Hi Trem,

If inclined, you may have an environmental house inspector in your area who can 
run some tests to investigate the possible mold issue and its severity. Some of 
the worst molds, I have read, are not as visible as we'd expect but can cause 
severe health problems from A to Z which can go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for 
years if not addressed at the root by a physician with a background in this 
area. Hopefully, this is not the situation in your case.

Here's one doc claiming to have a handle on this issue:


 I read some stats on Dr. Mercola's site a while back which seemed to support 
the opinion that flu shots are ineffective in preventing influenza. I also 
wonder if, from what I've read, that they may actually cause more illnesses 
than they prevent in the long run.

*A possible research project which might interest you when the right time 
arises is making some Lypospheric EIS by following Brooks' recipe for Lypo-C 
and subsituting EIS for all the DW used and leaving out the vitamin C. This 
project could be combined with another involving nebulized EIS.*

Boosting the immune system with Immutol, for instance, or mushroom extracts may 
be another area of research to consider. Supplementing with L-Lysine and 
Vitamin C, selenium, zinc, Vit. A, Vit. E, Vit. D, B Vitamins and reduced 
glutathione in Lypo form or with its precusor amino acids avavilable through 
undenatured whey protein are more possibilities. Increasing consumption of 
antioxidants other than those already mentioned is another idea. Good old 
garlic and ginger need to be remembered too. Allimax products are another 

These are a few research ideas to consider, as stated, and are not medical 
advice. Please consult your physician for diagnosing and treating medical 
conditions and for any medical advice you may need.


p.s. I have picked up flu bugs this year but my research in eradicating them 
was useful to me. Greater prevention is my next area of research.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Trem 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 10:06 PM
  Subject: CS>FLU

  I have been sort of monitoring the list and haven't seen any posts saying 
they had kicked up a flu bug.    So, have any of you folks been flu ridden?  My 
wife is considering a regular flu shot because she has developed a respiratory 
problem over the years and attributes it to mold in our house.  I refuse to buy 
into it because we have not had standing water or continuous lockage into wall 
cavities.  We do have a few small mold like stains on some sheetrock in our 
basement but I tell her she would probably se the same in any average basement. 
 She isn't considering H1N1 vaccine.  I haven't had a shot in 10 years and 
don't plan to have any in the near or distant future.

  Let's have a show of hands.....anyone caught a flu bug this year?
