
      I believe Ode means on the other side of the tooth along the gum line, 
not the other side of the mouth.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gaiacita 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 5:11 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>READ NOW "Quick and Dirty" infected painful tooth?

        Ode, do you mean one silver wire on the outside of the teeth, between 
the teeth and cheek (below the tooth line) and the aluminum foil on the other 
side of the mouth--same position--or the other side of the same row of 
teeth--between the teeth and the tongue?  One will pull the silver across the 
whole mouth (in theory) and the other would just be pulling across one row of 


        -------Original Message-------

          Lay a length of silver wire along the gum line down low so as not to
        actually contact the teeth, and roll up some Aluminum foil into a "wire"
        and lay it likewise along the gum line on the other side.