While this is diabetes related it might also help your friends problem.

-          Steve N




"Dr. Robert Steigerwalt, one of the lead researchers of the study,
confirmed that not only does pine bark extract halt the progression of
diabetic retinopathy, it can cause it to regress by sealing the leaky
blood vessels in the eye that lead to the disease. Such results were
witnessed in as little as two months. He also noted that diabetics in
the early stages of the disease can prevent such complications from ever
occurring by supplementing with pine bark extract."




On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Dianne France
<dianne_fra...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Dear Group,
One of our good friends is having problems with her capillaries in her
eyes breaking causing the eye to turn red in that area.  She is a slim,
fit mid 50's with a good diet and doesn't have high blood pressure.  She
does have some thyroid problems but to my knowledge that is her only
health issue.  She is going in for blood testing but is really worried
about this so I thought I would broach the group and ask if anyone had
any answers.  I don't remember reading about this anywhere.