
James-Osbourne: Holmes
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []
  Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 8:15 AM
  Subject: CS>Aspartame

  In a message dated 7/23/02 9:00:44 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

    >That is a ridiculous statement, "ant poison"?
    >The burden of proof is in your lap!

  I don't know about the statement that was made on this list that the
original PURPOSE of aspartame was as ant poison, but it sure works for that
purpose.  When I demonstrated that fact to my husband, he IMMEDIATELY
switched from Diet sodas to bottled water!  Previously, he pooh-poohed the
whole idea of paying for water in the same way you pay for soda, when you
can get it "freely" from the tap.  I've also been working on him on the junk
to be found in tap water.  I think what will do it is the whole-house water
purification system I'm getting ready to have installed, when another house
project is completed.  I'll bet he'll come around when he sees what's been
going through the pipes...
