
thanks for recounting your covid experience.

btw Ive been on this forum for a loooong time.  I used to try and post years ago but most didnt make it, so I gave up.

There is something everyone should grasp fully;   covid is a two stage disease.  The viral stage and the hyperinflammation stage. The virus is defeated after about 7 days after symptoms are felt. By virtually everyone.  But some people go to phase two, approximately 10%.   It has been described by one doctor as resembling an allergic mast cell activation syndrome.

Viral bits and your parts of our own dead cells called damage associated molecular patterns activate the innate immune system by interacting with pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). Although DAMPs contribute to the host's defense, they promote pathological inflammatory responses

Health is not simply defeating germs, as you know and this is why silver is not a panacea.  Its a tool.   After the viral stage, we want anti inflammatory  herbs, vitamins, drugs or whatever. Ivermectin,  steroidal anti inflammatories, licorice and many other things fall into this category.   Also we should take natokinase because micro thrombi is a real issue.   This is also an issue for the vaccines.

I have a small nebulizer.  I will use hydrogen peroxide as per Dr Mercola, and silver in the early phase, along with the other protocols, like vit D, Vit C, melatonin, zinc, quercetin etc.

The second phase is the deadly phase, the first stage is not, so defeating the virus is not the be all end all of covid or other viral respiratory diseases.  In my humble opinion, this is the kind of conversation many died in the wool silver adherents would benefit from.



On 8/4/2021 3:07 AM, Tony Moody wrote:

On 2021/08/04 10:58, Max wrote:

Several of my posts do not make it to the forum

This is a part of a longer post, as a test

Severe covid includes severely ruined lungs. Severe covid is a dangerous thing requiring prompt treatment  using herbs, vitamins, fresh air and sunshine,   ivermectin and various other treatments. I have collected many that have at least some scientific/clinical basis.

Colloidal silver may be good in the early phase, perhaps up to five or six days after symptoms, but not likely helpful afterward.  Severe covid care requires a reduction in the hyper-inflammatory response.  If you get severe covid, youre going to wish you tried something more than silver!

If anyone wants to discuss this, better make it snappy because Im not going to join the new silver list and this one is going to dissolve




I also sent a longish post last night which has disappeared. In this case it was a good thing because i edited myself quite drastically

I had covid officially in December2020. I was not hospitalised but did self isolate. I was declared symptom free after about a week but had to stay away until 10 days of being symptom free.

Everyone is reacts differently. I was left with extreme physical weakness , I'm normally steady at 80kg but went down to 70kg and now up to 90kg and battling to return to 80 or less..

I am a mild health nut using a plethora of supplements sparsely. Not on any chronic medication. my main c19 problems was lung capacity and snot. I steamed my face with various aromatics Vicks, Friars Balsam, genuine turpentine. I sniffed and gargled with weak salt/bicarb a lot. I did a lot of hawking and spitting of copious amounts of nasal mucous. A lot of gross, disgusting behaviour.  i did not want to swallow so there was a lot of spitting.

I did not use much EIS, VitC during the episode but was drawn to extra Multivitamin/multimineral , Calcium/Magnesium powder, Magnesium skin spray, codliver oil and zinc, selenium, folic acid and vitBcomplex,  Iron tablets.

My skin came up in lots of red spots so was aware that liver was probably compromised so would have been easy on fats ad oil. Was off my feed anyway. I did use drops of a bitters daily.

Breathing was the most beneficial thing I did. My breath was virtually non existent, very shallow but by concentration and diligence i was able to breath deeply again. Now better than ever.

I'm left with compromised brain function, a vague feeling of loss and being lost which is slowly 'improving'.

I hope this helps.

OK, Tony