"Jonathan B. Britten" wrote:

> Thanks for the information.   BTW,  can you recall where you read the
> information about the variations in Beck/Clarke protocols that caused
> the methods to fail?
> I have not seen this information and would like to read it if you can
> provide a link.

It is in the book "A Cure for all Diseases", by Hulga Clark.  She talks about
how when she first tried making the zapper, she used a bipolar wave and it
did nothing. Only after she added the offset did it work.  Beck never
discussed this on his that I am aware of, but if you take the Beck unit and
up the frequency to 30 kHz, you have exactly the same waveform that Clark
tried first and found did not work.

>  In fact,  I would like to read ANY data based on
> clinical studies.   I have yet to find anything but plausible anecdotes
> (including my own.)     Beck alluded to studies by clinicians,  and
> supposedly had stacks  of handouts at various conferences,  but I have
> never seen ANY of this information on the Internet.
> I do not believe that anyone could suppress real clinical studies,
> provided that names were blacked out for privacy protection.    If the
> clinical studies exist,  someone,  somewhere,  can get them on line,  I
> am sure.

That is a good question.  The best bet for Beck's studies would be to contact
Sota, they worked quite closely with him and might have access to this kind
of information.  Unfortunately they cannot put the sudies on their web site
since they sell the units, but they might be able to make them available to a
3rd party to post.


> On Wednesday, Oct 29, 2003, at 23:15 Asia/Tokyo, Marshall Dudley wrote:
> > "Jonathan B. Britten" wrote:
> >
> >>    BTW,  I have read the patent that got Bob Beck started in his work,
> >> but I do not recall if the authors hypothesized a mechanism. . . .
> >
> > I have a video that shows the DNA of a cell breaking up using Rife.  I
> > also
> > know that the DNA is self repairing, as long as the parts don't get
> > separated.  As an electrical engineer, I am aware that a square wave
> > will
> > give you an infinite number of harmonics, some of which will be very
> > close to
> > the rife frequency that breaks up the dna of any pathogen.
> >
> > Thus with that knowledge, and the knowledge that a bias must be
> > applied for
> > it to work (which would be expected to separate the dna), I think
> > maybe that
> > particular theory might be mine. I really can't remember if I read it
> > somewhere or figured it out myself.
> >
> > But regardless, it is the best (only?) theory I am aware of that fits
> > all the
> > data.
> >
> > Marshall
> >
> >
> > --
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