"Jonathan B. Britten" wrote:

>    BTW,  I have read the patent that got Bob Beck started in his work,
> but I do not recall if the authors hypothesized a mechanism. . . .

I have a video that shows the DNA of a cell breaking up using Rife.  I also
know that the DNA is self repairing, as long as the parts don't get
separated.  As an electrical engineer, I am aware that a square wave will
give you an infinite number of harmonics, some of which will be very close to
the rife frequency that breaks up the dna of any pathogen.

Thus with that knowledge, and the knowledge that a bias must be applied for
it to work (which would be expected to separate the dna), I think maybe that
particular theory might be mine. I really can't remember if I read it
somewhere or figured it out myself.

But regardless, it is the best (only?) theory I am aware of that fits all the


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