Adrian writes:
> Dear Mike, I AM careful, which means full of care. What I do not know is
> what you mean by it, although I know of several possibilities. I am very
> careful not to jump into any judgments, although some are tempting.

Okay. Did you, with complete foreknowledge that they were your fellow 
list members, state that Trem and Jason were "blighters" whom you 
"Would not trust" for the reasons that:

> 1: Mentions "objective" and FDA, which is a dead give away
> 2: the other one is peddling hiw own wares. You cannot plate or
> unplate unless it is DC, since AC would undo every switch what has
> just been done by changing polarity. 

If so, I expect greater *COURTESY* than that. If you disagree with the 
information you found at their sites, you are certainly within your 
rights to question it and to discuss it with them, but I expect you to 
do so with a respectful and civil demeanor.

> It's a hasty judgment in your opinion. What that tells me is that you
> would not make it. Aren't you curious what made me make it? 

If your judgment of the information was well considered and *not* 
hasty, then you were rude, if in fact you knew they were also members, 
and I do not condone such behavior.

Was that your intention?

As I suggested in an earlier attempt to *gently* correct your behavior, 
I can accept a good natured curmudgeon, but not someone whose purpose 
or ultimate effect is that of an irritant and harmful to the spirit and 
mission of the list community. No one is exempt from *that* judgment.

A major reason why this list is considered by some to be well managed 
is that I have no illusions that it is a democracy, however fairly I 
may strive to run things. You and all members are here as my guests, 
and the extent of your freedom of speech does not include insulting my 
other guests.  

Do you understand me now?

> Did you get my picture as seen by a friend?

Yes. That was the attachment which prevented the message from going to 
the list. Nice bit of artwork.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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