This is one of my hotbuttons. I know several people who have made
significant amounts of money, and have convinced themselves it was
because they are smart. (They *are* smart, it's just that correlation
doesn't equal causation)

Worth a read.


"Don't Eat Fortune's Cookie"
Michael Lewis
June 3, 2012 — As Prepared

(NOTE: The video of Lewis' speech as delivered is available on the
Princeton YouTube channel.)

Thank you. President Tilghman. Trustees and Friends. Parents of the
Class of 2012. Above all, Members of the Princeton Class of 2012. Give
yourself a round of applause. The next time you look around a church and
see everyone dressed in black it'll be awkward to cheer. Enjoy the moment.

Thirty years ago I sat where you sat. I must have listened to some older
person share his life experience. But I don't remember a word of it. I
can't even tell you who spoke. What I do remember, vividly, is
graduation. I'm told you're meant to be excited, perhaps even relieved,
and maybe all of you are. I wasn't. I was totally outraged. Here I’d
gone and given them four of the best years of my life and this is how
they thanked me for it. By kicking me out.

At that moment I was sure of only one thing: I was of no possible
economic value to the outside world. I'd majored in art history, for a
start. Even then this was regarded as an act of insanity. I was almost
certainly less prepared for the marketplace than most of you. Yet
somehow I have wound up rich and famous. Well, sort of. I'm going to
explain, briefly, how that happened. I want you to understand just how
mysterious careers can be, before you go out and have one yourself.

I graduated from Princeton without ever having published a word of
anything, anywhere. I didn't write for the Prince, or for anyone else.
But at Princeton, studying art history, I felt the first twinge of
literary ambition. It happened while working on my senior thesis. My
adviser was a truly gifted professor, an archaeologist named William
Childs. The thesis tried to explain how the Italian sculptor Donatello
used Greek and Roman sculpture — which is actually totally beside the
point, but I've always wanted to tell someone. God knows what Professor
Childs actually thought of it, but he helped me to become engrossed.
More than engrossed: obsessed. When I handed it in I knew what I wanted
to do for the rest of my life: to write senior theses. Or, to put it
differently: to write books.

Then I went to my thesis defense. It was just a few yards from here, in
McCormick Hall. I listened and waited for Professor Childs to say how
well written my thesis was. He didn't. And so after about 45 minutes I
finally said, "So. What did you think of the writing?"

"Put it this way" he said. "Never try to make a living at it."

And I didn't — not really. I did what everyone does who has no idea what
to do with themselves: I went to graduate school. I wrote at nights,
without much effect, mainly because I hadn't the first clue what I
should write about. One night I was invited to a dinner, where I sat
next to the wife of a big shot at a giant Wall Street investment bank,
called Salomon Brothers. She more or less forced her husband to give me
a job. I knew next to nothing about Salomon Brothers. But Salomon
Brothers happened to be where Wall Street was being reinvented—into the
place we have all come to know and love. When I got there I was
assigned, almost arbitrarily, to the very best job in which to observe
the growing madness: they turned me into the house expert on
derivatives. A year and a half later Salomon Brothers was handing me a
check for hundreds of thousands of dollars to give advice about
derivatives to professional investors.

Now I had something to write about: Salomon Brothers. Wall Street had
become so unhinged that it was paying recent Princeton graduates who
knew nothing about money small fortunes to pretend to be experts about
money. I'd stumbled into my next senior thesis.

I called up my father. I told him I was going to quit this job that now
promised me millions of dollars to write a book for an advance of 40
grand. There was a long pause on the other end of the line. "You might
just want to think about that," he said.


"Stay at Salomon Brothers 10 years, make your fortune, and then write
your books," he said.

I didn't need to think about it. I knew what intellectual passion felt
like — because I'd felt it here, at Princeton — and I wanted to feel it
again. I was 26 years old. Had I waited until I was 36, I would never
have done it. I would have forgotten the feeling.

The book I wrote was called "Liar’s Poker."  It sold a million copies. I
was 28 years old. I had a career, a little fame, a small fortune and a
new life narrative. All of a sudden people were telling me I was born to
be a writer. This was absurd. Even I could see there was another, truer
narrative, with luck as its theme. What were the odds of being seated at
that dinner next to that Salomon Brothers lady? Of landing inside the
best Wall Street firm from which to write the story of an age? Of
landing in the seat with the best view of the business? Of having
parents who didn't disinherit me but instead sighed and said "do it if
you must?" Of having had that sense of must kindled inside me by a
professor of art history at Princeton? Of having been let into Princeton
in the first place?

