Hi Ken,

I used GABA a couple years ago to help reduce anxiety induced by taking 
imbalanced amino acids that were suggested by my doc for mood elevation/immune 
enhancement. The GABA helped me a lot and I needed up to thirteen 500 mg. 
capsules per day (Now Foods brand) to get evened out. I was able to reduce the 
dosage as time progressed and now I don't need any at all. 

I found that it helps the most if taken regularly throughout the day such as 
three or four times. I have also used it before bedtime to relax by emptying a 
capsule into my mouth and dissolving it sublingually. If I wake up in the night 
this method can help quite a bit to get me back to sleep. So can magnesium 
glycinate taken the same way. I prefer magnesium gel now (magnesium chloride) 
applied transdermally. It's a great value mg. for mg.!

With GABA I did get the niacin-like flush also but it is short-lived and easy 
enough to put up with.

Some say that supplemental GABA is very poorly absorbed and it probably is but 
it still helped me when I needed it. 

A good book regarding amino acid supplementation and related dietary 
manipulation, if you're interested, is "The Edge Effect", by Dr. Eric R. 
Braverman. M.D.. I found it to be very informative.

Best regards,

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ken & Nancy Bagwell 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 4:10 AM
  Subject: Re: CS> GABA source

  I took 6 grams of GABA for a few days.  The Source Naturals version.

  I was disappointed.  It actually did NOTHING for me at all.  Well, I did get 
a little bit of tingles after taking it, kind of like a mild niacin flush, but 
otherwise, I do not believe that GABA, as a powdered supplement works.  My 
understanding is that GABA, as a supplement, does not get past the blood/brain 

  Maybe someone else has another experience or explanation?

  -Ken Bagwell

  From: Ken & Nancy Bagwell <kenancy2...@yahoo.com>
  To: Harold MacDonald <har...@telus.net>
  Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 1:08:54 AM
  Subject: Re: CS> GABA source

  I took 6 grams of GABA for a few days.  The Source Naturals version.

  I was disappointed.  It actually did NOTHING for me at all.  Well, I did get 
a little bit of tingles after taking it, kind of like a mild niacin flush, but 
otherwise, I do not believe that GABA, as a powdered supplement works.  My 
understanding is that GABA, as a supplement, does not get past the blood/brain 

  Maybe someone else has another experience or explanation?

  -Ken Bagwell

  From: Harold MacDonald <har...@telus.net>
  To: Silver Post <silver-list@eskimo.com>; A. Reid Harvey 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 10:10:03 AM
  Subject: CS> GABA source


  Other benefits of GABA

  The Lipoic Acid, vitamin E treatment significantly increased the level of
  glutathione, GABA and serotonin levels in the whole brain as well as in the
  regions of the olfactory lobe, cerebrum, hippocampus-hypothalamus,
  cerebellum and pons-medulla. This is quite a demonstration of the actions of
  these compounds in protecting the brain from environmental toxic assault.

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