Seems you can read my state of frustration pretty well, Chuck. Not sure age has 
much to do with it, but if it helps build a better profile, all being well will 
turn 50 come St Patrick's Day. You seem to be doing pretty well for someone 
with a blank mind, BTW! Despite the impression I'm obviously giving some, I do 
have an open mind, but as I'm sure you've quipped, not so open the brain falls 
out. Maybe some of the true believers could also do with some lightening up 
over this silly season, so here's some more takes on "the mystery spot" that 
gave me a few chuckles:,,, Incidentally, does your gift for 
shutting down street lights extend to the domestic arena?

regards, Kevin Nolan

Original message(s):

There probably is, you're exemplifying the standard sceptic. I used to be as 
sure as you, but not anymore. I DO find the world to be more fun now, too... 
BTW, what is your age?
Chuck   This mind intentionally left blank.

This happens to me a lot, sometimes whole strings of street lights in sequence 
with my passing ...but it doesn't happen more times than it does and never when 
there's an intent. Murphys law cannot be tested?