
I have been trying to find info on what they specifically do when they remove 
the gallbladder. It hasn't been easy to find info but it appears that they do 
retain the bile connection from the liver to the small intestine. So I am 
incorrect that the removal of the gallbladder affects silver excretion. I am 
very sorry for the scare. 

- Steve


From: Dee Fitzpatrick <> 
To: <> 
Sent: Mon Jul 06 05:32:48 2009
Subject: Re: CS>Is CS effective for Herpes II 

I have the herpes zoster virus because I had chicken pox as a child.  It has 
emerged as shingles a couple of times, but mainly it rears its ugly head as 
what I call 'stabbing pains' in the skin surface.  These also are extremely 
sensitive to touch (the area where the stabbing pain is)  I get rid of it 
(temporarily) by using CS (a lot) and lysine 1000mgs a couple of times per day. 
 I am also doing enzyme therapy now (serrapeptase plus digestive) and have 
found that I haven't had an outbreak in quite a while now.  This is good, as I 
used to get the 'stabbing' pain every few weeks when I stopped the CS/lysine 
regimen.  I still use CS every (almost) day though too.  Dee 
-------Original Message-------
From: Kehoe <> 
Date: 06/07/2009 00:18:34
Subject: CS>Is CS effective for Herpes II
I'm wondering if CS is effective for Herpes II and if so, what would be the
I have a friend that was just diagnosed.  They told him that there is no
cure, but they have some drugs that can keep it under control.
