Dear Trem,

The problem with mold on sheetrock is that 1. the most extremely toxic variety of fungus is in the gypsum, and when there is a stain from wet sheetrock, it is fairly certain to be a bad variety. That would be stachy... and some people do not seem to be very affected by it. Some of us, though seem to be genetically lacking some enzyme or another that removes that type of toxin from the body, and it builds up, wreaking havok. So she could be affected and you not.

Most house inspectors may not be very useful, as there are no good tests to "prove" a stachy colony unless you can see it and pick it up with some tape. Since it is anaerobic, it is often not in plain sight. In my house, it was on the other side of the tile in the shower stalls- the anaerobic side. It was completely hidden, and yet the toxins it was releasing nearly killed me. We did get it remediated, but not with the help of the "experts"- there is so much misinformation; and even well meaning people can have VERY incomplete info on what to do about it. It took us some trial and error before we had it beat.

About the flu- I had some nasty awful flu last winter, the CS seemed to make it worse.

My son 23, just got the flu, high fever, body aches, bad cough. He did a fair amount of cs and it did help. He was only on his back for one day, but was sick for about a week, + or -.

Maybe 4 years ago I got a flu vaccine variation (a couple of drops under the skin of the forearm), but it was to see if my immune system was functioning or not from the mold exposure. But the doc said it would also confer immunity to that variety of flu for life. It was also not the thimerosol preserved one, his had to be in the fridge.

The doc that was linked to in a previous post has done some good work in that area. I have not read his remediation book, though, maybe it came out after I was done.

Best Wishes with all of it,


On Oct 7, 2009, at 9:06 PM, Trem wrote:

I have been sort of monitoring the list and haven't seen any posts saying they had kicked up a flu bug. So, have any of you folks been flu ridden? My wife is considering a regular flu shot because she has developed a respiratory problem over the years and attributes it to mold in our house. I refuse to buy into it because we have not had standing water or continuous lockage into wall cavities. We do have a few small mold like stains on some sheetrock in our basement but I tell her she would probably se the same in any average basement. She isn't considering H1N1 vaccine. I haven't had a shot in 10 years and don't plan to have any in the near or distant future.

Let's have a show of hands.....anyone caught a flu bug this year?
