Bodhi, what are the limitations of this dowsing/calibration?  For example,
could it be used to determine if a faced down playing card is red or black?


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 7:35 AM, bodhisattva <>wrote:

> See the interesting thing is..  Marshall, wherever he is in the world, runs
> much of the same figures as I do, and gets the same results.  Thats pretty
> empirical, but so is much of science.
> So for example, I calibrate a song, but don't tell him, and in fact, I
> calibrated it 2 years ago!  Then I ask him what he calibrates it at, and he
> is usually absolutely accurate as to what I calibrated it at.  This is
> repeated over and over, and the chances of it - well - being chance, is well
> impossible. What this demonstrates is that cosmic wisdom is universal, and
> complete, and accessible by anyone. But then again, I've known that for many
> years, and have used to it to the betterment of humanity as much as
> possible. That is, the distinguishing from truth vs falsehood of anything
> that exists, or anyone, or whatever anyone says.
> This is pretty scary to people that make a living out of lying to people,
> which probably explains why much of this was suppressed by dogma and fear
> tactics. A lot of them head for the hills when they are ferreted out using
> these methods.  But this isn't really anything mystical, it's more like
> re-learning to tap into your intuitive(spirit) side of you, rather than your
> physical(ego) side.  Something I believe all humans used to do as a day to
> day part of life before a concerted effort of suppression of spirit began.
>  If you are stressed, fearful, overly busy, confused, have too much mental
> chatter, or are soundly entrenched in the left brain(Ego) then you probably
> can't even understand it, much less believe it.  Therefore you shut off your
> intuitive, and rely solely on your logical for existence, that's hugely
> limiting, especially since the leading brain researchers found that the left
> brain is the seat of pessimism.

Alan Jones

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