
CS might help to heal the wound. If I were her, I'd research other modalities for her condition. Cannabis oil, oleander extract, and IP6 are three worth pursueing Just google them.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bernadette" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 9:42 AM
Subject: CS>can anyone make a suggestion about an open wound

My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. They discovered it on a Thursday and on the following Tuesday she was operated on and everything "female" was taken out. They closed up her belly-button since a lymph node was pushing through (that is how they found out about the ovarian cancer). Now the incision will not heal properly. She is on chemo for 1 year - going once a week (three weeks on and one week off). Other than the cancer she is in excellent health. She is 66 years old. Would CS help heal this type of open wound? She wrote the following:

"As far as my opening the Dr. said that there is nothing more he can do. TO reopen it they would have to stop the cemo and that becomes a real problem in the chances are the cemo would not work. So we will go with the cemo and hope that maybe this will close on its own. There is that chance. It is not in fected at this time and if I keep it clean it should be fine."

She is willing to try different approaches - I would like to give her some suggestions and then she can make up her own mind as to try them or not. Thank you for any help you could afford her.


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