Also, before prednisone DMSO was administered for serious head injuries to keep the brain from swelling in the skull. It worked and did not have the serious side effects of the steroids, but they are more profitable.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Saralou" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>DMSO killing nerves

Given that DMSO is used as part of the solution for preservation/transport for organs to be transplanted, I'd be very surprised if nerve damage is an issue. More likely (--read Stan Jacobs material!--he's a researcher!) pain relief has to do with changing the permeability of cell membrane. When you also consider how often it's used on athletic injuries, I'd be surprised if nerve damage is a factor. Ask your doc if his info is published or verified anyplace--like sports meds or vet meds or with cystitis or with transplant technology.

Consider reading the articles at Jacob's site if you haven't read Morton's book. Then you have a way to judge what DMSO naysayers come up with.

About 169,000 results (0.21 seconds)

   Search Results


           /DMSO/: Many Uses, Much Controversy


     Dr. Stanley Jacob, the father of /DMSO/ offers information *...*
     The history of /DMSO/ as a pharmaceutical began in 1961, when Dr.
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On 10/9/2010 2:39 PM, wrote:
I told my foot DR that I was taking a sublingual B12 crushing it add DMSO then rubbing it on my hip. Four parameters on my last blood test all showed large blood cells. I also take folic acid daily. I took Prilosec for years that is noted for causing large blood cells. He said that a DR at his school researched DMSO and concluded that pain relief was due to DMSO killing nerves. He said don't let DMSO even come near you. I also use Brooks formula EIS/DMSO/Glycerine on my TKR surgery. 12 weeks post surgery and still have a scar. I also use DMSO/EIS with my sinus wash and tooth brush. Any reports of nerve damage caused by using DMSO?

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