Dear Kirsteen,

I wrote:
>> As I recall reading somewhere, the iron in those people's bodies 
>> was sequestered in the cells as a defensive measure by the body, 
>> in order to lower the serum iron levels as much as possible, 
>> even to the point of creating anemia.   

You ask:
> ... I guess it would make sense then when taking iron supplements to
> hike up the amount of CS taken to try to stop any infection taking
> over. Does this sound reasonable?  

You might not see the same effect if whatever ails you doesn't work the 
same way it did for them. I don't know how universal the iron 
sequestering response is. It may only happen for a very specific 
pathogen. You'd have to do some more research.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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