Tony, you being a member of the Silver fraternity, I would have one 
question...Why didn't you use EIS and inhaled it, as I have been suggesting?  
Protocols or anicdotes will never be known about if people don't use/try it?

It seems you swallowed a plethora of stuff but not EIS?  Don't you trust it?  
If you had done that, then you would have been able to report on what EIS can 
do, or CAN'T do?

Just a question.


From: Tony Moody <>
Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 2021 8:07 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: CS>cs for covid


I also sent a longish post last night which has disappeared.  In this case it 
was a good thing because i edited myself quite drastically

I had covid officially in December2020. I was not hospitalised but did self 
isolate. I was declared symptom free after about a week but had to stay away 
until 10 days of being symptom free.

Everyone is reacts differently. I was left with extreme physical weakness , I'm 
normally steady at 80kg but went down to 70kg and now up to 90kg and battling 
to return to 80 or less..

I am a mild health nut using a plethora of supplements sparsely. Not on any 
chronic medication. my main c19 problems was lung capacity and snot. I steamed 
my face with various aromatics Vicks, Friars Balsam, genuine turpentine. I 
sniffed and gargled with weak salt/bicarb a lot. I did a lot of hawking and 
spitting of copious amounts of nasal mucous. A lot of gross, disgusting 
behaviour.  i did not want to swallow so there was a lot of spitting.

I did not use much EIS, VitC during the episode but was drawn to extra 
Multivitamin/multimineral , Calcium/Magnesium powder, Magnesium skin spray, 
codliver oil and zinc, selenium, folic acid and vitBcomplex,  Iron tablets.

My skin came up in lots of red spots so was aware that liver was probably 
compromised so would have been easy on fats ad oil. Was off my feed anyway. I 
did use drops of a bitters daily.

Breathing was the most beneficial thing I did. My breath was virtually non 
existent, very shallow but by concentration and diligence i was able to breath 
deeply again. Now better than ever.

I'm left with compromised brain function, a vague feeling of loss and being 
lost which is slowly 'improving'.

I hope this helps.

OK, Tony