Yeah sol, maybe you could ask him. what form does he take , too, a powder 


From: sol <>
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 8:25:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS> GABA source

Ken & Nancy Bagwell wrote:
> I took 6 grams of GABA for a few days.  The Source Naturals version.
> I was disappointed.  It actually did NOTHING for me at all.  Well, I did get 
> a little bit of tingles after taking it, kind of like a mild niacin flush, 
> but otherwise, I do not believe that GABA, as a powdered supplement works.  
> My understanding is that GABA, as a supplement, does not get past the 
> blood/brain barrier.
> Maybe someone else has another experience or explanation?
My son just recently told me he is taking it sublingually, just before a 
training run. He is finding it really stretches his energy while running and he 
doesn't get tired so soon. He runs marathons and does very long bike races too. 
He thinks it absorbs better sublingually.
I forget how much he told me he was taking but I can ask if you want.

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