I still have some plain old enamel cookware.  Works great.  Don't this fancy 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Garrick 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 10:22 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>PFOA Free Cookware

  Anyway, there are probably other, better choices for PFOA free non-stick 
cookware, like ScanPan which is ceramic over aluminum, but those cost 80 to 100 
dollars for a small frying pan and my penurious instincts simply will not allow 
me to spend that much for a small frying pan, even though I probably waste 
twice that on occasion on totally useless gadgets (just spent $100 to have the 
rear seat cup holder in my Legacy station wagon replaced - go figure!)

  On light weight automobile parts you can good deals on ebay. Just bought a 
door handle there.

  Save the $$$ difference on cookware ...spend it on premium organic bacon and 
eggs. You have yr priorities right. 

  People obsess over buying the best, most expensive cookware = hardware
  When they should be buying better food which is equivalent to = software

  It's like spending big money on a treadmill. Just get out there and walk fast 
for a few miles. Do it with ankle weights even better fat burning

  There's a saying "Tools make the man". My reply is that a good man can work 
with tools that are second and third class. If he uses that tool all the 
time....then maybe go for the best. Same with your non-stick fry pan that is 
infrequently used.
