use.

I’m actually curious: why do you believe you (or the RIRs) are able to tell 
governments what they can or cannot mandate?


I think you are not following this discussion and trying to speak about 
soemthing different from what is being discussed. I mentioned several times the 
diference between policies and administrative and legal obligations and you 
simplify very much the question.

No government is able in practice to determinate what should be the policies 
for IP address assignment anywhere. Don't confuse it with mandate legal 
obligations within a certain jurisdiction.


> NIRs are never meant to be "mini-RIRs"or something in that line.

I’m unsure what you mean by this.  Simply, NIRs were (and are, as far as I 
know) intended to provide Internet registration services for entities within 
their economy. Overarching guidelines for the policies by which those service 
are provided are defined within the Internet numbers registry system (see RFC 
7020) but those guidelines do not carry the force of law: they require the 
voluntary cooperation of the parties involved to be effective.

Maybe your conception about NIRs may not be very accurate and the difefence 
between them and the RIRs and the hierarchy that exists.


> No resources would arrive to a NIR if not via the RIR

This is factually incorrect as it ignores the reality that addresses were 
allocated (to NIRs and others) prior to the existence of the RIRs. It also 
ignores the existence of the “transfer" market.


This is incorrect understanding on how registration works worldwide. Any 
inter-RIR tranfers are made following - guess what - RIR policies and as such 
all transfers goes trough a RIR system even if they end up in a NIR, but 
following RIR policies.


It has been already mentioned that anything done before the existance of 
certain RIRs is treated as legacy and from a long time this doesn't exist 
anymore so anything anywhere in the world that is not related to legacy 
resources is always done via the policies of one of the RIRs.




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