I go to a D.O. and had my water in a glass bottle and he commented on why the 
glass and I told him about how the plastic goes into the fluid in the bottle 
and creates things in the body like estrogen overload and his eyes got huge and 
he said my God I have just been diagnosed with that!!! He said he had about 200 
bottles of bottled water in his basement...he listened to me and I told him 
just do the research and what all this plastic is doing to our bodies and you 
will be amazed. He also went and got his silver fillings taken out of his mouth 
and asked me what the best method is to remove the mercury from the body...I 
asked him do I pay for seeing you today or you me? lol...but some doc's are 
open but tooooo many are not they know what the Medical Schools teach them and 
that is all they think there is to know until that whole system fails them then 
they look further.

From: Renee <gaiac...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, December 5, 2009 9:15:13 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS for asthma

Great story Debbie.  Another CS 'miracle'.  :-)  When will doctors and people 
wake up to this?
-------Original Message-------

I have a friend who rescues all kinds of animals. She had a donkey that had a 
hand sized ulcer on her side that the vet could not get to heal. I gave her a 
spray bottle with cs in it and she sprayed it on several times a day and within 
a week or so it was healing and almost gone.