I doubt very much that a vaccine would work with shingles, as I don't
personally think they work with anything much.  My dog was vaccinated
against Parvo and got it and my daughter and her whole company were
vaccinated against 'flu and they all came down with some dreadful virus. 

-------Original Message-------
From: Gaiacita
Date: 06/07/2009 15:03:21
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Is CS effective for Herpes II
My brother was just here and was talking about his last visit to his doctor.
 My brother is 58 years old and his doctor said "you should get the vaccine
against shingles.  Everyone over 50 should get this as this is when shingles
usually shows up."  When my brother told him he didn't want the shot the
doctor told him "but you've had chicken pox and therefore you have the virus
  My brother told him he never had chicken pox and he refused the vaccine.  
