my son's night care provider saved our house from burning when he picked up a flaming (hot oil, was covered, heating up for popcorn - when I took the lid off it exploded) cast iron pan in his bare hands and ran it out of the house. The burns were extremely severe on his hands and worse on his arms, where the flames were jumping up directly on his skin. He should have gone to the ER, would have been put in the burn unit, but wouldn't. Doesn't have insurance. It was the most severe kind of burn, totally numb for first hours. First he soaked them in ice water (to stop the ongoing deep tissue burning). I finally convinced him to use cs with ice. He kept them immersed for the first four hours. As the feeling began to return he couldn't tolerate the ice, so just used the cs. I wanted to coat them with antibiotic creme, but he couldn't tolerate anything like that, so we just kept spraying it with cs - which was very soothing. First couple days were round the clock spraying and immersions in cs. They healed amazingly well. There was/is some scarring, but these severe burns were within two weeks basically healed. Doctor later told me that they use a silver ointment in the burn unit - it is standard treatment, for both healing, preventing infection, and soothing. Mike couldn't have tolerated the ointment, but good old homemade cs was sure a godsend. Sara

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