Thanks Renee what a nice comment...I am more than willing to talk to anyone who 
will listen there is nothing worse than loosing your health.
Debbie :)

From: Renee <>
Sent: Sat, December 5, 2009 3:28:22 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS for asthma

Well, I hope he at least gave you that office visit for free!  Isn't it a 
wonder that people will go to the extreme of getting the fillings out of their 
teeth, but not research everything else?  He was lucky you are willing to talk 
to him.
-------Original Message-------

...I asked him do I pay for seeing you today or you me? lol...but some doc's 
are open but tooooo many are not they know what the Medical Schools teach them 
and that is all they think there is to know until that whole system fails them 
then they look further.