OK -- but what I'd like to know is, what is calibration?  I'm aware of dowsing, 
and can do some of that myself, but I've never heard of calibration.
And shouldn't this go to the off-topic list?

From: bodhisattva bodhisat...@mutemail.com

See the interesting thing is..  Marshall, wherever he is in the world, runs 
much of the same figures as I do, and gets the same results.  Thats pretty 
empirical, but so is much of science.

So for example, I calibrate a song, but don't tell him, and in fact, I 
calibrated it 2 years ago!  Then I ask him what he calibrates it at, and he is 
usually absolutely accurate as to what I calibrated it at.  This is repeated 
over and over, and the chances of it - well - being chance, is well impossible. 
What this demonstrates is that cosmic wisdom is universal, and complete, and 
accessible by anyone. But then again, I've known that for many years, and have 
used to it to the betterment of humanity as much as possible. That is, the 
distinguishing from truth vs falsehood of anything that exists, or anyone, or 
whatever anyone says.

This is pretty scary to people that make a living out of lying to people, which 
probably explains why much of this was suppressed by dogma and fear tactics. A 
lot of them head for the hills when they are ferreted out using these methods.  
But this isn't really anything mystical, it's more like re-learning to tap into 
your intuitive(spirit) side of you, rather than your physical(ego) side.  
Something I believe all humans used to do as a day to day part of life before a 
concerted effort of suppression of spirit began.  If you are stressed, fearful, 
overly busy, confused, have too much mental chatter, or are soundly entrenched 
in the left brain(Ego) then you probably can't even understand it, much less 
believe it.  Therefore you shut off your intuitive, and rely solely on your 
logical for existence, that's hugely limiting, especially since the leading 
brain researchers found that the left brain is the seat of pessimism.

Shiona Phillips wrote:
> bodhisattva wrote:
>>  There is absolutely no statistical odds of that happening unless we're 
>>tapping the same cosmic wisdom.
> OR....... unless you are both very confused :)
> Shiona

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