contrary to popular belief, "blood thinners" do not THIN the blood
taking blood "thinners" (eg aspirin, coumadin, etc.) do not thin the blood

what blood "thinners" do is either impair platelet functioning or impair 
clotting factor production/function
taking blood "thinners" does NOT make blood thinner (more watery)
increasing fluid intake can reduce dehydration, reducing hematocrit, which is 
the lab number for liquid to solid ratio of the blood -
a lower hematocrit # translates into more "liquid" blood with less solid (blood 
cells) in it 

many health care professionals mislead the public by using the words "blood 
thinner" and 
in my experience many health care professionals don't even understand the 
concept themselves

there is likely a limit to how "watery" one can make blood,
as the kidneys are designed to regulate the amount of water in the body via 
various feedback loops ...
damaged kidneys can impair body water regulation (as can damage to the 
endocrine system 
which is involved in messaging body hydration throughout the organism

please folks, use the term "blood thinning" accurately
do some research; google platelet function (such as platelet aggregation) and 
google clotting factors or clotting factor cascade


 From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2013 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: CS>natural blood thinners . . .

Vit E helps thin blood
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Nave <>
To: silver-list <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 4, 2013 3:21 pm
Subject: Re: CS>natural blood thinners . . .

Note that Vitamin K helps with blood clotting, not blood thinning... Dan On 
Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Judy Knowlton
<> wrote:
> Check on google, foods to AVOID on coumadin
> Foods rich in Viamin K
> Vitamin K is abundant in green tea, leafy greens, such as Swiss chard,
> kale, parsley and spinach, broccoli and cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,
> liver, soybean oil and wheat bran. Fermented dairy, including yogurt,
> cheeses, and fermented soy including miso and natto,
> garlic
> dried fruit
> fish
> leafy green vegitables
>  alcohol
> natokinase
> Vitamin K is abundant in green tea, leafy greens, such as Swiss chard,
> kale, parsley and spinach, broccoli and cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,
> liver, soybean oil and wheat bran. Fermented dairy, including yogurt,
> cheeses, and fermented soy including miso and natto,
> --
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