Lena I went and looked at the Bronson Formula - It looks good on the face of it 
- however I have ordered K2 MK7 Jarrow and am patiently waiting for its arrival 
- K1 is for blood clotting where as K2 directs the calcium into the bones 
instead of the blood stream evidently !!!!     When you have heard what the 
cardiologist has to say about the situation then you will know how to proceed.
My eye drops are pure colloidal silver liquid - however I use MSM drops which I 
make myself, as well - I use the MSM first then the EIS, and that keeps my eyes 
healthy - I never travel without the EIS drops especially if I am flying, 
applying the drops at least once per hour to combat the dirty air-conditioning 
filters in the planes.    Lurgies (my word) love entering the body through the 
eyes it is easy access for them !!!!!     I do not think they will work for 
your complaint however!      In my view they are only preventative !!!!!     I 
would think that the DMSO would dry out the eye, not reduce the inflammation, 
but as I am not an eye doctor I do not know for sure and you seem to be doing 
well with what you are using, so go ahead - medicine for me now is simply a 
trial and error situation as each body reacts differently - what works for one 
may not work for the other !!!!!    Keep on doing what you are doing and trust 
that all will be well 
Peace, love and hugs 
Sandee 🐬
Attitude is everything !!
Producer of Colloidal Silver 
Eye drops & Topical Gel 