This isn't just false humility. It's false humility with a point. My
case illustrates how success is always rationalized. People really don’t
like to hear success explained away as luck — especially successful
people. As they age, and succeed, people feel their success was somehow
inevitable. They don't want to acknowledge the role played by accident
in their lives. There is a reason for this: the world does not want to
acknowledge it either.

I wrote a book about this, called "Moneyball." It was ostensibly about
baseball but was in fact about something else. There are poor teams and
rich teams in professional baseball, and they spend radically different
sums of money on their players. When I wrote my book the richest team in
professional baseball, the New York Yankees, was then spending about
$120 million on its 25 players. The poorest team, the Oakland A's, was
spending about $30 million. And yet the Oakland team was winning as many
games as the Yankees — and more than all the other richer teams.

This isn't supposed to happen. In theory, the rich teams should buy the
best players and win all the time. But the Oakland team had figured
something out: the rich teams didn't really understand who the best
baseball players were. The players were misvalued. And the biggest
single reason they were misvalued was that the experts did not pay
sufficient attention to the role of luck in baseball success. Players
got given credit for things they did that depended on the performance of
others: pitchers got paid for winning games, hitters got paid for
knocking in runners on base. Players got blamed and credited for events
beyond their control. Where balls that got hit happened to land on the
field, for example.

Forget baseball, forget sports. Here you had these corporate employees,
paid millions of dollars a year. They were doing exactly the same job
that people in their business had been doing forever.  In front of
millions of people, who evaluate their every move. They had statistics
attached to everything they did. And yet they were misvalued — because
the wider world was blind to their luck.

This had been going on for a century. Right under all of our noses. And
no one noticed — until it paid a poor team so well to notice that they
could not afford not to notice. And you have to ask: if a professional
athlete paid millions of dollars can be misvalued who can't be? If the
supposedly pure meritocracy of professional sports can't distinguish
between lucky and good, who can?

The "Moneyball" story has practical implications. If you use better
data, you can find better values; there are always market inefficiencies
to exploit, and so on. But it has a broader and less practical message:
don't be deceived by life's outcomes. Life's outcomes, while not
entirely random, have a huge amount of luck baked into them. Above all,
recognize that if you have had success, you have also had luck — and
with  luck comes obligation. You owe a debt, and not just to your Gods.
You owe a debt to the unlucky.

I make this point because — along with this speech — it is something
that will be easy for you to forget.

I now live in Berkeley, California. A few years ago, just a few blocks
from my home, a pair of researchers in the Cal psychology department
staged an experiment. They began by grabbing students, as lab rats. Then
they broke the students into teams, segregated by sex. Three men, or
three women, per team. Then they put these teams of three into a room,
and arbitrarily assigned one of the three to act as leader. Then they
gave them some complicated moral problem to solve: say what should be
done about academic cheating, or how to regulate drinking on campus.

Exactly 30 minutes into the problem-solving the researchers interrupted
each group. They entered the room bearing a plate of cookies. Four
cookies. The team consisted of three people, but there were these four
cookies. Every team member obviously got one cookie, but that left a
fourth cookie, just sitting there. It should have been awkward. But it
wasn't. With incredible consistency the person arbitrarily appointed
leader of the group grabbed the fourth cookie, and ate it. Not only ate
it, but ate it with gusto: lips smacking, mouth open, drool at the
corners of their mouths. In the end all that was left of the extra
cookie were crumbs on the leader's shirt.

This leader had performed no special task. He had no special virtue.
He'd been chosen at random, 30 minutes earlier. His status was nothing
but luck. But it still left him with the sense that the cookie should be

This experiment helps to explain Wall Street bonuses and CEO pay, and
I'm sure lots of other human behavior. But it also is relevant to new
graduates of Princeton University. In a general sort of way you have
been appointed the leader of the group. Your appointment may not be
entirely arbitrary. But you must sense its arbitrary aspect: you are the
lucky few. Lucky in your parents, lucky in your country, lucky that a
place like Princeton exists that can take in lucky people, introduce
them to other lucky people, and increase their chances of becoming even
luckier. Lucky that you live in the richest society the world has ever
seen, in a time when no one actually expects you to sacrifice your
interests to anything.

All of you have been faced with the extra cookie. All of you will be
faced with many more of them. In time you will find it easy to assume
that you deserve the extra cookie. For all I know, you may. But you'll
be happier, and the world will be better off, if you at least pretend
that you don't.

Never forget: In the nation's service. In the service of all nations.

Thank you.

And good luck.

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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