So are you saying that using oil of cloves rubbed on one's foot for plantar
fasciitis will help relieve the pain (with the possibility of a brief bout
of painful urination)? Anything else you used specifically for the PF? My
Mom is suffering from this and I feel helpless with the inability to help





From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2010 8:28 PM
Subject: RE: CS>DMSO


>He said that a DR at his school researched DMSO and concluded that pain
relief was due to DMSO killing nerves. He said don't let DMSO even come near


Typical scare tactic crap from the white coated priests. I have been rubbing
DMSO on my right foot for weeks to both relieve pain and accelerate healing.
It was actually not very effective for my severe plantar fasciitis but the
pain sure came back after the DMSO wore off and truth be told it never did
too much to relieve this pain. If this were true then you would end up with
a numb spot. 


BTW, Oil of Cloves DID work, and I discovered it is much more potent at
going through the skin and subsequently through the body than DMSO. Only
problem is that the first urination after application was painful, burning
urethra, but that quickly subsided.

