Pat I have been a sun lover all my life and I live in the deep South,  
however as I have gotten older I no longer "visit" with the sun as I  should.  
was having some health issues and my MD decided to do the  testing.  He and 
I both were astounded because it was 8.  I  supplemented with 3,000 IU for 
about 6 months and retested.  It was still  very low so I decided on 5,000 
myself.  It took a year to bring it up to  25.  I am still taking between 3 & 
5 thousand daily.  Since he  considers 25 to be normal, he will not retest.

Pat  wrote:
> I was disappointed today to find out that my 25-hydroxy vitamin  D test 
> showed my vitamin D level to be only 25.  I was so sure  it would be high 
that I almost didn't request one.  Since last fall I've  been taking at 
> least 1,000 units D3 plus the D3 in my multivitamin  and calcium pills.  
> When the day is warm enough, I go out with a  jacket and shorts to get 
> some sun.  It's been a very cold winter  for here, though. 
>  I'd gotten my level up two years ago  from 14 in February to a near 
ideal 55 in the summer by taking 2,000 units D3  and then lying in the sun 20 
minutes two or three times a week as soon as  weather allowed.
> Have any of you had the vitamin D blood  test?  I've heard that in the 
> north in the winter, even if you  lie outside naked at noon, you can't 
> get any vitamin D because of the  angle of the sun.  (Plus you'd be a 
> popsicle!)
>  Pat