Can someone please help me understand the effect of putting H2O2 in CS. What
ratio of CS to H2O2 should I mix together? I have been making my CS with
Silvergen Pro for a couple of months now but have never put H2O2 in it. 
Thanks for you help


From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS>H202, CS and cloudiness

I believe that is no colloidal silver or EIS but mild silver protein.  A
completely different thing.  MSP is so ineffective that one has to go up to
the high ppms to get a good response with them, plus they can cause argyria.


Sally Khanna wrote: 

Thanks!  I've been using Innovative Natural Products CS.  500ppm, but I only
take 5 drops sublingually at a time, 2xday.  sometimes, I mix it with water
and then add a few drops of peroxide, but it's very haphazard and I don't
know if it's doing me any good.  Guess I'd better get a machine and take a
lower dose. This is why I joined this list.  You all have been very helpful
not only about CS (I've been taking CS for many years, only for emergencies
previously) but for other alternatives, too.  I really appreciate this list.
I gave my horse (she started a cold) about 1/2 dropperful in her pellets and
I think it helped, but was giving her Nutribiotic (grapefruitseed
extract)AM, and Transfer Factor and CS PM.  The trainer thought she was fine
after two days and started riding her.  Big mistake.  But she recovered very
well. Sally 

Marshall Dudley <> wrote: 

Once you exceed a certain ppm, depending on a number of factors such as
temperature then the particles crowding together and motion will cause them
to clump together beyond a certain ppm.  This is I believe typically is in
the range of 7 to 20 or so ppm  Once you get beyond this ppm, then
additional ppm will result in larger particles, not more of them.  Larger
particles are less easily absorbed, so the effectiveness of CS I believe
peaks in the 10 ppm range, and as you go up from there, especially above 20
ppm, the effectiveness when taken internally actually decreases with ppm. 


Sally Khanna wrote: 

This is something I don't understand.  How does ppm affect particle size?
Is it because with the higher ppm, the particles cling together or what
happens? Sally 

Marshall Dudley <> wrote: 

No, you should have the better response. The 5 ppm will have smaller 
particles and thus more of them. 


James Allison wrote: 

> > A shorter brew time means weaker cs. This defeats the purpose of 
> > trying to make strong cs that will kill tough viruses. 
> I had a quick question, Lets say my friend and I both have the same virus,

> and it has infected us both equally, and both of our immune systems are 
> equal as well (my friend must be a clone or something?). Anyhow, if my 
> friend takes 2oz of 20ppm CS, and I take a cup (8oz) of 5ppm CS, is my 
> friend going to have more success than I at getting rid of the virus? 
> -James 
> -- 
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