Chlorella is a concentrated form of food form supplement.  It is described as a 
superfood so would theoretically have more bioavailable forms of minerals than 
synthetic ones.  The problem with tweaking separate minerals is that it is 
difficult to actually *know* how deficient one is in any one or more of them.  
Unless of course as you say, you are tested and even then, as everyones needs 
are different and few are what the medicos term 'normal,' I would think it 
impossible to be sure you are not causing an imbalance.  dee

On 9 Jan 2010, at 12:18, Annie B Smythe wrote:

> The problem there is that a person might be deficient in one or two things 
> and taking something in a food form will help but not totally correct the 
> deficiency. In order to bring that one or two that you're low in to a 
> sufficient level they'd have to eat a ton of whatever it is they're low in, 
> and over do in others. That's why I like separate supplements so I can tweak 
> the dosage as needed. I hate all in one supplements. Food forms are great if 
> there is a mild deficiency. However the bigger amounts of Vit C that I see 
> people take cannot be had from food or everyone would be as big as barns:)
> The typical standard processed diet, and even a more healthy diet, and 
> generally low amounts of vitamins and minerals due to large scale food 
> production practices, anymore leaches vitamins and minerals faster than they 
> can be replaced by diet alone. Not to mention the fluoride, bromides, 
> chlorine, aluminum, mercury, lead, and other chemicals in food. The list goes 
> on and on MSG, HFCS, genetically modified foods, and processed bleached salt, 
> there are many more, I can't name all of them.. They number in the hundreds. 
> Then there are the external pollutants such as smog, and etc.

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