Just a word ot two on splenda.
I started using splenda as my only sweetener about four years ago, while on the Atkins diet. It looks like sugar, tastes like sugar handles heat for cooking like sugar and doesn't raise the glycemic figures a bit. Also if you are in Ketosis it doesn't affect the Ketostrip colors any. The advantage over Stevia is it is always the same and you don't get an after taste. My wife and kids all use it as the only sweetener. They won't drink soda pop that isn't sweetened with Splenda and the ice-cream we buy is sweetened with it also. In a nutshell it is fantastic and anyone that is having a problem should look at the other changes they are undergoing in their diet.
  I've read the same stuff here on the list concerning CS in the past
and I don't believe it is the problem in either case.(for either of them)
  That's my rant for today.

Sharon wrote:
It makes me ill. I just started the Atkins diet, and I tried the shakes, which have splenda. Note that on Atkins you are supposed to have issues with constipation at first. Not me......every time I drank a shake I had the opposite problem. Didn't figure it out for days.

I like my Thymus gland just fine the way it is thank you.

what do we think of splenda??
noote it is in one of the Gatorade products.




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