My husband, who has arthritis, has been taking a pretty high dose of
prednisone for several months.  He is developing cataracts, which is an
expected effect at his dose.  There is a product called Can-C that claims to
remove cataracts.  Does anyone know if this product works?  Does anyone know
of anything that does?  The husband takes Celebrex and Prednisone which is
scary, but his pain was so great that he has decided to use the drugs rather
than suffer so much anymore, even if it means death.  Having had some
experience with excessive pain myself, I completely understand why he has
made that choice, and he is currently pain free and trying to reduce the
Prednisone.  But the Dr. has recommended methotrexate for help getting the
Prednisone down and that depresses white blood cell activity so that doesn't
sound good.  Iodine at high doses, Lugol's 5% at 8 or 9 drops per day has
helped with pain but not enough.  Any ideas appreciated.    tia    pj   He
is currently taking all the supplements recommended for cataracts.